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binrts - extract reaction times from cdbl -rt output files (ERP scripts)


binrts rtfile -bin binnumber [-v] [-xf40 | -xf60]


binrts extracts the trials with bin number binnumber from the reaction time file rtfile generated by a cdbl -rt run. The arguments rtfile and -bin binnumber are mandatory. By default, output is a column of bare RTs for all the trials in the bin. Trial information can be obtained, and trials with garv/EEG artifacts can be excluded - see the options below. The bare RT output is suitable for piping into files and programs that accept a column of numbers as input, e.g. desc.


Specifies that binrts output a column heading and then the entire line from each RT reported. This allows you to verify that you are getting the RTs you think you are before further processing.

[-xf40 | -xf60]
If -xf40 is specified, binrts will exclude RTs for trials with anchor (.{NNNN}) stim codes that have log flag = 40, i.e., any non-polinv garv artifact. If -xf60 is specified, binrts will exclude RTs for trials with anchor (.{NNNN}) stim codes that have log flag = 60. These are the polinv garv artifacts. You may wish to include or exclude the RTs for these trials, depending on whether they have been corrected or not with blinkcp.

Return Value

Whatever perl returned after running the script.


binrts mydata.rts -bin 3 > filename.bin.3.rts

binrts mydata.rts -bin 3 -xf40 -v

binrts mydata.rts -bin 3 -xf40 | desc -s -h -i 50 -m 200 -M 2000


logcat requires Perl 5.000 or any higher numbered version to run.


None reported. Yet.


Thomas P. Urbach

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