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dmanip - manipulate ERP data


dmanip commandfile outfile [options] infile1 infile2 ...


dmanip is a program which can perform a number of linear operations using ERPs as elements. It can perform most data massaging one might want, including formation of grand averages, lumping ERPs across experimental treatments, formation of difference waves, and re-referencing data to another recording channel.

The processing performed by dmanip is controlled by the commandfile, and the result of the operations on the infile1 infile2 ... are placed in outfile at the conclusion of processing.

The options are:

-g #_bins
This option must be used if no specific bin operations are included in the commandfile (e.g. a grand average). #_bins is the number of bins in the input files.
-d desired_pp10uv
One can alter the precision of the data in the outfile by specifying the number of points which will span 10 microvolts of data (desired_pp10uv). It is also possible to store the data in inverted format by making desired_pp10uv negative. The proper verpos value is maintained, however, so subsequent processing will maintain the proper data polarity.
-f erpfiles
Ascii file containing the names of ERP files to be manipulated by dmanip. This option saves the user from having to input the name of each subject’s files when making super averages.

See Also



Errors can occur during encoding of the commandfile or during execution and processing of the data. In both cases sufficient information is printed to help diagnose the problem. Data overflow errors can often be eliminated by using a smaller desired_pp10uv.


Jonathan C. Hansen


Undoubtedly. Some drawbacks to dmanip are that only one intermediate is used in the calculations, and they proceed without the ability to force precedence from left to right. Hence, generality of the arithmetic expressions is limited, and one may have to employ multiple commandfiles and intermediate data files for very complex operations on data.

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