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Index for matlabmk

Matlab files in this directory:

 GNDorGRP2avgGNDorGRP2avg() - Writes grand average ERPs in units of t-scores or microvolts
 GNDs2GRPGNDs2GRP() - Creates a Mass Univariate ERP Toolbox GRP variable from a set
 VerbReportVerbReport() - Outputs messages if they exceed a desired level of importance.
 actplotactplot() - Creates a GUI for scrolling (horizontally and/or vertically)
 add_code_infoadd_code_info() - Reads information about types of stimuli (e.g., the
 add_ev_infoadd_ev_info() - Reads information about log events (e.g., if a stimulus
 add_sbjct_infoadd_code_info() - Reads information about a subject (e.g., their age,
 avgs2GNDavgs2GND() - Create a MATLABmk GND struct variable from a set of
 avgs2GND_nobaseavgs2GND() - Create a MATLABmk GND struct variable from a set of
 baselineGNDbaselineGND() - Baseline the ERPs in a Mass Univariate ERP Toolbox GND
 baseline_EEGfunction EEG=baseline_EEG(EEG,bsln_wind,verblevel)
 baseline_TFRbaseline_TFR() - Baselines the spectrograms in a TFR variable.
 baseline_tfrGNDbaseline_tfrGND() - Baselines the spectrograms in a tfrGND variable.
 bin_difbin_dif() - Computes the difference waves from two bins and stores the
 bin_dif_specbin_dif_spec() - Computes the difference between the spectra from two bins
 bin_info2EEGbin_info2EEG() - Adds "bin" information to an EEGLAB EEG variable based on
 bin_meanbin_mn() - Computes the difference waves from two bins and stores the
 bin_opGRPbin_opGRP() - Computes the difference waves from two bins or the mean of
 bin_op_specGRPbin_op_specGRP() - Computes the difference between the power spectra from
 binary_cifunction ci=binary_ci(n_hits,n_obs,prcnt_ci)
 bonf_holmBonferroni-Holm (1979) correction for multiple comparisons. This is a
 butterfiltbutterfilt() - Filters EEG data with low pass, high pass, band-pass,
 cbar_topofunction [handle]=cbar_topo(type,colors,minmax, grad)
 chanlocs_from_crwfunction use_chanlocs=chanlocs_from_crw(crwfile,logfile,presam,cprecis,decimat,exclude_chans,include_chans)
 chanlocs_from_crw_erpio2function use_chanlocs=chanlocs_from_crw(crwfile,exclude_chans,include_chans)
 clustGNDclustGND() - Tests the null hypothesis that the grand average voltage
 clustGRPclustGRP() - Tests the null hypothesis that the grand average voltage
 clust_perm1function [pval, t_orig, clust_info, seed_state, est_alpha]=clust_perm1(data,chan_hood,n_perm,fwer,tail,thresh_p,verblevel,seed_state,freq_domain)
 clust_perm2[pval, t_orig, clust_info, seed_state, est_alpha]=clust_perm2(dataA,dataB,chan_hood,n_perm,fwer,tail,thresh_p,verblevel,seed_state,freq_domain)
 cmpr_regress_resultsfunction coef_dif=cmpr_regress_results(regress_resultsA,regress_resultsB,group_descr,tail,alpha)
 cmpt_corrMKcompile_erpimageMK() - Extracts relevant data from multiple data sets for
 cmpt_ic_art_ftrscmpt_ic_art_ftrs() - Computes features of independent components (ICs) that
 comp_structcheck two structures for differances - i.e. see if strucutre s1 == structure s2
 comp_struct_quietcheck two structures for differances - i.e. see if strucutre s1 == structure s2
 compile_erpimagecompile_erpimage() - Extracts relevant data from multiple data sets for
 cont_data_calibratecont_data_calibrate() - Extract calibration scaling factor based on
 crw2setcrw2set() - Create and save to disk an EEGLAB set file from a
 crw2set_contcrw2set() - Create and save to disk an EEGLAB set file from a
 crw2set_contNEOcrw2set() - Create and save to disk an EEGLAB set file from a
 decimateGNDdecimateGND() - Downsamples a set of ERPs to a lower sampling rate.
 erpimageerpimage() - Plot a colored image of a collection of single-trial data epochs, optionally
 erpimageserpimages() - Plots (a) ERPimages from two different bins/channels/eim files,
 erplab2GNDerplab2GND() - Create a Mass Univariate ERP Toolbox GND struct variable from a set of
 erpleegerpleeg() - continuous EEG analysi utility class: loads entire .crw, scales to microvolts, loads .log events
 fast_t1fast_t1 - Computes a 2D matrix of one sample/repeated measures t-tests
 fast_t2fast_t2 - Computes a 2D matrix of independent sample t-tests relatively
 fdr_bhfdr_bh() - Executes the Benjamini & Hochberg (1995) and the Benjamini &
 fdr_bkyfdr_bky() - Executes the "two-stage" Benjamini, Krieger, & Yekutieli (2006)
 find_clustersfind_clusters() - Given a 2D matrix of t-scores, this function bundles
 find_clustersRECURSIVEfind_clusters() - Given a 2D matrix of t-scores, this function bundles
 find_tptfunction tpt=find_tpt(tme,tmes)
 flag_artflag_art() - Create temporary logfile with artifacts flagged
 get_set_infilesfunction infiles=get_set_infiles(gui_infiles_or_tmplt,sub_ids)
 griddata2GRIDDATA Data gridding and surface fitting.
 gui_avgs2GNDavgs2GND() - Create a MATLABmk GND struct variable from a set of
 gui_eim_corrgui_eim_corr() - Open a GUI for exploring the correlation between EEG and
 gui_erpgui_erp() - Open a GUI for visualzing ERP butterfly plots and
 gui_erpORIGgui_erp() - Open a GUI for visualzing ERP butterfly plots and
 gui_erpimagegui_erpimage() - Starts a GUI for making ERPimages from variables generated
 gui_erpimageMKgui_erpimageMK() - Starts a GUI for making ERPimages from variables generated
 gui_powgui_pow() - Open a GUI for visualzing butterfly plots of EEG power spectra
 gui_svar_cdfgui_svar_cdf() - Creates a GUI for visualizing and exploring the
 headinfoheadinfo() - Displays channel, bin and t-test information about the data
 headinfo_specheadinfo_spec() - Displays channel, bin and t-test information about the
 ic_distortionic_distortion() - Quantifies how much ICA distorts artifact free ERPs,
 ic_propic_prop() - Plots three basic properties of an independent component
 import_blfimport_blf() - Reads a blf or bdf file into Matlab for use by crw2set.m.
 import_calsimport_cals() - Read the cal pulses from a crw file, construct their
 import_entire_logimport_entire_log() - import log information about events listed in blf file
 import_logimport_log() - import log information about events listed in blf file
 import_rtsrt_vector() - import cdbl generated rt information about events
 is_artisart() - Function for evaluating whether or not the text label of an
 ismemberifunction [TF,LOC]=ismemberi(set1,set2,use_rows)
 items_regressitems_regress() - Performs multiple regression analysis on ERPs to each
 korn_fd1korn_fd1-Korn et al. (2004) permutation based procedure for
 list_event_typeslist_event_types() - Tallies the set of event "types" in an EEGLAB EEG
 mregressMREGRESS Performs multiple linear regression analysis of X (independent) on Y (dependent).
 mtfftcMulti-taper fourier transform - continuous data
 mtspectrumcMulti-taper spectrum - continuous process
 multiplot_tfrGNDmultiplot_tfrGND() - Plots bin spectrograms or the difference between bin
 mxflatfunction [blocking, chan]=mxflat(data,max_vertical,max_length)
 mxt_perm1function [pval, t_orig, tmx_ptile, seed_state, est_alpha]=mxt_perm1(data,n_perm,alph,tail,verblevel,seed_state,freq_domain)
 mxt_perm1_neofunction [pval, t_orig, tmx_ptile, seed_state, est_alpha]=mxt_perm1(data,n_perm,alph,tail,verblevel,seed_state,freq_domain)
 mxt_perm1old_matlabfunction [pval, t_orig, tmx_ptile, seed_state, est_alpha]=mxt_perm1(data,n_perm,alph,tail,verblevel,seed_state,freq_domain)
 mxt_perm2function [pval, t_orig, tmx_ptile, seed_state, est_alpha]=mxt_perm2(dataA,dataB,n_perm,alph,tail,verblevel,seed_state,freq_domain)
 mxt_perm2old_matlabfunction [pval, t_orig, tmx_ptile, seed_state, est_alpha]=mxt_perm2(dataA,dataB,n_perm,alph,tail,verblevel,seed_state,freq_domain)
 mxtdif_perm2function [pval, t_orig, tmx_ptile, seed_state, est_alpha]=mxtdif_perm2(dataA,dataB,n_perm,alph,tail,verblevel,seed_state)
 mxwt_perm2function [pval, t_orig, tmx_ptile, seed_state, est_alpha]=mxwt_perm2(dataA,dataB,n_perm,alph,tail,verblevel,seed_state)
 norm_icsnorm_ics() - Normalizes to the activations or topographies of independent
 orderofmagfunction ord=orderofmag(val)
 parse_log_by_ccparse_log_by_cc() - Returns the item boundaries of chunks of time
 pathNnamefunction [justpath, justname]=pathNname(full_file)
 plot_eimcorrplot_eimcorr() - Plots the correlation between EEG an some other experimental
 plot_erpimageMKplot_erpimageMK() - Produces an ERPimage from variables generated by
 plot_erpimagesplot_erpimages() - Plots ERPimages from two sets of bins at a single channel
 plot_waveplot_wave() - Plots the ERPs from one or more bins in a GND or GRP
 pwr_specpwr_spec-Computers the power spectrum of a real valued time series using
 read_bin_list_fileread_bin_list_file() - Extracts "bin" information from a text file called
 reject_ics_by_ftrreject_ics_by_ftr() - Function for evaluating whether or not the features of an
 remove_artifact_icsremove_artifact_ics() - Removes the independent components (ICs) of an
 reref_bimastoidEEGcrw2set() - Re-references data to algebraic mean of mastoids
 rm_binsrm_bins() - Removes bin from a Mass Univariate ERP Toolbox GND or GRP variable
 rm_chanrm_chan() - Removes one or more channels (e.g., 'HEOG') from an EEGLAB
 rm_regressrm_regress() - Performs repeated measures multiple regression analysis
 rm_regress_massrm_regress() - Performs repeated measures multiple regression analysis
 rm_ttestrm_ttest() - Removes sets of t-test results from a GND or GRP variable
 rnd_orderofmagfunction rounded_val=rnd_orderofmag(val)
 robust_locdetrendrobust_locdetrend() - Detrends the data in an EEGLAB EEG variable using
 save_erpssave_erps() - Saves a GND or GRP variable to disk using its current filename
 save_matmksave_matmk() - Saves a GND, GRP, specGND, specGRP, or tfrGND variable to
 scroll_extreme_epochsfunction scroll_extreme_epochs(ic,plot_hist,fig_id);
 set2avgset2avg() - Computes ERPs from an EEGLAB set file or EEG variable and writes
 set2tfrset2tfr() - Creates a fieldtrip compatible MATLABmk TFR struct variable
 set_ic_ftr_threshset_ic_ftr_thresh() - Generates GUI for objectively rejecting ICs
 sets2GNDsets2GND() - Create a Mass Univariate ERP Toolbox GND struct variable from a set of
 sets2GNDclocssets2GND() - Create a Mass Univariate ERP Toolbox GND struct variable from a set of
 sets2TFRadd other fields to tfrGND like expdesc
 sets2specGNDsets2specGND() - Create a MATLABmk specGND struct variable from a set of
 sig_rastersig_raster() - Plots 2D (electrode x time/frequency) raster diagram of
 sig_raster_coefssig_raster() - Plots 2D (electrode x time/frequency) raster diagram of
 sig_raster_dif_coefssig_raster() - Plots 2D (electrode x time/frequency) raster diagram of
 sig_toposig_topo() - Plots scalp topographies of EEG efffects that have been
 sig_topo_coefssig_topo_coefs() - Plots scalp topographies of regression analysis results.
 sig_wavesig_wave() - Illustrates results of a mass univariate t-test on a
 singleplot_tfrGNDsingleplot_tfrGND() - Plots bin spectrogram or the difference between bin
 spatial_nearest_neighborsspatial_nearest_neighbors() - Given a set of electrode coordinates, this
 spatial_neighborsspatial_neighbors() - Given a set of electrode coordinates, this function
 specGNDs2specGRPspecGNDs2specGRP() - Creates a MATLABmk specGRP variable from a set of
 spec_topospec_topo() - Plots scalp topographies of spectral power averaged across
 stats_tfrGNDstats_tfrGND() - Performs a paired-samples (i.e., repeated measures) t-
 stderrfunction stde=stderr(x,dim)
 textsctextsc() - places text in screen coordinates and places
 tfdrGNDtfdrGND() - Tests the null hypothesis that the grand average voltage
 tfdrGRPtfdrGRP() - Tests the null hypothesis that the grand average voltage
 tfdr_specGNDtfdr_specGND() - Tests the null hypothesis that the grand average power
 tfdr_specGRPtfdr_specGRP() - Tests the null hypothesis that the grand average voltage
 tfrs2tfrGNDtfrs2tfrGND() - Creates a fieldtrip compatible MATLABmk tfrGND struct variable
 timtopo_corrtimtopo() - plot all channels of a data epoch on the same axis
 tmaxGNDtmaxGND() - Tests the null hypothesis that the grand average voltage
 tmaxGRPtmaxGRP() - Tests the null hypothesis that the grand average voltage
 tmax_specGNDtmax_specGND() - Tests the null hypothesis that the grand average power
 tmax_specGRPtmax_specGRP() - Tests the null hypothesis that the grand average voltage
 topoplottopoplot() - plot a topographic map of a scalp data field in a 2-D circular view
 topoplotMKtopoplotMK() - plot a topographic map of a scalp data field in a 2-D circular view
 trm_raw2nrmtrm_raw2nrm() - Normalize EEG via estimated trimmed mean amplitude of
 watchitfunction watchit(msg)

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