Home > matlabmk > bin_info2EEG.m



bin_info2EEG() - Adds "bin" information to an EEGLAB EEG variable based on


function EEG=bin_info2EEG(EEG_or_fname,blf_fname,save_fname,verblevel)


 bin_info2EEG() - Adds "bin" information to an EEGLAB EEG variable based on
                  a "bin list file," a text file that indicates which types 
                  of events belong to which bins.  See the help comments
                  for the function read_bin_list_file.m for information on
                  how to create a bin list file. Note, the EEG variable
                  can contain epoched OR continuous data.

  >>  EEG=bin_info2EEG(EEG_or_fname,blf_fname,save_fname,verblevel);

 Required Inputs:
   EEG_or_fname - EEGLAB EEG struct variable containing epochs of EEG data
                  (i.e., not continuous EEG) or the filename of a set file
                  that contains such an EEG struct variable.

   blf_fname    - [string] The filename of the bin list file. Be sure to
                  include the file's path if the file is not in the current 
                  working directory.

 Optional Inputs:
   save_fname     - The filename with which you want to save the EEG
                    variable after the bin information has been added.  If
                    not specified, the EEG variable will not be saved to
                    disk (it will simply be returned as the output of the
                    function). {default: not specified}
   verblevel      - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want
                    this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
                     Options are:
                      0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
                      1 - stuff anyone should probably know
                      2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
                          with a data set {default value if not globally specified}
                      3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all

   EEG        - EEGLAB EEG struct variable with bin information added.
                More specifically, there will be (1) an EEG.bindesc
                field that contains a text description of each bin, (2)
                events of bin types (e.g., 'bin1') will be added to the field
                EEG.event, and (3) if the data are epoched, bin types will
                be stored in EEG.epoch(#).eventtype.

 Global Variable:
   VERBLEVEL - Mass Univariate ERP Toolbox level of verbosity (i.e., tells
               functions how much to report about what they're doing during
               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'

 -If bin information has already been added to an EEG variable, this
 function cannot add to it or overwrite it.  You need to remove it and
 then call this function.

 -This function is not yet compatible with ERPLAB's conventions for
 storing bin information.

 -EEG.urevent field is not modified by this function.  Thus "bin" events
 only are recorded in EEG.event and EEG.epoch fields.

 David Groppe
 Kutaslab, 9/2010


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % bin_info2EEG() - Adds "bin" information to an EEGLAB EEG variable based on
0002 %                  a "bin list file," a text file that indicates which types
0003 %                  of events belong to which bins.  See the help comments
0004 %                  for the function read_bin_list_file.m for information on
0005 %                  how to create a bin list file. Note, the EEG variable
0006 %                  can contain epoched OR continuous data.
0007 %
0008 % Usage:
0009 %  >>  EEG=bin_info2EEG(EEG_or_fname,blf_fname,save_fname,verblevel);
0010 %
0011 %
0012 % Required Inputs:
0013 %   EEG_or_fname - EEGLAB EEG struct variable containing epochs of EEG data
0014 %                  (i.e., not continuous EEG) or the filename of a set file
0015 %                  that contains such an EEG struct variable.
0016 %
0017 %   blf_fname    - [string] The filename of the bin list file. Be sure to
0018 %                  include the file's path if the file is not in the current
0019 %                  working directory.
0020 %
0021 % Optional Inputs:
0022 %   save_fname     - The filename with which you want to save the EEG
0023 %                    variable after the bin information has been added.  If
0024 %                    not specified, the EEG variable will not be saved to
0025 %                    disk (it will simply be returned as the output of the
0026 %                    function). {default: not specified}
0027 %   verblevel      - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want
0028 %                    this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
0029 %                     Options are:
0030 %                      0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
0031 %                      1 - stuff anyone should probably know
0032 %                      2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
0033 %                          with a data set {default value if not globally specified}
0034 %                      3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all
0035 %                          reports)
0036 %
0037 % Output:
0038 %   EEG        - EEGLAB EEG struct variable with bin information added.
0039 %                More specifically, there will be (1) an EEG.bindesc
0040 %                field that contains a text description of each bin, (2)
0041 %                events of bin types (e.g., 'bin1') will be added to the field
0042 %                EEG.event, and (3) if the data are epoched, bin types will
0043 %                be stored in EEG.epoch(#).eventtype.
0044 %
0045 % Global Variable:
0046 %   VERBLEVEL - Mass Univariate ERP Toolbox level of verbosity (i.e., tells
0047 %               functions how much to report about what they're doing during
0048 %               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'
0049 %
0050 % Notes:
0051 % -If bin information has already been added to an EEG variable, this
0052 % function cannot add to it or overwrite it.  You need to remove it and
0053 % then call this function.
0054 %
0055 % -This function is not yet compatible with ERPLAB's conventions for
0056 % storing bin information.
0057 %
0058 % -EEG.urevent field is not modified by this function.  Thus "bin" events
0059 % only are recorded in EEG.event and EEG.epoch fields.
0060 %
0061 % Author:
0062 % David Groppe
0063 % Kutaslab, 9/2010
0065 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Revision History  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0066 % 12/10/2010-Now works on continuous data.
0067 %
0068 % 4/13/2011-Now works on EEG variables that don't have
0069 % EEG.event(x).duration fields
0070 %
0071 % 9/5/2011-New 'bin*' elements of EEG.events had the wrong bin #. Also, the
0072 % code wouldn't work if EEG.epoch(#).eventtype was numeric.  These
0073 % problems have been fixed. Thanks to Haibo "Seapsy" Zhou for finding these
0074 % problems and their solutions.
0075 %
0076 % 6/25/2012-Function crashed or could copy over incorrect EEG.epoch info
0077 % (e.g. EEG.epoch(x).latency) when run on epoched data with more than one
0078 % event per epoch. Thanks to Clemens Maidhof for alerting me to this.
0079 %
0082 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Future Work  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0083 %-Make compatible with ERPLAB
0085 function EEG=bin_info2EEG(EEG_or_fname,blf_fname,save_fname,verblevel)
0087 global VERBLEVEL;
0089 if nargin<3
0090     save_fname=[];
0091 end
0093 if nargin<4,
0094     if isempty(VERBLEVEL),
0095         VERBLEVEL=2;
0096     end
0097 else
0098     VERBLEVEL=verblevel;
0099 end
0101 if ischar(EEG_or_fname),
0102     EEG=pop_loadset(EEG_or_fname);
0103 else
0104     EEG=EEG_or_fname;
0105     clear EEG_or_fname;
0106 end
0108 %Are data epoched or continuous?
0109 if length(size(EEG.data))==2
0110     continuous=1;
0111 else
0112     continuous=0;
0113     n_ep=length(EEG.epoch);
0114 end
0115 n_ev=length(EEG.event);
0117 %Check for bin_information. If found, warn that it needs to be erased
0118 if isfield(EEG,'bindesc'),
0119     error('This EEG variable already has bin information added to it (i.e., there is a ''bindesc'' field). You need to remove it before using this function.');
0120 else
0121     if continuous,
0122         for a=1:n_ev,
0123             if strcmpi(EEG.event(a).type(1:3),'bin'),
0124                 error('This EEG variable already has bin information added to it (i.e., Event #%d is of type ''%s''). You need to remove it before using this function.', ...
0125                     a,EEG.event(a).type);
0126             end
0127         end
0128     else
0129         for a=1:n_ep,
0130             if iscell(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype),
0131                 n_type=length(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype);
0132             else
0133                 %if only one event per epoch, a string is used instead
0134                 %of a cell array
0135                 n_type=1;
0136             end
0138             for b=1:n_type,
0139                 if n_type>1
0140                     if (length(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype{b})>3) && strcmpi(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype{b}(1:3),'bin'),
0141                         error('This EEG variable already has bin information added to it (i.e., Epoch #%d has a type of ''%s''). You need to remove it before using this function.', ...
0142                             a,EEG.epoch(a).eventtype{b});
0143                     end
0144                 else
0145                     if (length(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype)>3) && strcmpi(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype(1:3),'bin'),
0146                         error('This EEG variable already has bin information added to it (i.e., Epoch #%d has a type of ''%s''). You need to remove it before using this function.', ...
0147                             a,EEG.epoch(a).eventtype);
0148                     end
0149                 end
0150             end
0151         end
0152     end
0153 end
0155 %% Read bin information from bin list file (a text file)
0156 [bindesc, bintype]=read_bin_list_file(blf_fname,VERBLEVEL);
0157 EEG.bindesc=bindesc;
0158 n_bin=length(bindesc);
0160 bin_ct=zeros(1,n_bin);
0162 %% Add bin information
0163 if continuous,
0164     ev_ct=n_ev;
0165     for a=1:n_ev,
0166         for bin=1:n_bin,
0167             if ismember(EEG.event(a).type,bintype{bin})
0168                 ev_ct=ev_ct+1;
0169                 EEG.event(ev_ct).latency=EEG.event(a).latency;
0170                 if isfield(EEG.event(a),'duration'),
0171                     %EEGLAB apparently doesn't always add a duration field
0172                     EEG.event(ev_ct).duration=EEG.event(a).duration;
0173                 end
0174                 EEG.event(ev_ct).type=['bin' int2str(bin)];
0175                 EEG.event(ev_ct).urevent=EEG.event(a).urevent;
0177                 %update bin counter
0178                 bin_ct(bin)=bin_ct(bin)+1;
0179             end
0180         end
0181     end
0182 else
0183     %epoched data
0185     % If the EEG.epoch field contains numeric values, change them to
0186     % strings since the rest of the code expects this field to contain only
0187     % strings.
0188     num2str_flag=0;
0189     for a=1:n_ep
0190         if isnumeric(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype)
0191             temp=EEG.epoch(a).eventtype;
0192             EEG.epoch(a).eventtype=[];
0193             for b=1:length(temp)
0194                 num2str_flag=1;
0195                 EEG.epoch(a).eventtype{b}=num2str(temp(b));
0196             end
0197         end
0198     end
0199     if num2str_flag,
0200        if VERBLEVEL>=1,
0201           fprintf('EEG.epoch(#).eventtype field contained numeric values. These have been changed to strings.'); 
0202        end
0203     end
0205     add_ev_ct=0;
0206     for a=1:n_ep,
0207         if iscell(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype),
0208             add_ct=0;
0209             n_ep_type=length(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype);
0210             for bin=1:n_bin,
0211                 if ismember(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype,bintype{bin})
0212                     %convert non cell array fields of EEG.epoch(1) into
0213                     %cell arrays
0215                     % Note: EEG.epoch(a).event stays a vector even when
0216                     % multiple events are present in an epoch
0218                     %Some versions of EEGLAB apparently don't have the
0219                     %eventduration field or don't create it automatically
0220                     if isfield(EEG.epoch(a),'eventduration')
0221                         evdurflag=1;
0222                         if ~iscell(EEG.epoch(a).eventduration)
0223                             temp=EEG.epoch(a).eventduration; %EEG.eventduration
0224                             EEG.epoch(a).eventduration=cell(1,1);
0225                             EEG.epoch(a).eventduration{1}=temp;
0226                         end
0227                     else
0228                         evdurflag=0;
0229                     end
0231                     if ~iscell(EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency)
0232                         temp=EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency; %EEG.eventlatency
0233                         EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency=cell(1,1);
0234                         EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency{1}=temp;
0235                     end
0237                     if ~iscell(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype)
0238                         temp=EEG.epoch(a).eventtype; %EEG.eventtype
0239                         EEG.epoch(a).eventtype=cell(1,1);
0240                         EEG.epoch(a).eventtype{1}=temp;
0241                     end
0243                     if ~iscell(EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent)
0244                         temp=EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent; %EEG.eventurevent
0245                         EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent=cell(1,1);
0246                         EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent{1}=temp;
0247                     end
0249                     % I am not sure why the block of code below was ever
0250                     % added.  It appears redundant with block of code below
0251                     % it.  Am just commenting it out for time being.
0253                     %Add bin info to EEG.epoch
0254 %                     add_ct=add_ct+1;
0255 %                     add_ev_ct=add_ev_ct+1;
0256 %                     EEG.epoch(a).eventtype{add_ct+n_ep_type}=['bin' num2str(bin)];
0257 %                     %Duplicate other information about event
0258 %                     if evdurflag,
0259 %                         EEG.epoch(a).eventduration{add_ct+n_ep_type}=EEG.epoch(a).eventduration{b};
0260 %                     end
0261 %                     EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency{add_ct+n_ep_type}=EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency{b};
0262 %                     EEG.epoch(a).event(add_ct+n_ep_type)=n_ev+add_ev_ct;
0263 %                     EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent{add_ct+n_ep_type}=EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent{b};
0264 %
0265 %                     source_ev_id=EEG.epoch(a).event(b);
0266 %                     %Note, it looks like EEGLAB adds an event for a urevent everytime it occurs in an epoch
0267 %
0268 %                     %Add bin info to EEG.event
0269 %                     EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).type=['bin' num2str(bin)];
0270 %                     EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).latency=EEG.event(source_ev_id).latency;
0271 %                     if isfield(EEG.event(source_ev_id),'duration')
0272 %                         %EEGLAB apparently doesn't always create this field
0273 %                         EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).duration=EEG.event(source_ev_id).duration;
0274 %                     end
0275 %                     EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).urevent=EEG.event(source_ev_id).urevent;
0276 %                     EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).epoch=a;
0277 %
0278 %                     if ~EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency{b}
0279 %                         %only update bin counter if the time locking event
0280 %                         %falls in the current bin
0281 %                         bin_ct(bin)=bin_ct(bin)+1;
0282 %                     end
0283                 end
0284             end
0285         else
0286             %if only one event per epoch, a string is used instead
0287             %of a cell array
0288             n_ep_type=1;
0289         end
0291         add_ct=0;
0292         for b=1:n_ep_type,
0293             for bin=1:n_bin,
0294                 if n_ep_type>1,
0295                     if ismember(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype{b},bintype{bin})
0296                         %Add bin info to EEG.epoch
0297                         add_ct=add_ct+1;
0298                         add_ev_ct=add_ev_ct+1;
0299                         EEG.epoch(a).eventtype{add_ct+n_ep_type}=['bin' num2str(bin)];
0300                         %Duplicate other information about the event
0301                         if isfield(EEG.epoch(a),'eventduration')
0302                             %Some versions of EEGLAB apparently don't have the
0303                             %eventduration field or don't automatically
0304                             %add it
0305                             EEG.epoch(a).eventduration{add_ct+n_ep_type}=EEG.epoch(a).eventduration{b};
0306                         end
0307                         EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency{add_ct+n_ep_type}=EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency{b};
0308                         EEG.epoch(a).event(add_ct+n_ep_type)=n_ev+add_ev_ct;
0309                         EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent{add_ct+n_ep_type}=EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent{b};
0311                         source_ev_id=EEG.epoch(a).event(b);
0312                         %Note, it looks like EEGLAB adds an event for a urevent everytime it occurs in an epoch
0314                         %Add bin info to EEG.event
0315                         EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).type=['bin' num2str(bin)];
0316                         EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).latency=EEG.event(source_ev_id).latency;
0317                         if isfield(EEG.event(source_ev_id),'duration'),
0318                             EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).duration=EEG.event(source_ev_id).duration;
0319                         end
0320                         EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).urevent=EEG.event(source_ev_id).urevent;
0321                         EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).epoch=a;
0324                         if ~EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency{b}
0325                             %only update bin counter if the time locking event
0326                             %falls in the current bin
0327                             bin_ct(bin)=bin_ct(bin)+1;
0328                         end
0329                     end
0330                 else
0331                     if ismember(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype,bintype{bin})
0332                         %convert non cell array fields of EEG.epoch(1) into
0333                         %cell arrays
0335                         % Note: EEG.epoch(a).event stays a vector even when
0336                         % multiple events are present in an epoch
0338                         if isfield(EEG.epoch(a),'eventduration')
0339                             %Older versions of EEGLAB apparently don't have the
0340                             %eventduration field
0341                             evdurflag=1;
0342                             if ~iscell(EEG.epoch(a).eventduration)
0343                                 temp=EEG.epoch(a).eventduration; %EEG.eventduration
0344                                 EEG.epoch(a).eventduration=cell(1,1);
0345                                 EEG.epoch(a).eventduration{1}=temp;
0346                             end
0347                         else
0348                             evdurflag=0;
0349                         end
0351                         if ~iscell(EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency)
0352                             temp=EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency; %EEG.eventlatency
0353                             EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency=cell(1,1);
0354                             EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency{1}=temp;
0355                         end
0357                         if ~iscell(EEG.epoch(a).eventtype)
0358                             temp=EEG.epoch(a).eventtype; %EEG.eventtype
0359                             EEG.epoch(a).eventtype=cell(1,1);
0360                             EEG.epoch(a).eventtype{1}=temp;
0361                         end
0363                         if ~iscell(EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent)
0364                             temp=EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent; %EEG.eventurevent
0365                             EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent=cell(1,1);
0366                             EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent{1}=temp;
0367                         end
0369                         %Add bin info to EEG.epoch
0370                         add_ct=add_ct+1;
0371                         add_ev_ct=add_ev_ct+1;
0372                         EEG.epoch(a).eventtype{add_ct+n_ep_type}=['bin' num2str(bin)];
0373                         %Duplicate other information about event
0374                         if evdurflag,
0375                             EEG.epoch(a).eventduration{add_ct+n_ep_type}=EEG.epoch(a).eventduration{b};
0376                         end
0377                         EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency{add_ct+n_ep_type}=EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency{b};
0378                         EEG.epoch(a).event(add_ct+n_ep_type)=n_ev+add_ev_ct;
0379                         EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent{add_ct+n_ep_type}=EEG.epoch(a).eventurevent{b};
0381                         source_ev_id=EEG.epoch(a).event(b);
0382                         %Note, it looks like EEGLAB adds an event for a urevent everytime it occurs in an epoch
0384                         %Add bin info to EEG.event
0385                         EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).type=['bin' num2str(bin)];
0386                         EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).latency=EEG.event(source_ev_id).latency;
0387                         if isfield(EEG.event(source_ev_id),'duration')
0388                             EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).duration=EEG.event(source_ev_id).duration;
0389                         end
0390                         EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).urevent=EEG.event(source_ev_id).urevent;
0391                         EEG.event(n_ev+add_ev_ct).epoch=a;
0393                         if ~EEG.epoch(a).eventlatency{b}
0394                             %only update bin counter if the time locking event
0395                             %falls in the current bin
0396                             bin_ct(bin)=bin_ct(bin)+1;
0397                         end
0398                     end
0399                 end
0400             end
0401         end
0402     end
0403 end
0405 %% Output summary to command line and save EEG variable
0406 if VERBLEVEL>1,
0407     fprintf('\nNumber of events per bin.\n');
0408     for a=1:n_bin,
0409         fprintf('Bin %d (%s): %d\n',a,EEG.bindesc{a},bin_ct(a));
0410     end
0411 end
0413 if ~isempty(save_fname),
0414     if VERBLEVEL>0,
0415         fprintf('Saving EEG variable as the file: %s\n',save_fname);
0416     end
0417     [justpath, justname]=pathNname(save_fname);
0418     EEG=pop_saveset(EEG,'filename',justname,'filepath',justpath);
0419 end

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