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plot_erpimageMK() - Produces an ERPimage from variables generated by


function plot_erpimageMK(chan,sort_var,varargin)


 plot_erpimageMK() - Produces an ERPimage from variables generated by
                     compile_erpimageMK.m using EEGLAB function erpimage.m
  >> plot_erpimageMK(chan,sort_var,varargin)

 Required Inputs:
   chan     = [string] Name of electrode to plot (e.g., 'MiCe'); Use [] to see 
               list of available electrodes.  
   sort_var = [string] Variable according to which the trials will be sorted (e.g.,
               'logitmnum'); Use [] to see list of available sorting variables.  
               Note that sort_var can be over-ridden by optional 'valsort', 
               'phase_sort', or 'amp_sort' arguments (below).

 Optional Inputs I (Specifying Data & Function Verbosity)
   'bins'      = [integer vector] Bins to extract trials from. [] means to
                  use all bins {default: use all bins}
   'in_fname'  = [string] File from compile_erpimageMK.m in which data are
                  stored.  Include the file's path unless the file is the 
                  current working directory. {default: use global
   'verblevel' = an integer specifiying the amount of information you want 
                  functions to provide about what they are doing during runtime.
                  Options are:
                    0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
                    1 - stuff anyone should probably know
                    2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
                        with a data set {default value if not already globally
                    3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all reports)

 Optional Inputs II (Data Preprocessing)
  'replace_ties' = ['yes'|'no'] Replace trials with the same value of
                    sort_var with the mean of those trials.  Only works if sorting 
                    trials by sort_var. {default: 'yes'}
  'avewidth'     = [scalar>=0]. The standard deviation (in units of epochs) of the Gaussian 
                    window used to smooth (vertically) with a moving-average.  Gaussian 
                    window extends three standard deviations below and three standard 
                    deviations above window center (trials beyond window are not incorporated
                    into average). {default: 0, no smoothing}
  'decimate'     = Factor to decimate/interpolate ntrials by (may be non-integer)
                    Else, if this is large (> sqrt(number of trials)), output this 
                    many epochs. {default: 0 <-same as erpimage.m}
  'rmerp'        = ['on'|'off'] Subtract the average ERP from each trial before
                    processing {default: 'off'}
  'evenodd'      = ['on'|'off'] Split the data in two by separating even and
                    odd trials (after sorting the data via sort_var).  This
                    will create two ERPimages.  The optional arguments will
                    be applied to each figure independently (e.g., if
                    marktrials=10, then the 10th trial on both figures will
                    be marked) {default: 'off'}

 Optional Inputs III (Plot Labels & Limits)
   'title'          = [string] Plot title {default: Channel name and bin descriptor
                       (if only one bin) or list of bins}
   'limits'         = [lotime hitime minerp maxerp lodB hidB locoher hicoher basedB]
                       Plot axes limits. Can use NaN (or nan, but not Nan) for missing items
                       and omit late items. Use last input, basedB, to set the 
                       baseline dB amplitude in 'plotamps' plots {default: [NaN NaN]}
   'sortvar_limits' = [min max] minimum and maximum sorting variable
                       values to image. This only affects visualization of 
                       ERPimage and ERPs (not smoothing).  Cannot be used
                       if sorting by any factor besides sortvar (e.g.,
   'signif'          = [lo_dB, hi_dB, coher_signif_level] Use precomputed significance
                        thresholds (as from outputs ampsig, cohsig) to save time. 
                        {default: ignore}
   'cbar'            = ['on'|'off'] Plot color bar to right of ERPimage {default: 'on'}
   'caxis'           = [lo hi] Set color axis limits. Else [fraction] Set caxis limits at
                        (+/-)fraction*max(abs(data)) {default: +/- abs(data max)}
   'noxlabel'        = ['on'|'off'] Do not plot "Time (ms)" on the bottom x-axis
                        {default: 'off'}

 Optional Inputs IV (Plotting Sorting Variable)
   'renorm'         = ['on'|'off'| formula] Normalize sorting variable to epoch
                       latency range. 'on'= autoscale. formula must be a linear 
                       transformation in the format 'a*x+b' (e.g., '3*x+2'). 
                       {default: 'off'}
   'plot_sort_var'  = ['on'|'off'] Plot sort_var {default: 'on'}
   'sortvarpercent' = [float vector] Plot percentiles for the sorting variable
               for instance, [0.1 0.5 0.9] plots the 10th percentile, the median
               and the 90th percentile. {default: ignored}

 Optional Inputs V (Adding ERP subplot)
   'erp'       = ['on'|'off'] Plot ERP time average of the trials below the image
                  {default: 'on'}
   'erpstd'    = ['on'|'off'] Plot ERP +/- stdev. Requires 'erp' {default: 'off'}
   'yerplabel' = [string] ERP ordinate axis label. Print uV with '\muV'.
                  {default: 'ERP (\muV)'} 

 Optional Inputs VI (Aligning Trials)
   'align'    = [latency] Time-lock data to sort_var. Plot sort_var at given latency
                 (in ms). Else Inf -> plot sort_var at median sort_var latency
                 {default: ignored}
   'timewarp' = {[events], [warpms], {colors}} Time warp ERP, amplitude and phase
                 time-courses before smoothing. 'events' is a matrix whose columns
                 specify the latencies (in ms) at which a series of successive events occur
                 in each trial. 'warpms' is an optional vector of latencies (in ms) to which
                 the series of events should be time locked. (Note: Epoch start and end
                 should not be declared as events or warpms}. If 'warpms' is absent or [],
                 the median of each 'events' column will be used. {colors} contains a
                 list of Matlab linestyles to use for vertical lines marking the occurrence
                 of the time warped events. If '', no line will be drawn for this event
                 column. If fewer colors than event columns, cycles through the given color
                 labels.  Note: Not compatible with 'vert' (below).
                 {default: ignored}

 Optional Inputs VII (Trial Sorting)
 [Note: these options are mutually exclusive and override sort_var]
   'valsort'   = [startms endms direction] Sort data on (mean) value
                  between startms and (optional) endms. Direction is 1 or -1.
                  If -1, plot max-value epoch at bottom {default: sort on sort_var}
   'phasesort' = [ms_center prct freq maxfreq topphase] Sort epochs by phase in
                  a 3-cycle window centered at latency ms_center (ms).
                  Percentile (prct) in range [0,100] gives percent of trials
                  to reject for (too) low amplitude. Else, if in range [-100,0],
                  percent of trials to reject for (too) high amplitude; 
                  freq (Hz) is the phase-sorting frequency. With optional 
                  maxfreq, sort by phase at freq of max power in the data in 
                  the range [freq,maxfreq] (Note: 'phasesort' arg freq overrides 
                  the frequency specified in 'coher'). With optional topphase,
                  sort by phase, putting topphase (degrees, in range [-180,180])
                  at the top of the image. Note: 'phasesort' now uses circular
                  smoothing. Use 'cycles' (below) for wavelet length.
                  {default: sort on sort_var}
   'ampsort'   = [center_ms prcnt freq maxfreq]  Sort epochs by amplitude.
                  (See 'phasesort' above). If ms_center is 'Inf', then sorting
                  is by mean power across the time window specified by 'sortwin' 
                  below. If third arg, freq, is < 0, sort by mean power in the range
                  [ abs(freq)   maxfreq ]. {default: sort on sort_var}
   'sortwin'   = [start_ms end_ms] If center_ms == Inf in 'ampsort' arg (above), sorts
                  by mean amplitude across window centers shifted from start_ms
                  to end_ms by 10 ms. {default: ignored}
   'showwin'   = ['on'|'off'] Show amp sorting window behind ERP trace. {default: 'off'}

 Optional Inputs VIII (Time/Frequency Information)
   'coher'     = [freq] Plot ERP average plus mean amplitude & coherence at freq (Hz)
                  Else [minfrq maxfrq] = same, but select frequency with max power in
                  given range. (Note: the 'phasesort' freq (above) overwrites these
                  parameters). Else [minfrq maxfrq alpha] = plot coher. signif. level line
                  at probability alpha (range: [0,0.1]) {default: no coher, no alpha level}
   'cycles'    = [float] Number of cycles in the wavelet time/frequency decomposition {default: 3}
   'plotamps'  = ['on'|'off'] Image amplitudes at each trial and latency instead of potential 
                  values. Note: Currently requires 'coher' (above) with alpha signif. 
                  Use 'cycles' (below) > (default) 3 for better frequency specificity,
                  {default: plot potential, not amplitudes}

 Optional Inputs IX (Misc. Additional Plot Items)
   'fig_id'            = [integer(s)] ID number of Matlab figure window(s) in which to create
                          the ERPimage.  If ID is not specified, the erpimage will be generated 
                          in a new figure window.  If generating two figures
                          with 'evenodd' argument, 'fig_id' can be a vector of
                          two integers. {default: []}
   'topo'              = ['on' | 'off'] Add a cartoon head indicating electrode
                          position.  Electrode information is stored with data.
                          {default: 'on'}
   'spec'              = [loHz,hiHz] Plot the mean data spectrum at upper right of image.
                          {default: not plot}
   'mark_trials'       = [vector of trials] Plot horizontal lines at specified epoch numbers.
                          erpimage.m's "horz" option. {default: ignored}
   'mark_times'        = [vector of times] Plot vertical dashed lines at specified latencies (in ms).
                          erpimage.m's "vert" option. {default: ignored}
   'auxvar'            = [size(nvars,ntrials) matrix] Plot auxiliary variable(s) for each trial
                          as separate traces. Else, 'auxvar',{[matrix],{colorstrings}}
                          to specify N trace colors.  Ex: colorstrings = {'r','bo-','','k:'}
                          (See also: 'vert' and 'timewarp' above). {default: ignored}
   'r_plot'            = ['on' | 'off'] Create an interactive figure that visualizes the
                          linear correlation between EEG and sorting variable across all loaded
                          time points and channels. {default: 'off'}
   'r_fig_id'          = [integer] ID number of Matlab figure window in which to create
                          correlation plot (see option 'r_plot').  If ID is not specified, the
                          correlation plot will be generated in a new figure window. {default: []}
   'erp_grid'          = ['on' | 'off'] If 'erp_grid' is added as an option voltage axis dashed grid lines will be
                          added to the ERP plot to facilitate judging ERP amplitude
   'img_trialax_label' = [string] The label of the axis corresponding to trials in the ERPimage
                          (e.g., 'Reaction Time').  Note, if img_trialax_label is set to something
                          besides 'Trials' or [], the tick marks on this axis will be set in units
                          of the sorting variable.  This is a useful alternative to plotting the
                          sorting variable when the sorting variable is not in milliseconds. {default: 'Trials'}
   'img_trialax_ticks' = Vector of sorting variable values at which tick marks (e.g., [300 350 400 450]
                          for reaction time in msec) will appear on the trial axis of the erpimage. Tick mark
                          values should be given in units img_trialax_label (e.g., 'Trials' or msec).
                         {default: automatic}
   'baseline'          = [low_boundary high_boundary] a time window (in msec) whose mean amplitude in
                          each trial will be removed from each trial (e.g., [-100 0]) after filtering.
                          Useful in conjunction with 'filt' option to re-basline trials after they have been
                          filtered. Not necessary if data have already been baselined and erpimage
                          processing does not affect baseline amplitude {default: no further baselining
                          of data}
   'filt'              = [low_boundary high_boundary] a two element vector indicating the frequency
                          cut-offs for a 3rd order Butterworth filter that will be applied to each
                          trial of data.  If low_boundary=0, the filter is a high pass filter.  If
                          high_boundary=srate/2, then the filter is a low pass filter.  If both
                          boundaries are between 0 and srate/2, then the filter is a bandpass filter.
                          If both boundaries are between 0 and -srate/2, then the filter is a bandstop
                          filter (with boundaries equal to the absolute values of low_boundary and
                          high_boundary).  Note, using this option requires the 'srate' option to be
                          specified and the signal processing toolbox function butter.m.  You should
                          probably use the 'baseline' option as well since the mean prestimulus baseline
                          may no longer be 0 after the filter is applied
                          {default: no filtering}


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function plot_erpimageMK(chan,sort_var,varargin)
0002 % plot_erpimageMK() - Produces an ERPimage from variables generated by
0003 %                     compile_erpimageMK.m using EEGLAB function erpimage.m
0004 %
0005 % Usage:
0006 %  >> plot_erpimageMK(chan,sort_var,varargin)
0007 %
0008 % Required Inputs:
0009 %   chan     = [string] Name of electrode to plot (e.g., 'MiCe'); Use [] to see
0010 %               list of available electrodes.
0011 %   sort_var = [string] Variable according to which the trials will be sorted (e.g.,
0012 %               'logitmnum'); Use [] to see list of available sorting variables.
0013 %               Note that sort_var can be over-ridden by optional 'valsort',
0014 %               'phase_sort', or 'amp_sort' arguments (below).
0015 %
0016 %
0017 % Optional Inputs I (Specifying Data & Function Verbosity)
0018 %   'bins'      = [integer vector] Bins to extract trials from. [] means to
0019 %                  use all bins {default: use all bins}
0020 %   'in_fname'  = [string] File from compile_erpimageMK.m in which data are
0021 %                  stored.  Include the file's path unless the file is the
0022 %                  current working directory. {default: use global
0023 %                  variables}
0024 %   'verblevel' = an integer specifiying the amount of information you want
0025 %                  functions to provide about what they are doing during runtime.
0026 %                  Options are:
0027 %                    0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
0028 %                    1 - stuff anyone should probably know
0029 %                    2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
0030 %                        with a data set {default value if not already globally
0031 %                        specified}
0032 %                    3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all reports)
0033 %
0034 %
0035 % Optional Inputs II (Data Preprocessing)
0036 %  'replace_ties' = ['yes'|'no'] Replace trials with the same value of
0037 %                    sort_var with the mean of those trials.  Only works if sorting
0038 %                    trials by sort_var. {default: 'yes'}
0039 %  'avewidth'     = [scalar>=0]. The standard deviation (in units of epochs) of the Gaussian
0040 %                    window used to smooth (vertically) with a moving-average.  Gaussian
0041 %                    window extends three standard deviations below and three standard
0042 %                    deviations above window center (trials beyond window are not incorporated
0043 %                    into average). {default: 0, no smoothing}
0044 %  'decimate'     = Factor to decimate/interpolate ntrials by (may be non-integer)
0045 %                    Else, if this is large (> sqrt(number of trials)), output this
0046 %                    many epochs. {default: 0 <-same as erpimage.m}
0047 %  'rmerp'        = ['on'|'off'] Subtract the average ERP from each trial before
0048 %                    processing {default: 'off'}
0049 %  'evenodd'      = ['on'|'off'] Split the data in two by separating even and
0050 %                    odd trials (after sorting the data via sort_var).  This
0051 %                    will create two ERPimages.  The optional arguments will
0052 %                    be applied to each figure independently (e.g., if
0053 %                    marktrials=10, then the 10th trial on both figures will
0054 %                    be marked) {default: 'off'}
0055 %
0056 %
0057 % Optional Inputs III (Plot Labels & Limits)
0058 %   'title'          = [string] Plot title {default: Channel name and bin descriptor
0059 %                       (if only one bin) or list of bins}
0060 %   'limits'         = [lotime hitime minerp maxerp lodB hidB locoher hicoher basedB]
0061 %                       Plot axes limits. Can use NaN (or nan, but not Nan) for missing items
0062 %                       and omit late items. Use last input, basedB, to set the
0063 %                       baseline dB amplitude in 'plotamps' plots {default: [NaN NaN]}
0064 %   'sortvar_limits' = [min max] minimum and maximum sorting variable
0065 %                       values to image. This only affects visualization of
0066 %                       ERPimage and ERPs (not smoothing).  Cannot be used
0067 %                       if sorting by any factor besides sortvar (e.g.,
0068 %                       phase).
0069 %   'signif'          = [lo_dB, hi_dB, coher_signif_level] Use precomputed significance
0070 %                        thresholds (as from outputs ampsig, cohsig) to save time.
0071 %                        {default: ignore}
0072 %   'cbar'            = ['on'|'off'] Plot color bar to right of ERPimage {default: 'on'}
0073 %   'caxis'           = [lo hi] Set color axis limits. Else [fraction] Set caxis limits at
0074 %                        (+/-)fraction*max(abs(data)) {default: +/- abs(data max)}
0075 %   'noxlabel'        = ['on'|'off'] Do not plot "Time (ms)" on the bottom x-axis
0076 %                        {default: 'off'}
0077 %
0078 %
0079 % Optional Inputs IV (Plotting Sorting Variable)
0080 %   'renorm'         = ['on'|'off'| formula] Normalize sorting variable to epoch
0081 %                       latency range. 'on'= autoscale. formula must be a linear
0082 %                       transformation in the format 'a*x+b' (e.g., '3*x+2').
0083 %                       {default: 'off'}
0084 %   'plot_sort_var'  = ['on'|'off'] Plot sort_var {default: 'on'}
0085 %   'sortvarpercent' = [float vector] Plot percentiles for the sorting variable
0086 %               for instance, [0.1 0.5 0.9] plots the 10th percentile, the median
0087 %               and the 90th percentile. {default: ignored}
0088 %
0089 % Optional Inputs V (Adding ERP subplot)
0090 %   'erp'       = ['on'|'off'] Plot ERP time average of the trials below the image
0091 %                  {default: 'on'}
0092 %   'erpstd'    = ['on'|'off'] Plot ERP +/- stdev. Requires 'erp' {default: 'off'}
0093 %   'yerplabel' = [string] ERP ordinate axis label. Print uV with '\muV'.
0094 %                  {default: 'ERP (\muV)'}
0095 %
0096 %
0097 % Optional Inputs VI (Aligning Trials)
0098 %   'align'    = [latency] Time-lock data to sort_var. Plot sort_var at given latency
0099 %                 (in ms). Else Inf -> plot sort_var at median sort_var latency
0100 %                 {default: ignored}
0101 %   'timewarp' = {[events], [warpms], {colors}} Time warp ERP, amplitude and phase
0102 %                 time-courses before smoothing. 'events' is a matrix whose columns
0103 %                 specify the latencies (in ms) at which a series of successive events occur
0104 %                 in each trial. 'warpms' is an optional vector of latencies (in ms) to which
0105 %                 the series of events should be time locked. (Note: Epoch start and end
0106 %                 should not be declared as events or warpms}. If 'warpms' is absent or [],
0107 %                 the median of each 'events' column will be used. {colors} contains a
0108 %                 list of Matlab linestyles to use for vertical lines marking the occurrence
0109 %                 of the time warped events. If '', no line will be drawn for this event
0110 %                 column. If fewer colors than event columns, cycles through the given color
0111 %                 labels.  Note: Not compatible with 'vert' (below).
0112 %                 {default: ignored}
0113 %
0114 %
0115 % Optional Inputs VII (Trial Sorting)
0116 % [Note: these options are mutually exclusive and override sort_var]
0117 %   'valsort'   = [startms endms direction] Sort data on (mean) value
0118 %                  between startms and (optional) endms. Direction is 1 or -1.
0119 %                  If -1, plot max-value epoch at bottom {default: sort on sort_var}
0120 %   'phasesort' = [ms_center prct freq maxfreq topphase] Sort epochs by phase in
0121 %                  a 3-cycle window centered at latency ms_center (ms).
0122 %                  Percentile (prct) in range [0,100] gives percent of trials
0123 %                  to reject for (too) low amplitude. Else, if in range [-100,0],
0124 %                  percent of trials to reject for (too) high amplitude;
0125 %                  freq (Hz) is the phase-sorting frequency. With optional
0126 %                  maxfreq, sort by phase at freq of max power in the data in
0127 %                  the range [freq,maxfreq] (Note: 'phasesort' arg freq overrides
0128 %                  the frequency specified in 'coher'). With optional topphase,
0129 %                  sort by phase, putting topphase (degrees, in range [-180,180])
0130 %                  at the top of the image. Note: 'phasesort' now uses circular
0131 %                  smoothing. Use 'cycles' (below) for wavelet length.
0132 %                  {default: sort on sort_var}
0133 %   'ampsort'   = [center_ms prcnt freq maxfreq]  Sort epochs by amplitude.
0134 %                  (See 'phasesort' above). If ms_center is 'Inf', then sorting
0135 %                  is by mean power across the time window specified by 'sortwin'
0136 %                  below. If third arg, freq, is < 0, sort by mean power in the range
0137 %                  [ abs(freq)   maxfreq ]. {default: sort on sort_var}
0138 %   'sortwin'   = [start_ms end_ms] If center_ms == Inf in 'ampsort' arg (above), sorts
0139 %                  by mean amplitude across window centers shifted from start_ms
0140 %                  to end_ms by 10 ms. {default: ignored}
0141 %   'showwin'   = ['on'|'off'] Show amp sorting window behind ERP trace. {default: 'off'}
0142 %
0143 %
0144 % Optional Inputs VIII (Time/Frequency Information)
0145 %   'coher'     = [freq] Plot ERP average plus mean amplitude & coherence at freq (Hz)
0146 %                  Else [minfrq maxfrq] = same, but select frequency with max power in
0147 %                  given range. (Note: the 'phasesort' freq (above) overwrites these
0148 %                  parameters). Else [minfrq maxfrq alpha] = plot coher. signif. level line
0149 %                  at probability alpha (range: [0,0.1]) {default: no coher, no alpha level}
0150 %   'cycles'    = [float] Number of cycles in the wavelet time/frequency decomposition {default: 3}
0151 %   'plotamps'  = ['on'|'off'] Image amplitudes at each trial and latency instead of potential
0152 %                  values. Note: Currently requires 'coher' (above) with alpha signif.
0153 %                  Use 'cycles' (below) > (default) 3 for better frequency specificity,
0154 %                  {default: plot potential, not amplitudes}
0155 %
0156 %
0157 % Optional Inputs IX (Misc. Additional Plot Items)
0158 %   'fig_id'            = [integer(s)] ID number of Matlab figure window(s) in which to create
0159 %                          the ERPimage.  If ID is not specified, the erpimage will be generated
0160 %                          in a new figure window.  If generating two figures
0161 %                          with 'evenodd' argument, 'fig_id' can be a vector of
0162 %                          two integers. {default: []}
0163 %   'topo'              = ['on' | 'off'] Add a cartoon head indicating electrode
0164 %                          position.  Electrode information is stored with data.
0165 %                          {default: 'on'}
0166 %   'spec'              = [loHz,hiHz] Plot the mean data spectrum at upper right of image.
0167 %                          {default: not plot}
0168 %   'mark_trials'       = [vector of trials] Plot horizontal lines at specified epoch numbers.
0169 %                          erpimage.m's "horz" option. {default: ignored}
0170 %   'mark_times'        = [vector of times] Plot vertical dashed lines at specified latencies (in ms).
0171 %                          erpimage.m's "vert" option. {default: ignored}
0172 %   'auxvar'            = [size(nvars,ntrials) matrix] Plot auxiliary variable(s) for each trial
0173 %                          as separate traces. Else, 'auxvar',{[matrix],{colorstrings}}
0174 %                          to specify N trace colors.  Ex: colorstrings = {'r','bo-','','k:'}
0175 %                          (See also: 'vert' and 'timewarp' above). {default: ignored}
0176 %   'r_plot'            = ['on' | 'off'] Create an interactive figure that visualizes the
0177 %                          linear correlation between EEG and sorting variable across all loaded
0178 %                          time points and channels. {default: 'off'}
0179 %   'r_fig_id'          = [integer] ID number of Matlab figure window in which to create
0180 %                          correlation plot (see option 'r_plot').  If ID is not specified, the
0181 %                          correlation plot will be generated in a new figure window. {default: []}
0182 %   'erp_grid'          = ['on' | 'off'] If 'erp_grid' is added as an option voltage axis dashed grid lines will be
0183 %                          added to the ERP plot to facilitate judging ERP amplitude
0184 %   'img_trialax_label' = [string] The label of the axis corresponding to trials in the ERPimage
0185 %                          (e.g., 'Reaction Time').  Note, if img_trialax_label is set to something
0186 %                          besides 'Trials' or [], the tick marks on this axis will be set in units
0187 %                          of the sorting variable.  This is a useful alternative to plotting the
0188 %                          sorting variable when the sorting variable is not in milliseconds. {default: 'Trials'}
0189 %   'img_trialax_ticks' = Vector of sorting variable values at which tick marks (e.g., [300 350 400 450]
0190 %                          for reaction time in msec) will appear on the trial axis of the erpimage. Tick mark
0191 %                          values should be given in units img_trialax_label (e.g., 'Trials' or msec).
0192 %                         {default: automatic}
0193 %   'baseline'          = [low_boundary high_boundary] a time window (in msec) whose mean amplitude in
0194 %                          each trial will be removed from each trial (e.g., [-100 0]) after filtering.
0195 %                          Useful in conjunction with 'filt' option to re-basline trials after they have been
0196 %                          filtered. Not necessary if data have already been baselined and erpimage
0197 %                          processing does not affect baseline amplitude {default: no further baselining
0198 %                          of data}
0199 %   'filt'              = [low_boundary high_boundary] a two element vector indicating the frequency
0200 %                          cut-offs for a 3rd order Butterworth filter that will be applied to each
0201 %                          trial of data.  If low_boundary=0, the filter is a high pass filter.  If
0202 %                          high_boundary=srate/2, then the filter is a low pass filter.  If both
0203 %                          boundaries are between 0 and srate/2, then the filter is a bandpass filter.
0204 %                          If both boundaries are between 0 and -srate/2, then the filter is a bandstop
0205 %                          filter (with boundaries equal to the absolute values of low_boundary and
0206 %                          high_boundary).  Note, using this option requires the 'srate' option to be
0207 %                          specified and the signal processing toolbox function butter.m.  You should
0208 %                          probably use the 'baseline' option as well since the mean prestimulus baseline
0209 %                          may no longer be 0 after the filter is applied
0210 %                          {default: no filtering}
0212 %
0213 %
0214 % Outputs:
0215 %   If data are not already in memory, the function sets some global
0216 %   variables (see below).
0217 %
0218 %
0219 % Global Variables:
0220 %   VERBLEVEL = level of verbosity (i.e., tells functions how much
0221 %               how much to report about what they're doing during
0222 %               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'
0223 %   in_fname  = .eim file from which data were loaded (produced by
0224 %               compile_erpimageMK.m)
0225 %   chans     = cell array specifiying the names of the channels loaded
0226 %               into memory
0227 %   chan_data = the EEG at all of the channels loaded into memory
0228 %   chanlocs  = EEG.chanlocs struct specifying channel locations
0229 %   ep_info   = information about each trial/epoch of data (in format of
0230 %               EEG.event struct)
0231 %   ep_times  = start and stop time of each epoch (in ms)
0232 %   bindesc   = struct array of bin descriptors
0233 %   srate     = sampling rate
0234 %   eim_bins  = bins that were expicitly loaded when .eim file was created
0235 %   rtmsec    = reaction time info for each epoch (may be empty)
0236 %   rtbins    = specifies which reaction time value in rtmsec goes with
0237 %                which bin (i.e., enables the same epoch to have different
0238 %                RTs depending on which bin it is assigned to).
0239 %
0240 % Example:
0241 % >> setfile_tplate='/homes/dgroppe/SANDBOX/RTERPM/rtm#y.set';
0242 % >> chans={'MiPf','MiCe','MiOc','LLOc','RLOc'};
0243 % >> compile_erpimageMK(1:4,'setfile_tplate',setfile_tplate,'chans',chans, ...
0244 %    'bins',[127 133 142 157],'out_fname','demo.eim');
0245 % >> plot_erpimageMK('MiCe','rtmsec','in_fname','demo.eim','avewidth',4,'fig_id',1);
0246 %
0247 %
0248 % Notes:
0249 % -You need to use the Kutaslab copy of erpimage.m for full functionality.
0250 % The current EEGLAB version of erpimage.m doesn't quite have all the
0251 % options of the Kutaslab version.
0252 %
0253 % -Almost all function arguments are simply erpimage.m function arguments.
0254 % See the erpimage.m documentation (e.g., type "help erpimage" at the
0255 % Matlab command line) for more information about what how to use them and
0256 % for examples.
0257 %
0258 % -erpimage.m only accepts a limited number of total arguments.  You might
0259 % exceed this number with this function.  If that happens you'll need to
0260 % reduce the number of optional inputs or change erpimage.m
0261 %
0262 % -The following erpimage.m options are not implemented here because I
0263 % don't feel they're useful: erpalpha (doesn't correct for multiple
0264 % comparisons), noshow, & nosort.
0265 %
0266 % -Decimate needs to be relatively high relative to the number of trials to
0267 % produce a noticeable difference.
0268 %
0269 % -To make a zoomable ERPimage so that you can better see what's going on
0270 % for subsets of the sorting variable or brief time windows.  Set 'erps' to 0,
0271 % and then click on the ERPimage.  A new figure should appear with just the
0272 % ERPimage which should be zoomable.
0273 %
0274 % -The number of trials that are reported in the automatically generated
0275 % figure title are the number of trials before decimation.
0276 %
0277 % Author:
0278 % David Groppe
0279 % Kutaslab, 8/2009
0280 %
0282 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REVISION LOG %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0283 %
0285 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% POSSIBLE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0286 %-If topos are not plot (i.e., 'topos' is 'off'), figure background is grey.  Otherwise,
0287 %figure background is EEGLAB blue.  It would be nice to have it be
0288 %consistent.
0289 %
0290 %-When aligning to sorting variable, the original epoch time limits are
0291 %used.  Thus, you see very little before the sorting variable.  This needs
0292 %to be fixed in erpimage.m.
0294 global in_fname;
0295 global chan_data;
0296 global chans;
0297 global chanlocs;
0298 global ep_info;
0299 global ep_times;
0300 global bindesc;
0301 global srate;
0302 global rtmsec;
0303 global rtbins;
0304 global VERBLEVEL
0305 global eim_bins
0307 %Input Parser
0308 p=inputParser;
0309 %Note: the order of the required arguments needs to match precisely their
0310 %order in the function definition (which is also the order used by p.parse
0311 %below)
0312 p.addRequired('chan',@(x) ischar(x) || isempty(x));
0313 p.addRequired('sort_var',@(x) ischar(x) || isempty(x));
0314 p.addParamValue('bins',[],@isnumeric); %default is to use all bins
0315 p.addParamValue('in_fname',[],@ischar); %default is to use global variables
0316 p.addParamValue('fig_id',[],@(x) sum(x>=0) || isempty(x));
0317 p.addParamValue('avewidth',0,@isnumeric);
0318 p.addParamValue('replace_ties','on',@ischar);
0319 p.addParamValue('verblevel',[],@(x) x>=0);
0320 p.addParamValue('title',[],@(x) ischar(x) || isempty(x));%default is to use chan name & bin descriptor
0321 p.addParamValue('erp','on',@(x) ischar(x) || ((x>=1) & (x<=4)));
0322 p.addParamValue('erpstdev','off',@ischar);
0323 p.addParamValue('rmerp','off',@ischar);
0324 p.addParamValue('topo','on',@ischar);
0325 p.addParamValue('plot_sort_var','on',@ischar);
0326 p.addParamValue('showwin','off',@ischar); 
0327 p.addParamValue('renorm','off',@ischar);
0328 p.addParamValue('limits',[NaN NaN],@isnumeric);
0329 p.addParamValue('sortvar_limits',[],@isnumeric);
0330 p.addParamValue('decimate',0,@isnumeric);
0331 p.addParamValue('mark_times',[],@isnumeric);
0332 p.addParamValue('mark_trials',[],@isnumeric);
0333 p.addParamValue('sortvarpercent',[],@(x) min(x>=0) & min(x<=1));
0334 p.addParamValue('align',[],@isnumeric);
0335 p.addParamValue('coher',[],@(x) min(x>=0));
0336 p.addParamValue('cycles',3,@(x) (x>0));
0337 p.addParamValue('plotamps','off',@ischar);
0338 p.addParamValue('spec',[],@(x) min(x>=0));
0339 p.addParamValue('cbar','on',@ischar);
0340 p.addParamValue('caxis',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) || isempty(x));
0341 p.addParamValue('auxvar',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) || iscell(x));
0342 p.addParamValue('noxlabel','off',@ischar);
0343 p.addParamValue('yerplabel','ERP(\muV)',@ischar);
0344 p.addParamValue('timewarp',[],@iscell);
0345 p.addParamValue('r_plot','off',@(x) strcmpi(x,'on') || strcmpi(x,'off'));
0346 p.addParamValue('r_fig_id',[],@isnumeric);
0347 %Sorting options
0348 p.addParamValue('phasesort',[],@isnumeric);
0349 p.addParamValue('signif',[],@isnumeric);
0350 p.addParamValue('ampsort',[],@isnumeric);
0351 p.addParamValue('sortwin',[],@isnumeric);
0352 p.addParamValue('valsort',[],@isnumeric);
0353 p.addParamValue('evenodd','off',@ischar);
0354 p.addParamValue('erp_grid','on',@ischar);
0355 p.addParamValue('img_trialax_label','Trials',@ischar);
0356 p.addParamValue('img_trialax_ticks',[],@isnumeric);
0357 p.addParamValue('filt',[],@isnumeric);
0358 p.addParamValue('baseline',[],@isnumeric);
0360 p.parse(chan,sort_var,varargin{:});
0362 if isempty(VERBLEVEL) && isempty(p.Results.verblevel)
0363     VERBLEVEL=2;
0364 elseif ~isempty(p.Results.verblevel)
0365     VERBLEVEL=p.Results.verblevel;
0366 end
0368 %?? put in error for arguments that should be integers when they are not
0369 %integers?
0371 if isempty(p.Results.in_fname)
0372     %if input file wasn't specified, assume that data are in global
0373     %variables
0374     if isempty(chan_data) || isempty(chans) || isempty(chanlocs) || isempty(ep_info) ...
0375             || isempty(ep_times) || isempty(bindesc) || isempty(srate), 
0376        error(sprintf(['You either need to specify an input filename (argument "in_fname") ' ...
0377            'or you need to appropriately fill the following global variables: ' ...
0378            'chan_data, chans, chanlocs, ep_info, ep_times, bindesc, & srate.\n' ...
0379            'The function compile_erpimageMK.m can do this for you.\n']));
0380     end
0381     in_fname=[]; %indicates that data were already global
0382 elseif strcmp(in_fname,p.Results.in_fname)
0383     %if input file matches file from which data in global variables were
0384     %taken from, use the data in global variables to save the time it takes
0385     %to reload the data from the file
0386     if isempty(chan_data) || isempty(chans) || isempty(chanlocs) || isempty(ep_info),
0387         %some critical variables are not already in global memory, try to
0388         %load everything from file afterall
0389         load(p.Results.in_fname,'-MAT');
0390     else
0391         fprintf('in_filename %s matches source of data already in memory.\n',p.Results.in_fname);
0392         fprintf('Will use data already in memory to save time.\n');
0393         fprintf('If you would rather load the data from the file enter the\n');
0394         fprintf('   following at the Matlab command line: ');
0395         fprintf('>> clear global in_fname\n');
0396     end
0397 else
0398     load(p.Results.in_fname,'-MAT');
0399     in_fname=p.Results.in_fname;
0400     msg=sprintf('Loading file %s into global variables.\n',in_fname);
0401     msg=[msg sprintf('One of these variables, chan_data, may be quite large.\n')];
0402     msg=[msg sprintf('To delete it, enter >> clear global chan_data\n')];
0403     VerbReport(msg,2,VERBLEVEL);
0404 end
0407 %Check to make sure we have the desired channel
0408 got_it=0;
0409 for a=1:length(chans),
0410     if strcmpi(chans{a},chan),
0411        got_it=1; 
0412     end
0413 end
0414 if ~got_it
0415     msg=sprintf('Channel %s is not an option.\nCurrently loaded channels are: ',chan);
0416     for a=1:(length(chans)-1),
0417        msg=[msg chans{a} ', ']; 
0418     end
0419     msg=[msg chans{length(chans)}];
0420     error(msg);
0421 end
0424 %Check to make sure we have the desired sorting variable
0425 got_srtvar=0;
0426 %RT is a special sorting variable, since there may be more than one RT per
0427 %trial
0428 sortby_rt=0;
0429 rt_loaded=0;
0430 if exist('rtmsec','var')
0431    if ~isempty(rtmsec),
0432        rt_loaded=1;
0433        if strcmpi(sort_var,'rtmsec'),
0434            sortby_rt=1;
0435            got_srtvar=1;
0436        end
0437    end
0438 end
0440 %Check for non-RT sorting variables
0441 if ~sortby_rt,
0442     fldnms=fieldnames(ep_info);
0443     possible=[];
0444     desired=['event' sort_var];
0445     for a=1:length(fldnms),
0446         if strcmpi('event',fldnms{a}(1:5)) && ~strcmpi('eventrtmsec',fldnms{a}) && (length(fldnms{a})>5), 
0447             %i.e., it is not "event", note rtmsec sorting variable should
0448             %have been caught above already
0449             cmnd=['isnumeric(ep_info(a).' fldnms{a} ')'];
0450             if (eval(cmnd)),
0451                 if strcmpi(desired,fldnms{a}),
0452                     got_srtvar=1;
0453                     break; %break a loop
0454                 else
0455                     possible=[possible a];
0456                 end
0457             end
0458         end
0459     end
0460 end
0461 if ~got_srtvar,
0462     msg=sprintf('Sorting variable %s is not an option.\nCurrently loaded sorting variables are: ',sort_var);
0463     for a=1:(length(possible)-1),
0464        msg=[msg fldnms{possible(a)}(6:end) ', ']; 
0465     end
0466     msg=[msg fldnms{possible(end)}(6:end)]; %last/penultimate possibility doesn't need comma
0467     if rt_loaded,
0468        msg=[msg ', rtmsec'];  
0469     end
0470     error(msg);
0471 end
0473 %Extract data from specified bins and sorting variable from epoch info
0474 n_ep=length(ep_info);
0475 srt_val=zeros(1,n_ep)*NaN;
0476 %file_id=zeros(1,n_ep); %??DG
0478 %note, srt_val indicates which epochs are to be ignored with NaN values
0479 %erpimage.m automatically ignores epochs with NaN srt_var values
0480 for a=1:n_ep,  
0481     %%%%%%  use a subset of bins  %%%%%%
0482     if ~isempty(p.Results.bins),
0483         got_it=0;
0484         if sortby_rt,
0485             %make sure the RTs are the same for all bins
0486             %preallocate memory
0487             rt_ids=zeros(1,length(p.Results.bins));
0488             rt_ids_ct=0;
0489             for d=p.Results.bins,
0490                 rt_id=find(rtbins{a}==d);
0491                 if ~isempty(rt_id),
0492                     rt_ids_ct=rt_ids_ct+1;
0493                     rt_ids(rt_ids_ct)=rt_id;
0494                 end
0495                 %rt_ids=[rt_ids find(rtbins{a}==d)]; %find all the rts for all the desired bins
0496             end
0497             if rt_ids_ct>0,
0498                 uni_rt=unique(rtmsec{a}(rt_ids(1:rt_ids_ct)));
0499                 if length(uni_rt)>1,
0500                     error(sprintf(['Different bins have different RTs for epoch %d.\n' ...
0501                         'You must specify bins that have the same RTs.'],a));
0502                 else
0503                     srt_val(a)=uni_rt; %get the RT
0504                     got_it=1;
0505                 end
0506             end
0507         else %non-RT sorting variable
0508             for b=p.Results.bins,
0509                 for c=1:length(ep_info(a).eventtype),
0510                     if strcmpi(ep_info(a).eventtype{c},['bin' int2str(b)]), %does this trial fall in a desired bin?
0511                         %c=length(ep_info(a).eventtype); %break c loop
0512                         %b=p.Results.bins(end); %break b loop
0513                         cmnd=['srt_val(a)=ep_info(a).event' p.Results.sort_var ';'];
0514                         eval(cmnd);
0515                         got_it=1;
0516                         break; %break c loop
0517                     end                   
0518                 end
0519                 if got_it,
0520                    break; %break b loop
0521                 end
0522             end
0523         end
0524         if ~got_it, %epoch not a member of desired bin
0525            srt_val(a)=NaN; 
0526         end
0528     %%%%%%  no bins specified, use all bins  %%%%%%
0529     else 
0530         if sortby_rt, 
0531             uni_rt=unique(rtmsec{a});
0532             if length(uni_rt)>1,
0533                 error(sprintf(['Different bins have different RTs for epoch %d.\n' ...
0534                     'You must specify bins that have the same RTs.'],a));
0535             else
0536                 srt_val(a)=uni_rt;
0537             end
0538         else
0539             cmnd=['srt_val(a)=ep_info(a).event' p.Results.sort_var ';'];
0540             eval(cmnd);
0541         end
0542     end
0543 end
0546 %Find index to desired electrode in chanlocs
0547 n_loc=length(chanlocs);
0548 clocs_id=[]; %in case channel isn't in chanlocs
0549 for d=1:n_loc,
0550     if strcmpi(chanlocs(d).labels,chan),
0551         clocs_id=d;
0552         break; %break d loop
0553     end
0554 end
0557 %Find index to desired electrode in chans (a cell array of channel names
0558 %currently loaded into memory)
0559 n_chans=length(chans);
0560 chans_id=[]; %in case channel isn't in chans
0561 for d=1:n_chans,
0562     if strcmpi(chans{d},chan),
0563         chans_id=d;
0564         break; %break d loop;
0565     end
0566 end
0568 %Compile plot title
0569 if isempty(p.Results.title),
0570     fig_title=[chan ': ']; %Note, Matlab warning that fig_title might not be used is because Matlab can't figure out that it's used via eval.m
0571     if isempty(p.Results.bins),
0572         if length(eim_bins)==length(bindesc),
0573             fig_title=[fig_title ' All Bins'];
0574         else
0575             fig_title=[fig_title 'Bins '];
0576             for a=1:(length(eim_bins)-1), %only a subset of bins stored in eim file
0577                 fig_title=[fig_title int2str(eim_bins(a)) ', '];
0578             end
0579             fig_title=[fig_title int2str(eim_bins(end))];
0580         end
0581     elseif length(p.Results.bins)==1,
0582        %one bin, make title bin descriptor
0583        fig_title=[fig_title bindesc{p.Results.bins}];
0584     else
0585         fig_title=[fig_title 'Bins '];
0586         for a=1:(length(p.Results.bins)-1),
0587             fig_title=[fig_title int2str(p.Results.bins(a)) ', '];
0588         end
0589         fig_title=[fig_title int2str(p.Results.bins(end))];
0590     end
0591 else
0592    fig_title=p.Results.title; 
0593 end
0596 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0597 %  Compute correlations between sort var and all loaded channels
0598 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0599 if strcmpi('on',p.Results.r_plot),
0600     VerbReport(' ',2,VERBLEVEL);
0601     VerbReport('Computing and plotting linear correlation between single trials and sorting variable.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0603 %     VerbReport('Left click on plot of correlations across time to see correlation topography at that point in time.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0604 %     VerbReport('Vertical solid black line indicates time point correspoding to currently shown topography.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0605 %     VerbReport(' ',2,VERBLEVEL);
0606 %     if isempty(p.Results.r_fig_id),
0607 %         figure;
0608 %     else
0609 %         figure(p.Results.r_fig_id); clf;
0610 %     end
0612     if isempty(p.Results.bins),
0613         if length(eim_bins)==length(bindesc),
0614             cor_fig_title=' All Bins';
0615         else
0616             cor_fig_title='Bins ';
0617             for a=1:(length(eim_bins)-1), %only a subset of bins stored in eim file
0618                 cor_fig_title=[cor_fig_title int2str(eim_bins(a)) ', '];
0619             end
0620             cor_fig_title=[cor_fig_title int2str(eim_bins(end))];
0621         end
0622     elseif length(p.Results.bins)==1,
0623         %one bin, make title bin descriptor
0624         cor_fig_title=bindesc{p.Results.bins};
0625     else
0626         cor_fig_title='Bins ';
0627         for a=1:(length(p.Results.bins)-1),
0628             cor_fig_title=[cor_fig_title int2str(p.Results.bins(a)) ', '];
0629         end
0630         cor_fig_title=[cor_fig_title int2str(p.Results.bins(end))];
0631     end
0632     plot_eimcorr(p.Results.sort_var,'in_fname',in_fname,'title',cor_fig_title, ...
0633         'bins',p.Results.bins,'fig_id',p.Results.r_fig_id);
0634 end
0636 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Plot ERPimage  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0637 % Note, that erpimage.m caps the number of acceptable arguments.  Thus, I
0638 % had to create all these "if" statement to try to minimize the number of
0639 % arguments.  Sorry for the ugly programming.
0641 if strcmpi(p.Results.evenodd,'on'),
0642     %sort the usable trials and take every other trial
0643     [vals, ids]=sort(srt_val); %NaN values are last
0644     odd_ids=ids(1:2:end);
0645     even_ids=setdiff(1:length(ids),odd_ids);
0646     n_plots=2;
0647 else
0648     n_plots=1;
0649 end
0651 %potentially loop through twice for odd and even trials
0652 for plotloop=1:n_plots,
0654     if strcmpi(p.Results.evenodd,'on'),
0655         if plotloop==1,
0656             use_ids=odd_ids;
0657             if isempty(p.Results.sortvar_limits)
0658                 n_trials=sum(~isnan(srt_val(use_ids)));
0659             else
0660                 n_trials=sum( (srt_val(use_ids)>=p.Results.sortvar_limits(1)) && (srt_val(use_ids)<=p.Results.sortvar_limits(2)));
0661             end
0662             use_title=[fig_title ' (' int2str(n_trials) ' Odd Trials)'];
0663         else
0664             use_ids=even_ids;
0665             if isempty(p.Results.sortvar_limits)
0666                 n_trials=sum(~isnan(srt_val(use_ids)));
0667             else
0668                 n_trials=sum( (srt_val(use_ids)>=p.Results.sortvar_limits(1)) && (srt_val(use_ids)<=p.Results.sortvar_limits(2)));
0669             end
0670             use_title=[fig_title ' (' int2str(n_trials) ' Even Trials)'];
0671         end
0672     else
0673         use_ids=1:length(srt_val);
0674         use_title=fig_title;
0675         %add number of trials to title if title is auto generated
0676         if isempty(p.Results.title),
0677             if isempty(p.Results.sortvar_limits)
0678                 n_trials=sum(~isnan(srt_val(use_ids)));
0679             else
0680                 n_trials=sum( (srt_val(use_ids)>=p.Results.sortvar_limits(1)).*(srt_val(use_ids)<=p.Results.sortvar_limits(2)));
0681             end
0682             use_title=[use_title ' (' int2str(n_trials) ' trials)'];
0683         end
0684     end
0687     %Plot sorting variable
0688     if strcmpi(p.Results.plot_sort_var,'on')
0689         noplot='off'; %Note, Matlab warning that noplot might not be used is because Matlab can't figure out that it's used via eval.m
0690     else
0691         noplot='on';
0692     end
0694     %change "on/off" to "yes/no", erpimage uses both for different arguments and this function uses
0695     %just "on/off" for all arguments
0696     if strcmpi(p.Results.renorm,'on'),
0697         renorm='yes'; %Note, Matlab warning that renorm might not be used is because Matlab can't figure out that it's used via eval.m
0698     elseif strcmpi(p.Results.renorm,'off'),
0699         renorm='no';
0700     else
0701         renorm=p.Results.renorm; %should be a formula
0702     end
0704     cmd=['erpimage(chan_data{chans_id}(:,use_ids),srt_val(use_ids),ep_times,use_title,' ...
0705         'p.Results.avewidth,p.Results.decimate,' ...
0706         '"cbar",p.Results.cbar,' ...
0707         '"limits",p.Results.limits,' ...
0708         '"noplot",noplot,' ...
0709         '"erp",p.Results.erp,' ...
0710         '"img_trialax_label",p.Results.img_trialax_label,' ...
0711         '"img_trialax_ticks",p.Results.img_trialax_ticks,' ...
0712         '"filt",p.Results.filt,' ...
0713         '"baseline",p.Results.baseline,' ...
0714         '"replace_ties",p.Results.replace_ties,' ...
0715         '"yerplabel",p.Results.yerplabel,'];
0718     if strcmpi(p.Results.erp_grid,'on')
0719        cmd=[cmd '"erp_grid",']; 
0720     end
0722     if ~isempty(p.Results.sortvar_limits)
0723        cmd=[cmd '"sortvar_limits",p.Results.sortvar_limits,']; 
0724     end
0726     if ~isempty(p.Results.timewarp),
0727         cmd=[cmd '"timewarp",p.Results.timewarp,'];
0728     elseif ~isempty(p.Results.mark_times),
0729         cmd=[cmd '"vert",p.Results.mark_times,'];
0730     end
0732     if strcmpi(p.Results.erpstdev,'on'),
0733         cmd=[cmd '"erpstd",p.Results.erpstdev,'];
0734     end
0736     if strcmpi(p.Results.rmerp,'on'),
0737         cmd=[cmd '"rmerp",p.Results.rmerp,'];
0738     end
0740     if strcmpi(p.Results.topo,'on'),
0741         cmd=[cmd '"topo",{clocs_id,chanlocs,[]},'];
0742     end
0744     if ~isempty(p.Results.auxvar),
0745         cmd=[cmd '"auxvar",p.Results.auxvar,'];
0746     end
0748     if ~isempty(p.Results.spec),
0749         cmd=[cmd '"spec",p.Results.spec,'];
0750     end
0752     if ~isempty(p.Results.caxis),
0753         cmd=[cmd '"caxis",p.Results.caxis,'];
0754     end
0756     if ~isempty(p.Results.mark_trials),
0757         cmd=[cmd '"horz",p.Results.mark_trials,'];
0758     end
0760     if (p.Results.cycles~=3),
0761         cmd=[cmd '"cycles",p.Results.cycles,'];
0762     end
0764     if ~isempty(p.Results.signif)
0765         cmd=[cmd '"signif",p.Results.signif,'];
0766     end
0768     %if using some option involving the frequency domain
0769     if ~isempty(p.Results.spec) || ~isempty(p.Results.ampsort) || ~isempty(p.Results.phasesort) ...
0770             || ~isempty(p.Results.coher)
0771         cmd=[cmd '"srate",srate,'];
0772     end
0774     if ~isempty(p.Results.coher),
0775         cmd=[cmd '"coher",p.Results.coher,' ...
0776             '"plotamps",p.Results.plotamps,'];
0777     end
0779     %sorting criteria are mutually exclusive
0780     if ~isempty(p.Results.align)
0781         cmd=[cmd '"align",p.Results.align,'];
0782         VerbReport(sprintf('\nSorting by sort_var %s. Any other sorting criteria will be ignored.',sort_var),2,VERBLEVEL);
0783         VerbReport(sprintf('\n%d trials will be considered for ERPimage\n',sum(~isnan(srt_val))),1,VERBLEVEL);
0784         if sum(~isnan(srt_val))==0,
0785            errordlg('No trials have values for selected sorting variable.','plot_erpimageMK error','on');
0786            return;
0787         end
0788     elseif ~isempty(p.Results.valsort)
0789         cmd=[cmd '"valsort",p.Results.valsort,'];
0790         VerbReport('Sorting by "valsort" any other sorting criteria will be ignored.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0791     elseif ~isempty(p.Results.phasesort)
0792         cmd=[cmd '"phasesort",p.Results.phasesort,'];
0793         VerbReport('Sorting by "phasesort" any other sorting criteria will be ignored.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0794     elseif ~isempty(p.Results.ampsort),
0795         VerbReport('Sorting by "ampsort" any other sorting criteria will be ignored.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0796         if ~isempty(p.Results.sortwin),
0797             cmd=[cmd '"showwin",p.Results.showwin,' ...
0798                 '"sortwin",p.Results.sortwin,' ...
0799                 '"ampsort",p.Results.ampsort,'];
0800         else
0801             cmd=[cmd '"ampsort",p.Results.ampsort,'];
0802         end
0803     else %sort according to srt_val
0804         VerbReport(sprintf('\nSorting by sort_var %s. Any other sorting criteria will be ignored.',sort_var),2,VERBLEVEL);
0805         VerbReport(sprintf('\n%d trials will be considered for ERPimage\n',sum(~isnan(srt_val))),1,VERBLEVEL);
0806         if sum(~isnan(srt_val))==0,
0807             errordlg('No trials have values for selected sorting variable.','plot_erpimageMK error','on');
0808             return;
0809         end
0810         cmd=[cmd '"renorm",renorm,' ...
0811             '"sortvarpercent",p.Results.sortvarpercent,'];
0812     end
0815     %wrap up with general optional arguments
0816     cmd=[cmd '"noxlabel",p.Results.noxlabel,"avg_type","Gaussian","cbar_title","\muV");'];
0818     %replace double quotes with single quotes
0819     dq_id=find(cmd=='"');
0820     cmd(dq_id)=39;
0821     %display erpimage command if user wants max verbosity
0822     VerbReport('',3,VERBLEVEL);
0823     VerbReport('erpimage function call:',3,VERBLEVEL);
0824     VerbReport(cmd,3,VERBLEVEL);
0825     VerbReport('',3,VERBLEVEL);
0827     %Open/Select Figure
0828     if length(p.Results.fig_id)<plotloop
0829         figure;
0830     elseif (p.Results.fig_id(plotloop)==0),
0831         figure;
0832     else
0833         figure(p.Results.fig_id(plotloop));clf;
0834     end
0836     eval(cmd);
0837     set(gcf,'name',['[' use_title ']']);
0838 end

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