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plot_erpimages() - Plots ERPimages from two sets of bins at a single channel


function plot_erpimages(bins1,bins2,chan1,chan2,in_fname1,in_fname2,sort_var,varargin)


 plot_erpimages() - Plots ERPimages from two sets of bins at a single channel
                        and their difference using erpimage2bins.m.

  >> plot_erpimages(bins1,bins2,chan1,chan2,in_fname1,in_fname2,sort_var,varargin)

 Required Inputs:
   bins1     = [integer vector | []] a bin number or set of bin numbers (e.g.,
               [1 12 13]). If [], all bins in eim file are used.
   bins2     = [integer vector | []] a bin number or set of bin numbers (e.g.,
               [2 132]). If [] and in_fname2 differs from in_fname1, all bins in 
               in_fname2 eim file are used. Otherwise, if [], bins2 is assumed 
               to be the same as bins1.  Note, if in_fname1 and in_fname2 are
               the same, bins1 and bins2 must be exaclty the same or not
               share any bins.
   chan1     = [string] name of the electrode to image for bins1 (e.g., 'LLOc')
   chan2     = [string | []] name of the electrode to image for bins1 (e.g., 
               'RLOc'). If chan2=[], chan2 is assumed to be the same as chan1.
   in_fname1 = [string] File from compile_erpimageMK.m in which data are
               stored.  Include the file's path unless the file is the 
               current working directory. 
   in_fname2 = [string | []] File from compile_erpimageMK.m in which data are
               stored.  Include the file's path unless the file is the 
               current working directory. If in_fname2=[], in_fname2 is 
               assumed to be the same as in_fname1.
   sort_var  = [vector] Variable to sort epochs on (length(sort_var) = # of epochs)
               Example: sort_var may by subject response time in each
               epoch (in msec).

 Unordered Optional Inputs:
   fig_id            = [positive integer | [] ] ID number of Matlab figure window in which to create
                       the plots.  If [], the plots will be generated in a new
                       figure window. {default: []}
   title             = [string] Plot title {default: Channel name and/or bins and number of trials}
   img1_title        = [string] Title of the ERPimage for bins1/chan1/in_fname1 
                       {default: the bin descriptor or the list of bins and possibly
                       the channel name and file source}
   img2_title        = [string] Title of the ERPimage for bins2/chan2/in_fname2 
                       {default: the bin descriptor or the list of bins and possibly
                       the channel name and file source}
   stdev             = [scalar>0]. The standard deviation (in units of epochs) of the Gaussian 
                       window used to smooth (vertically) with a moving-average.  Gaussian 
                       window extends three standard deviations below and three standard 
                       deviations above window center (trials beyond window are not incorporated
                       into average). {default: 1/7, no smoothing}
   decfactor         = Factor to decimate|interpolate ntrials by (may be non-integer)
                       Else, if this is large (> sqrt(# of epochs)), output this many epochs.
                       {default: no decimation} 
   cbarlimits        = [min max] Two element vector specifying the minimum and
                       maximum value of the ERPimage color scale. {default:
                       -/+ max(abs(data)))}
   cbartitle         = [string] Title of color scale {default: '\muV'}
   timelimits        = [min max] Two element vector specifying the minimum and
                       maximum value of all time axes (in ms). {default: [min(times)
   erplimits         = [min max] Two element vector specifying the minimum and
                       maximum value (in uV) of the voltage axis for bins1/chan1/in_fname1's and 
                       bins2/chan2/in_fname2's ERPs. {default: -/+ max(max(abs([erp1 erp2])))}
   erpdiflimits      = [min max] Two element vector specifying the minimum and
                       maximum value (in uV) of the voltage axis for the difference 
                       wave between bins1/chan1/in_fname1 and bins2/chan2/in_fname2. 
                       {default: -/+ max(max(abs([erp1-erp2])))}
   sortvarlimits     = [min max] Two element vector specifying the minimum and
                       maximum value (in units of 'Trials' or the sorting variable, depending on 
                       yimglabel) of the ERPimage y-axis.  ERPs are computed
                       only from epochs that fall within this range. 
                       {default: ERPimage min and max}
   yerplabel         = The label for the voltage axis on ERP plots {default:
                       'ERP (\muV)'}
   erpgrid           = ['on' | 'off'] If 'on', horizontal dashed lines will
                       be plot at voltage axis tick marks on ERP plots. {default: 'on'}
   topos             = ['on' | 'off'] If 'on', two cartoon heads will appear
                       above ERPimages to illustrate locations of chan1
                       chan2.  {default: 'on'}
   renorm            = ['on'|'off'| formula] Normalize sorting variable to epoch
                       time range. 'on'= autoscale. formula must be a linear 
                       transformation in the format 'a*x+b' (e.g., '3*x+2'). 
                       {default: 'off'}
   rmerp             = ['on'|'off'] Subtract the average ERP from each trial before
                       processing {default: 'off'}
   showsortvar       = ['on'|'off'] Plot sort_var on top of ERPimages {default: 'on'}
   marktimes         = [vector of times] Plot vertical dashed lines at specified latencies (in ms).
                       erpimage.m's "vert" option. {default: ignored}
   marktrials        = [vector] Plot horizontal lines at specified ERPimage y-axis
                       values.  Depending on value of 'yimglabel' argument (above),
                       vector should be in units of either 'Trials' or the
                       sorting variable.  Analogous to erpimage.m's "horz" option.
                       {default: ignored}
   filt              = [low_boundary high_boundary] a two element vector indicating 
                       the frequency cut-offs for a 3rd order Butterworth filter that
                       will be applied to each trial of data.  If low_boundary=0, the
                       filter is a high pass filter.  If high_boundary=srate/2, then 
                       the filter is a low pass filter.  If both boundaries are between
                       0 and srate/2, then the filter is a bandpass filter. If both 
                       boundaries are between 0 and -srate/2, then the filter is a bandstop
                       filter (with boundaries equal to the absolute values of low_boundary
                       and high_boundary).  Note, using this option requires the signal 
                       processing toolbox function butter.m.  You should probably
                       use the 'baseline' option (see below) as well since the mean 
                       prestimulus baseline may no longer be 0 after the filter is 
                       applied. {default: no filtering}
   baseline          = [low_boundary high_boundary] a time window (in msec) whose mean 
                       amplitude in each epoch will be removed from each epoch (e.g., 
                       [-100 0]) after filtering. Useful in conjunction with 'filt' option
                       to re-basline trials after they have been filtered. Not necessary
                       if data have already been baselined and ERPimage processing does not 
                       affect baseline amplitude {default: no further
                       baselining of data}
   verblevel         = an integer specifiying the amount of information you want 
                       functions to provide about what they are doing during runtime.
                       Options are:
                        0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
                        1 - stuff anyone should probably know
                        2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
                          with a data set {default value if not already globally
                        3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all reports)
   img_trialax_label = [string] Label for ERPimage y-axes.  If not 'Trials', ERPimage y-ticks are automatically
                       set to units of sorting variable. {default: 'Trials'}
   img_trialax_ticks = [ vector ] Points on ERPimage y-axes at which to make
                       tick marks. Provide values in units of y-axes label (either 'Trials' or
                       sorting variable). {default: MATLAB default ticks}

   If data are not already in memory, the function sets some global
   variables (see below).

 Global Variables:
   VERBLEVEL = level of verbosity (i.e., tells functions how much
               how much to report about what they're doing during
               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'
   in_fname  = .eim file from which data were loaded (produced by
   chans     = cell array specifiying the names of the channels loaded
               into memory
   chan_data = the EEG at all of the channels loaded into memory
   chanlocs  = EEG.chanlocs struct specifying channel locations
   ep_info   = information about each trial/epoch of data (in format of
               EEG.event struct)
   ep_times  = start and stop time of each epoch (in ms)
   bindesc   = struct array of bin descriptors
   srate     = sampling rate
   eim_bins  = bins that were expicitly loaded when .eim file was created
   rtmsec    = reaction time info for each epoch (may be empty)
   rtbins    = specifies which reaction time value in rtmsec goes with
                which bin (i.e., enables the same epoch to have different
                RTs depending on which bin it is assigned to).

 (Contrasts ERPimages at LLOc and RLOc, sorted by reaction time)
 >> in_fname1='/homes/dgroppe/SANDBOX/RTERPM/rtm#y.set';
 >> chans={'MiPf','MiCe','MiOc','LLOc','RLOc'};
 >> compile_erpimageMK(1:4,'setfile_tplate',setfile_tplate,'chans',chans, ...
    'bins',[127 133 142 157],'out_fname','demo.eim');
 >> plot_erpimages([],[],'LLOc','RLOc','demo.eim',[],'rtmsec','stdev',4);

 David Groppe
 Kutaslab, 11/2009 

 -Relies on erpimages.m to make the plots

 -Epochs with identical sorting variable values are replaced with their
 mean. Thus, if there are such "tied" epochs, there is smoothing in addition
 to the moving average window.  #/% of epochs that tie other epochs are reported
 in the MATLAB command line window.

 -The number of trials that are reported in the automatically generated
 figure title are the number of trials before decimation.


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function plot_erpimages(bins1,bins2,chan1,chan2,in_fname1,in_fname2,sort_var,varargin)
0002 % plot_erpimages() - Plots ERPimages from two sets of bins at a single channel
0003 %                        and their difference using erpimage2bins.m.
0004 %
0005 % Usage:
0006 %  >> plot_erpimages(bins1,bins2,chan1,chan2,in_fname1,in_fname2,sort_var,varargin)
0007 %
0008 %
0009 % Required Inputs:
0010 %   bins1     = [integer vector | []] a bin number or set of bin numbers (e.g.,
0011 %               [1 12 13]). If [], all bins in eim file are used.
0012 %   bins2     = [integer vector | []] a bin number or set of bin numbers (e.g.,
0013 %               [2 132]). If [] and in_fname2 differs from in_fname1, all bins in
0014 %               in_fname2 eim file are used. Otherwise, if [], bins2 is assumed
0015 %               to be the same as bins1.  Note, if in_fname1 and in_fname2 are
0016 %               the same, bins1 and bins2 must be exaclty the same or not
0017 %               share any bins.
0018 %   chan1     = [string] name of the electrode to image for bins1 (e.g., 'LLOc')
0019 %   chan2     = [string | []] name of the electrode to image for bins1 (e.g.,
0020 %               'RLOc'). If chan2=[], chan2 is assumed to be the same as chan1.
0021 %   in_fname1 = [string] File from compile_erpimageMK.m in which data are
0022 %               stored.  Include the file's path unless the file is the
0023 %               current working directory.
0024 %   in_fname2 = [string | []] File from compile_erpimageMK.m in which data are
0025 %               stored.  Include the file's path unless the file is the
0026 %               current working directory. If in_fname2=[], in_fname2 is
0027 %               assumed to be the same as in_fname1.
0028 %   sort_var  = [vector] Variable to sort epochs on (length(sort_var) = # of epochs)
0029 %               Example: sort_var may by subject response time in each
0030 %               epoch (in msec).
0031 %
0032 % Unordered Optional Inputs:
0033 %   fig_id            = [positive integer | [] ] ID number of Matlab figure window in which to create
0034 %                       the plots.  If [], the plots will be generated in a new
0035 %                       figure window. {default: []}
0036 %   title             = [string] Plot title {default: Channel name and/or bins and number of trials}
0037 %   img1_title        = [string] Title of the ERPimage for bins1/chan1/in_fname1
0038 %                       {default: the bin descriptor or the list of bins and possibly
0039 %                       the channel name and file source}
0040 %   img2_title        = [string] Title of the ERPimage for bins2/chan2/in_fname2
0041 %                       {default: the bin descriptor or the list of bins and possibly
0042 %                       the channel name and file source}
0043 %   stdev             = [scalar>0]. The standard deviation (in units of epochs) of the Gaussian
0044 %                       window used to smooth (vertically) with a moving-average.  Gaussian
0045 %                       window extends three standard deviations below and three standard
0046 %                       deviations above window center (trials beyond window are not incorporated
0047 %                       into average). {default: 1/7, no smoothing}
0048 %   decfactor         = Factor to decimate|interpolate ntrials by (may be non-integer)
0049 %                       Else, if this is large (> sqrt(# of epochs)), output this many epochs.
0050 %                       {default: no decimation}
0051 %   cbarlimits        = [min max] Two element vector specifying the minimum and
0052 %                       maximum value of the ERPimage color scale. {default:
0053 %                       -/+ max(abs(data)))}
0054 %   cbartitle         = [string] Title of color scale {default: '\muV'}
0055 %   timelimits        = [min max] Two element vector specifying the minimum and
0056 %                       maximum value of all time axes (in ms). {default: [min(times)
0057 %                       max(times)]
0058 %   erplimits         = [min max] Two element vector specifying the minimum and
0059 %                       maximum value (in uV) of the voltage axis for bins1/chan1/in_fname1's and
0060 %                       bins2/chan2/in_fname2's ERPs. {default: -/+ max(max(abs([erp1 erp2])))}
0061 %   erpdiflimits      = [min max] Two element vector specifying the minimum and
0062 %                       maximum value (in uV) of the voltage axis for the difference
0063 %                       wave between bins1/chan1/in_fname1 and bins2/chan2/in_fname2.
0064 %                       {default: -/+ max(max(abs([erp1-erp2])))}
0065 %   sortvarlimits     = [min max] Two element vector specifying the minimum and
0066 %                       maximum value (in units of 'Trials' or the sorting variable, depending on
0067 %                       yimglabel) of the ERPimage y-axis.  ERPs are computed
0068 %                       only from epochs that fall within this range.
0069 %                       {default: ERPimage min and max}
0070 %   yerplabel         = The label for the voltage axis on ERP plots {default:
0071 %                       'ERP (\muV)'}
0072 %   erpgrid           = ['on' | 'off'] If 'on', horizontal dashed lines will
0073 %                       be plot at voltage axis tick marks on ERP plots. {default: 'on'}
0074 %   topos             = ['on' | 'off'] If 'on', two cartoon heads will appear
0075 %                       above ERPimages to illustrate locations of chan1
0076 %                       chan2.  {default: 'on'}
0077 %   renorm            = ['on'|'off'| formula] Normalize sorting variable to epoch
0078 %                       time range. 'on'= autoscale. formula must be a linear
0079 %                       transformation in the format 'a*x+b' (e.g., '3*x+2').
0080 %                       {default: 'off'}
0081 %   rmerp             = ['on'|'off'] Subtract the average ERP from each trial before
0082 %                       processing {default: 'off'}
0083 %   showsortvar       = ['on'|'off'] Plot sort_var on top of ERPimages {default: 'on'}
0084 %   marktimes         = [vector of times] Plot vertical dashed lines at specified latencies (in ms).
0085 %                       erpimage.m's "vert" option. {default: ignored}
0086 %   marktrials        = [vector] Plot horizontal lines at specified ERPimage y-axis
0087 %                       values.  Depending on value of 'yimglabel' argument (above),
0088 %                       vector should be in units of either 'Trials' or the
0089 %                       sorting variable.  Analogous to erpimage.m's "horz" option.
0090 %                       {default: ignored}
0091 %   filt              = [low_boundary high_boundary] a two element vector indicating
0092 %                       the frequency cut-offs for a 3rd order Butterworth filter that
0093 %                       will be applied to each trial of data.  If low_boundary=0, the
0094 %                       filter is a high pass filter.  If high_boundary=srate/2, then
0095 %                       the filter is a low pass filter.  If both boundaries are between
0096 %                       0 and srate/2, then the filter is a bandpass filter. If both
0097 %                       boundaries are between 0 and -srate/2, then the filter is a bandstop
0098 %                       filter (with boundaries equal to the absolute values of low_boundary
0099 %                       and high_boundary).  Note, using this option requires the signal
0100 %                       processing toolbox function butter.m.  You should probably
0101 %                       use the 'baseline' option (see below) as well since the mean
0102 %                       prestimulus baseline may no longer be 0 after the filter is
0103 %                       applied. {default: no filtering}
0104 %   baseline          = [low_boundary high_boundary] a time window (in msec) whose mean
0105 %                       amplitude in each epoch will be removed from each epoch (e.g.,
0106 %                       [-100 0]) after filtering. Useful in conjunction with 'filt' option
0107 %                       to re-basline trials after they have been filtered. Not necessary
0108 %                       if data have already been baselined and ERPimage processing does not
0109 %                       affect baseline amplitude {default: no further
0110 %                       baselining of data}
0111 %   verblevel         = an integer specifiying the amount of information you want
0112 %                       functions to provide about what they are doing during runtime.
0113 %                       Options are:
0114 %                        0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
0115 %                        1 - stuff anyone should probably know
0116 %                        2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
0117 %                          with a data set {default value if not already globally
0118 %                          specified}
0119 %                        3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all reports)
0120 %   img_trialax_label = [string] Label for ERPimage y-axes.  If not 'Trials', ERPimage y-ticks are automatically
0121 %                       set to units of sorting variable. {default: 'Trials'}
0122 %   img_trialax_ticks = [ vector ] Points on ERPimage y-axes at which to make
0123 %                       tick marks. Provide values in units of y-axes label (either 'Trials' or
0124 %                       sorting variable). {default: MATLAB default ticks}
0125 %
0126 %
0127 % Outputs:
0128 %   If data are not already in memory, the function sets some global
0129 %   variables (see below).
0130 %
0131 %
0132 % Global Variables:
0133 %   VERBLEVEL = level of verbosity (i.e., tells functions how much
0134 %               how much to report about what they're doing during
0135 %               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'
0136 %   in_fname  = .eim file from which data were loaded (produced by
0137 %               compile_erpimageMK.m)
0138 %   chans     = cell array specifiying the names of the channels loaded
0139 %               into memory
0140 %   chan_data = the EEG at all of the channels loaded into memory
0141 %   chanlocs  = EEG.chanlocs struct specifying channel locations
0142 %   ep_info   = information about each trial/epoch of data (in format of
0143 %               EEG.event struct)
0144 %   ep_times  = start and stop time of each epoch (in ms)
0145 %   bindesc   = struct array of bin descriptors
0146 %   srate     = sampling rate
0147 %   eim_bins  = bins that were expicitly loaded when .eim file was created
0148 %   rtmsec    = reaction time info for each epoch (may be empty)
0149 %   rtbins    = specifies which reaction time value in rtmsec goes with
0150 %                which bin (i.e., enables the same epoch to have different
0151 %                RTs depending on which bin it is assigned to).
0152 %
0153 % Example:
0154 % (Contrasts ERPimages at LLOc and RLOc, sorted by reaction time)
0155 % >> in_fname1='/homes/dgroppe/SANDBOX/RTERPM/rtm#y.set';
0156 % >> chans={'MiPf','MiCe','MiOc','LLOc','RLOc'};
0157 % >> compile_erpimageMK(1:4,'setfile_tplate',setfile_tplate,'chans',chans, ...
0158 %    'bins',[127 133 142 157],'out_fname','demo.eim');
0159 % >> plot_erpimages([],[],'LLOc','RLOc','demo.eim',[],'rtmsec','stdev',4);
0160 %
0161 %
0162 %
0163 % Author:
0164 % David Groppe
0165 % Kutaslab, 11/2009
0166 %
0167 % Notes:
0168 % -Relies on erpimages.m to make the plots
0169 %
0170 % -Epochs with identical sorting variable values are replaced with their
0171 % mean. Thus, if there are such "tied" epochs, there is smoothing in addition
0172 % to the moving average window.  #/% of epochs that tie other epochs are reported
0173 % in the MATLAB command line window.
0174 %
0175 % -The number of trials that are reported in the automatically generated
0176 % figure title are the number of trials before decimation.
0178 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REVISION LOG %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0179 %
0181 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% POSSIBLE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0182 %-VERBLEVEL currently modulates very little of the information provided by
0183 %the function during runtime.  This could be improved.
0184 %
0186 global in_fname;
0187 global chan_data;
0188 global chans;
0189 global chanlocs;
0190 global ep_info;
0191 global ep_times;
0192 global bindesc;
0193 global srate;
0194 global rtmsec;
0195 global rtbins;
0196 global eim_bins
0197 global VERBLEVEL
0199 %Input Parser
0200 p=inputParser;
0201 %Note: the order of the required arguments needs to match precisely their
0202 %order in the function definition (which is also the order used by p.parse
0203 %below)
0204 p.addRequired('bins1',@isnumeric);
0205 p.addRequired('bins2',@(x) isnumeric(x) || isempty(x));
0206 p.addRequired('chan1',@ischar);
0207 p.addRequired('chan2',@(x) ischar(x) || isempty(x));
0208 p.addRequired('in_fname1',@ischar);
0209 p.addRequired('in_fname2',@(x) ischar(x) || isempty(x));
0210 p.addRequired('sort_var',@ischar);
0211 p.addParamValue('fig_id',[],@(x) sum(x>=0) || isempty(x));
0212 p.addParamValue('stdev',1/7,@(x) isnumeric(x) && (x>=0));
0213 p.addParamValue('verblevel',[],@(x) x>=0);
0214 p.addParamValue('title',[],@(x) ischar(x) || isempty(x));%default is to use chan name and/or bins & # of trials
0215 p.addParamValue('cbarlimits',[],@(x) (isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==2)) || isempty(x));
0216 p.addParamValue('cbartitle','\muV',@ischar);
0217 p.addParamValue('img_trialax_label','Trials',@ischar);
0218 p.addParamValue('img_trialax_ticks',[],@isnumeric);
0219 p.addParamValue('timelimits',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==2));
0220 p.addParamValue('erplimits',[],@(x) (isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==2)) || isempty(x));
0221 p.addParamValue('erpdiflimits',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==2));
0222 p.addParamValue('sortvarlimits',[],@(x) (isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==2)) || isempty(x));
0223 p.addParamValue('yerplabel','ERP (\muV)',@ischar);
0224 p.addParamValue('erpgrid','on',@(x) strcmpi(x,'on') || strcmpi(x,'off'));
0225 p.addParamValue('topos','on',@(x) strcmpi(x,'on') || strcmpi(x,'off'));
0226 p.addParamValue('renorm','off',@ischar); %check for legality of value later
0227 p.addParamValue('rmerp','off',@(x) strcmpi(x,'on') || strcmpi(x,'off'));
0228 p.addParamValue('showsortvar','on',@(x) strcmpi(x,'on') || strcmpi(x,'off'));
0229 p.addParamValue('decfactor',0,@isnumeric);
0230 p.addParamValue('baseline',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==2));
0231 p.addParamValue('filt',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==2));
0232 p.addParamValue('marktimes',[],@isnumeric);
0233 p.addParamValue('marktrials',[],@isnumeric);
0234 p.addParamValue('img1_title',[],@ischar);
0235 p.addParamValue('img2_title',[],@ischar);
0236 p.parse(bins1,bins2,chan1,chan2,in_fname1,in_fname2,sort_var,varargin{:});
0238 if isempty(VERBLEVEL) && isempty(p.Results.verblevel)
0239     VERBLEVEL=2;
0240 elseif ~isempty(p.Results.verblevel)
0241     VERBLEVEL=p.Results.verblevel;
0242 end
0244 %?? put in error for arguments that should be integers when they are not
0245 %integers?
0248 if isempty(chan2),
0249     chan2=chan1;
0250 end
0253 %input filenames are required
0254 dif_in_fnames=0;
0255 if isempty(in_fname2),
0256     in_fname2=in_fname1;
0257 elseif ~strcmpi(in_fname1,in_fname2)
0258     dif_in_fnames=1;
0259 end
0262 if dif_in_fnames,
0263     %load second in_fname first and copy variables to new names
0264     load(in_fname2,'-MAT');
0265     chan_data2=chan_data;
0266     chans2=chans;
0267     chanlocs2=chanlocs;
0268     ep_info2=ep_info;
0269     ep_times2=ep_times;
0270     bindesc2=bindesc;
0271     srate2=srate;
0272     rtmsec2=rtmsec;
0273     rtbins2=rtbins;
0274     eim_bins2=eim_bins;
0276     %load first file (overwrites original variables from in_fname2 that was just loaded)
0277     load(in_fname1,'-MAT');
0278     in_fname=in_fname1; %set global variable in_fname to reflect source of current values of global variables
0280 elseif strcmp(in_fname,in_fname1)
0281     %if input file matches file from which data in global variables were
0282     %taken from, use the data in global variables to save the time it takes
0283     %to reload the data from the file
0284     if isempty(chan_data) || isempty(chans) || isempty(chanlocs) || isempty(ep_info),
0285         %some critical variables are not already in global memory, try to
0286         %load everything from file afterall
0287         load(in_fname1,'-MAT');
0288     else
0289         fprintf('in_filename %s matches source of data already in memory.\n',in_fname1);
0290         fprintf('Will use data already in memory to save time.\n');
0291         fprintf('If you would rather load the data from the file enter the\n');
0292         fprintf('   following at the Matlab command line: ');
0293         fprintf('>> clear global in_fname\n');
0294     end
0295     chans2=chans;
0296     chanlocs2=chanlocs;
0297     bindesc2=bindesc;
0298 else
0299     load(in_fname1,'-MAT');
0300     in_fname=in_fname1; %set global variable in_fname to reflect source of current values of global variables
0301     msg=sprintf('Loading file %s into global variables.\n',in_fname);
0302     msg=[msg sprintf('One of these variables, chan_data, may be quite large.\n')];
0303     msg=[msg sprintf('To delete it, enter >> clear global chan_data\n')];
0304     VerbReport(msg,2,VERBLEVEL);
0305     chans2=chans;
0306     chanlocs2=chanlocs;
0307     bindesc2=bindesc;
0308 end
0311 %Are the sets of bins different?
0312 dif_bins=0;
0313 if ~dif_in_fnames
0314     if isempty(bins2)
0315         bins2=bins1;
0316     else
0317         comn_bins=intersect(bins1,bins2);
0318         if ~isempty(comn_bins)
0319             if length(comn_bins)~=length(bins1) || length(comn_bins)~=length(bins2),
0320                 error(['You''ve included bin(s) ' num2str(comn_bins) ' in both contrasts.  The two sets of bins should be unique or exactly the same.']);
0321             end %otherwise they are the exact same set of bins
0322         elseif ~isempty(bins1) && ~isempty(bins2), %if not using all bins in both contrasts
0323             dif_bins=1;
0324         end
0325     end
0326 else
0327     %check to see if bin descriptors are exactly the same for the bins from both files
0328     if isempty(bins1),
0329         use_bins1=eim_bins;
0330     else
0331         use_bins1=bins1;
0332     end
0333     if isempty(bins2),
0334         use_bins2=eim_bins2;
0335     else
0336         use_bins2=bins2;
0337     end
0338     n_bindesc1=length(use_bins1);
0339     n_bindesc2=length(use_bins2);
0340     if n_bindesc1==n_bindesc2,
0341         matched=[];
0342         for bd_loop1=use_bins1,
0343             for bd_loop2=setdiff(use_bins2,matched),                
0344                 if strcmpi(bindesc{bd_loop1},bindesc2{bd_loop2}),
0345                     matched=[matched bd_loop2];
0346                     break; %leave bd_loop2
0347                 end
0348             end
0349         end
0350         if ~isempty(setdiff(use_bins2,matched))
0351            dif_bins=1; 
0352         end
0353     else
0354         dif_bins=1;
0355     end
0356 end
0358 %%%%%%% Find index to desired electrodes in chans (a cell array of channel names
0359 %%%%%%%  currently loaded into memory)
0360 % Channel for first image
0361 chans_id1=0;
0362 for a=1:length(chans),
0363     if strcmpi(chans{a},chan1),
0364         chans_id1=a;
0365     end
0366 end
0367 if ~chans_id1
0368     msg=sprintf('Channel %s is not an option.\nCurrently loaded channels are: ',chan1);
0369     for a=1:(length(chans)-1),
0370         msg=[msg chans{a} ', '];
0371     end
0372     msg=[msg chans{length(chans)}];
0373     error(msg);
0374 end
0376 % Channel for second image
0377 if strcmpi(chan1,chan2),
0378     dif_chans=0;
0379 else
0380     dif_chans=1;
0381 end
0383 chans_id2=0;
0384 for a=1:length(chans2),
0385     if strcmpi(chans2{a},chan2),
0386         chans_id2=a;
0387     end
0388 end
0389 if ~chans_id2
0390     msg=sprintf('Channel %s is not an option.\nCurrently loaded channels are: ',chan2);
0391     for a=1:(length(chans2)-1),
0392         msg=[msg chans2{a} ', '];
0393     end
0394     msg=[msg chans2{length(chans2)}];
0395     error(msg);
0396 end
0399 if ~dif_chans && ~dif_bins && ~dif_in_fnames,
0400    error('You''re trying to compare the same channel to itself, using the same set of bins.  That doesn''t make any sense.  Those two sets of data are exactly the same.'); 
0401 end
0403 if dif_in_fnames,
0404    %use only time points common to both datasets
0405    [comn_tpts tm_id2 tm_id1]=intersect(ep_times2,ep_times);
0406    n_comn=length(comn_tpts);
0407    if n_comn==0,
0408        error('The two data sets you''re contrasting are composed of completely different time points.');
0409    elseif (n_comn~=length(ep_times)) || (n_comn~=length(ep_times2))
0410        fprintf('\nThe two data sets you''re contrasting have somewhat different time points.  Only using time points common to both.\n\n');
0411       ep_times2=ep_times2(tm_id2);
0412       chan_data2{chans_id2}=chan_data2{chans_id2}(tm_id2,:);
0413       ep_times=ep_times(tm_id1);
0414       chan_data{chans_id1}=chan_data{chans_id1}(tm_id1,:);
0415    end
0416 end
0418 %% Does First in_fname have Sorting Variable?
0419 %Check to make sure we have the desired sorting variable
0420 got_srtvar=0;
0421 %RT is a special sorting variable, since there may be more than one RT per
0422 %trial
0423 sortby_rt=0;
0424 rt_loaded=0;
0425 if exist('rtmsec','var')
0426     if ~isempty(rtmsec),
0427         rt_loaded=1;
0428         if strcmpi(sort_var,'rtmsec'),
0429             sortby_rt=1;
0430             got_srtvar=1;
0431         end
0432     end
0433 end
0435 %Check for non-RT sorting variables
0436 if ~sortby_rt,
0437     fldnms=fieldnames(ep_info);
0438     possible=[];
0439     desired=['event' sort_var];
0440     for a=1:length(fldnms),
0441         if strcmpi('event',fldnms{a}(1:5)) && ~strcmpi('eventrtmsec',fldnms{a}) && (length(fldnms{a})>5),
0442             %i.e., it is not "event", note rtmsec sorting variable should
0443             %have been caught above already
0444             cmnd=['isnumeric(ep_info(a).' fldnms{a} ')'];
0445             if (eval(cmnd)),
0446                 if strcmpi(desired,fldnms{a}),
0447                     got_srtvar=1;
0448                     break; %break a loop
0449                 else
0450                     possible=[possible a];
0451                 end
0452             end
0453         end
0454     end
0455 end
0456 if ~got_srtvar,
0457     msg=sprintf('Sorting variable %s is not an option for %s.\nCurrently loaded sorting variables are: ',sort_var,in_fname1);
0458     for a=1:(length(possible)-1),
0459         msg=[msg fldnms{possible(a)}(6:end) ', '];
0460     end
0461     msg=[msg fldnms{possible(end)}(6:end)]; %last/penultimate possibility doesn't need comma
0462     if rt_loaded,
0463         msg=[msg ', rtmsec'];
0464     end
0465     error(msg);
0466 end
0469 %% Does Second in_fname have Sorting Variable?
0470 if dif_in_fnames,
0471     got_srtvar2=0;
0472     %RT is a special sorting variable, since there may be more than one RT per
0473     %trial
0474     rt_loaded2=0;
0475     if exist('rtmsec2','var')
0476         if ~isempty(rtmsec2),
0477             rt_loaded2=1;
0478             if sortby_rt,
0479                 got_srtvar2=1;
0480             end
0481         end
0482     end
0484     % Collect possible sorting variables
0485     fldnms=fieldnames(ep_info2);
0486     possible=[];
0487     for a=1:length(fldnms),
0488         if strcmpi('event',fldnms{a}(1:5)) && ~strcmpi('eventrtmsec',fldnms{a}) && (length(fldnms{a})>5),
0489             %i.e., it is not "event", note rtmsec sorting variable should
0490             %have been caught above already
0491             cmnd=['isnumeric(ep_info2(a).' fldnms{a} ')'];
0492             if (eval(cmnd)),
0493                 possible=[possible a];
0494             end
0495         end
0496     end
0499     %Check for non-RT sorting variables
0500     if ~sortby_rt,
0501         fldnms=fieldnames(ep_info2);
0502 %        possible=[];
0503         desired=['event' sort_var];
0504         for a=1:length(fldnms),
0505             if strcmpi('event',fldnms{a}(1:5)) && ~strcmpi('eventrtmsec',fldnms{a}) && (length(fldnms{a})>5),
0506                 %i.e., it is not "event", note rtmsec sorting variable should
0507                 %have been caught above already
0508                 cmnd=['isnumeric(ep_info2(a).' fldnms{a} ')'];
0509                 if (eval(cmnd)),
0510                     if strcmpi(desired,fldnms{a}),
0511                         got_srtvar2=1;
0512                         break; %break a loop
0513                     else
0514 %                        possible=[possible a];
0515                     end
0516                 end
0517             end
0518         end
0519     end
0520     if ~got_srtvar2,
0521         msg=sprintf('Sorting variable %s is not an option for %s.\nCurrently loaded sorting variables are: ',sort_var,in_fname2);
0522         for a=1:(length(possible)-1),
0523             msg=[msg fldnms{possible(a)}(6:end) ', '];
0524         end
0525         msg=[msg fldnms{possible(end)}(6:end)]; %last/penultimate possibility doesn't need comma
0526         if rt_loaded2,
0527             msg=[msg ', rtmsec'];
0528         end
0529         error(msg);
0530     end
0531 end
0534 %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Sorting Variable Values
0535 % for FIRST Set of Bins
0536 srt_val1=get_svar_val(ep_info,rtbins,rtmsec,bins1,sortby_rt,sort_var);
0537 % for SECOND Set of Bins
0538 if dif_in_fnames,
0539     srt_val2=get_svar_val(ep_info2,rtbins2,rtmsec2,bins2,sortby_rt,sort_var);
0540 else
0541     if dif_bins
0542         srt_val2=get_svar_val(ep_info,rtbins,rtmsec,bins2,sortby_rt,sort_var);
0543     else
0544         srt_val2=srt_val1;
0545     end
0546 end
0548 %Compile figure title
0549 bin1_title=[];
0550 bin2_title=[];
0551 if isempty(bins1), %convert empty bins1 to all bins (that's what bins=[] means)
0552     bins1=num2str(eim_bins);
0553 end
0554 if isempty(bins2)
0555     if dif_in_fnames,
0556         bins2=num2str(eim_bins2);
0557     else
0558         bins2=bins1;
0559     end
0560 end
0561 % grab just the file name for figure display
0562 rmndr=in_fname1;
0563 while ~isempty(rmndr)
0564     [fname1, rmndr]=strtok(rmndr,'/');  
0565 end
0566 if dif_in_fnames,
0567     rmndr=in_fname2;
0568     while ~isempty(rmndr)
0569         [fname2, rmndr]=strtok(rmndr,'/');
0570     end
0571 else
0572     fname2=fname1;
0573 end
0575 if ~dif_chans && ~dif_bins,
0576     if length(bins1)>1
0577         fig_title=['Channel ' chan1 ', Bins ' num2str(bins1)];
0578     else
0579         fig_title=['Channel ' chan1 ', ' bindesc{bins1}];
0580     end
0581 elseif ~dif_chans && dif_bins,
0582     fig_title=['Channel ' chan1];
0583 elseif dif_chans && ~dif_bins,
0584     if length(bins1)>1
0585         fig_title=['Bins ' num2str(bins1)];
0586     else
0587         fig_title=bindesc{bins1};
0588     end
0589 else
0590     fig_title=[];
0591 end
0593 %Compile erpimage titles and window title
0594 if dif_chans
0595     wind_title=[chan1 ' vs. ' chan2 ': '];
0596     bin1_title=chan1;
0597     bin2_title=chan2;
0598     if dif_bins,
0599        bin1_title=[bin1_title ': ']; 
0600        bin2_title=[bin2_title ': '];
0601     end
0602 else
0603     wind_title=[chan1 ': '];
0604     bin1_title=[];
0605     bin2_title=[];
0606 end
0608 if dif_bins,
0609     if length(bins1)>1,
0610         bin1_title=[bin1_title 'Bins ' num2str(bins1)];
0611         if dif_in_fnames,
0612             wind_title=[wind_title 'Bins ' num2str(bins1) '(' fname1 ') vs. '];
0613             bin1_title=[bin1_title ' (' fname1 ')'];
0614         else
0615             wind_title=[wind_title 'Bins ' num2str(bins1) ' vs. '];
0616         end
0617     else
0618         bin1_title=[bin1_title bindesc{bins1}];
0619         if dif_in_fnames,
0620             wind_title=[wind_title 'Bin ' num2str(bins1) '(' fname1 ') vs. '];
0621             bin1_title=[bin1_title ' (' fname1 ')'];
0622         else
0623             wind_title=[wind_title 'Bin ' num2str(bins1) ' vs. '];
0624         end
0625     end
0626     if length(bins2)>1,
0627         bin2_title=[bin2_title 'Bins ' num2str(bins2)];
0628         if dif_in_fnames,
0629             wind_title=[wind_title 'Bins ' num2str(bins2) '(' fname2 ')'];
0630             bin2_title=[bin2_title ' (' fname2 ')'];
0631         else
0632             wind_title=[wind_title ' Bins ' num2str(bins2)];
0633         end
0634     else
0635         bin2_title=[bin2_title bindesc2{bins2}];
0636         if dif_in_fnames,
0637             wind_title=[wind_title 'Bin ' num2str(bins2) '(' fname2 ')'];
0638             bin2_title=[bin2_title ' (' fname2 ')'];
0639         else
0640             wind_title=[wind_title ' Bin ' num2str(bins2)];
0641         end
0642     end
0643 else %bins are the same for both images
0644     if dif_in_fnames,
0645         if dif_chans,
0646             bin1_title=[bin1_title ' (' fname1 ')'];
0647             bin2_title=[bin2_title ' (' fname2 ')'];
0648         else
0649             bin1_title=fname1;
0650             bin2_title=fname2;
0651         end
0652     end
0653     if length(bins1)>1,
0654         if dif_in_fnames,
0655             wind_title=[wind_title 'Bins ' num2str(bins1) ' (' fname1 ' vs. ' fname2 ')'];
0656         else
0657             wind_title=[wind_title 'Bins ' num2str(bins1)];
0658         end
0659     else
0660         if dif_in_fnames,
0661             wind_title=[wind_title bindesc{bins1} ' (' fname1 ' vs. ' fname2  ')'];
0662         else
0663             wind_title=[wind_title bindesc{bins1}];
0664         end
0665     end
0666 end
0667 if ~isempty(p.Results.title), %title specified as optional input argument
0668     fig_title=p.Results.title;
0669     wind_title=fig_title;
0670 end
0672 if ~isempty(p.Results.img1_title),
0673    bin1_title=p.Results.img1_title; 
0674 end
0675 if ~isempty(p.Results.img2_title),
0676    bin2_title=p.Results.img2_title; 
0677 end
0679 % Add the number of trials that will be imaged to the figure title
0680 comn=intersect(srt_val1,srt_val2);
0681 trial_ct=0;
0682 for sval_loop=comn,
0683     ids1=find(srt_val1==sval_loop);
0684     ids2=find(srt_val2==sval_loop);
0685     mn_ct=min([length(ids1) length(ids2)]);
0686     trial_ct=trial_ct+mn_ct;
0687 end
0688 use_title=[fig_title ' (' int2str(trial_ct) ' Trials)'];
0691 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Plot ERPimage  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0693 if dif_in_fnames,
0694     cmd=['erpimages(chan_data{chans_id1},chan_data2{chans_id2},'];
0695 else
0696     cmd=['erpimages(chan_data{chans_id1},chan_data{chans_id2},'];
0697 end
0699 cmd=[cmd 'srt_val1,srt_val2,chan1,chan2,' ...
0700     '"times",ep_times,' ...
0701     '"title",use_title,' ...
0702     '"img1_title",bin1_title,' ...
0703     '"img2_title",bin2_title,' ...
0704     '"stdev",p.Results.stdev,' ...
0705     '"decfactor",p.Results.decfactor,' ...
0706     '"cbarlimits",p.Results.cbarlimits,' ...
0707     '"cbartitle",p.Results.cbartitle,' ...
0708     '"yimglabel",p.Results.img_trialax_label,' ...
0709     '"yimgticks",p.Results.img_trialax_ticks,' ...
0710     '"timelimits",p.Results.timelimits,' ...
0711     '"sortvarlimits",p.Results.sortvarlimits,' ...
0712     '"erplimits",p.Results.erplimits,' ...
0713     '"erpdiflimits",p.Results.erpdiflimits,' ...
0714     '"yerplabel",p.Results.yerplabel,' ...
0715     '"erpgrid",p.Results.erpgrid,' ...
0716     '"topos",p.Results.topos,' ...   
0717     '"chanlocs1",chanlocs,' ...
0718     '"chanlocs2",chanlocs2,' ...
0719     '"renorm",p.Results.renorm,' ...
0720     '"rmerp",p.Results.rmerp,' ...
0721     '"showsortvar",p.Results.showsortvar,' ...
0722     '"marktimes",p.Results.marktimes,' ...
0723     '"marktrials",p.Results.marktrials,' ...
0724     '"baseline",p.Results.baseline,' ...
0725     '"srate",srate,' ...
0726     '"filt",p.Results.filt);'];
0728 %replace double quotes with single quotes
0729 dq_id=find(cmd=='"');
0730 cmd(dq_id)=39;
0731 %display erpimage command if user wants max verbosity
0732 VerbReport('',3,VERBLEVEL);
0733 VerbReport('plot_erpimages function call:',3,VERBLEVEL);
0734 VerbReport(cmd,3,VERBLEVEL);
0735 VerbReport('',3,VERBLEVEL);
0737 %Open/Select Figure
0738 if isempty(p.Results.fig_id) || ~p.Results.fig_id,
0739     figure;
0740 else
0741     figure(p.Results.fig_id);clf;
0742 end
0744 eval(cmd);
0745 set(gcf,'name',['[' wind_title ']']);
0749 function srt_val=get_svar_val(ep_info,rtbins,rtmsec,bins,sortby_rt,sort_var)
0750 %function srt_val=get_svar_val(ep_info,rtbins,rtmsec,bins,sortby_rt,sort_var)
0751 %
0752 % Extracts a vector of sorting values from variables taken from a .eim
0753 % file.
0754 %
0755 % Inputs:
0756 %   ep_info    - struct array of epoch information
0757 %   rtbins     - cell array indicating which values of rtmsec belong to which
0758 %                bins
0759 %   rtmsec     - cell array containing reaction times for each epoch
0760 %   bins       - subset of bins to use
0761 %   sortyby_rt - whether or not to sort by reaction time
0762 %   sort_var   - variable to sort on (e.g., 'rtmsec')
0763 %
0764 % Outputs:
0765 %   srt_val - a vector of sorting values for each epoch
0766 %
0768 %Extract data from specified bins and sorting variable from epoch info
0769 n_ep=length(ep_info);
0772 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Sorting Variable Values for FIRST Set of Bins
0773 srt_val=zeros(1,n_ep)*NaN;
0775 %note, srt_val indicates which epochs are to be ignored with NaN values
0776 %erpimage.m automatically ignores epochs with NaN srt_var values
0777 for a=1:n_ep,
0778     %%%%%%  use a subset of bins  %%%%%%
0779     if ~isempty(bins),
0780         got_it=0;
0781         if sortby_rt,
0782             %make sure the RTs are the same for all bins
0783             %preallocate memory
0784             rt_ids=zeros(1,length(bins));
0785             rt_ids_ct=0;
0786             for d=bins,
0787                 rt_id=find(rtbins{a}==d);
0788                 if ~isempty(rt_id),
0789                     rt_ids_ct=rt_ids_ct+1;
0790                     rt_ids(rt_ids_ct)=rt_id;
0791                 end
0792             end
0793             if rt_ids_ct>0,
0794                 uni_rt=unique(rtmsec{a}(rt_ids(1:rt_ids_ct)));
0795                 if length(uni_rt)>1,
0796                     error(sprintf(['Different bins have different RTs for epoch %d.\n' ...
0797                         'You must specify bins that have the same RTs.'],a));
0798                 else
0799                     srt_val(a)=uni_rt; %get the RT
0800                     got_it=1;
0801                 end
0802             end
0803         else %non-RT sorting variable
0804             for b=bins,
0805                 for c=1:length(ep_info(a).eventtype),
0806                     if strcmpi(ep_info(a).eventtype{c},['bin' int2str(b)]), %does this trial fall in a desired bin?
0807                         %c=length(ep_info(a).eventtype); %break c loop
0808                         %b=p.Results.bins(end); %break b loop
0809                         cmnd=['srt_val(a)=ep_info(a).event' sort_var ';'];
0810                         eval(cmnd);
0811                         got_it=1;
0812                         break; %break c loop
0813                     end
0814                 end
0815                 if got_it,
0816                     break; %break b loop
0817                 end
0818             end
0819         end
0820         if ~got_it, %epoch not a member of desired bin
0821             srt_val(a)=NaN;
0822         end
0824         %%%%%%  no bins specified, use all bins  %%%%%%
0825     else
0826         if sortby_rt,
0827             uni_rt=unique(rtmsec{a});
0828             if length(uni_rt)>1,
0829                 error(sprintf(['Different bins have different RTs for epoch %d.\n' ...
0830                     'You must specify bins that have the same RTs.'],a));
0831             else
0832                 srt_val(a)=uni_rt;
0833             end
0834         else
0835             cmnd=['srt_val(a)=ep_info(a).event' sort_var ';'];
0836             eval(cmnd);
0837         end
0838     end
0839 end

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