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multiplot - "cut and paste" saved graphic files from ERP programs


multiplot plot_device cmdfile


Multiplot is a program designed to enable users to "cut and paste" together the graphic output of any of the graphic producing ERP programs. As of this writing, these include barplot(1) (for creating bar graphs), linegraf(1) (line graphs), and ploterps(1) (plotting of ERP data). The graphic output of these programs can be saved by using the save or psave device when specifying the plot device for the program. When the save device is used, a picture file is produced. Multiplot can scale and translate these picture files so that several can be put on one page or screen, as well as add text, filled rectangles, and line segments, to produce publication quality plots and diagrams. Multiplot takes its input from a command file -- an ASCII file containing multiplot commands created with a text editor such as vi. The command line syntax is: multiplot plotdevice command_file
Plotdevice is the short name for the desired plotting device (e.g. vid, las, hp, ...). Command_file is the ASCII file containing multiplot commands.

The available plotting devices are:

vid - color video monitor, landscape mode

pvid - color video monitor, portrait mode
las - Laserjet printer, landscape mode
plas - Laserjet printer, portrait mode
hlas - Laserjet printer, landscape mode, high resolution
phlas - Laserjet printer, portrait mode, high resolution
hp - HP pen plotter, landscape mode
php - HP pen plotter, portrait mode
hps - HP pen plotter, landscape mode, slow drawing speed
phps - HP pen plotter, portrait mode, slow drawing speed


Each command and its arguments must be placed together on one line
in the command file (they can be strung out over more than one line if the last character on a line is the backlash character, i.e. a line. Commands and parameters must separated by white space (spaces, tabs, or newlines immediately preceded by a backlash). For the text command, the label argument will need to be delimited by double quotes if white space or special characters are to appear in the label string. Here are the commands and their respective parameters:

filename xpos ypos xscale yscale [port]

text label xpos ypos [font] [textsize] [color] [linethickness]

vtext label xpos ypos [font] [textsize] [color] [linethickness]

rect up_left_x up_left_y low_right_x low_right_y [fill] [linethickness] [color]

line xstart ystart xend yend [linethickness] [linetype] [color]



The notation [argument] means that argument is optional.

Available fonts are: simplex, complex, duplex, and italics.

Textsize is specified as textsize=n, where n is the desired textsize (fractional text sizes are allowed).

Color is specified as color=n, where n is the desired color, which is device dependent.

Linethickness is one of verythin, thin, medium, thick, or verythick.

Filename is the path name of a picture file obtained from the save device as described above. Xpos and ypos are fractional parts of the screen width and height, respectively, which specify the upper corner of where the image is to be drawn. The parameter port should be specified if the original picture file was saved with the portrait mode save filter psave. The required parameters for the rect command specify the upper left and lower right coordinates of a rectangle to be (optionally) filled with a fill pattern. They are also fractional parts of the width and height for the x and y coordinates, respectively. The required parameters for the line command are the starting and ending coordinates of a line segment to be drawn. Text and vtext plot the specified character string in label at the specified coordinates. Vtext plots the text vertically while text plots it horizontally. Labpos specifies how text should be justified with respect to requested coordinates. By default, text is centered at the specified coordinate. The pos parameter for the labpos command must be one of 1, 2, or 3. If pos is 1, text will be left-justified at the specified coordinate, centered vertically at the coordinate (if vtext is used, pos 1 plots the text so that the top of the first character appears directly beneath the specified coordinate). If pos is 2, the text is centered at the specified coordinate (this is the default). If pos is 3, the text string is right-justified to the specified coordinate (if vtext is used, the string is positioned so that the last character of the string is directly above the specified coordinate).


c:\tcplotdevs plotting device data base

See Also

barplot(1) , linegraf(1) , ploterps(1)


multiplot prints an error message, the line number, and the keyword where the error occurred.


Ronald Ohst

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