Home > matlabmk > plot_eimcorr.m



plot_eimcorr() - Plots the correlation between EEG an some other experimental


function plot_eimcorr(sort_var,varargin)


 plot_eimcorr() - Plots the correlation between EEG an some other experimental
                  variable at multiple channels.  The graph is produced
                  from data in a format output by compile_erpimageMK.
                  Function presumes data are stored in global variables unless
                  input .eim filename is specified.  Graph is interactive
                  and allows one to see topography of correlations at
                  arbitrary points in time.
  >> plot_eimcorr(sort_var,varargin)

 Required Inputs:
   sort_var = [string] Variable whose correlation with EEG will be computed (e.g.,
               'logitmnum'); Use [] to see list of available sorting

 Optional Inputs I (Specifying Data & Function Verbosity)
   'bins'      = [integer vector] Bins to extract trials from. [] means to
                  use all bins {default: use all bins}
   'in_fname'  = [string] File from compile_erpimageMK.m in which data are
                  stored.  Include the file's path unless the file is the 
                  current working directory. {default: use global
   'verblevel' = an integer specifiying the amount of information you want 
                  functions to provide about what they are doing during runtime.
                  Options are:
                    0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
                    1 - stuff anyone should probably know
                    2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
                        with a data set {default value}
                    3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all reports)
   'title'     = [string] Plot title {default: bin descriptor (if only one
                  bin) or list of bins}
   'limits'    = [lotime hitime] Time axis minimum and maxmimum (in 
                  in milliseconds. Can use NaN (or nan, but not Nan) to
                  use earliest and latest time points in data. {default:
                  [NaN NaN]}.
   'fig_id'    = [integer(s)] ID number of Matlab figure window(s) in which to create
                  the ERPimage.  If ID is not specified, the erpimage will be generated 
                  in a new figure window.  {default: []}

   If data are not already in memory, the function sets some global
   variables (see below).

 Global Variables:
   VERBLEVEL = level of verbosity (i.e., tells functions how much
               how much to report about what they're doing during
               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'
   in_fname  = .eim file from which data were loaded (produced by
   chans     = cell array specifiying the names of the channels loaded
               into memory
   chan_data = the EEG at all of the channels loaded into memory
   chanlocs  = EEG.chanlocs struct specifying channel locations
   ep_info   = information about each trial/epoch of data (in format of 
               EEG.event struct)
   ep_times  = start and stop time of each epoch (in ms)
   bindesc   = struct array of bin descriptors
   srate     = sampling rate
   eim_bins  = bins that were expicitly loaded when .eim file was created
   rtmsec    = reaction time info for each epoch (may be empty)
   rtbins    = specifies which reaction time value in rtmsec goes with
                which bin (i.e., enables the same epoch to have different 
                RTs depending on which bin it is assigned to).

 >> setfile_tplate='/homes/dgroppe/SANDBOX/RTERPM/rterpm#.set';
 >> chans={'MiPf','MiCe','MiOc','LLOc','RLOc'};
 >> compile_erpimageMK(1:4,'setfile_tplate',setfile_tplate,'chans',chans, ...
    'bins',[127 133 142 157],'out_fname','demo.eim');
 >> plot_erpimageMK('MiCe','rtmsec','in_fname','demo.eim','avewidth',4,'fig_id',1);


 David Groppe
 Kutaslab, 8/2009


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function plot_eimcorr(sort_var,varargin)
0002 % plot_eimcorr() - Plots the correlation between EEG an some other experimental
0003 %                  variable at multiple channels.  The graph is produced
0004 %                  from data in a format output by compile_erpimageMK.
0005 %                  Function presumes data are stored in global variables unless
0006 %                  input .eim filename is specified.  Graph is interactive
0007 %                  and allows one to see topography of correlations at
0008 %                  arbitrary points in time.
0009 %
0010 %
0011 % Usage:
0012 %  >> plot_eimcorr(sort_var,varargin)
0013 %
0014 % Required Inputs:
0015 %   sort_var = [string] Variable whose correlation with EEG will be computed (e.g.,
0016 %               'logitmnum'); Use [] to see list of available sorting
0017 %               variables.
0018 %
0019 %
0020 % Optional Inputs I (Specifying Data & Function Verbosity)
0021 %   'bins'      = [integer vector] Bins to extract trials from. [] means to
0022 %                  use all bins {default: use all bins}
0023 %   'in_fname'  = [string] File from compile_erpimageMK.m in which data are
0024 %                  stored.  Include the file's path unless the file is the
0025 %                  current working directory. {default: use global
0026 %                  variables}
0027 %   'verblevel' = an integer specifiying the amount of information you want
0028 %                  functions to provide about what they are doing during runtime.
0029 %                  Options are:
0030 %                    0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
0031 %                    1 - stuff anyone should probably know
0032 %                    2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
0033 %                        with a data set {default value}
0034 %                    3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all reports)
0035 %   'title'     = [string] Plot title {default: bin descriptor (if only one
0036 %                  bin) or list of bins}
0037 %   'limits'    = [lotime hitime] Time axis minimum and maxmimum (in
0038 %                  in milliseconds. Can use NaN (or nan, but not Nan) to
0039 %                  use earliest and latest time points in data. {default:
0040 %                  [NaN NaN]}.
0041 %   'fig_id'    = [integer(s)] ID number of Matlab figure window(s) in which to create
0042 %                  the ERPimage.  If ID is not specified, the erpimage will be generated
0043 %                  in a new figure window.  {default: []}
0044 %
0045 %
0046 % Outputs:
0047 %   If data are not already in memory, the function sets some global
0048 %   variables (see below).
0049 %
0050 %
0051 % Global Variables:
0052 %   VERBLEVEL = level of verbosity (i.e., tells functions how much
0053 %               how much to report about what they're doing during
0054 %               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'
0055 %   in_fname  = .eim file from which data were loaded (produced by
0056 %               compile_erpimageMK.m)
0057 %   chans     = cell array specifiying the names of the channels loaded
0058 %               into memory
0059 %   chan_data = the EEG at all of the channels loaded into memory
0060 %   chanlocs  = EEG.chanlocs struct specifying channel locations
0061 %   ep_info   = information about each trial/epoch of data (in format of
0062 %               EEG.event struct)
0063 %   ep_times  = start and stop time of each epoch (in ms)
0064 %   bindesc   = struct array of bin descriptors
0065 %   srate     = sampling rate
0066 %   eim_bins  = bins that were expicitly loaded when .eim file was created
0067 %   rtmsec    = reaction time info for each epoch (may be empty)
0068 %   rtbins    = specifies which reaction time value in rtmsec goes with
0069 %                which bin (i.e., enables the same epoch to have different
0070 %                RTs depending on which bin it is assigned to).
0071 %
0072 %
0073 % Example:
0074 % >> setfile_tplate='/homes/dgroppe/SANDBOX/RTERPM/rterpm#.set';
0075 % >> chans={'MiPf','MiCe','MiOc','LLOc','RLOc'};
0076 % >> compile_erpimageMK(1:4,'setfile_tplate',setfile_tplate,'chans',chans, ...
0077 %    'bins',[127 133 142 157],'out_fname','demo.eim');
0078 % >> plot_erpimageMK('MiCe','rtmsec','in_fname','demo.eim','avewidth',4,'fig_id',1);
0079 % ??
0080 %
0081 % Notes:
0082 %
0083 % Author:
0084 % David Groppe
0085 % Kutaslab, 8/2009
0086 %
0089 global in_fname;
0090 global chan_data;
0091 global chans;
0092 global chanlocs;
0093 global ep_info;
0094 global ep_times;
0095 global bindesc;
0096 global srate;
0097 global rtmsec;
0098 global rtbins;
0099 global VERBLEVEL
0100 global eim_bins
0103 %Input Parser
0104 p=inputParser;
0105 %Note: the order of the required arguments needs to match precisely their
0106 %order in the function definition (which is also the order used by p.parse
0107 %below)
0108 p.addRequired('sort_var',@(x) ischar(x) || isempty(x));
0109 p.addParamValue('bins',[],@isnumeric); %default is to use all bins
0110 p.addParamValue('in_fname',[],@ischar); %default is to use global variables
0111 p.addParamValue('fig_id',[],@(x) sum(x>=0) || isempty(x));
0112 p.addParamValue('verblevel',[],@(x) x>=0);
0113 p.addParamValue('title',[],@(x) ischar(x) || isempty(x));%default is to use chan name & bin descriptor
0114 p.addParamValue('limits',[NaN NaN],@isnumeric);
0117 p.parse(sort_var,varargin{:});
0119 if isempty(VERBLEVEL) && isempty(p.Results.verblevel)
0120     VERBLEVEL=2;
0121 elseif ~isempty(p.Results.verblevel)
0122     VERBLEVEL=p.Results.verblevel;
0123 end
0126 if isempty(p.Results.in_fname)
0127     %if input file wasn't specified, assume that data are in global
0128     %variables
0129     if isempty(chan_data) || isempty(chans) || isempty(chanlocs) || isempty(ep_info) ...
0130             || isempty(ep_times) || isempty(bindesc) || isempty(srate), 
0131        error(sprintf(['You either need to specify an input filename (argument "in_fname") ' ...
0132            'or you need to appropriately fill the following global variables: ' ...
0133            'chan_data, chans, chanlocs, ep_info, ep_times, bindesc, & srate.\n' ...
0134            'The function compile_erpimageMK.m can do this for you.\n']));
0135     end
0136     in_fname=[]; %indicates that data were already global
0137 elseif strcmp(in_fname,p.Results.in_fname)
0138     %if input file matches file from which data in global variables were
0139     %taken from, use the data in global variables to save the time it takes
0140     %to reload the data from the file
0141     if isempty(chan_data) || isempty(chans) || isempty(chanlocs) || isempty(ep_info),
0142         %some critical variables are not already in global memory, try to
0143         %load everything from file afterall
0144         load(p.Results.in_fname,'-MAT');
0145     else
0146         fprintf('in_filename %s matches source of data aleady in memory.\n',p.Results.in_fname);
0147         fprintf('Will use data already in memory to save time.\n');
0148         fprintf('If you would rather load the data from the file enter the\n');
0149         fprintf('   following at the Matlab command line: ');
0150         fprintf('>> clear global in_fname\n');
0151     end
0152 else
0153     load(p.Results.in_fname,'-MAT');
0154     in_fname=p.Results.in_fname;
0155     msg=sprintf('Loading file %s into global variables.\n',in_fname);
0156     msg=[msg sprintf('One of these variables, chan_data, may be quite large.\n')];
0157     msg=[msg sprintf('To delete it, enter >> clear global chan_data\n')];
0158     VerbReport(msg,2,VERBLEVEL);
0159 end
0161 % Derive beginning and end time points
0162 if sum(isnan(p.Results.limits)) || isempty(p.Results.limits) || (length(p.Results.limits)~=2)
0163     start_pt=1;
0164     end_pt=length(ep_times);
0165 else
0166     start_pt=find_tpt(p.Results.limits(1),ep_times);
0167     end_pt=find_tpt(p.Results.limits(2),ep_times);
0168 end
0170 %Check to make sure we have the desired sorting variable
0171 got_srtvar=0;
0172 %RT is a special sorting variable, since there may be more than one RT per
0173 %trial
0174 sortby_rt=0;
0175 rt_loaded=0;
0176 if exist('rtmsec','var')
0177    if ~isempty(rtmsec),
0178        rt_loaded=1;
0179        if strcmpi(sort_var,'rtmsec'),
0180            sortby_rt=1;
0181            got_srtvar=1;
0182        end
0183    end
0184 end
0186 %Check for non-RT sorting variables
0187 if ~sortby_rt,
0188     fldnms=fieldnames(ep_info);
0189     possible=[];
0190     desired=['event' sort_var];
0191     for a=1:length(fldnms),
0192         if strcmpi('event',fldnms{a}(1:5)) && ~strcmpi('eventrtmsec',fldnms{a}) && (length(fldnms{a})>5), 
0193             %i.e., it is not "event", note rtmsec sorting variable should
0194             %have been caught above already
0195             cmnd=['isnumeric(ep_info(a).' fldnms{a} ')'];
0196             if (eval(cmnd)),
0197                 if strcmpi(desired,fldnms{a}),
0198                     got_srtvar=1;
0199                     break; %break a loop
0200                 else
0201                     possible=[possible a];
0202                 end
0203             end
0204         end
0205     end
0206 end
0207 if ~got_srtvar,
0208     msg=sprintf('Sorting variable %s is not an option.\nCurrently loaded sorting variables are: ',sort_var);
0209     for a=1:(length(possible)-1),
0210        msg=[msg fldnms{possible(a)}(6:end) ', ']; 
0211     end
0212     msg=[msg fldnms{possible(end)}(6:end)]; %last/penultimate possibility doesn't need comma
0213     if rt_loaded,
0214        msg=[msg ', rtmsec'];  
0215     end
0216     error(msg);
0217 end
0219 %Extract data from specified bins and sorting variable from epoch info
0220 n_ep=length(ep_info);
0221 srt_val=zeros(1,n_ep)*NaN;
0222 %file_id=zeros(1,n_ep); %??DG
0224 %note, srt_val indicates which epochs are to be ignored with NaN values
0225 %erpimage.m automatically ignores epochs with NaN srt_var values
0226 for a=1:n_ep,  
0227     %%%%%%  use a subset of bins  %%%%%%
0228     if ~isempty(p.Results.bins),
0229         got_it=0;
0230         if sortby_rt,
0231             %make sure the RTs are the same for all bins
0232             %preallocate memory
0233             rt_ids=zeros(1,length(p.Results.bins));
0234             rt_ids_ct=0;
0235             for d=p.Results.bins,
0236                 rt_id=find(rtbins{a}==d);
0237                 if ~isempty(rt_id),
0238                     rt_ids_ct=rt_ids_ct+1;
0239                     rt_ids(rt_ids_ct)=rt_id;
0240                 end
0241                 %rt_ids=[rt_ids find(rtbins{a}==d)]; %find all the rts for all the desired bins
0242             end
0243             if rt_ids_ct>0,
0244                 uni_rt=unique(rtmsec{a}(rt_ids(1:rt_ids_ct)));
0245                 if length(uni_rt)>1,
0246                     error(sprintf(['Different bins have different RTs for epoch %d.\n' ...
0247                         'You must specify bins that have the same RTs.'],a));
0248                 else
0249                     srt_val(a)=uni_rt; %get the RT
0250                     got_it=1;
0251                 end
0252             end
0253         else %non-RT sorting variable
0254             for b=p.Results.bins,
0255                 for c=1:length(ep_info(a).eventtype),
0256                     if strcmpi(ep_info(a).eventtype{c},['bin' int2str(b)]), %does this trial fall in a desired bin?
0257                         %c=length(ep_info(a).eventtype); %break c loop
0258                         %b=p.Results.bins(end); %break b loop
0259                         cmnd=['srt_val(a)=ep_info(a).event' p.Results.sort_var ';'];
0260                         eval(cmnd);
0261                         got_it=1;
0262                         break; %break c loop
0263                     end                   
0264                 end
0265                 if got_it,
0266                    break; %break b loop
0267                 end
0268             end
0269         end
0270         if ~got_it, %epoch not a member of desired bin
0271            srt_val(a)=NaN; 
0272         end
0274     %%%%%%  no bins specified, use all bins  %%%%%%
0275     else 
0276         if sortby_rt, 
0277             uni_rt=unique(rtmsec{a});
0278             if length(uni_rt)>1,
0279                 error(sprintf(['Different bins have different RTs for epoch %d.\n' ...
0280                     'You must specify bins that have the same RTs.'],a));
0281             else
0282                 srt_val(a)=uni_rt;
0283             end
0284         else
0285             cmnd=['srt_val(a)=ep_info(a).event' p.Results.sort_var ';'];
0286             eval(cmnd);
0287         end
0288     end
0289 end
0292 %Compile plot title
0293 if isempty(p.Results.title),
0294     %Note, Matlab warning that fig_title might not be used is because Matlab can't figure out that it's used via eval.m
0295     if isempty(p.Results.bins),
0296         if length(eim_bins)==length(bindesc),
0297             fig_title='All Bins';
0298         else
0299             fig_title='Bins: ';
0300             for a=1:(length(eim_bins)-1), %only a subset of bins stored in eim file
0301                 fig_title=[fig_title int2str(eim_bins(a)) ', '];
0302             end
0303             fig_title=[fig_title int2str(eim_bins(end))];
0304         end
0305     elseif length(p.Results.bins)==1,
0306        %one bin, make title bin descriptor
0307        fig_title=['Bin ' int2str(p.Results.bins) ': ' bindesc{p.Results.bins}];
0308     else
0309         fig_title='Bins: ';
0310         for a=1:(length(p.Results.bins)-1),
0311             fig_title=[fig_title int2str(p.Results.bins(a)) ', '];
0312         end
0313         fig_title=[fig_title int2str(p.Results.bins(end))];
0314     end
0315 else
0316    fig_title=p.Results.title; 
0317 end
0319 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0320 %  Compute correlations between sort var and all loaded channels
0321 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0322 VerbReport(' ',2,VERBLEVEL);
0323 VerbReport('Computing and plotting linear correlation between single trials and sorting variable.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0325 n_loc=length(chanlocs);
0326 n_chans=length(chans);
0327 %r=zeros(n_loc,length(ep_times));
0328 r=zeros(n_loc,end_pt-start_pt+1);
0329 rho=r;
0330 ignore_trial=isnan(srt_val);
0331 srt_valCOR=srt_val(ignore_trial==0);
0332 for a=1:n_loc,
0333     for b=1:n_chans,
0334         if strcmpi(chanlocs(a).labels,chans{b}),
0335             %compute correlation
0336             ct_tpt=0;
0337             for t=1:length(ep_times),
0338 %            for t=start_pt:end_pt,
0339                 ct_tpt=ct_tpt+1;
0340                 r(a,ct_tpt)=corr(srt_valCOR',chan_data{b}(t,ignore_trial==0)','type','Pearson');
0341                 rho(a,ct_tpt)=corr(srt_valCOR',chan_data{b}(t,ignore_trial==0)','type','Spearman');
0342             end
0343             break; %leave b loop
0344         end
0345     end
0346 end
0348 VerbReport('Left click on plot of correlations across time to see correlation topography at that point in time.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0349 VerbReport('Vertical solid black line indicates time point correspoding to currently shown topography.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0350 VerbReport(' ',2,VERBLEVEL);
0353 gui_eim_corr('initialize',p.Results.fig_id,r,rho,length(srt_valCOR),chanlocs,ep_times,[ep_times(start_pt) ep_times(end_pt)],sort_var,fig_title);
0354 %timtopo_corr(r,chanlocs,[ep_times(start_pt) ep_times(end_pt) 0 0],NaN,fig_title, ...
0355 %    0,0,['r (EEG vs. ' sort_var ')'],'emarkersize',16);
0356 set(gcf,'name',['EEG vs. ' sort_var ', ' fig_title]);

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