Home > matlabmk > tfrs2tfrGND.m



tfrs2tfrGND() - Creates a fieldtrip compatible MATLABmk tfrGND struct variable


function tfrGND=tfrs2tfrGND(gui_infiles_or_tmplt,varargin)


 tfrs2tfrGND() - Creates a fieldtrip compatible MATLABmk tfrGND struct variable 
                 from MATLABmk *.tfr files.  The tfrGND variable contains mean
                 spectrograms per bin for each subject and the grand
                 average spectrograms.

  >> tfrGND=tfrs2tfrGND(gui_infiles_or_tmplt,varargin);

 Required Inputs:
   gui_infiles_or_tmplt - ['gui', a cell array of strings, or a string template]
                          If 'gui', a GUI is created that allows you to select
                          which tfr files to import (this is probably the
                          easiest way to import files).  If a cell array of
                          of strings, each element of the cell array should
                          contain the filename of a tfr file (e.g.,
                          {'visodbl01.tfr','visodbl02.tfr'}.  Otherwise, this
                          input should be a filename template (i.e., a string with
                          # where the subject number should be--'visodbl#.tfr').
                          If you provide a template, you must use the option
                          'sub_ids' (see below) to specify the ID numbers of
                          each subject. Include the files' path unless the files
                          are in the current working directory. Note, tfr
                          files are produced by set2tfr.m.

 Optional Inputs:
   'use_bins'       - [integer vector] A set of integers specifying which
                      bins to import into MATLAB.  If not specified, all
                      bins will be imported. Note, if you import only a
                      subset of bins, the bin numberings will start at 1
                      and run to the number you've imported (i.e., they may
                      differ from the bin numbers in the set files.
                      {default: import all bins}
   'sub_ids'        - [integer vector] A set of integers specifying the
                      subject ID numbers to include in the grand average.
                      Only necessary if a filename template is given as
                      the input to gui_infiles_or_tmplt.
   'units'          - ['dB' or 'raw'] If 'dB' spectral power will be in units
                      of decibels, 10*log10(uV^2/Hz). If 'raw' spectral
                      power will be in units of uV^2/Hz. {default: whatever 
                      the units were when the tfrGND variable was first
   'bsln_type'      - The type of baseline used to normalize each
                      participant's data. Default is to use whatever baseline
                      type was used when the TFR variablea were first 
                      created. Options are:
                       'relative' - Power at each time point is divided by 
                                    the mean power in the baseline window.
                       'absolute' - The mean power in the baseline window 
                                    is subtracted from the power at each 
                                    time point. 
   'bsln_wind'      - [min max] Time window (in ms) used to baseline the 
                      spectrograms {default: whatever baseline window was 
                      originally used with the TFR variables}
   'out_fname'      - [string] Filename to save TFR variable to.  If empty
                      (i.e., not specified), the TFR variable will NOT be
                      saved to disk but will be returned to the MATLAB 
                      workspace. If no file extension is given '.tfr' will 
                      be added to the filename. {default: not specified}
   'verblevel'      - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want
                      this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
                       Options are:
                        0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
                        1 - stuff anyone should probably know
                        2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
                            with a data set {default value}
                        3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all

   tfrGND           - Contains the mean spectrograms per bin for each subject,
                      the grand average spectrograms, and associated
                      information (e.g., channel locations, source files)
                      in a fieldtrip compatible format.

 Global Variables:
   VERBLEVEL - MATLABmk level of verbosity (i.e., tells 
               functions how much to report about what they're doing during
               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'

 David Groppe
 Kutaslab, 1/2011


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 % tfrs2tfrGND() - Creates a fieldtrip compatible MATLABmk tfrGND struct variable
0002 %                 from MATLABmk *.tfr files.  The tfrGND variable contains mean
0003 %                 spectrograms per bin for each subject and the grand
0004 %                 average spectrograms.
0005 %
0006 % Usage:
0007 %  >> tfrGND=tfrs2tfrGND(gui_infiles_or_tmplt,varargin);
0008 %
0009 % Required Inputs:
0010 %   gui_infiles_or_tmplt - ['gui', a cell array of strings, or a string template]
0011 %                          If 'gui', a GUI is created that allows you to select
0012 %                          which tfr files to import (this is probably the
0013 %                          easiest way to import files).  If a cell array of
0014 %                          of strings, each element of the cell array should
0015 %                          contain the filename of a tfr file (e.g.,
0016 %                          {'visodbl01.tfr','visodbl02.tfr'}.  Otherwise, this
0017 %                          input should be a filename template (i.e., a string with
0018 %                          # where the subject number should be--'visodbl#.tfr').
0019 %                          If you provide a template, you must use the option
0020 %                          'sub_ids' (see below) to specify the ID numbers of
0021 %                          each subject. Include the files' path unless the files
0022 %                          are in the current working directory. Note, tfr
0023 %                          files are produced by set2tfr.m.
0024 %
0025 %
0026 % Optional Inputs:
0027 %   'use_bins'       - [integer vector] A set of integers specifying which
0028 %                      bins to import into MATLAB.  If not specified, all
0029 %                      bins will be imported. Note, if you import only a
0030 %                      subset of bins, the bin numberings will start at 1
0031 %                      and run to the number you've imported (i.e., they may
0032 %                      differ from the bin numbers in the set files.
0033 %                      {default: import all bins}
0034 %   'sub_ids'        - [integer vector] A set of integers specifying the
0035 %                      subject ID numbers to include in the grand average.
0036 %                      Only necessary if a filename template is given as
0037 %                      the input to gui_infiles_or_tmplt.
0038 %   'units'          - ['dB' or 'raw'] If 'dB' spectral power will be in units
0039 %                      of decibels, 10*log10(uV^2/Hz). If 'raw' spectral
0040 %                      power will be in units of uV^2/Hz. {default: whatever
0041 %                      the units were when the tfrGND variable was first
0042 %                      created}
0043 %   'bsln_type'      - The type of baseline used to normalize each
0044 %                      participant's data. Default is to use whatever baseline
0045 %                      type was used when the TFR variablea were first
0046 %                      created. Options are:
0047 %                       'relative' - Power at each time point is divided by
0048 %                                    the mean power in the baseline window.
0049 %                       'absolute' - The mean power in the baseline window
0050 %                                    is subtracted from the power at each
0051 %                                    time point.
0052 %   'bsln_wind'      - [min max] Time window (in ms) used to baseline the
0053 %                      spectrograms {default: whatever baseline window was
0054 %                      originally used with the TFR variables}
0055 %   'out_fname'      - [string] Filename to save TFR variable to.  If empty
0056 %                      (i.e., not specified), the TFR variable will NOT be
0057 %                      saved to disk but will be returned to the MATLAB
0058 %                      workspace. If no file extension is given '.tfr' will
0059 %                      be added to the filename. {default: not specified}
0060 %   'verblevel'      - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want
0061 %                      this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
0062 %                       Options are:
0063 %                        0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
0064 %                        1 - stuff anyone should probably know
0065 %                        2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
0066 %                            with a data set {default value}
0067 %                        3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all
0068 %                            reports)
0069 %
0070 % Output:
0071 %   tfrGND           - Contains the mean spectrograms per bin for each subject,
0072 %                      the grand average spectrograms, and associated
0073 %                      information (e.g., channel locations, source files)
0074 %                      in a fieldtrip compatible format.
0075 %
0076 % Global Variables:
0077 %   VERBLEVEL - MATLABmk level of verbosity (i.e., tells
0078 %               functions how much to report about what they're doing during
0079 %               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'
0080 %
0081 % Author:
0082 % David Groppe
0083 % Kutaslab, 1/2011
0085 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Revision History  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0086 %
0088 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  Future Work  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0089 %make exclude/include chans an option ??
0090 %
0091 % stuff i could add to tfrGND struct ??
0092 %     * indiv_subnames:<-The codenames of each subject
0093 %     * indiv_traits: <-A field where you could store traits of individual subjects (e.g., age, working memory span)
0094 %     * indiv_bin_ct: <-The number of trials each participant contributed to each bin.
0095 %     * indiv_bin_raw_ct: <-A field specific to Kutaslab data that can be
0096 %     ignored by non-Kutaslab users.
0097 %     * indiv_art_ics: <-The numeric indices of independent components
0098 %     removed from each set file before using them to compute ERPs
0099 %     * history: <-A record of commands applied to the tfrGND variable
0102 %note fieldtrip function for computing grandaverages is
0103 %ft_freqgrandaverages.m
0106 function tfrGND=tfrs2tfrGND(gui_infiles_or_tmplt,varargin)
0108 p=inputParser;
0109 p.addRequired('gui_infiles_or_tmplt',@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x));
0110 p.addParamValue('use_bins',[],@isnumeric);
0111 %p.addParamValue('freq_limits',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2); %?? make this simply a vector of frequencies of interest first?
0112 %p.addParamValue('time_limits',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2); ??
0113 p.addParamValue('out_fname',[],@ischar);
0114 %p.addParamValue('exclude_chans',[],@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x)); ??
0115 %p.addParamValue('include_chans',[],@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x)); ??
0116 p.addParamValue('verblevel',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0117 p.addParamValue('sub_ids',[],@isnumeric);
0118 p.addParamValue('units',[],@(x) strcmpi(x,'dB') || strcmpi(x,'raw'));
0119 p.addParamValue('bsln_wind',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2);
0120 p.addParamValue('bsln_type',[],@(x) strcmpi(x,'relative') || strcmpi(x,'absolute'));
0121 %add time_limits & freq_limits as an option ??
0123 p.parse(gui_infiles_or_tmplt,varargin{:});
0125 %%  Select files for loading
0126 if strcmpi(gui_infiles_or_tmplt,'GUI'),
0127     loading=1;
0128     infiles=[];
0129     while loading,
0130         [neofname, inpath]=uigetfile({'*.tfr','*.tfr files'; ...
0131             '*.*','All Files (*.*)'},'MATLABmk tfr Files to Import','MultiSelect','on');
0132         if ischar(neofname),
0133             clear infname;
0134             infname{1}=neofname; %make it a cell array for consistent syntax below
0135         else
0136             infname=neofname;
0137         end
0138         if ~inpath,
0139             if isempty(infiles),
0140                 fprintf('File selection cancelled.  Aborting tfrs2tfrGND.\n');
0141                 tfrGND=[];
0142                 return;
0143             else
0144                 loading=0;
0145             end
0146         else
0147             if isempty(infiles),
0148                 infiles=cell(1,length(infname)); %preallocate mem
0149                 for a=1:length(infname),
0150                     infiles{a}=[inpath infname{a}];
0151                 end
0152             else
0153                 n_files=length(infiles);
0154                 ct=0;
0155                 for a=(n_files+1):(n_files+length(infname)),
0156                     ct=ct+1;
0157                     infiles{a}=[inpath infname{ct}];
0158                 end
0159             end
0160             % trigger GUI to see if user wants to load more
0161             resp=questdlg('Do you want to load more files?',...
0162                 'tfrs2tfrGND','Yes','No','Yes');
0163             if strcmpi(resp,'No'),
0164                 loading=0;
0165             end
0166         end
0167     end
0168 elseif iscell(p.Results.gui_infiles_or_tmplt)
0169     infiles=p.Results.gui_infiles_or_tmplt;
0170 else
0171     if isempty(p.Results.sub_ids)
0172         error('If gui_infiles_or_tmplt is a string filename template, you must specify the subject numbers with the argument ''sub_ids''.');
0173     elseif ~ismember('#',p.Results.gui_infiles_or_tmplt),
0174         error('The filename template %s needs to contain a # to indicate where the subject numbers go (e.g., odbl#.nrm).', ...
0175             p.Results.gui_infiles_or_tmplt);
0176     else
0177         lb_id=find(p.Results.gui_infiles_or_tmplt=='#');
0178         prefix=p.Results.gui_infiles_or_tmplt(1:(lb_id(1)-1)); %indexing lb_id by 1 in case there are multiple pound signs
0179         postfix=p.Results.gui_infiles_or_tmplt((lb_id(1)+1):end);
0180         n_infiles=length(p.Results.sub_ids);
0181         infiles=cell(1,n_infiles);
0182         for s=1:n_infiles,
0183             no_pad=[prefix num2str(p.Results.sub_ids(s)) postfix];
0184             if p.Results.sub_ids(s)<10,
0185                 padded=[prefix num2str(p.Results.sub_ids(s),'%.2d') postfix];
0186                 [sP wP]=unix(['ls ' padded]); %if sp==0, then the file exists, need wP argument so that it isn't automatically displayed in command window
0187                 [sNP wNP]=unix(['ls ' no_pad]); %Need wP argument so that it isn't automatically displayed in command window
0188                 if ~sP
0189                     if ~sNP,
0190                         error('You have a file named %s and one named %s.  I don''t know which one to load!\n', ...
0191                             padded,no_pad);
0192                     else
0193                         infiles{s}=padded;
0194                     end
0195                 else
0196                     infiles{s}=no_pad;
0197                 end
0198             else
0199                 infiles{s}=no_pad;
0200             end
0201         end
0202     end
0203 end
0205 %Get rid of any redundant input files
0206 tfr_fnames=unique(infiles);
0207 n_subs=length(tfr_fnames);
0209 for sub=1:n_subs,
0210     fprintf('Loading data from file: %s\n',tfr_fnames{sub});
0211     load(tfr_fnames{sub},'-MAT');
0212     if sub==1,        
0213         n_bins=length(TFR.bindesc);
0214         if isempty(p.Results.use_bins),
0215             use_bins=1:n_bins;
0216         else
0217             use_bins=p.Results.use_bins;
0218             if max(use_bins)>n_bins,
0219                 error('This file only has %d bins, but you requested importing bin %d.\n', ...
0220                     n_bins,max(use_bins));
0221             end
0222         end
0223         n_use_bins=length(use_bins);
0225         n_chans=length(TFR.bins{1}.label);
0226         n_freqs=length(TFR.bins{1}.freq);
0227         n_tpts=length(TFR.bins{1}.time);
0229         %Initialize tfrGND variable
0230         tfrGND.filename=[];
0231         tfrGND.filepath=[];
0232         tfrGND.exp_name=TFR.exp_name;
0233         tfrGND.tfr_fnames=tfr_fnames;
0234         tfrGND.grands=cell(1,n_use_bins);
0235         tfrGND.indiv=cell(1,n_use_bins);
0236         tfrGND.ftrip=TFR.bins{1}; %fieldtrip template into which we can plug whatever
0237         %power spectrum we want when we need to use fieldtrip functions
0238         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=[]; %erase whatever data were there to lessen variable size a bit
0239         tfrGND.bindesc=TFR.bindesc;
0240         tfrGND.bsln_wind=TFR.bsln_wind;
0241         tfrGND.bsln_type=TFR.bsln_type;
0242         tfrGND.units=TFR.units;
0243         tfrGND.chanlocs=TFR.chanlocs;
0245         for b=1:n_use_bins,
0246             tfrGND.indiv{b}=zeros(n_subs,n_chans,n_freqs,n_tpts);
0247             tfrGND.indiv{b}(sub,:,:,:)=TFR.bins{b}.powspctrm;
0248             tfrGND.grands{b}=TFR.bins{b}.powspctrm./n_subs; %running sum computes grand average
0250             % ?? should check to make sure a participant contributes trials
0251             % to a bin before averaging?
0252         end
0254         tfrGND.saved='no';
0255         tfrGND.stats=[];
0256     else
0257         %Check for consistency with previously loaded files
0258         if ~isequal(tfrGND.bindesc,TFR.bindesc),
0259             error('File %s has a different bin descriptor than file %s.', ...
0260                 tfr_fnames{sub},tfr_fnames{1});
0261         end
0262         if ~isequal(tfrGND.exp_name,TFR.exp_name),
0263             watchit(sprintf('File %s has a different bin descriptor than file %s.\n Using %s.\n', ...
0264                 tfr_fnames{sub},tfr_fnames{1},tfrGND.exp_name));
0265         end
0266         if ~isequal(tfrGND.ftrip.elec,TFR.bins{1}.elec),
0267             error('File %s has different electrode info than file %s.', ...
0268                 tfr_fnames{sub},tfr_fnames{1});
0269         end
0270         if ~isequal(tfrGND.ftrip.time,TFR.bins{1}.time),
0271             error('File %s has different time points than file %s.', ...
0272                 tfr_fnames{sub},tfr_fnames{1});
0273         end
0274         if ~isequal(tfrGND.ftrip.freq,TFR.bins{1}.freq),
0275             error('File %s has different frequencies than file %s.', ...
0276                 tfr_fnames{sub},tfr_fnames{1});
0277         end
0279         if ~isequal(tfrGND.bsln_wind,TFR.bsln_wind),
0280             error('File %s has a different baseline window than file %s.', ...
0281                 tfr_fnames{sub},tfr_fnames{1});
0282         end
0284         if ~isequal(tfrGND.bsln_type,TFR.bsln_type),
0285             error('File %s has a different baseline type than file %s.', ...
0286                 tfr_fnames{sub},tfr_fnames{1});
0287         end
0289         if ~isequal(tfrGND.units,TFR.units),
0290             if strcmpi(tfrGND.units,'dB'),
0291                 error('Data in file %s are NOT in units of dB but those in file %s are.', ...
0292                     tfr_fnames{sub},tfr_fnames{1});
0293             else
0294                 error('Data in file %s are in units of dB but those in file %s are NOT.', ...
0295                     tfr_fnames{sub},tfr_fnames{1});
0296             end
0297         end
0299         if ~isequal(tfrGND.chanlocs,TFR.chanlocs),
0300             error('File %s has a different TFR.chanlocs information than file %s.', ...
0301                 tfr_fnames{sub},tfr_fnames{1});
0302         end
0304         for b=1:n_use_bins,
0305             tfrGND.indiv{b}(sub,:,:,:)=TFR.bins{b}.powspctrm;
0306             tfrGND.grands{b}=tfrGND.grands{b}+TFR.bins{b}.powspctrm./n_subs; %running sum computes grand average
0307         end
0308     end
0310     %clear big variable to make way for new big variable
0311     clear TFR
0312 end
0314 %% Transform spectrograms to dB or re-baseline (if requested)
0315 bsln_wind=p.Results.bsln_wind;
0316 bsln_type=p.Results.bsln_type;
0317 units=p.Results.units;
0318 if isempty(bsln_wind),
0319     bsln_wind=tfrGND.bsln_wind;
0320 end
0321 if isempty(bsln_type),
0322     bsln_type=tfrGND.bsln_type;
0323 end
0324 if isempty(units),
0325     units=tfrGND.units;
0326 end
0327 if ~strcmpi(units,tfrGND.units) || ...
0328         ~isequal(bsln_wind,tfrGND.bsln_wind) || ...
0329         ~strcmpi(bsln_type,tfrGND.bsln_type)
0330     tfrGND=baseline_tfrGND(tfrGND,units,bsln_wind,bsln_type);
0331 end
0334 %% Save tfrGND variable
0335 if isempty(p.Results.out_fname),
0336     %Create GUI
0337     [jname, jpath]=uiputfile({'*.tfrGND','*.tfrGND files'; ...
0338         '*','All files'},'Save tfrGND variable as:','untitled.tfrGND');
0339     if ~jpath,
0340         fprintf('Output filename selection cancelled.  tfrGND variable NOT saved to disk.\n');
0341     else
0342         %test to make sure file can be created
0343         isW=isWriteable([jpath jname]);
0344         if isW,
0345             tfrGND=save_matmk(tfrGND,jname,jpath,1); % 1 means that user won't be asked again about saving file
0346         else
0347             fprintf('tfrGND file could not be saved, but should still exist in MATLAB workspace.');
0348         end
0349     end
0350 elseif ~strcmpi(p.Results.out_fname,'no save'),
0351     [jpath, jname]=pathNname(p.Results.out_fname);
0352     %Add .tfrGND extension if no extension given
0353     if ~ismember('.',jname),
0354         jname=[jname '.tfrGND'];
0355     end
0356     tfrGND=save_matmk(tfrGND,jname,jpath);
0357 end
0360 %%%%%%% END OF MAIN FUNCTION %%%%%%%
0363 function isW = isWriteable(inFile)
0364 % Function checks to make sure "inFile" can be written to disk. "inFile" is
0365 % not modified by the function.
0366 %
0367 % Author: Tom Urbach
0368 %
0370 isW = 0;
0371 [fid, message] = fopen(inFile,'a+');
0372 if (fid ~= -1)
0373     isW = 1;
0374     fclose(fid);
0375 else
0376     fprintf('Error opening %s: %s\n', inFile, message);
0377 end

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