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set2tfr() - Creates a fieldtrip compatible MATLABmk TFR struct variable


function TFR=set2tfr(set_fname,varargin)


 set2tfr() - Creates a fieldtrip compatible MATLABmk TFR struct variable 
             from an EEGLAB *.set files.  The TFR variable contains mean
             spectrograms per bin. Uses the Fieldtrip function

  >> TFR=set2ftr(set_fname,varargin);

 Required Inputs:
   set_fname - The name of an EEGLAB *.set file from which the data to be
               operated on is stored.  Kutaslab bin information must have 
               been added to it via the function crw2set.m or 
               bin_info2EEG.m. Include the file's path unless the file is 
               in the current working directory.

 Optional Inputs:
   'time_window'    - [number] Duration (in ms) of the moving time 
                      window used to compute the spectrograms. {default:
                      1/4 the duration of each epoch of data}
   'time_step'      - [number] The delay (in ms) between each time
                      window in the series of time windows used compute 
                      the spectrograms. Lowest possible value is 
                      1/sampling rate. It is recommended that you don't 
                      use a time_step value greater than 50% of the moving 
                      time window duration. {default: half the duration of 
                      the moving time window}
   'freq_limits'    - [min max] The lowest and highest frequency (in Hz)
                      you want included in the spectrogram.
   'freq_step'      - [number] The distance (in Hz) between successive
                      frequencies. {default: approximately 1/duration of
                      the moving time window}
   'use_bins'       - [integer vector] A set of integers specifying which
                      bins to import into MATLAB.  If not specified, all
                      bins will be imported. Note, if you import only a
                      subset of bins, the bin numberings will start at 1
                      and run to the number you've imported (i.e., they may
                      differ from the bin numbers in the set files.
                      {default: import all bins}
   'units'          - ['dB' or 'raw'] If 'dB', power spectra will be
                      returned in units of decibles.  If 'raw', power
                      spectra will be in units of raw power. {default:
   'exclude_chans'  - A cell array of channel labels to exclude from the
                      importation (e.g., {'A2','lle','rhe'}). You cannot
                      use both this option and 'include_chans' (below).{default:
                      not used, import all channels}

   'include_chans'  - A cell array specifying a subset of channel labels to import
                      (e.g., {'Fz','Cz','Pz'}).  All other channels will
                      be ignored. You cannot use both this option and
                      'exclude_chans' (above). {default: not used, import
                      all channels}

   'demean'         - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', the mean of each epoch
                      will be removed. {default: 'yes'}

   'exp_name'       - [string] Name of the experiment. {default: 'An

   'out_fname'      - [string] Filename to save TFR variable to.  If empty
                      (i.e., not specified), the TFR variable will NOT be
                      saved to disk but will be returned to the MATLAB 
                      workspace. If no file extension is given '.tfr' will 
                      be added to the filename. {default: not specified}

   'verblevel'      - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want
                      this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
                       Options are:
                        0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
                        1 - stuff anyone should probably know
                        2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
                            with a data set {default value}
                        3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all

   TFR  - Struct variable containing power spectra and associated
          information (e.g., electrode locations) in a fieldtrip compatible

 Global Variables:
   VERBLEVEL - MATLABmk level of verbosity (i.e., tells 
               functions how much to report about what they're doing during
               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'

 -This function expects the EEG variable to have information about bins
 stored in it.  More specifically, there needs to be (1) an EEG.bindesc
 field that contains a text description of each bin and (2) epochs of data
 labeled as bin types (e.g., 'bin1').  Bin types are stored in the field
 EEG.epoch(#).eventtype.  Use the function bin_info2EEG.m to add bin
 information to an EEG variable.

 -ICs labeled as artifacts will be removed from the data before spectrograms
 are computed.  This is done by the function remove_artifact_ics.m.  IC labeling
 can be done via EEGLAB or MATLABmk functions/conventions.  If both
 conventions appear in the EEG variable, only MATLABmk IC labels will be used.

 -This function is not yet compatible with ERPLAB's conventions for
 storing bin information.

 -Currently this function computes spectrograms using Fourier analysis 
 with a Hann taper. Other options will be available in the future.

 David Groppe
 Kutaslab, 1/2011


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 % set2tfr() - Creates a fieldtrip compatible MATLABmk TFR struct variable
0002 %             from an EEGLAB *.set files.  The TFR variable contains mean
0003 %             spectrograms per bin. Uses the Fieldtrip function
0004 %             ft_freqanalysis.m.
0005 %
0006 % Usage:
0007 %  >> TFR=set2ftr(set_fname,varargin);
0008 %
0009 % Required Inputs:
0010 %   set_fname - The name of an EEGLAB *.set file from which the data to be
0011 %               operated on is stored.  Kutaslab bin information must have
0012 %               been added to it via the function crw2set.m or
0013 %               bin_info2EEG.m. Include the file's path unless the file is
0014 %               in the current working directory.
0015 %
0016 %
0017 % Optional Inputs:
0018 %   'time_window'    - [number] Duration (in ms) of the moving time
0019 %                      window used to compute the spectrograms. {default:
0020 %                      1/4 the duration of each epoch of data}
0021 %   'time_step'      - [number] The delay (in ms) between each time
0022 %                      window in the series of time windows used compute
0023 %                      the spectrograms. Lowest possible value is
0024 %                      1/sampling rate. It is recommended that you don't
0025 %                      use a time_step value greater than 50% of the moving
0026 %                      time window duration. {default: half the duration of
0027 %                      the moving time window}
0028 %   'freq_limits'    - [min max] The lowest and highest frequency (in Hz)
0029 %                      you want included in the spectrogram.
0030 %   'freq_step'      - [number] The distance (in Hz) between successive
0031 %                      frequencies. {default: approximately 1/duration of
0032 %                      the moving time window}
0033 %   'use_bins'       - [integer vector] A set of integers specifying which
0034 %                      bins to import into MATLAB.  If not specified, all
0035 %                      bins will be imported. Note, if you import only a
0036 %                      subset of bins, the bin numberings will start at 1
0037 %                      and run to the number you've imported (i.e., they may
0038 %                      differ from the bin numbers in the set files.
0039 %                      {default: import all bins}
0040 %   'units'          - ['dB' or 'raw'] If 'dB', power spectra will be
0041 %                      returned in units of decibles.  If 'raw', power
0042 %                      spectra will be in units of raw power. {default:
0043 %                      'dB'}
0044 %   'exclude_chans'  - A cell array of channel labels to exclude from the
0045 %                      importation (e.g., {'A2','lle','rhe'}). You cannot
0046 %                      use both this option and 'include_chans' (below).{default:
0047 %                      not used, import all channels}
0048 %
0049 %   'include_chans'  - A cell array specifying a subset of channel labels to import
0050 %                      (e.g., {'Fz','Cz','Pz'}).  All other channels will
0051 %                      be ignored. You cannot use both this option and
0052 %                      'exclude_chans' (above). {default: not used, import
0053 %                      all channels}
0054 %
0055 %   'demean'         - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', the mean of each epoch
0056 %                      will be removed. {default: 'yes'}
0057 %
0058 %   'exp_name'       - [string] Name of the experiment. {default: 'An
0059 %                      Experiment'}
0060 %
0061 %   'out_fname'      - [string] Filename to save TFR variable to.  If empty
0062 %                      (i.e., not specified), the TFR variable will NOT be
0063 %                      saved to disk but will be returned to the MATLAB
0064 %                      workspace. If no file extension is given '.tfr' will
0065 %                      be added to the filename. {default: not specified}
0066 %
0067 %   'verblevel'      - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want
0068 %                      this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
0069 %                       Options are:
0070 %                        0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
0071 %                        1 - stuff anyone should probably know
0072 %                        2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
0073 %                            with a data set {default value}
0074 %                        3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all
0075 %                            reports)
0076 %
0077 % Output:
0078 %   TFR  - Struct variable containing power spectra and associated
0079 %          information (e.g., electrode locations) in a fieldtrip compatible
0080 %          format.
0081 %
0082 % Global Variables:
0083 %   VERBLEVEL - MATLABmk level of verbosity (i.e., tells
0084 %               functions how much to report about what they're doing during
0085 %               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'
0086 %
0087 % Notes:
0088 % -This function expects the EEG variable to have information about bins
0089 % stored in it.  More specifically, there needs to be (1) an EEG.bindesc
0090 % field that contains a text description of each bin and (2) epochs of data
0091 % labeled as bin types (e.g., 'bin1').  Bin types are stored in the field
0092 % EEG.epoch(#).eventtype.  Use the function bin_info2EEG.m to add bin
0093 % information to an EEG variable.
0094 %
0095 % -ICs labeled as artifacts will be removed from the data before spectrograms
0096 % are computed.  This is done by the function remove_artifact_ics.m.  IC labeling
0097 % can be done via EEGLAB or MATLABmk functions/conventions.  If both
0098 % conventions appear in the EEG variable, only MATLABmk IC labels will be used.
0099 %
0100 % -This function is not yet compatible with ERPLAB's conventions for
0101 % storing bin information.
0102 %
0103 % -Currently this function computes spectrograms using Fourier analysis
0104 % with a Hann taper. Other options will be available in the future.
0105 %
0106 % Author:
0107 % David Groppe
0108 % Kutaslab, 1/2011
0110 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Revision History %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0111 % 4/26/2011 - Added TFR.chanlocs field
0113 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Future Work %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0114 %add error check for step size and round to sampling rate ??
0115 %add path information for tfr_fname ??
0118 function TFR=set2tfr(set_fname,varargin)
0119 p=inputParser;
0120 p.addRequired('set_fname',@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x));
0121 p.addParamValue('time_window',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==1);
0122 p.addParamValue('time_step',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==1);
0123 p.addParamValue('freq_step',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==1);
0124 p.addParamValue('bsln_wind',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2);
0125 p.addParamValue('bsln_type','none',@(x) ischar(x) && (strcmpi(x,'relative') || strcmpi(x,'absolute') || strcmpi(x,'none')));
0126 p.addParamValue('use_bins',[],@isnumeric);
0127 p.addParamValue('freq_limits',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2); %?? make this simply a vector of frequencies of interest?
0128 p.addParamValue('out_fname',[],@ischar);
0129 p.addParamValue('exclude_chans',[],@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x));
0130 p.addParamValue('include_chans',[],@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x));
0131 p.addParamValue('verblevel',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0132 p.addParamValue('exp_name','An Experiment',@ischar);
0133 p.addParamValue('demean','yes',@(x) strcmpi('yes',x) || strcmpi('no',x));
0134 p.addParamValue('units','dB',@(x) ischar(x) && (strcmpi(x,'dB') || strcmpi(x,'raw')));
0138 p.parse(set_fname,varargin{:});
0141 global EEG; %necessary for removing artifacts
0142 global VERBLEVEL;
0144 if isempty(p.Results.verblevel),
0145     if isempty(VERBLEVEL),
0146         VERBLEVEL=2;
0147     end
0148 else
0149     VERBLEVEL=p.Results.verblevel;
0150 end
0152 EEG=pop_loadset(set_fname);
0153 if ~isfield(EEG,'bindesc'),
0154    error('This set file doesn''t have an EEG.bindesc field containing bin information!'); 
0155 end
0157 [n_EEG_chans, n_tpts, n_epochs]=size(EEG.data);
0158 srate=EEG.srate;
0160 %% Bin selection
0161 n_bins=length(EEG.bindesc);
0162 if isempty(p.Results.use_bins)
0163     use_bins=1:n_bins;
0164     n_use_bins=n_bins;
0165 else
0166     use_bins=p.Results.use_bins;
0167     n_use_bins=length(use_bins);
0168     if max(use_bins)>n_bins,
0169         error('This file only has %d bins, but you requested importing bin %d.\n', ...
0170             n_bins,max(use_bins));
0171     end
0172 end
0175 %% Figure out which channels to ignore if any
0176 %But first make sure exclude & include options were not both used.
0177 if ~isempty(p.Results.include_chans) && ~isempty(p.Results.exclude_chans)
0178     error('You cannot use BOTH ''include_chans'' and ''exclude_chans'' options.');
0179 end
0180 if ischar(p.Results.exclude_chans),
0181     exclude_chans{1}=p.Results.exclude_chans;
0182 elseif isempty(p.Results.exclude_chans)
0183     exclude_chans=[];
0184 else
0185     exclude_chans=p.Results.exclude_chans;
0186 end
0187 if ischar(p.Results.include_chans),
0188     include_chans{1}=p.Results.include_chans;
0189 elseif isempty(p.Results.include_chans)
0190     include_chans=[];
0191 else
0192     include_chans=p.Results.include_chans;
0193 end
0195 if ~isempty(exclude_chans),
0196     use_chans=zeros(1,n_EEG_chans);
0197     ex_ct=0;
0198     for a=1:n_EEG_chans,
0199         if ~ismember_ci(EEG.chanlocs(a).labels,exclude_chans)
0200             use_chans(a)=1;
0201         else
0202             ex_ct=ex_ct+1;
0203             ex_labels{ex_ct}=EEG.chanlocs(a).labels;
0204         end
0205     end
0206     use_chans=find(use_chans==1);
0208     if VERBLEVEL>1,
0209         missed=setdiff_ci(exclude_chans,ex_labels);
0210         n_missed=length(missed);
0211         if n_missed,
0212             if n_missed==1,
0213                 msg=sprintf('I attempted to exclude the following channel, but it was not found:');
0214             else
0215                 msg=sprintf('I attempted to exclude the following channels, but they were not found:');
0216             end
0217             for a=1:n_missed,
0218                 msg=[msg ' ' missed{a}];
0219             end
0220             watchit(msg);
0221         end
0222     end
0223 elseif ~isempty(include_chans),
0224     use_chans=zeros(1,n_EEG_chans);
0225     in_ct=0;
0226     for a=1:n_EEG_chans,
0227         if ismember_ci(EEG.chanlocs(a).labels,include_chans)
0228             use_chans(a)=1;
0229             in_ct=in_ct+1;
0230             in_labels{in_ct}=EEG.chanlocs(a).labels;
0231         end
0232     end
0233     use_chans=find(use_chans==1);
0235     if VERBLEVEL>1,
0236         missed=setdiff_ci(include_chans,in_labels);
0237         n_missed=length(missed);
0238         if n_missed,
0239             if n_missed==1,
0240                 msg=sprintf('I attempted to include the following channel, but it was not found:');
0241             else
0242                 msg=sprintf('I attempted to include the following channels, but they were not found:');
0243             end
0244             for a=1:n_missed,
0245                 msg=[msg ' ' missed{a}];
0246             end
0247             watchit(msg);
0248         end
0249     end
0250 else
0251     n_chans=n_EEG_chans;
0252     use_chans=1:n_chans;
0253 end
0254 n_use_chans=length(use_chans);
0257 %% Intialize TFR variable
0258 TFR.bindesc=cell(1,n_use_bins);
0259 for b=1:n_use_bins,
0260     TFR.bindesc{b}=EEG.bindesc{use_bins(b)};
0261 end
0262 TFR.exp_name=p.Results.exp_name;
0263 TFR.set_fname=set_fname;
0264 TFR.tfr_fname=p.Results.out_fname;
0266 TFR.bins=cell(1,n_use_bins); %where the spectrograms will be stored
0267 TFR.bsln_wind=p.Results.bsln_wind;
0268 TFR.bsln_type=p.Results.bsln_type;
0269 TFR.units=p.Results.units;
0271 % Basline error checking
0272 if ~strcmpi(TFR.bsln_type,'none') && isempty(TFR.bsln_wind),
0273     error('You specified a spectrogram baseline type of ''%s'', but you did NOT specify a baseline time window.',TFR.bsln_type);
0274 elseif strcmpi(TFR.bsln_type,'none') && ~isempty(TFR.bsln_wind),
0275     watchit(sprintf('You specified a spectrogram baseline type of ''none'', but yet you specified a baseline time window.\nIgnoring baseline time window.\n'));
0276     TFR.bsln_wind=[];
0277 elseif strcmpi(TFR.bsln_type,'relative') && strcmpi(TFR.units,'dB')
0278     error('You probably shouldn''t use a relative baseline if you''re converting your spectrograms into dB.');
0279 end
0281 remove_artifact_ics(); %ICA artifact correction (operates on the global variable EEG)
0282 %not baselining data there because we'll do it later
0284 %convert EEG variable into a fieldtrip variable
0285 dataPP=eeglab2fieldtrip(EEG,'preprocessing','none');
0287 cfg_pre=[];
0288 %note that selecting a subset of channels only removes channel data, not their info in dataPP2.elec
0289 cfg_pre.channel=cell(1,n_use_chans);
0290 for c=1:n_use_chans,
0291    cfg_pre.channel{c}=EEG.chanlocs(use_chans(c)).labels;
0292 end
0293 cfg_pre.demean=p.Results.demean;
0294 cfg_pre.baselinewindow ='all'; % or [begin end], make this an option ??
0295 cfg_pre.trials = 'all'; %?? select only trials that belong to bins of interest ??
0297 tpt0_id=find_tpt(EEG.times,0); %time=0 time point index necessary for trial definition
0299 %We have to add a trial configuration to make sure fieldtrip
0300 %doesn't think the data are really continuous.  We don't use it for
0301 %anything though (currently).
0302 for a=1:n_epochs,
0303     dataPP.cfg.trl(a,:)=[1 n_tpts tpt0_id a]; %"a" just tells you what EEG.epoch the trial corresponds to. It isn't used for anything now.
0304     %get rid of possible time numerical error; milliseconds is the
0305     %lowest resolution we should ever need
0306     dataPP.time{a}=round(dataPP.time{a}*1000)/1000;
0307 end
0308 %add additional bookkeeping fields to fieldtrip variable
0309 dataPP=ft_preprocessing(cfg_pre,dataPP);
0312 %% Compute spectrogram for each bin,
0313 in_bin=bin_membership(EEG); % figure out which epochs belong in which bins
0315 %Time window length
0316 if isempty(p.Results.time_window),
0317     T=(n_tpts/srate)/4; %1/4 the length of each epoch
0318 else
0319     T=p.Results.time_window/1000; %convert to seconds from ms
0320 end
0322 %fieldtrip statistical analyses and grandaveraging expect different
0323 %conditions to be stored in different variables
0324 cfg              = [];
0325 cfg.output       = 'pow';
0326 cfg.channel      = 'all';
0327 % cfg.channel=cell(1,n_use_chans);
0328 % for c=1:n_use_chans,
0329 %    cfg.channel{c}=
0330 % end
0332 cfg.method       = 'mtmconvol';
0333 cfg.taper        = 'hanning'; % ?? make an option
0334 %cfg.taper        = 'dpss'; ??
0335 %cfg.tapsmofrq    = 1; % multitaper option fix ??
0336 %cfg.foilim        = [0 EEG.srate/2]; %?? make an option
0337 if ~isempty(p.Results.freq_step),
0338     freq_step=p.Results.freq_step;
0339 else
0340     freq_step=1/T; %Raleigh frequency for size of moving time window (maximal frequency resolution without interpolation)
0341 end
0342 % Spectral power will be computed at the following frequencies
0343 if isempty(p.Results.freq_limits),
0344     cfg.foi=0:freq_step:srate/2; 
0345 else
0346     cfg.foi=p.Results.freq_limits(1):freq_step:p.Results.freq_limits(2); % Spectral power will be computed at these frequencies
0347 end
0349 cfg.pad = ceil((n_tpts/srate)*freq_step)/freq_step; %"pad" is in units of seconds;
0350 %fieldtrip requires "pad" to be at least as long as the length of each
0351 %epoch of data.  Here we round up such that the pad length is a multiple
0352 %of our desired frequency step size. ?? make padding an option?
0353 if ~isint(cfg.pad*srate),
0354     error('Choose a different value for freq_step. The current value results in padding that is a multiple of 1/sampling_rate.  fieldtrip plots don''t like this.'); 
0355 end
0356 %fix the above error; just use pmtm.m for spectrograms
0358 cfg.t_ftimwin=ones(length(cfg.foi),1).*T;   % length of time window for each frequency, I'm making them all the same length for now
0360 %find earliest possible time point to center the moving window
0361 start_time=dataPP.time{1}(1)+T/2;
0362 start_time=ceil(start_time*srate)/srate; %you need to round in case start_time falls in between samples
0364 %latest possible time point to center the moving window
0365 end_time=dataPP.time{1}(end)-T/2;
0366 end_time=floor(end_time*srate)/srate; %you need to round in case start_time falls in between samples
0367 if isempty(p.Results.time_step),
0368     time_step=T/2; %half of length of moving time window
0369 else
0370     time_step=p.Results.time_step/1000; %convert to seconds from ms
0371 end
0372 cfg.toi=start_time:time_step:end_time; %make an option ??
0374 %perform the time frequency analysis for each bin for this subject
0375 for b=1:n_use_bins,
0376     cfg.trials=find(in_bin(:,use_bins(b)));
0377     TFR.bins{b}=ft_freqanalysis(cfg, dataPP);
0379     %convert to decibels
0380     if strcmpi(TFR.units,'dB'),
0381         %convert to dB within ft_freqanalysis instead? ??
0382         TFR.bins{b}.powspctrm=10*log10(TFR.bins{b}.powspctrm);
0383     end
0385     %baseline if requested
0386     if ~isempty(TFR.bsln_wind)
0387         start_tpt=find(TFR.bins{b}.time<(TFR.bsln_wind(1)/1000)); %note conversion of baseline window from sec to ms
0388         start_tpt=start_tpt(end)+1; %first time point within the baseline window
0390         end_tpt=find(TFR.bins{b}.time<=(TFR.bsln_wind(2)/1000));%note conversion of baseline window from sec to ms
0391         end_tpt=end_tpt(end); %last time point within the baseline window
0393         %error check window
0394         if end_tpt<start_tpt,
0395            error('The first time point of your basline window, %g ms, is greater than the last time point of your baseline window, %g ms.', ...
0396                TFR.bins{b}.time(start_tpt)*1000,TFR.bins{b}.time(end_tpt)*1000);
0397         end
0398         fprintf('Desired spectrogram baseline window is from: %g to %g ms\n', ...
0399             TFR.bsln_wind(1),TFR.bsln_wind(2));
0400         fprintf('Actual spectrogram baseline window is from: %g to %g ms\n', ...
0401             TFR.bins{b}.time(start_tpt)*1000,TFR.bins{b}.time(end_tpt)*1000)
0403         mn_bsln_pow=squeeze(mean(TFR.bins{b}.powspctrm(:,:,start_tpt:end_tpt),3));
0404         if strcmpi(TFR.bsln_type,'absolute'),
0405             TFR.bins{b}.powspctrm=TFR.bins{b}.powspctrm-repmat(mn_bsln_pow,[1 1 length(TFR.bins{b}.time)]);
0406         elseif strcmpi(TFR.bsln_type,'relative'),
0407             TFR.bins{b}.powspctrm=TFR.bins{b}.powspctrm./repmat(mn_bsln_pow,[1 1 length(TFR.bins{b}.time)]);
0408         end
0409     end
0410 end
0412 TFR.chanlocs=EEG.chanlocs(use_chans);
0413 TFR.saved='yes';
0415 if ~isempty(TFR.tfr_fname)
0416     %Add .tfr extension if no extension given
0417     if ~ismember('.',TFR.tfr_fname),
0418         TFR.tfr_fname=[TFR.tfr_fname '.tfr'];
0419     end
0420     fprintf('Saving TFR variable to disk as %s.\n',TFR.tfr_fname);
0421     save(TFR.tfr_fname,'TFR');
0422 else
0423     fprintf('TFR variable NOT saved to disk.');
0424 end
0428 %%%%%%%% END OF MAIN FUNCTION %%%%%%%
0430 function in_bin=bin_membership(EEG)
0431 %function in_bin=bin_membership(EEG)
0432 %
0433 %Input:
0434 % EEG - EEGLAB EEG variable with Kutaslab bin information
0435 %
0436 %Output:
0437 % in_bin - epoch x bin binary matrix. A "1" in column N indicates that
0438 %          that epoch falls in Bin N
0440 n_bin=length(EEG.bindesc);
0441 n_epoch=length(EEG.epoch);
0443 in_bin=zeros(n_epoch,n_bin);
0445 for a=1:n_bin,
0446     bin_name=['bin' int2str(a)];
0447     for ep=1:n_epoch,
0448         if ismember(bin_name,EEG.epoch(ep).eventtype)
0449             in_bin(ep,a)=1;
0450         end
0451     end
0452 end
0454 function yesno=ismember_ci(str,str_array)
0455 % function yesno=ismember_ci(str,str_array)
0456 % A case insensitive version of ismember.m but just for strings
0457 %
0458 % Inputs:
0459 %  str       - a string
0460 %  str_array - a cell array of strings
0461 %
0462 % Outputs:
0463 %  yesno - 1 if str is a member of str_array.  0 otherwise.  Comparison is
0464 %          not case sensitive.
0466 yesno=0;
0467 n_str=length(str_array);
0469 for a=1:n_str,
0470     if strcmpi(str,str_array{a})
0471         yesno=1;
0472         break;
0473     end
0474 end
0476 function dif_str=setdiff_ci(superset,subset)
0477 %function dif_str=setdiff_ci(superset,subset)
0478 %
0479 % Inputs:
0480 %   superset - an cell array of strings
0481 %   subset   - an cell array of strings
0482 %
0483 % Outputs:
0484 %   dif_str - a cell array of the strings that are in superset but NOT
0485 %             subset. Comparison is not case sensitive.
0486 %
0488 n_super=length(superset);
0489 n_sub=length(subset);
0490 dif_ct=0;
0491 dif_str=[];
0492 for a=1:n_super,
0493     found=0;
0494     for b=1:n_sub,
0495         if strcmpi(superset{a},subset{b}),
0496             found=1;
0497             break
0498         end
0499     end
0500     if ~found,
0501         dif_ct=dif_ct+1;
0502         dif_str{dif_ct}=superset{a};
0503     end
0504 end

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