Home > matlabmk > gui_erpimage.m



gui_erpimage() - Starts a GUI for making ERPimages from variables generated


function gui_erpimage(command_str)


 gui_erpimage() - Starts a GUI for making ERPimages from variables generated 
                  by compile_erpimageMK.m.  Relies on the functions
                  plot_erpimageMK, plot_erpimage2chans, and plot_eimcorr. 
  >> gui_erpimage


  >> gui_erpimage(command_str)
 where "command_str" can be:
   'initialize' (to initialize the GUI)
   'load data'  (to load a new primary eim file into the GUI)
   'create ERPimage' (to generate ERPimage(s) using parameters currently
                      showing in GUI)
   'Plot r' (to open a new GUI visualizing the corrlation between EEG and
             a sorting variable)
   'update contrast file' (to update the GUI after a secondary eim file
                           has been loaded)
   'check bins' (to make sure newly selected bins are legal)
   'check chan' (to make sure newly selected channel is legal)
   'check limits' (to make sure newly selected plotting limits are legal)
   'check r_figid' (to make sure newly selected window for correlation GUI is legal)
   'write_hist' (to write the history of commands called to a text file)

 David Groppe
 Kutaslab, 9/2009 

 -Positioning the cursor over GUI buttons and fields will produce brief
 statements explaining what that part of the GUI does


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function gui_erpimage(command_str)
0002 % gui_erpimage() - Starts a GUI for making ERPimages from variables generated
0003 %                  by compile_erpimageMK.m.  Relies on the functions
0004 %                  plot_erpimageMK, plot_erpimage2chans, and plot_eimcorr.
0005 %
0006 % Usage:
0007 %  >> gui_erpimage
0008 %
0009 % or:
0010 %
0011 %  >> gui_erpimage(command_str)
0012 % where "command_str" can be:
0013 %   'initialize' (to initialize the GUI)
0014 %   'load data'  (to load a new primary eim file into the GUI)
0015 %   'create ERPimage' (to generate ERPimage(s) using parameters currently
0016 %                      showing in GUI)
0017 %   'Plot r' (to open a new GUI visualizing the corrlation between EEG and
0018 %             a sorting variable)
0019 %   'update contrast file' (to update the GUI after a secondary eim file
0020 %                           has been loaded)
0021 %   'check bins' (to make sure newly selected bins are legal)
0022 %   'check chan' (to make sure newly selected channel is legal)
0023 %   'check limits' (to make sure newly selected plotting limits are legal)
0024 %   'check r_figid' (to make sure newly selected window for correlation GUI is legal)
0025 %   'write_hist' (to write the history of commands called to a text file)
0026 %
0027 % Author:
0028 % David Groppe
0029 % Kutaslab, 9/2009
0030 %
0031 % Notes:
0032 % -Positioning the cursor over GUI buttons and fields will produce brief
0033 % statements explaining what that part of the GUI does
0034 %
0037 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REVISION LOG %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0038 %
0039 %11/9/09-Options for comparing ERPimages from different bins and files
0040 %added
0041 %
0042 %12/7/09-Input file text boxes are cleared when file dialog box is opened
0043 %(Thanks Priya!).
0044 %
0045 %12/10/09-Revamped contrast ERPimage paramter call backs.  For example, now
0046 %selecting 'None' deactivates all parameters
0048 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% POSSIBLE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0049 %-Clear MK_HIST when initialized?  This would make command history specific to
0050 %this session of the GUI.
0051 %
0052 %-Add error check to gui_erpimage to make sure arguments aren't being
0053 %passed to plot_erpimages that it can't handle?  Right now it just
0054 %warns you if you use any "Other:" arguments.
0055 %
0056 %-When comparing ERPimages at two channels highlight second channel on topo?
0057 %
0058 %-When aligning to sorting variable, the original epoch time limits are
0059 %used.  Thus, you see very little before the sorting variable.  This needs
0060 %to be fixed in erpimage.m and gui_erpimage.m needs to be modified to allow
0061 %broader time limits to make this possible
0063 %%%%%%%%%%%%%% FUNCTION OUTLINE  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0064 % I. Find GUI if already created
0065 % II. Create GUI if not created
0066 %   II.a Top part of GUI: primary input file
0067 %   II.b Left part of GUI: basic parameters
0068 %   II.c Additional parameters
0069 %   II.d Options for comparing 2 ERPimages
0070 %   II.e Bottom part of GUI: Command buttons (e.g., Cancel, Create ERPimage)
0071 % III. Load Data
0072 % IV. Create ERPimage/Plot correlations
0073 % V. Check Bins
0074 % VI. Check Chan
0075 % VII. Check Limits
0076 % VIII. Check r_figid
0077 % IX. Write hist
0078 % X. Update Contrast File
0079 % XI. Deactivate comparison
0080 %
0081 % Helper sub-function:
0082 % str2lowcase.m
0085 global MK_HIST
0087 if nargin == 0
0088     command_str = 'initialize';
0089 end
0091 %% I. Find GUI if already created
0092 if ~strcmpi(command_str,'initialize')
0093     h_fig = gcf;
0094     if ~strcmp(get(h_fig,'tag'),'gui_erpimage')
0095         % If the current figure does not have the right
0096         % tag, find the one that does.
0097         h_figs = get(0,'children');
0098         h_fig = findobj(h_figs,'flat',...
0099             'tag','gui_erpimage');
0100         if isempty(h_fig)
0101             % If gui_erpimage does not exist
0102             % initialize it. Then run the command string
0103             % that was originally requested.
0104             gui_erpimage('initialize');
0105             gui_erpimage(command_str);
0106             return;
0107         end
0108     end
0110     % At this point we know that h_fig is the handle
0111     % to the figure containing the GUI of interest to
0112     % this function.  Therefore we can use this figure
0113     % handle to cut down on the number of objects
0114     % that need to be searched for tag names as follows:
0116     dat_tmp=get(gcf,'userdata');
0117     h_avewidth=dat_tmp.h_avewidth;
0118     h_topo=dat_tmp.h_topo;
0119     h_chan=dat_tmp.h_chan;
0120     h_bins=dat_tmp.h_bins;
0121     h_bins2=dat_tmp.h_bins2;
0122     h_in_fname=dat_tmp.h_in_fname;
0123     h_in_fnameB=dat_tmp.h_in_fnameB;
0124     h_sort_var=dat_tmp.h_sort_var;
0125     h_avewidth=dat_tmp.h_avewidth;
0126     h_erps=dat_tmp.h_erps;
0127     h_plotsvar=dat_tmp.h_plotsvar;
0128     h_alignsvar=dat_tmp.h_alignsvar;
0129     h_plothead=dat_tmp.h_plothead;
0130     h_figid=dat_tmp.h_figid;
0131     h_r_figid=dat_tmp.h_r_figid;
0132     h_title=dat_tmp.h_title;
0133     h_splithalf=dat_tmp.h_splithalf;
0134     h_timerange=dat_tmp.h_timerange;
0135     h_erprange=dat_tmp.h_erprange;
0136     h_eimrange=dat_tmp.h_eimrange;
0137     h_decimate=dat_tmp.h_decimate;
0138     h_marktrials=dat_tmp.h_marktrials;
0139     h_marktimes=dat_tmp.h_marktimes;
0140     h_create=dat_tmp.h_create;
0141     h_other=dat_tmp.h_other;
0142     h_cmprchan=dat_tmp.h_cmprchan;
0143 end
0146 %% II. Create GUI if not created
0147 if strcmp(command_str,'initialize')
0148     % Make sure that the GUI has not been already
0149     % initialized in another existing figure.
0152     h_figs = get(0,'children');
0153     h_fig = findobj(h_figs,'flat',...
0154         'tag','gui_erpimage');
0155     if ~isempty(h_fig)
0156         figure(h_fig(1));
0157         return
0158     end
0160     h_fig = figure('name','ERPimage GUI','tag','gui_erpimage', ...
0161         'MenuBar','none');
0162     pos=get(h_fig,'position');
0163     set(h_fig,'position',[pos(1:2) 660 520]);
0165     clear dat_tmp;
0167     %Minimal temporary chanlocs
0168     dat_tmp.chanlocs(1).theta=0;
0169     dat_tmp.chanlocs(1).radius=0.5;
0170     dat_tmp.chanlocs(1).labels='MiPf';
0171     dat_tmp.chanlocs(1).sph_theta=0;
0172     dat_tmp.chanlocs(1).sph_phi=0;
0173     dat_tmp.chanlocs(1).X=1;
0174     dat_tmp.chanlocs(1).Y=0;
0175     dat_tmp.chanlocs(1).Z=0;
0176     dat_tmp.chanlocs(1).urchan=3;
0177     dat_tmp.chanlocs(1).sph_radius=[];
0178     dat_tmp.chanlocs(1).type=[];
0180     dat_tmp.chanlocs(2).theta=0;
0181     dat_tmp.chanlocs(2).radius=0;
0182     dat_tmp.chanlocs(2).labels='MiCe';
0183     dat_tmp.chanlocs(2).sph_theta=0;
0184     dat_tmp.chanlocs(2).sph_phi=90;
0185     dat_tmp.chanlocs(2).X=6.1232e-17;
0186     dat_tmp.chanlocs(2).Y=0;
0187     dat_tmp.chanlocs(2).Z=1;
0188     dat_tmp.chanlocs(2).urchan=16;
0189     dat_tmp.chanlocs(2).sph_radius=[];
0190     dat_tmp.chanlocs(2).type=[];
0192     dat_tmp.chanlocs(3).theta=180;
0193     dat_tmp.chanlocs(3).radius=0.5;
0194     dat_tmp.chanlocs(3).labels='MiOc';
0195     dat_tmp.chanlocs(3).sph_theta=-180;
0196     dat_tmp.chanlocs(3).sph_phi=0;
0197     dat_tmp.chanlocs(3).X=-1;
0198     dat_tmp.chanlocs(3).Y=-1.2246e-16;
0199     dat_tmp.chanlocs(3).Z=0;
0200     dat_tmp.chanlocs(3).urchan=28;
0201     dat_tmp.chanlocs(3).sph_radius=[];
0202     dat_tmp.chanlocs(3).type=[];
0205     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0206     %%% II.a Top part of GUI: INPUT FILE %%%
0207     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0208     % Frame
0209     h_frame_top = uicontrol(h_fig,...
0210         'Units','normalized', ...
0211         'Position',[ 0 0.9 1 0.3 ],...
0212         'Style','frame');
0213     frm_col=get(h_frame_top,'backgroundcolor');
0215     % Create input filename browse button
0216     h_in_fnameB=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0217         'CallBack',['h_in_fname=findobj(gcf,''tag'',''in_fname'');' ...
0218         '[in_fname, in_pathname]=uigetfile(''*.eim'',''Select ERPimage .eim data file'');' ...
0219         'if in_fname, ', ...
0220         'set(h_in_fname,''string'',[in_pathname in_fname]);' ...
0221         'gui_erpimage(''load data''); end;'], ...
0222         'Units','normalized', ...
0223         'Position',[ 0.03 0.92 0.15 0.06 ],...
0224         'String','Input File',...
0225         'ToolTipString','Click to find *.eim file containing EEG and sorting variables', ...
0226         'Style','pushbutton');
0228     % Create input filename menu
0229     h_in_fname=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0230         'CallBack','gui_erpimage(''load data'');',...
0231         'Units','normalized', ...
0232         'Position',[ 0.18 0.92 0.8 0.06 ], ...
0233         'String','None', ...
0234         'Style','edit', ...
0235         'Enable','on', ...
0236         'BackGroundColor','w', ...
0237         'Tag','in_fname');
0238     align([h_in_fnameB h_in_fname],'VerticalAlignment','center');
0240     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0241     %%% II.b Left part of GUI: basic parameters %%%
0242     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0243     h_panel_left=uipanel(h_fig,...
0244         'Units','normalized', ...
0245         'Position',[ 0 0 .255 0.9 ],...
0246         'shadowcolor','k', ...
0247         'highlightcolor',frm_col, ...
0248         'foregroundcolor',frm_col, ...
0249         'backgroundcolor',frm_col);
0251     % Title
0252     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0253         'Units','normalized', ...
0254         'Position',[ 0.048 0.82 0.16 0.07 ],...
0255         'String','Basic Parameters',...
0256         'FontWeight','bold', ...
0257         'Style','text');
0259     %%% CHANNEL
0260     % Create channel menu button
0261     h_chanB=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0262         'CallBack',['dat_tmp=get(gcf,''UserData'');' ...
0263         'if isempty(dat_tmp.chans)' ...
0264         '   errordlg(''No channels loaded'');' ...
0265         'else' ...
0266         '   [tmps,ok] = listdlg(''PromptString'', ''Select Channel'', ''SelectionMode'',''single'',''ListString'', dat_tmp.chans);' ...
0267         '   if ok' ...
0268         '       set(dat_tmp.h_chan, ''string'', dat_tmp.chans{tmps});' ...
0269         '       gui_erpimage(''check chan'');' ...
0270         '   end;' ...
0271         'end;' ...
0272         'clear tmps ok;'], ...
0273         'Units','normalized', ...
0274         'Position',[ 0.068 0.79 0.12 0.05 ],...
0275         'String','Channel',...
0276         'Style','pushbutton', ...
0277         'enable','off', ...
0278         'ToolTipString',sprintf('Click button for list of loaded channels.\nClick electrodes on cartoon head to see electrode name.\nGray electrodes are not loaded in memory.'),...
0279         'horizontalalignment','center', ...
0280         'tag','chanB');
0282     % Create an axes for a topoplot
0283     h_topo=axes('position',[0.01 .56 .235 .23],'box','off');
0284     warning('off'); %suppress topoplot warning for plotting uniform data
0285     topoplotMK(zeros(31,1),dat_tmp.chanlocs,'ecolor',[1 1 1]*.7, ...
0286         'emarkersize',12, ...
0287         'headcolor',[1 1 1]*.5);
0288     warning('on');
0289     set(h_topo,'color',frm_col); %this doesn't appear to have any effect
0290     set(h_fig,'color',frm_col); %this doesn't appear to have any effect
0293     % Create channel text box
0294     h_chan=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0295         'CallBack','gui_erpimage(''check chan'');',...
0296         'Units','normalized', ...
0297         'Position',[ 0.0425 0.49 0.17 0.07 ],...
0298         'String','Not Specified',...
0299         'Style','edit', ...
0300         'enable','off', ...
0301         'horizontalalignment','center', ...
0302         'tag','chan');
0305     %%% SORTVAR
0306     % Text
0307     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0308         'Units','normalized', ...
0309         'Position',[ 0.043 0.38 0.17 0.07 ],...
0310         'String','Sorting Variable',...
0311         'ToolTipString','Variable according to which the single trials will be sorted.', ... 
0312         'Style','text');
0313     % Create sortvar browse button
0314     h_sort_var=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0315         'CallBack',[],...
0316         'Units','normalized', ...
0317         'Position',[ 0.015 0.34 0.225 0.07 ],...
0318         'String','Sorting Variable',...
0319         'Style','popup', ...
0320         'enable','off', ...
0321         'ToolTipString','Variable according to which the single trials will be sorted.', ... 
0322         'tag','sort_var');
0325     %%% BIN(S)
0326     % Button for menu
0327     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0328         'CallBack',['dat_tmp=get(gcf,''UserData'');' ...
0329         'if isempty(dat_tmp.eim_bins)' ...
0330         '   errordlg(''No data loaded'');' ...
0331         'else' ...
0332         '   ct=0; str=cell(1,length(dat_tmp.eim_bins)); for a=dat_tmp.eim_bins, ct=ct+1; str{ct}=[num2str(a) '': '' dat_tmp.bindesc{a}]; end;' ...
0333         '   [tmps,ok] = listdlg(''PromptString'', ''Select Bin'',''SelectionMode'',''multiple'',''ListString'',str);' ...
0334         '   if ok' ...
0335         '       curr_str=get(dat_tmp.h_bins,''string'');' ...
0336         '       if strcmpi(curr_str,''All''), curr_str=[]; end;' ...
0337         '       new_str=[curr_str '' '' num2str(dat_tmp.eim_bins(tmps))];' ...
0338         '       new_str=num2str(unique(str2num(new_str)));' ...
0339         '       set(dat_tmp.h_bins, ''string'',new_str);' ...
0340         '   end;' ...
0341         'end;' ...
0342         'clear tmps ok;'], ...
0343         'Units','normalized', ...
0344         'Position',[ 0.0775 0.27 0.10 0.05 ],...
0345         'String','Bin(s)',...
0346         'Style','pushbutton', ...
0347         'enable','off', ...
0348          'ToolTipString','Click for list of loaded bins.',...
0349         'tag','binsB');
0350     % Bins edit box
0351     h_bins=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0352         'CallBack','gui_erpimage(''check bins'');', ...
0353         'Units','normalized', ...
0354         'Position',[ 0.015 0.21 0.225 0.06 ],...
0355         'String','All',...
0356         'Style','edit', ...
0357         'enable','off', ...
0358         'tag','bins');
0361     %%% SMOOTHING
0362     % Create textbox for smoothing Gaussian
0363     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0364         'Units','normalized', ...
0365         'Position',[ 0.015 0.10 0.225 0.07 ],...
0366         'String','Smoothing Factor(trials/stdev)',...
0367         'ToolTipString',sprintf(['Width of Gaussian-weighted vertical moving average.\n' ...
0368         'Larger numbers produce greater smoothing (0=no smoothing).']), ...
0369         'Style','text');
0370     h_avewidth=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0371         'CallBack',[],...
0372         'Units','normalized', ...
0373         'Position',[ 0.0775 0.035 0.1 0.07 ],...
0374         'String','0',...
0375         'Style','edit', ...
0376         'enable','off', ...
0377         'tag','avewidth');
0380     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0381     %%% II.c Additional parameters %%%
0382     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0383     % Frame
0384     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0385         'Units','normalized', ...
0386         'Position',[ 0.253 0.235 .747 0.665 ],...
0387         'Style','frame');
0388     % Frame Title
0389     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0390         'Units','normalized', ...
0391         'Position',[ 0.4975 0.82 0.26 0.07 ],...
0392         'String','Additional Parameters',...
0393         'FontWeight','bold', ...
0394         'Style','text');
0396     %%% ERPIMAGE TITLE
0397     %Text
0398     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0399         'Units','normalized', ...
0400         'Position',[ 0.28 0.76 0.08 0.06 ],...
0401         'String','Title:',...
0402         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0403         'ToolTipString','Title of ERPimage that will be created. Default is channel name and bin descriptors.', ...
0404         'Style','text');
0405     %Edit Box
0406     h_title=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0407         'Units','normalized', ...
0408         'Position',[ 0.33 0.78 0.65 0.06 ],...
0409         'String','Default', ...
0410         'Style','edit', ...
0411         'enable','off', ...
0412         'tag','eim_title');
0415     %Text
0416     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0417         'Units','normalized', ...
0418         'Position',[ 0.28 0.69 0.10 0.06 ],...
0419         'String','Figure #:',...
0420         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0421         'ToolTipString','The number of the figure window in which the ERPimage will be created.', ...
0422         'Style','text');
0423     %Edit Box
0424     h_figid=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0425         'Units','normalized', ...
0426         'Position',[ 0.365 0.71 0.16 0.06 ],...
0427         'String','New Window', ...
0428         'Style','edit', ...
0429         'enable','off', ...
0430         'tag','figid');
0432     %%% PLOT ERPs
0433     %Text
0434     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0435         'Units','normalized', ...
0436         'Position',[ 0.28 0.625 0.07 0.06 ],...
0437         'String','ERP(s):',...
0438         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0439         'ToolTipString','Number of ERPs to plot under the ERPimage. Multiple ERPs are produced by splitting trials into equal portions.', ...
0440         'Style','text');
0441     %Pop-Up Menu
0442     h_erps=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0443         'Units','normalized', ...
0444         'Position',[ 0.35 0.627 0.1 0.06 ],...
0445         'String',[0:4],...
0446         'Value',2, ...
0447         'Style','popup', ...
0448         'enable','off', ...
0449         'tag','erps');
0451     %%% ERP range
0452     %Text
0453     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0454         'Units','normalized', ...
0455         'Position',[ 0.28 0.57 0.16 0.06 ],...
0456         'String','ERP Range in uV (Min Max):',...
0457         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0458         'ToolTipString','uV range for ERP(s). Default is min and max ERP voltage.', ...
0459         'Style','text');
0460     %Edit Box
0461     h_erprange=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0462         'CallBack','gui_erpimage(''check limits'');',...
0463         'Units','normalized', ...
0464         'Position',[ 0.445 0.575 0.16 0.06 ],...
0465         'String','No Data', ...
0466         'Style','edit', ...
0467         'enable','off', ...
0468         'tag','erprange');
0470     %%% ERPimage uV range
0471     %Text
0472     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0473         'Units','normalized', ...
0474         'Position',[ 0.28 0.45 0.16 0.1 ],...
0475         'String','ERPimage uV Range (Min Max):',...
0476         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0477         'ToolTipString','ERPimage colorbar uV range. Default is -/+ max(abs(voltage in entire ERPimage)).', ...
0478         'Style','text');
0479     %Edit Box
0480     h_eimrange=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0481         'CallBack','gui_erpimage(''check limits'');',...
0482         'Units','normalized', ...
0483         'Position',[ 0.445 0.49 0.16 0.06 ],...
0484         'String','No Data', ...
0485         'Style','edit', ...
0486         'enable','off', ...
0487         'tag','eimrange');  
0489     %%% TIME RANGE
0490     %Text
0491     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0492         'Units','normalized', ...
0493         'Position',[ 0.28 0.40 0.16 0.065 ],...
0494         'String','Time Range in msec (Min Max):',...
0495         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0496         'ToolTipString','Time range to image.  Default is min and max time points.', ...
0497         'Style','text');
0498     %Edit Box
0499     h_timerange=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0500         'CallBack','gui_erpimage(''check limits'');',...
0501         'Units','normalized', ...
0502         'Position',[ 0.445 0.405 0.16 0.06 ],...
0503         'String','No Data', ...
0504         'Style','edit', ...
0505         'enable','off', ...
0506         'tag','timerange');
0509     %%% MARK TRIALS
0510     %Text
0511     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0512         'Units','normalized', ...
0513         'Position',[ 0.28 0.305 0.12 0.06 ],...
0514         'String','Mark Trials:',...
0515         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0516         'ToolTipString','Add horizontal blue line(s) at this/these trial number(s).', ...
0517         'Style','text');
0518     %Edit box
0519     h_marktrials=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0520         'Units','normalized', ...
0521         'Position',[ 0.39 0.325 0.16 0.06 ],...
0522         'String','None', ...
0523         'Style','edit', ...
0524         'enable','off', ...
0525         'tag','marktrials');
0527     %%% Other Options
0528     %Text
0529     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0530         'Units','normalized', ...
0531         'Position',[ 0.28 0.245 0.08 0.05 ],...
0532         'String','Other:',...
0533         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0534         'ToolTipString','ERPimage arguments not listed can be specified here (press Help for a list of options).', ...
0535         'Style','text');
0536     %Edit Box
0537     h_other=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0538         'Units','normalized', ...
0539         'Position',[ 0.35 0.25 0.63 0.06 ],...
0540         'String',[], ...
0541         'Style','edit', ...
0542         'BackGroundColor','w', ...
0543         'enable','off', ...
0544         'tag','other_opts');
0547     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0548     % Second Column of Additional Parameters %
0549     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0552     %Text
0553     temp=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0554         'Units','normalized', ...
0555         'Position',[ 0.65 0.663 0.2 0.09],...
0556         'String','Trial Decimation Factor:',...
0557         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0558         'ToolTipString','Use less than the full number of trials (e.g., 2=use every other trial).', ... 
0559         'Style','text');
0560     %Edit Box
0561     h_decimate=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0562         'Units','normalized', ...
0563         'Position',[ 0.86 0.71 0.1 0.06 ],...
0564         'String','0', ...
0565         'Style','edit', ...
0566         'enable','off', ...
0567         'tag','decimate');
0569     %%% PLOT CARTOON HEAD
0570     h_plothead=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0571         'Units','normalized', ...
0572         'Position',[ 0.65 0.65 0.25 0.06 ],...
0573         'String','Show Cartoon Head',...
0574         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0575         'Style','radiobutton', ...
0576         'Value',1, ...
0577         'enable','off', ...
0578         'ToolTipString','Add cartoon head indicating electrode position to ERPimage.', ... 
0579         'tag','plothead');
0582     h_plotsvar=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0583         'Units','normalized', ...
0584         'Position',[ 0.65 0.59 0.2 0.06 ],...
0585         'String','Show Sort Var',...
0586         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0587         'Style','radiobutton', ...
0588         'Value',1, ...
0589         'enable','off', ...
0590         'ToolTipString','Plot sorting variable value on top of ERPimage.', ...
0591         'tag','plotsvar');
0594     h_alignsvar=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0595         'Units','normalized', ...
0596         'Position',[ 0.65 0.54 0.28 0.06 ],...
0597         'String',sprintf('Align to Sorting Variable'),...
0598         'Style','radiobutton', ...
0599         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0600         'Value',0, ...
0601         'ToolTipString','Align trials to sorting variable instead of event onset.', ...
0602         'enable','off', ...
0603         'tag','alignsvar');
0605     %%% SORTVAR RANGE
0606     %Text
0607     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0608         'Units','normalized', ...
0609         'Position',[ 0.65 0.44 0.16 0.09 ],...
0610         'String','Sorting Var Range (Min Max):',...
0611         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0612         'ToolTipString','Range (in units of sorting variable to image and make ERPs from. Only works if sorting trials by sorting variable (e.g., it won''t work if you sort by phase). Default is min and max of sorting variable (after smoothing).', ...
0613         'Style','text');
0614     %Edit Box
0615     h_sortvarrange=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0616         'CallBack','gui_erpimage(''check limits'');',...
0617         'Units','normalized', ...
0618         'Position',[ 0.82 0.475 0.16 0.06 ],...
0619         'String','No Data', ...
0620         'Style','edit', ...
0621         'enable','off', ...
0622         'tag','sortvarrange');
0623     %Button to show cumuative distribution of sort var
0624     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0625         'CallBack',['tmp=get(gcf,''userdata''); svars=get(tmp.h_sort_var,''string'');' ...
0626         'id=get(tmp.h_sort_var,''value''); gui_svar_cdf(''initialize'',get(tmp.h_in_fname,''string''),svars{id},get(tmp.h_bins,''string''),1);'],...
0627         'Units','normalized', ...
0628         'Position',[ 0.67 0.405 0.29 0.065 ],...
0629         'String','Sorting Var Distribution',...
0630         'Tag','plot_sort_var', ...
0631         'Enable','off', ...
0632         'ToolTipString','Create GUI to explore sorting variable''s cumulative distribution. Useful for picking a range of sorting variable values to image.  Only trials falling into the bins specified under "Basic Parameters" are considered.', ...
0633         'Style','pushbutton');
0635     %%% MARK TIMES
0636     %Text
0637     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0638         'Units','normalized', ...
0639         'Position',[ 0.65 0.32 0.12 0.06 ],...
0640         'String','Mark Times (in msec):',...
0641         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0642         'ToolTipString','Add vertical dashed line(s) at this/these time(s).', ...
0643         'Style','text');
0644     %Edit box
0645     h_marktimes=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0646         'Units','normalized', ...
0647         'Position',[ 0.76 0.325 0.16 0.06 ],...
0648         'String','None', ...
0649         'Style','edit', ...
0650         'enable','off', ...
0651         'tag','marktimes');
0654     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0655     %%% II.d Options for comparing 2 ERPimages %%%
0656     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0657     % Frame
0658     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0659         'Units','normalized', ...
0660         'Position',[ 0.253 0.09 .747 0.145],...
0661         'Style','frame');
0662     % Frame Title
0663     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0664         'Units','normalized', ...
0665         'Position',[ 0.4975 0.17 0.26 0.06 ],...
0666         'String','Compare ERPimages',...
0667         'FontWeight','bold', ...
0668         'Style','text');
0671     h_splithalf=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0672         'Units','normalized', ...
0673         'CallBack','gui_erpimage(''deactivate compare'');', ...
0674         'Position',[ 0.27 0.17 0.15 0.06 ],...
0675         'String','Split Half',...
0676         'Style','radiobutton', ...
0677         'Value',0, ...
0678         'enable','off', ...
0679         'ToolTipString','Create two ERPimages from even and odd trials (useful for getting a sense of reliability).', ...
0680         'HorizontalAlignment','left', ...
0681         'tag','splithalf');
0683     %%% Compare primary channel to another channel
0684     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0685         'Units','normalized', ...
0686         'Position',[ 0.27 0.108 0.15 0.03 ],...
0687         'String','Channel',...
0688         'Style','text', ...
0689         'ToolTipString','Compare ERPimages from primary channel and this secondary channel. "None" deactivates comparing ERPimages.', ...
0690         'HorizontalAlignment','left');
0691     %Pop-up menu
0692     h_cmprchan=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0693         'CallBack',['tmp=get(gcf,''userdata'');', ... 
0694         'if (get(tmp.h_cmprchan,''value'')~=length(get(tmp.h_cmprchan,''string''))), ' ...
0695         ' set(tmp.h_splithalf,''value'',0);', ... 
0696         ' gui_erpimage(''check bins'');', ...
0697         'else, ', ... '
0698         ' gui_erpimage(''deactivate compare''); ' ...
0699         'end;'], ... 
0700         'Units','normalized', ...
0701         'Position',[ 0.345 0.11 0.15 0.03 ], ...
0702         'String','None', ...
0703         'Style','popup', ...
0704         'enable','off', ...
0705         'ToolTipString','Compare ERPimages from primary channel and this secondary channel. "None" deactivates comparing ERPimages.', ...
0706         'tag','cmprchan');
0708     %%% Get contrasting data from another file
0709     % Create secondary input filename browse button
0710     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0711         'CallBack',['h_in_fname2=findobj(gcf,''tag'',''in_fname2''); ', ...
0712         '[in_fname2, in_pathname2]=uigetfile(''*.eim'',''Select ERPimage .eim data file'');', ...
0713         'if in_fname2, ', ...
0714         'set(h_in_fname2,''string'',[in_pathname2 in_fname2]);', ...
0715         'tmp=get(gcf,''UserData'');', ...
0716         'set(tmp.h_splithalf,''value'',0);', ... 
0717         'gui_erpimage(''update contrast file'');', ...
0718         'gui_erpimage(''check bins''); end;'], ...
0719         'Units','normalized', ...
0720         'Position',[ 0.5675 0.15 0.12 0.05 ],...
0721         'String','Input File',...
0722         'Enable','off', ...
0723         'ToolTipString','Click to find secondary *.eim file containing EEG and sorting variables', ...
0724         'Style','pushbutton');    
0725     % Create input filename menu
0726     h_in_fname2=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0727         'Units','normalized', ...
0728         'CallBack','gui_erpimage(''update contrast file'');', ...
0729         'Position',[ 0.5125 0.10 0.23 0.05 ],...
0730         'String','None', ...
0731         'Style','edit', ...
0732         'Enable','off', ...
0733         'ToolTipString',['Secondary *.eim file to contrast with primary *.eim file.  "None" deactivates comparing ERPimages.' 10 '"Primary File" means that all data come from primary ERPimage file.'], ...
0734         'Tag','in_fname2');
0737     %%% Compare primary bin(s) to (an)other bin(s)
0738     % Button for menu
0739     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0740         'CallBack',['dat_tmp=get(gcf,''UserData'');' ...
0741         'if isempty(dat_tmp.eim_bins2)' ...
0742         '   errordlg(''No secondary bins loaded'');' ...
0743         'else' ...
0744         '   ct=1; str=cell(1,length(dat_tmp.eim_bins2)+1); str{1}=''None''; for a=dat_tmp.eim_bins2, ct=ct+1; str{ct}=[num2str(a) '': '' dat_tmp.bindesc2{a}]; end;' ...
0745         '   [tmps,ok] = listdlg(''PromptString'', ''Select Bin'',''SelectionMode'',''multiple'',''ListString'',str);' ...
0746         '   if ok' ...
0747         '       curr_str=get(dat_tmp.h_bins2,''string'');' ...
0748         '       if strcmpi(curr_str,''None''), curr_str=[]; end;' ...
0749         '       if strcmpi(curr_str,''All''), curr_str=num2str(dat_tmp.eim_bins2); end;' ...
0750         '       if (tmps==1), ', ...
0751         '         gui_erpimage(''deactivate compare''); ', ...
0752         '       else, new_str=[curr_str '' '' num2str(dat_tmp.eim_bins2(setdiff(tmps-1,0)))];' ...
0753         '         new_str=num2str(unique(str2num(new_str))); ', ...
0754         '         set(dat_tmp.h_bins2,''string'',new_str);', ...
0755         '         set(dat_tmp.h_splithalf,''value'',0);', ...
0756         '         gui_erpimage(''check bins'');', ...
0757         '       end;' ...
0758         '   end;' ...
0759         '   clear tmps ok;', ...
0760         'end;'], ...
0761         'Units','normalized', ...
0762         'Position',[ 0.83 0.15 0.10 0.05 ],...
0763         'String','Bin(s)',...
0764         'Style','pushbutton', ...
0765         'enable','off', ...
0766         'ToolTipString','Click for list of possible bins. "None" deactivates comparing ERPimages.',...
0767         'tag','binsB');
0768     % Bins edit box
0769     h_bins2=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0770         'CallBack',['tmp=get(gcf,''userdata''); ', ...
0771         'if strcmpi(get(tmp.h_bins2,''string''),''None''), ', ...
0772         '  gui_erpimage(''deactivate compare''); ', ...
0773         'else, gui_erpimage(''check bins''); end; ', ...
0774         'set(tmp.h_splithalf,''value'',0);'], ...
0775         'Units','normalized', ...
0776         'Position',[ 0.765 0.10 0.22 0.05 ],...
0777         'String','None',...
0778         'Style','edit', ...
0779         'enable','off', ...
0780         'ToolTipString','Bin(s) to contrast with the bin(s) listed under "Basic Parameters". "None" deactivates comparing ERPimages.',...
0781         'tag','bins');
0784     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0785     %%% II.e Bottom part of GUI: Command buttons (e.g., Cancel, Create %%%
0786     %%% ERPimage)                                                      %%%
0787     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0788     % Frame
0789     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0790         'Style','frame',...
0791         'Units','normalized', ...
0792         'Position',[ 0.253 0.001 .747 0.09 ]);
0795     % Button to save command history
0796     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0797         'CallBack','gui_erpimage(''write_hist'');', ...
0798         'Units','normalized', ...
0799         'Position',[ 0.465 0.01 0.10 0.07 ],...
0800         'String','History',...
0801         'Enable','off', ...
0802         'Tag','history', ...
0803         'ToolTipString','Write this session''s history of commands to a text file. Useful for creating scripts.', ... 
0804         'Style','pushbutton');
0806     % Button to close GUI
0807     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0808         'CallBack','close(gcf);',...
0809         'Units','normalized', ...
0810         'Position',[ 0.258 0.01 0.10 0.07 ],...
0811         'String','Cancel',...
0812         'Tag','cancel', ...
0813         'ToolTipString','Close GUI', ... 
0814         'backgroundcolor','m', ...
0815         'Style','pushbutton');
0817     dat_tmp.help_msg=sprintf(['Hold mouse cursor over a GUI control for an explanation of what it does.\n\n', ...
0818         'Click on electrodes in scalp topography to see electrode name.\n\n', ...
0819         'This GUI creates ERPimages to visualize the relationship between the EEG at an electrode and some other experimental variable.  ' ... 
0820         'See MatlabMK and EEGLAB documentation for further help.\n\n', ...
0821         'Type ''help plot_erpimageMK'' to see a full list of optional ERPimage options.\n\n' ...
0822         'This GUI was produced by gui_erpimage.m']);
0824     % Button to get help
0825     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0826         'CallBack','dat=get(gcf,''userdata''); helpdlg(dat.help_msg,''ERPimage GUI Help'');', ...
0827         'Units','normalized', ...
0828         'Position',[ 0.36 0.01 0.10 0.07 ],...
0829         'String','Help',...
0830         'Tag','help', ...
0831         'ToolTipString','GUI/ERPimage help window', ...
0832         'Style','pushbutton');
0834     % Button to plot correlations at all channels
0835     uicontrol(h_fig,...
0836         'CallBack','gui_erpimage(''Plot r'');',...
0837         'Units','normalized', ...
0838         'Position',[ 0.57 0.01 0.10 0.07 ],...
0839         'String','Plot r',...
0840         'Tag','plot_r', ...
0841         'enable','off', ...
0842         'ToolTipString',sprintf(['Plot correlation between sorting variable and EEG at all channels.\n', ...
0843         'Useful for identifying interesting channels to ERPimage.']), ...
0844         'Style','pushbutton');
0845     %Edit Textbox for correlation figure window
0846     h_r_figid=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0847         'CallBack','gui_erpimage(''Check r_figid'');',...
0848         'Units','normalized', ...
0849         'Position',[ 0.67 0.02 0.08 0.055 ],...
0850         'String','New', ...
0851         'Style','edit', ...
0852         'enable','off', ...
0853         'ToolTipString',sprintf(['# of Matlab window in which correlations will be plotted after ' ...
0854         'pressing "Plot r" button.\n"New" means a new window will be created.']), ...
0855         'tag','r_figid');
0857     % Button to create ERPimage
0858     h_create=uicontrol(h_fig,...
0859         'CallBack','gui_erpimage(''Create ERPimage'');',...
0860         'Units','normalized', ...
0861         'Position',[ 0.76 0.01 0.23 0.07 ],...
0862         'String','Create ERPimage',...
0863         'tag','create', ...
0864         'enable','off', ...
0865         'ToolTipString','Once parameters have been chosen, press this button to create the ERPimage.', ...
0866         'Style','pushbutton');
0868     dat_tmp.h_avewidth=h_avewidth; % ERPimage smothing factor
0869     dat_tmp.h_topo=h_topo; % topography axis
0870     dat_tmp.h_chan=h_chan; % primary channel text box
0871     dat_tmp.h_in_fname=h_in_fname; % primary filename
0872     dat_tmp.h_in_fnameB=h_in_fnameB; % filename button
0873     dat_tmp.h_in_fname2=h_in_fname2; % secondary filename
0874     dat_tmp.h_sort_var=h_sort_var; % sorting variable menu
0875     dat_tmp.h_bins=h_bins; % primary bin text box
0876     dat_tmp.h_bins2=h_bins2; % secondary bin text box
0877     dat_tmp.h_erps=h_erps; % number of ERPs to plot text bos
0878     dat_tmp.h_plotsvar=h_plotsvar; % show sortvar button
0879     dat_tmp.h_plothead=h_plothead; % show cartoon head button
0880     dat_tmp.h_alignsvar=h_alignsvar; % align to sorting variable button
0881     dat_tmp.h_title=h_title; % title textbox
0882     dat_tmp.h_figid=h_figid; % MATLAB figure ID # text box for ERPimage
0883     dat_tmp.h_r_figid=h_r_figid; % MATLAB figure ID # text box for correlation
0884     dat_tmp.h_splithalf=h_splithalf; % split half button
0885     dat_tmp.h_timerange=h_timerange; % time range text box
0886     dat_tmp.h_erprange=h_erprange; % erp range text box
0887     dat_tmp.h_decimate=h_decimate; % decimate text box
0888     dat_tmp.h_marktrials=h_marktrials; % mark trials text box
0889     dat_tmp.h_marktimes=h_marktimes; % mark times text box
0890     dat_tmp.h_create=h_create;
0891     dat_tmp.h_other=h_other; % other ERPimage commands text box
0892     dat_tmp.h_cmprchan=h_cmprchan; % secondary channel menu
0893     dat_tmp.h_sortvarrange=h_sortvarrange; % sorting variable range text box
0894     dat_tmp.h_eimrange=h_eimrange; % ERPimage range text box
0895     dat_tmp.chans=[]; % channels included in primary eim file
0896     dat_tmp.eim_bins=[]; % bins included in primary eim file
0897     dat_tmp.ep_times=[]; % times of data in primary eim file
0898     set(gcf,'userdata',dat_tmp);
0900 elseif strcmpi(command_str,'load data'),
0901     %% III. Load Data
0904     %grab existing file in memory
0905     try
0906         loaded=1;
0907         in_fname=get(h_in_fname,'string');
0908         fprintf('Loading ERPimage data from %s.\n',in_fname);
0909         load(in_fname,'-MAT');
0910     catch
0911         loaded=0;
0912         %disable GUI
0913         for a=get(gcf,'children')',
0914             f=fieldnames(set(a));
0915             for b=1:length(f),
0916                 if strcmpi(f{b},'Callback') && ~strcmpi('cancel',get(a,'Tag')) && ...
0917                         ~strcmpi('help',get(a,'Tag'))
0918                     set(a,'enable','off');
0919                     break;
0920                 end
0921             end
0922         end
0923         %re-enable file name inputs
0924         set(h_in_fname,'enable','on');
0925         set(h_in_fnameB,'enable','on');
0926         err=lasterror;
0927         h_efig = errordlg(err.message,'Input File Error','on');
0928     end
0930     if loaded,
0931         dat_tmp=get(h_fig,'UserData');
0933         %add loading command to global command history
0934         if isempty(MK_HIST)
0935             MK_HIST{1}=sprintf('load(''%s'',''-MAT'');',in_fname);
0936         else
0937             MK_HIST{length(MK_HIST)+1}=sprintf('load(''%s'',''-MAT'');',in_fname);
0938         end
0940         %update sorting variable menu
0941         %extract possible sorting variables
0942         fldnms=fieldnames(ep_info);
0943         if isempty(rtmsec)
0944             possible{1}='Not Specified';
0945             srt_var_ct=0;
0946         else
0947             possible{1}='rtmsec';
0948             srt_var_ct=1;
0949         end
0950         for a=1:length(fldnms),
0951             if strcmpi('event',fldnms{a}(1:5)) && ~strcmpi('eventrtmsec',fldnms{a}) && ...
0952                 (length(fldnms{a})>5) && ~strcmpi('eventduration',fldnms{a}) && ~strcmpi('eventlatency',fldnms{a}),
0953                 %i.e., it is not "event", "duration", "latency", nor "rtmsec" (since rtmsec sorting variable should
0954                 %have been caught above already).  The other three options
0955                 %are EEGLAB default variables and aren't informative for
0956                 %epoched data.
0957                 cmnd=['isnumeric(ep_info(a).' fldnms{a} ')'];
0958                 if (eval(cmnd)),
0959                     srt_var_ct=srt_var_ct+1;
0960                     possible{srt_var_ct}=fldnms{a}(6:end);
0961                 end
0962             end
0963         end
0964         set(h_sort_var,'value',1,'string',possible);
0966         %update topoplot
0967         axes(h_topo);
0968         nchans=length(chanlocs);
0969         loaded_chans=[];
0970         for a=1:nchans,
0971            for b=1:length(chans),
0972                if strcmpi(chanlocs(a).labels,chans{b})
0973                    loaded_chans=[loaded_chans a];
0974                    break; %leave b loop
0975                end
0976            end
0977         end
0978         unloaded_chans=setdiff(1:nchans,loaded_chans);
0979         warning('off'); %suppress topoplot warning for plotting uniform data
0980         topoplotMK(zeros(length(chanlocs),1),chanlocs, ...
0981             'emarker',{'.','k',10}, ...
0982             'emarkersize',12, ...
0983             'headcolor',[1 1 1]*.5, ...
0984             'emarker2',{unloaded_chans,'.',[.7 .7 .7],10});
0985         warning('on');
0987         %update chans
0988         set(h_chan,'string',chans{1});
0989         new_chan=findobj(h_topo,'tag',str2lowcase(strtok(chans{1})));
0990         crnt_markersize=get(new_chan,'markersize');
0991         set(new_chan,'color','r','markersize',round(crnt_markersize*1.25));
0993         %update plotranges
0994         set(h_timerange,'string',[num2str(ep_times(1)) ' ' num2str(ep_times(end))]);
0995         set(h_erprange,'string','Default');
0996         set(dat_tmp.h_sortvarrange,'string','Default');
0997         set(h_eimrange,'string','Default');
0999         %update bins
1000         set(h_bins,'String','All');
1002         %if a secondary "comparison" file isn't loaded, put current file
1003         %info into comparison
1004         if strcmpi(get(dat_tmp.h_in_fname2,'String'),'None')
1005             %update secondary bins
1006             dat_tmp.bindesc2=bindesc;
1007             dat_tmp.eim_bins2=eim_bins;
1009             %update menu for comparing 2 chans
1010             cmpr_chans=chans;
1011             n_chans=length(chans);
1012             cmpr_chans{n_chans+1}='None';
1013             set(h_cmprchan,'value',n_chans+1,'string',cmpr_chans);
1014         end
1017         %add eim data to userdata
1018         dat_tmp.crnt_chan=chans{1};
1019         dat_tmp.markersize=crnt_markersize;
1020         dat_tmp.ep_info=ep_info;
1021         dat_tmp.ep_time=ep_times;
1022         dat_tmp.srate=srate;
1023         dat_tmp.chans=chans;
1024         dat_tmp.eim_bins=eim_bins;
1025         dat_tmp.bindesc=bindesc;
1026         dat_tmp.ep_times=ep_times;
1027         set(gcf,'UserData',dat_tmp);
1028         %Enable everything!
1029         for a=get(gcf,'children')',
1030             f=fieldnames(set(a));
1031             for b=1:length(f),
1032                 if strcmpi(f{b},'Callback')
1033                     set(a,'enable','on');
1034                     break;
1035                 end
1036             end
1037         end
1038     end
1039 elseif strcmpi(command_str,'create ERPimage') || strcmpi(command_str,'Plot r'),
1040     %% IV. Create ERPimage/Plot correlations
1042     in_fname=get(h_in_fname,'string');
1043     in_fname2=get(dat_tmp.h_in_fname2,'string');
1044     if strcmpi(in_fname2,'None') || isempty(in_fname2) || strcmpi(in_fname2,'Primary File'),
1045        in_fname2=in_fname; 
1046     end
1047     chan=get(h_chan,'string');
1048     chn_id=get(h_chan,'value');
1049     sort_vars=get(h_sort_var,'string');
1050     svar_id=get(h_sort_var,'value');
1052     bins=get(h_bins,'string');
1053     if isempty(bins)
1054         errordlg('You need to select some primary bins or enter "All".','Create ERPimage Error','on');
1055         return;
1056     end
1057     if strcmpi(bins,'All')
1058         bins=[];
1059         n_trials=length(dat_tmp.ep_info);
1060     else
1061         bins=str2num(bins);
1062         %check to make sure there are at least some trials in these bins
1063         n_trials=0;
1064         for a=1:length(dat_tmp.ep_info),
1065             n_bins=length(dat_tmp.ep_info(a).eventtype);
1066             ep_bins=zeros(1,n_bins);
1067             for b=1:n_bins,
1068                 ep_bins(b)=str2num(dat_tmp.ep_info(a).eventtype{b}(4:end));
1069             end
1070             if ~isempty(intersect(bins,ep_bins)),
1071                 n_trials=n_trials+1;
1072             end
1073         end
1074     end
1075     if n_trials==0,
1076         errordlg('No trials fall into selected bins.','Create ERPimage Error','on');
1077         return
1078     else
1079         fprintf('\n%d trials fall into primary ERPimage''s selected bins.\n\n',n_trials);
1081         %ERPimage and Plot r options
1082         ei_title=get(h_title,'String');
1083         if strcmpi(ei_title,'Default'),
1084             ei_title=[];
1085         end
1087         limits=str2num(get(h_timerange,'string'));
1089         if strcmpi(command_str,'Plot r'),
1090             r_figid=str2num(get(h_r_figid,'string'));
1091             %%% Plot correlations at all loaded channels %%%
1092             plot_eimcorr(sort_vars{svar_id},'in_fname',in_fname,'title',ei_title, ...
1093                 'bins',bins,'limits',limits,'fig_id',r_figid);
1095             %convert command into something that can be cut and paste into
1096             %the command line
1097             hist=sprintf('plot_eimcorr(''%s'',''in_fname'',''%s''',sort_vars{svar_id},in_fname);
1098             n_arg=3;
1099             arg{1}='bins';
1100             val{1}=bins;
1101             arg{2}='limits';
1102             val{2}=limits;
1103             arg{3}='fig_id';
1104             val{3}=r_figid;
1105             for hloop=1:n_arg,
1106                 if ~isempty(val{hloop})
1107                     hist=[hist ',''' arg{hloop} ''',[' num2str(val{hloop}) ']'];
1108                 end
1109             end
1110             if ~isempty(ei_title),
1111                 hist=[hist ',''title'',''' ei_title ''''];
1112             end
1113             hist=[hist ');'];
1114             %save command in global history variable
1115             if isempty(MK_HIST)
1116                 MK_HIST{1}=hist;
1117             else
1118                 MK_HIST{length(MK_HIST)+1}=hist;
1119             end
1120         else
1121             %%% Create ERPimage(s) %%%
1123             %Just ERPimage options
1124             limits=[limits str2num(get(h_erprange,'string'))];
1126             caxis=str2num(get(h_eimrange,'string'));
1128             awidth=str2num(get(h_avewidth,'string'));
1130             erps=get(h_erps,'Value')-1;
1131             if ~erps,
1132                 erps='off';
1133             end
1135             if get(h_plotsvar,'Value'),
1136                 pltsvar='on';
1137             else
1138                 pltsvar='off';
1139             end
1140             %align=str2num(get(h_alignsvar,'string'));
1141             if get(h_alignsvar,'Value'),
1142                 alignsvar=[',''align'',0'];
1143             else
1144                 alignsvar=[];
1145             end
1146             if get(h_plothead,'Value'),
1147                 topo='on';
1148             else
1149                 topo='off';
1150             end
1152             figid=get(h_figid,'String');
1153             if strcmpi(figid,'New Window')
1154                 figid=0;
1155             else
1156                 figid=str2num(figid);
1157             end
1159             if get(h_splithalf,'Value'),
1160                 split='on';
1161             else
1162                 split='off';
1163             end
1165             svar_lim=str2num(get(dat_tmp.h_sortvarrange,'string'));
1167             decimate=str2num(get(h_decimate,'string'));
1169             marktrials=str2num(get(h_marktrials,'string'));
1170             marktimes=str2num(get(h_marktimes,'string'));
1172             other=get(h_other,'string');
1173             if ~isempty(other) && (other(1)~=','),
1174                 other=[',' other];
1175             end
1177             cmpr_chans=get(h_cmprchan,'string');
1178             cmpr_chan=cmpr_chans{get(h_cmprchan,'value')};
1179             cmpr_bins=get(h_bins2,'string');
1180             if isempty(cmpr_bins),
1181                errordlg('You need to select some secondary bins, enter "All", or enter "None".','Create ERPimage Error','on');
1182                return;
1183             end
1184             if ~strcmpi(cmpr_chan,'None') || ...
1185                     ~strcmpi(cmpr_bins,'None') || ...
1186                     ~strcmpi(in_fname,in_fname2),
1187                 %Make a plot contrasting two ERPimages
1189                 cmpr_bin=str2num(cmpr_bins);
1191                 cmnd=['plot_erpimages(bins,cmpr_bin,chan,cmpr_chan,in_fname,in_fname2,sort_vars{svar_id},' ...
1192                     '''stdev'',awidth,' ...
1193                     '''fig_id'',figid,' ...
1194                     '''title'',ei_title,''timelimits'',limits(1:2),''decfactor'',' ...
1195                     'decimate,''marktrials'',marktrials,''marktimes'',marktimes,' ...
1196                     '''erplimits'',str2num(get(h_erprange,''string'')),''topos'',topo,''showsortvar'',pltsvar,' ...
1197                     '''cbarlimits'',caxis,''sortvarlimits'',svar_lim' other ');'];
1199                 if ~isempty(alignsvar),
1200                    fprintf('\n****** Warning ******\n"Align to Sorting Variable" option not yet implemented for comparing two channels.\n');
1201                    fprintf('It will be ignored (Sorry).\n\n');
1202                 end
1204                 if ~isempty(other),
1205                     fprintf('\n****** Warning ******\nThe only "Other:"');
1206                     fprintf(' arguments currently supported when comparing two channels and/or bins are:\n');
1207                     fprintf('   img_trialax_label, img_trialax_ticks, erpgrid, renorm, rmerp, baseline, filt, erpdiflimits,verblevel,img1_title,img2_title\n');
1208                     fprintf('Any other optional arguments will cause an error.\n');
1209                     fprintf('Type ">> help plot_erpimages" for more info about these options.\n');
1210                 end
1211             else            
1212                 cmnd=['plot_erpimageMK(chan,sort_vars{svar_id},''in_fname'',in_fname,''avewidth'',awidth,''bins'',bins,' ...
1213                     '''fig_id'',figid,''erp'',erps,''plot_sort_var'',pltsvar,''evenodd'',split,' ...
1214                     '''title'',ei_title,''limits'',limits,''decimate'',decimate,''mark_trials'',marktrials,''mark_times'',' ...
1215                     'marktimes,''caxis'',caxis,''topo'',topo,''sortvar_limits'',svar_lim' alignsvar other ');'];
1216             end
1217             try
1218                 eval(cmnd);
1219             catch
1220                 err=lasterror;
1221                 errordlg(err.message,'Create ERPimage Error','on');
1222             end
1224             %Turn cmnd into a string that can be cut and paste into the
1225             %command line to re-create the ERPimage
1226             if ~strcmpi(cmpr_chan,'None'), %plot_erpimages
1227                 if isempty(bins)
1228                     prnt_bins1='[]';
1229                     prnt_bins2='[]';
1230                 else
1231                     prnt_bins1=['[' num2str(bins) ']'];
1232                     prnt_bins2=['[' num2str(cmpr_bins) ']'];
1233                 end
1234                 hist=sprintf('plot_erpimages(%s,%s,''%s'',''%s'',''%s'',''%s'',''%s'',''stdev'',%f',prnt_bins1,prnt_bins2,chan,cmpr_chan,in_fname,in_fname2,sort_vars{svar_id},awidth);
1235                 n_arg=6;
1236                 arg=cell(n_arg);
1237                 val=cell(n_arg);
1238                 arg{1}='timelimits';
1239                 val{1}=limits(1:2);
1240                 arg{2}='marktrials';
1241                 val{2}=marktrials;
1242                 arg{3}='marktimes';
1243                 val{3}=marktimes;
1244                 arg{4}='cbarlimits';
1245                 val{4}=caxis;
1246                 arg{5}='sortvarlimits';
1247                 val{5}=svar_lim;
1248                 arg{6}='erplimits';
1249                 val{6}=str2num(get(h_erprange,'string'));
1250                 for hloop=1:n_arg,
1251                     if ~isempty(val{hloop})
1252                         hist=[hist ',''' arg{hloop} ''',[' num2str(val{hloop}) ']'];
1253                     end
1254                 end
1255                 hist=[hist sprintf(',''fig_id'',%d,''showsortvar'',''%s'',',figid,pltsvar)];
1256                 hist=[hist sprintf('''decfactor'',%d,''topos'',''%s''',decimate,topo)];
1257                 if ~isempty(ei_title)
1258                     hist=[hist sprintf(',''title'',''%s''',ei_title)];
1259                 end
1260                 hist=[hist alignsvar other ');'];
1261             else %plot_erpimageMK
1262                 hist=sprintf('plot_erpimageMK(''%s'',''%s'',''in_fname'',''%s'',''avewidth'',%f',chan,sort_vars{svar_id},in_fname,awidth);
1263                 n_arg=6;
1264                 arg=cell(n_arg);
1265                 val=cell(n_arg);
1266                 arg{1}='bins';
1267                 val{1}=bins;
1268                 arg{2}='limits';
1269                 val{2}=limits;
1270                 arg{3}='mark_trials';
1271                 val{3}=marktrials;
1272                 arg{4}='mark_times';
1273                 val{4}=marktimes;
1274                 arg{5}='caxis';
1275                 val{5}=caxis;
1276                 arg{6}='sortvar_limits';
1277                 val{6}=svar_lim;
1278                 for hloop=1:n_arg,
1279                     if ~isempty(val{hloop})
1280                         hist=[hist ',''' arg{hloop} ''',[' num2str(val{hloop}) ']'];
1281                     end
1282                 end
1283                 hist=[hist sprintf(',''fig_id'',%d,''erp'',%d,''plot_sort_var'',''%s'',''evenodd'',''%s''',figid,erps,pltsvar,split)];
1284                 hist=[hist sprintf(',''decimate'',%d,''topo'',''%s''',decimate,topo)];
1285                 if ~isempty(ei_title)
1286                     hist=[hist sprintf(',''title'',''%s''',ei_title)];
1287                 end
1288                 hist=[hist alignsvar other ');'];
1289             end
1291             %save command in global history variable
1292             if isempty(MK_HIST)
1293                 MK_HIST{1}=hist;
1294             else
1295                 MK_HIST{length(MK_HIST)+1}=hist;
1296             end
1297         end
1298     end  
1299 elseif strcmpi(command_str,'check bins')
1300     %% V. Check Bins
1302     %Basic Parameter Bins
1303     dat_tmp=get(h_fig,'UserData');
1304     got_it=0;
1305     req_bins=get(h_bins,'string');
1306     if isempty(req_bins),
1307         req_bins_num=[];
1308     elseif strcmpi(req_bins,'All'),
1309         req_bins_num=dat_tmp.eim_bins;
1310     else
1311         req_bins_num=str2num(req_bins);
1312         no_got=setdiff(req_bins_num,dat_tmp.eim_bins);
1313         if ~isempty(no_got),
1314             errordlg(['Bin(s) ' num2str(no_got) ' is/are not in memory'],'Bin Selection Error','on');
1315             return
1316         end
1317     end
1319     %Compare ERPimages Bins
1320     req_bins2=get(h_bins2,'string');
1321     cmpr_bins=0; %are secondary bins different from primary bins
1322     bins2_none=1; %is the secondary bins text box empty or 'None'
1323     if ~isempty(req_bins2) && ~strcmpi(req_bins2,'None'),
1324         bins2_none=0;
1325         if strcmpi(req_bins2,'All'),
1326             req_bins_num2=dat_tmp.eim_bins2;
1327         else
1328             req_bins_num2=str2num(req_bins2);
1329         end
1330         no_got=setdiff(req_bins_num2,dat_tmp.eim_bins2);
1331         if ~isempty(no_got),
1332             errordlg(['Bin(s) ' num2str(no_got) ' is/are not in memory'],'Bin Selection Error','on');
1333             return
1334         end
1335         overlap=intersect(req_bins_num2,req_bins_num);
1336         if length(overlap)~=length(req_bins_num2),
1337            cmpr_bins=1; 
1338         end
1339     else
1340        overlap=[]; 
1341     end
1343     %has a contrasting channel been selected?
1344     chan_str=get(dat_tmp.h_cmprchan,'string');
1345     chan2=chan_str{get(dat_tmp.h_cmprchan,'value')};
1346     cmpr_chan=0;%is the secondary channel different from the primary channel
1347     chan2_none=1;%is the secondary channel set to 'None'
1348     if ~strcmpi(chan2,'None')
1349         chan2_none=0;
1350     end
1351     if ~strcmpi(chan2,get(dat_tmp.h_chan,'string')) && ~strcmpi(chan2,'None'),
1352         cmpr_chan=1;
1353     end
1355     %has a contrasting file been selected?
1356     infile2=get(dat_tmp.h_in_fname2,'string');
1357     cmpr_file=0;%is the secondary channel different from the primary file
1358     file2_none=1;%is the secondary file set to 'None'
1359     if ~strcmpi(infile2,'None'),
1360        file2_none=0; 
1361     end
1362     if ~strcmpi(infile2,'None') && ~strcmpi(infile2,get(dat_tmp.h_in_fname,'string')) ...
1363             && ~strcmpi(infile2,'Primary File'),
1364         cmpr_file=1;
1365     end
1367     % Compare parameters are all the same as primary parameters, then all
1368     % compare parameters should be empty or 'None'
1369     if ~cmpr_file && ~cmpr_chan && ~cmpr_bins,
1370         if ~(file2_none && chan2_none && bins2_none),
1371            errordlg('Data in "Basic Parameters" and "Compare ERPimages" are exactly the same.  This makes no sense.','Compare ERPimages Error','on');
1372            return
1373         end
1374     end
1376     % Set other compare paramters, if they have not already been set
1377     if file2_none && (cmpr_chan || cmpr_bins)
1378         % Set secondary file to primary file
1379         infile2='Primary File';
1380         set(dat_tmp.h_in_fname2,'string',infile2);
1381         dat_tmp.eim_bins2=dat_tmp.eim_bins;
1382         dat_tmp.bindesc2=dat_tmp.bindesc;
1383     end
1385     if chan2_none,
1386         if cmpr_file,
1387             % Set secondary channel to first channel in secondary file
1388             set(dat_tmp.h_cmprchan,'value',1);
1389         elseif cmpr_bins,
1390             % Set secondary channel to primary channel
1391             chans2ndry=get(dat_tmp.h_cmprchan,'string');
1392             val=0;
1393             for a=1:length(chans2ndry),
1394                if strcmpi(chans2ndry{a},get(dat_tmp.h_chan,'string')),
1395                    val=a;
1396                    break;
1397                end
1398             end
1399             set(dat_tmp.h_cmprchan,'value',val);       
1400         end
1401     end
1403     if bins2_none && ~isempty(req_bins2),
1404         if cmpr_file,
1405             set(dat_tmp.h_bins2,'string','All');
1406         elseif cmpr_chan
1407             %set to primary set of bins
1408             set(dat_tmp.h_bins2,'string',req_bins);
1409         end
1410     end
1412     if cmpr_bins, 
1413         %primary and secondary bins are NOT exactly the same
1414         if ~isempty(overlap) && ~cmpr_file,
1415             % there is some overlap between primary and secondary bins, but
1416             % primary and secondary files are the same
1417             if cmpr_chan,
1418                 errordlg('You can''t compare two channels from the same file using two somewhat overlapping sets of bins.','Bin Selection Error','on');
1419                 return
1420             else
1421                 errordlg(['Bin(s) ' num2str(overlap) ' cannot be both in "Basic Parameters" and "Compare ERPimages" sets of bins.'],'Bin Selection Error','on');
1422                 return
1423             end
1424         end
1425     end
1427 elseif strcmpi(command_str,'check chan')
1428     %% VI. Check Chan
1430     dat_tmp=get(h_fig,'UserData');
1431     got_it=0;
1432     req_chan=get(h_chan,'string');
1433     %remove spaces
1434     non_space=find(req_chan~=32);
1435     req_chan=req_chan(non_space);
1436     set(h_chan,'string',req_chan);
1438     for a=1:length(dat_tmp.chans),
1439         if strcmpi(req_chan,dat_tmp.chans{a}),
1440             got_it=1;
1441             break;
1442         end
1443     end
1445     if ~got_it,
1446         h_efig = errordlg(['Channel "' req_chan '" is not in memory'],'Channel Selection Error','on');
1447         %reset channel edit box to current channel
1448         set(h_chan,'string',dat_tmp.crnt_chan);
1449     else
1450         %make formerly selected channel black
1451         old_chan=findobj(h_topo,'tag',str2lowcase(strtok(dat_tmp.crnt_chan))); %get rid of any extra spaces and convert to lowercase
1452         set(old_chan,'color','k','markersize',dat_tmp.markersize);
1454         %make selected channel red
1455         new_chan=findobj(h_topo,'tag',str2lowcase(strtok(req_chan)));
1456         set(new_chan,'color','r','markersize',round(dat_tmp.markersize*1.25));
1457         dat_tmp.crnt_chan=req_chan;
1458         set(gcf,'userdata',dat_tmp);
1459     end
1460 elseif strcmpi(command_str,'check limits')
1461     %% VII. Check Limits
1463     %Check time limits
1464     x_lim=str2num(get(h_timerange,'String'));
1465     if isempty(dat_tmp.ep_times)
1466         errordlg('Load data first','Time range selection error','on');
1467         return
1468     elseif isempty(x_lim)
1469         %reset to default
1470         set(h_timerange,'String',num2str([dat_tmp.ep_times(1) dat_tmp.ep_times(end)]));
1471     elseif (length(x_lim)>2) || (length(x_lim)<2)
1472         errordlg('Time range needs two numbers, the maximum and minimum time in msec (e.g., -100 900). Resetting to default.','Time range selection error','on');
1473         set(h_timerange,'String',num2str([dat_tmp.ep_times(1) dat_tmp.ep_times(end)]));
1474     elseif x_lim(1)<dat_tmp.ep_times(1),
1475         errordlg([num2str(x_lim(1)) ' is too low.  Minimum time possible is ' num2str(dat_tmp.ep_times(1))],'Time range selection error','on');
1476         return
1477     elseif x_lim(2)>dat_tmp.ep_times(end)
1478         errordlg([num2str(x_lim(2)) ' is too high.  Maximum time possible is ' num2str(dat_tmp.ep_times(end))],'Time range selection error','on');
1479         return
1480     end
1482     %Check ERP limits
1483     x_lim=str2num(get(h_erprange,'String'));
1484     if isempty(x_lim),
1485         set(h_erprange,'String','Default');
1486     else
1487         if (length(x_lim)>2) || (length(x_lim)<2)
1488             errordlg('ERP range needs two numbers, the minimum and maximum voltage in uV (e.g., -8 8). Resetting to default.','ERP range selection error','on');
1489             set(h_erprange,'String','Default');
1490         elseif x_lim(2)<x_lim(1)
1491             errordlg('ERP range maximum is less than ERP range mininum. Reversing their order.','ERP range selection error','on');
1492             set(h_erprange,'String',[num2str(x_lim(2)) ' ' num2str(x_lim(1))]);
1493         end
1494     end   
1496     %Check ERPimage uV limits
1497     x_lim=str2num(get(h_eimrange,'String'));
1498     if isempty(x_lim),
1499         set(h_eimrange,'String','Default');
1500     else
1501         if (length(x_lim)>2) || (length(x_lim)<2)
1502             errordlg('ERPimage uV range needs two numbers, the minimum and maximum voltage in uV (e.g., -8 8). Resetting to default.','ERPimage uV range selection error','on');
1503             set(h_eimrange,'String','Default');
1504         elseif x_lim(2)<x_lim(1)
1505             errordlg('ERPimage uV range maximum is less than ERPimage uV range mininum. Reversing their order.','ERPimage uV range selection error','on');
1506             set(h_eimrange,'String',[num2str(x_lim(2)) ' ' num2str(x_lim(1))]);
1507         end
1508     end
1510     %Check sorting variable limits
1511     sv_lim=str2num(get(dat_tmp.h_sortvarrange,'String'));
1512     if isempty(sv_lim),
1513        set(dat_tmp.h_sortvarrange,'String','Default'); 
1514     else
1515         if (length(sv_lim)>2) || (length(sv_lim)<2)
1516             errordlg('Sorting variable range needs two numbers, the minimum and maximum value of the sorting variable to image. Resetting to default.','Sort var range selection error','on');
1517             set(dat_tmp.h_sortvarrange,'String','Default');
1518         elseif sv_lim(2)<sv_lim(1)
1519             errordlg('Sorting variable range maximum is less than sorting variable range mininum. Reversing their order.','Sort var range selection error','on');
1520             set(dat_tmp.h_sortvarrange,'String',[num2str(sv_lim(2)) ' ' num2str(sv_lim(1))]);
1521         end
1522     end
1523 elseif strcmpi(command_str,'check r_figid')
1524     %% VIII. Check r_figid
1526     r_figid=str2num(get(h_r_figid,'string'));
1527     if isempty(r_figid)
1528         if ~strcmpi(get(h_r_figid,'string'),'New')
1529             warndlg('Figure number for "Plot r" must be an integer greater than 0 or "New".','Plot r Error');
1530             set(h_r_figid,'String','New');
1531         end
1532     elseif r_figid<1
1533         warndlg('Figure number for "Plot r" must be an integer greater than 0 or "New".','Plot r Error');
1534         set(h_r_figid,'String','New');
1535     end
1536 elseif strcmpi(command_str,'write_hist')
1537     %% IX. Write hist
1539     [filename, pathname] = uiputfile('matlabMK_hist.m','Entire desired filename for command history');
1540     if filename, %i.e., if user doesn't press cancel
1541         fid=fopen([pathname filename],'w');
1542         for z=1:length(MK_HIST),
1543             fprintf(fid,'%s\n',MK_HIST{z});
1544         end
1545         fclose(fid);
1546     end
1547 elseif strcmpi(command_str,'update contrast file')
1548     %% X. Update Contrast File
1550     dat_tmp=get(h_fig,'UserData');
1551     infile2=get(dat_tmp.h_in_fname2,'string');
1552     if strcmpi(infile2,'None') || strcmpi(infile2,'Primary File'),
1553         chans=dat_tmp.chans;
1554         chans{length(chans)+1}='None';
1555         set(dat_tmp.h_cmprchan,'string',chans);
1556         set(dat_tmp.h_cmprchan,'value',length(chans));
1558         set(dat_tmp.h_bins2,'string','None');
1559         dat_tmp.eim_bins2=dat_tmp.eim_bins;
1561         dat_tmp.bindesc2=dat_tmp.bindesc;
1562     else
1563         try
1564             load(infile2,'chans','-MAT');
1565         catch
1566             err=lasterror;
1567             h_efig = errordlg(err.message,'Secondary Input File Error','on');
1568             set(dat_tmp.h_in_fname2,'string','None');
1569             gui_erpimage('update contrast file');
1570         end
1571         chans{length(chans)+1}='None';
1572         set(dat_tmp.h_cmprchan,'string',chans);
1573         set(dat_tmp.h_cmprchan,'value',1);
1574         set(dat_tmp.h_splithalf,'value',0); % turn off split-half button
1576         set(dat_tmp.h_bins2,'string','All');
1577         load(infile2,'eim_bins','-MAT');
1578         dat_tmp.eim_bins2=eim_bins;
1580         load(infile2,'bindesc','-MAT');
1581         dat_tmp.bindesc2=bindesc;
1582     end
1584     set(h_fig,'UserData',dat_tmp);
1585 elseif strcmpi(command_str,'deactivate compare')
1586     %% XI. Deactivate comparison: set compare ERPimages parameters to None
1587     % so that only primary ERPimage will be produced
1588     tmp=get(gcf,'userdata');
1590     % set all comparison parameters to 'None'
1591     set(tmp.h_bins2,'string','None');
1592     set(tmp.h_in_fname2,'string','None');
1593     set(tmp.h_cmprchan,'value',length(get(tmp.h_cmprchan,'string')));
1595     set(gcf,'userdata',tmp);
1596 end
1600 function lowcase=str2lowcase(str)
1602 n=length(str);
1603 lowcase=zeros(1,n);
1604 for a=1:n,
1605     if (str(a)>=65) && (str(a)<=90)
1606         lowcase(a)=str(a)+32;
1607     else
1608         lowcase(a)=str(a);
1609     end
1610 end
1611 lowcase=char(lowcase);

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