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linegraf - draw a line graph of ERP data


linegraf plot_device cmdfile [options]


/fBlinegraf/fR is a program which draws line graphs on a graphics device (plot_device) according to specifications in cmdfile. Commands are available for specifying a number of "traces", and for placing descriptive text and legends on the plot. "Traces" are simply a group of points, possibly connected with lines, and marked with one of several "markers" such as filled circles or triangles. See the "Linegraf Manual" for a complete description of the command file syntax.

The available graphics devices are:

vid - color video monitor, landscape mode

pvid - color video monitor, portrait mode
las - Laserjet printer, landscape mode
plas - Laserjet printer, portrait mode
hlas - Laserjet printer, landscape mode, high resolution
phlas - Laserjet printer, portrait mode, high resolution
hp - HP pen plotter, landscape mode
php - HP pen plotter, portrait mode
hps - HP pen plotter, landscape mode, slow drawing speed
phps - HP pen plotter, portrait mode, slow drawing speed

The available options are:

-n - Don’t draw lines between points.
-a - Draw only axes, no line around graph.
-g - Draw a grid for the background of the graph


The following is a brief description of the command file syntax. See the "Linegraf Manual" for a more detailed description. For the most part, commands can occur in any order, with the exception that the command for specifying traces and their data points must be the first commands in the command file. The syntax for the "trace" command and corresponding data point is:

trace marktype [markwidth] [linetype] [color] [linethickness]
xcoord ycoord [standard error [+/-]]
xcoord ycoord [standard error [+/-]]
xcoord ycoord [standard error [+/-]]
Marktype is the kind of polygon displayed at each data point.
There are 8 possible "marktypes":
circle (open circle)
fcircle (filled circle)
triangle (open triangle)
ftriangle (filled triangle)
square (open square)
fsquare (filled square)
hexagon (open hexagon)
fhexagon (filled hexagon)
These "marktypes" can also be abbreviated as cir, fcir, tri, ftri, squ, fsqu, hex, and fhex.

The parameters enclosed in square brackets are optional, and
can appear in any order. They are specified as follows:

markwidth - the "markers" are drawn with regular polygons
(polygons whose sides are all the same length, and are
specified by a number of sides and a radius). markwidth
specifies the radius used for the marker as a fraction of the
width of the plotting surface. Thus, if you were plotting a
line graph on the laserjet in portrait mode (8 by 10 inch
surface) and specified a mark width of .05, the markers would
be .8 inches wide. Markwidth is specified with the phrase
markwidth=n where n is the mark width.

linetype - is one of solid, dotted, dashed, ldashed, or
dotdash. ldashed is for dashed lines with longer dashes than
those in the dashed linetype.

color - color=n, where n is a positive integer, which is
device dependent (on monochrome devices, 0 is invisible, 1 is
that device’s color).

linethickness - one of verythin, thin, medium, thick, or

As indicated, the data points following a Btrace statement can
optionally be followed by an error value. If an error value
is present, error bars will be drawn around the marker for
the data point. If a ’+’ follows an error value, only the
upper half of the error bar will be drawn. If a ’-’ follows
an error value, only the lower half of the error bar will be
drawn. There are a maximum of 8 traces, and 50 data points
per trace.

The following is a brief description of the rest of the commands that can be used in a command file. Optional parameters are enclosed in brackets.

Don’t generate tick marks automatically. These commands
are often used in conjunction with the xtick and ytick
commands (see below).

axis [color] [linethickness]
Specify the color and/or linethickness of the axis.

bmargin bottom_margin_width
tmargin top_margin_width
lmargin left_margin_width
rmargin right_margin_width
Specify the margins as a fraction of the width or height
of the plotting page.

gborder [color] [linethickness]
Put a border around the graph region of the plot.

header "label" [+] [font] [textsize] [color] [linethickness]
Label the top of the page with "label". Default is to
center over the page, use of the optional ’+’ centers the
"label" over the graph part of the page.

lheader "label" [+] [font] [textsize] [color] [linethickness]
Like header command only "label" is left-justified
instead of centered.

legend "label" marktype [markwidth] [font] [textsize] [color] [linethickness]
One marker along with the specified "label" is plotted
near the top of the page. The specific position of the
legend is determined automatically by the program, and is dependent on the number of legends specified.
nxticks number_x_tickmarks
Specifies the number of tickmarks to put on y axis. The
default is 11, and the maximum is 20.

nyticks number_y_tickmarks
Specifies the number of tickmarks to put on the y axis.
The default is 11, and the maximum is 20.

sborder [color] [linethickness]
Put a border around the entire printing region.

text "text_string" x_coord y_coord [font] [textsize] [color] [linethickness]
Plot "text_string" centered at the specified coordinate.
Coordinates are specified as fractional parts of plotting
page width and height.

vtext "text_string" x_coord y_coord [font] [textsize] [color] [linethickness]
Plot "text_string" vertically at x_coord y_coord.
Coordinates are specified as fractions of plotting page
width and height.

xlabel "label" [font] [textsize] [color] [linethickness]
Put "label" centered underneath the line graph.

xtick tick_value [label] [font] [textsize] [color] [linethickness]
Specify a location for a tickmark on the x axis, and
optionally specify a label to label the tick mark with.
If no label is given, "tick_value" is used as the label.

xtickformat "format" [font] [textsize] [color] [linethickness]
Specify format for tickmark labels on the x axis.
"format" is C style, and defaults to "%6.1f" which means
to that labels should be six characters long (minimum)
with one digit after the decimal point.

ylabel "label" [font] [textsize] [color] [linethickness]
Labels the ordinate axis with "label".

ymax maximum_y_axis_value
Specifies the value at the top of the ordinate axis.

ymin minimum_y_axis_value
Specifies value at bottom of the ordinate axis.

ytick tick_value [label] [font] [textsize] [color]
Specify a location for a tickmark on the y axis, and
optionally specify a label to label the tick mark with.
If no label is given, "tick_value" is used as the label.

ytickformat "format" number_chars [font] [textsize] [color] [linethickness]
Specify format for tickmark labels on the y axis.
"format" is C style, and defaults to "%6.1f" which means
to that labels should be six characters long (minimum)
with one digit after the decimal point. number_chars is
implicit in "format" but must be specified anyway.


c:\tcplotdevs plotting device data base and filter information


"Linegraf User’s Manual"

linegraf prints an extended message, the line number, and the keyword where the error occurred.


Ronald Ohst

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