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multiplot_tfrGND() - Plots bin spectrograms or the difference between bin


function multiplot_tfrGND(tfrGND,varargin)


 multiplot_tfrGND() - Plots bin spectrograms or the difference between bin
                 spectrograms at multiple channels using the Fieldtrip
                 function ft_multiplotTFR.m.  Plots are derived from a
                 MATLABmk tfrGND variable and can be masked for
                 statistical significance if test results have been stored
                 in the tfrGND variable.

  >> multiplot_tfrGND(tfrGND,varargin);

 Required Input:
   tfrGND  - A MATLABmk tfrGND variable. These are produced by the
             MATLABmk function tfrs2tfrGND.m. It contains spectrograms from 
             one or more participants, their grand averages, and
             associated information.
 Optional Inputs:
   'bin'           - [string] Indicates the number of the bin or the bin
                     difference you wish to plot.  For example, if you
                     wish to plot the spectrograms for Bin 1, enter '1'.
                     If you want to plot the spectrograms for Bin 1 minus
                     those from Bin 2, enter '1=2'. {default: '1'}
   'freq_limits'   - [min max] Frequency limits (in Hz) of the spectrgrams you
                     wish to visualize. {default: lowest and highest
                     frequencies in the tfrGND variable}
   'time_limits'   - [min max] Time limits (in ms) of the spectrgrams
                     you wish to visualize. {default: lowest and highest
                     time points in the tfrGND variable}
   'exclude_chans' - A cell array of channel labels or a single channel 
                     label string (e.g., {'A2','lle','rhe'} or 'A2').  
                     These channels will be excluded from the plot. Use 
                     headinfo_spec.m to see the channel labels stored in
                     the tfrGND variable. You cannot use both this option
                     and 'include_chans' (below).{default: not used, all                     
                     channels included in plot}
   'include_chans' - A cell array of channel labels to use in the plot
                     (e.g., {'MiPf','MiCe','RLPf'}).  All other channels 
                     will be ignored. Use headinfo_spec.m to see the
                     channel labels stored in the tfrGND variable. You
                     cannot use both this option and 'exclude_chans'
                     (above). {default: not used, all channels included in
   'color_limits'  - [min max] Limits of the spectrogram color scale.
                     {default: lowest and highest time points in the
                     tfrGND variable}
   'units'         - ['dB' or 'raw'] If 'dB' spectrogram color scale will
                     be in units of decibels 10*log10(uV^2/Hz). If 'raw'
                     spectrogram color scale will be in units of uV^2/Hz.
                     {default: whatever the units were when the tfrGND
                     variable was first created}
   'bsln_type'     - The type of baseline used to normalize each
                     participant's data. Default is to use whatever baseline
                     type was used when the tfrGND variable was first 
                     created. Options are:
                       'relative' - Power at each time point is divided by 
                                    the mean power in the baseline window.
                       'absolute' - The mean power in the baseline window 
                                    is subtracted from the power at each 
                                    time point. 
   'bsln_wind'     - [min max] Time window (in ms) used to baseline the 
                     spectrograms {default: whatever baseline window was 
                     originally used with the tfrGND variable}
   'interactive'   - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', ft_multiplotTFR.m's inter-
                     active feature wil be activated which allows you draw
                     a box on the figure and plot the average of all the
                     spectrograms in the box. {default: 'yes'}
   'sub_id'        - [integer] The number of the subject whose individual
                     data you wish to plot. If not specified, grand average 
                     spectrograms will be plot. {default: not specified}
   'fig_id'        - [integer] The index number of the MATLAB figure in
                     which the plot will be produced. Useful for over-
                     writing old figures. {default: lowest unused figure
   'test_id'       - [integer] The index number of the test results you
                     want to use to mask the spectrograms. If x, the 
                     results stored in tfrGND.stats{x} will be used. 
                     {default: no masking}
   'p_value_mask'  - [number between 0 and 1] All voxels with a p-value
                     less than p_value_mask will be shown as 0. Note, this 
                     argument has no effect if 'test_id' argument is not 
                     used. {default: the alpha level of the test being 

 David Groppe
 Kutaslab, 1/2011


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % multiplot_tfrGND() - Plots bin spectrograms or the difference between bin
0002 %                 spectrograms at multiple channels using the Fieldtrip
0003 %                 function ft_multiplotTFR.m.  Plots are derived from a
0004 %                 MATLABmk tfrGND variable and can be masked for
0005 %                 statistical significance if test results have been stored
0006 %                 in the tfrGND variable.
0007 %
0008 % Usage:
0009 %  >> multiplot_tfrGND(tfrGND,varargin);
0010 %
0011 % Required Input:
0012 %   tfrGND  - A MATLABmk tfrGND variable. These are produced by the
0013 %             MATLABmk function tfrs2tfrGND.m. It contains spectrograms from
0014 %             one or more participants, their grand averages, and
0015 %             associated information.
0016 %
0017 % Optional Inputs:
0018 %   'bin'           - [string] Indicates the number of the bin or the bin
0019 %                     difference you wish to plot.  For example, if you
0020 %                     wish to plot the spectrograms for Bin 1, enter '1'.
0021 %                     If you want to plot the spectrograms for Bin 1 minus
0022 %                     those from Bin 2, enter '1=2'. {default: '1'}
0023 %   'freq_limits'   - [min max] Frequency limits (in Hz) of the spectrgrams you
0024 %                     wish to visualize. {default: lowest and highest
0025 %                     frequencies in the tfrGND variable}
0026 %   'time_limits'   - [min max] Time limits (in ms) of the spectrgrams
0027 %                     you wish to visualize. {default: lowest and highest
0028 %                     time points in the tfrGND variable}
0029 %   'exclude_chans' - A cell array of channel labels or a single channel
0030 %                     label string (e.g., {'A2','lle','rhe'} or 'A2').
0031 %                     These channels will be excluded from the plot. Use
0032 %                     headinfo_spec.m to see the channel labels stored in
0033 %                     the tfrGND variable. You cannot use both this option
0034 %                     and 'include_chans' (below).{default: not used, all
0035 %                     channels included in plot}
0036 %   'include_chans' - A cell array of channel labels to use in the plot
0037 %                     (e.g., {'MiPf','MiCe','RLPf'}).  All other channels
0038 %                     will be ignored. Use headinfo_spec.m to see the
0039 %                     channel labels stored in the tfrGND variable. You
0040 %                     cannot use both this option and 'exclude_chans'
0041 %                     (above). {default: not used, all channels included in
0042 %                     plot}
0043 %   'color_limits'  - [min max] Limits of the spectrogram color scale.
0044 %                     {default: lowest and highest time points in the
0045 %                     tfrGND variable}
0046 %   'units'         - ['dB' or 'raw'] If 'dB' spectrogram color scale will
0047 %                     be in units of decibels 10*log10(uV^2/Hz). If 'raw'
0048 %                     spectrogram color scale will be in units of uV^2/Hz.
0049 %                     {default: whatever the units were when the tfrGND
0050 %                     variable was first created}
0051 %   'bsln_type'     - The type of baseline used to normalize each
0052 %                     participant's data. Default is to use whatever baseline
0053 %                     type was used when the tfrGND variable was first
0054 %                     created. Options are:
0055 %                       'relative' - Power at each time point is divided by
0056 %                                    the mean power in the baseline window.
0057 %                       'absolute' - The mean power in the baseline window
0058 %                                    is subtracted from the power at each
0059 %                                    time point.
0060 %   'bsln_wind'     - [min max] Time window (in ms) used to baseline the
0061 %                     spectrograms {default: whatever baseline window was
0062 %                     originally used with the tfrGND variable}
0063 %   'interactive'   - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', ft_multiplotTFR.m's inter-
0064 %                     active feature wil be activated which allows you draw
0065 %                     a box on the figure and plot the average of all the
0066 %                     spectrograms in the box. {default: 'yes'}
0067 %   'sub_id'        - [integer] The number of the subject whose individual
0068 %                     data you wish to plot. If not specified, grand average
0069 %                     spectrograms will be plot. {default: not specified}
0070 %   'fig_id'        - [integer] The index number of the MATLAB figure in
0071 %                     which the plot will be produced. Useful for over-
0072 %                     writing old figures. {default: lowest unused figure
0073 %                     number}
0074 %   'test_id'       - [integer] The index number of the test results you
0075 %                     want to use to mask the spectrograms. If x, the
0076 %                     results stored in tfrGND.stats{x} will be used.
0077 %                     {default: no masking}
0078 %   'p_value_mask'  - [number between 0 and 1] All voxels with a p-value
0079 %                     less than p_value_mask will be shown as 0. Note, this
0080 %                     argument has no effect if 'test_id' argument is not
0081 %                     used. {default: the alpha level of the test being
0082 %                     visualized}
0083 %
0084 %
0085 % Author:
0086 % David Groppe
0087 % Kutaslab, 1/2011
0089 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Revision History  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0090 % 3/17/2011 - I removed the following option, since I'm converting power
0091 % spectra to dB by default when tfrGND variable is created.
0092 %   'baseline_type' - [string] The method (if any) used to baseline the
0093 %                     spectrograms. Possible options are:
0094 %                        'no baseline' = No baseline {default if baseline_wind
0095 %                                        NOT specified}
0096 %                        'relative'    = Divide power values by mean baseline
0097 %                                        power values. {default if baseline_wind
0098 %                                        specified}
0099 %                        'absolute'    = Subtract mean baseline power values
0100 %                                        from power values.
0105 function multiplot_tfrGND(tfrGND,varargin)
0107 p=inputParser;
0108 p.addRequired('tfrGND',@isstruct);
0109 p.addParamValue('bin','1',@(x) ischar(x) || isnumeric(x)); %char allows bin differences (e.g., "1-2")
0110 p.addParamValue('freq_limits',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2);
0111 p.addParamValue('time_limits',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2);
0112 p.addParamValue('color_limits',[],@(x) (isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2) || ischar(x));
0113 p.addParamValue('exclude_chans',[],@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x)); 
0114 p.addParamValue('include_chans',[],@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x));
0115 p.addParamValue('sub_id',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1) && (x>0));
0116 p.addParamValue('fig_id',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==1);
0117 p.addParamValue('test_id',0,@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==1);
0118 p.addParamValue('interactive','yes',@ischar);
0119 p.addParamValue('units',[],@(x) strcmpi(x,'dB') || strcmpi(x,'raw'));
0120 p.addParamValue('bsln_wind',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2);
0121 p.addParamValue('bsln_type',[],@(x) strcmpi(x,'relative') || strcmpi(x,'absolute'));
0122 p.addParamValue('p_value_mask',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==1);
0124 p.parse(tfrGND,varargin{:});
0126 %copy these optional paramters to variables that can be written to
0127 bsln_wind=p.Results.bsln_wind;
0128 bsln_type=p.Results.bsln_type;
0129 units=p.Results.units;
0132 %% Error check inputs
0133 n_subs=size(tfrGND.indiv{1},1);
0134 if ~isempty(p.Results.sub_id) && (p.Results.sub_id>n_subs),
0135    error('You requested to plot Subject %d''s data this tfrGND variable only contains data for %d subjects.', ...
0136        p.Results.sub_id,n_subs);
0137 end
0140 %% if statistical masking is requested, grab the parameters of what to plot
0141 %from the statistical test
0142 if p.Results.test_id,
0143     n_tests=length(tfrGND.stats);
0144     if p.Results.test_id>n_tests,
0145         error('You requested Test %d, but you only have %d tests in this tfrGND variable.', ...
0146             p.Results.test_id,n_tests);
0147     end
0148     if  ~strcmpi(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.dimord,'chan_freq_time')
0149         error(['"dimord" field of this test is not ''chan_freq_time''.  This leads me to believe this test was performed after averaging over time points or frequencies.  ', ...
0150             'multiplot_tfrGND.m  cannot plot the result of such an analysis.']);
0151     end
0152     if length(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.label)==1,
0153         %If only one channel, it's possible test has averaged over channels
0154         if ismember('+',tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.label{1})
0155             %Test was performed on the average across channels
0156             error('This test was performed on the average across multiple channels. Using singeplot_tfrGND.m instead.');
0157         end
0158     end
0159     plot_bins=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.bins;
0160     if isempty(p.Results.freq_limits)
0161         freq_limits=[tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.freq(1) tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.freq(end)];
0162     else
0163         freq_limits=p.Results.freq_limits;
0164     end
0165     if isempty(p.Results.time_limits)
0166         time_limits=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.cfg.latency;
0167     else
0168         time_limits=p.Results.time_limits/1000; %convert from ms to sec
0169     end
0171     %grab baseline info from test
0172     units=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.units;
0173     bsln_wind=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.bsln_wind;
0174     bsln_type=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.bsln_type;
0176     if isempty(p.Results.p_value_mask)
0177         p_mask=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.family_alpha;
0178     else
0179         p_mask=p.Results.p_value_mask;
0180         fprintf('Using requested p-value threshold of %g to mask out data instead of the test p-value of %g\n', ...
0181             p_mask,tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.family_alpha);
0182     end
0184     n_test_chans=length(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.label);
0185     n_all_chans=length(tfrGND.ftrip.label);
0186     if n_all_chans~=n_test_chans,
0187         test_chan_ids=zeros(1,n_test_chans);
0188         cfg.channel=cell(1,n_test_chans);
0189         for a=1:n_test_chans,
0190             test_chan_ids(a)=find(ismember(tfrGND.ftrip.label,tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.label{a}));
0191             cfg.channel{a}=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.label{a};
0192         end
0193     else
0194         test_chan_ids=1:n_all_chans;
0195     end
0196 else
0197     %statistical masking not requested
0198     plot_bins=p.Results.bin;
0199     if isempty(p.Results.freq_limits),
0200         freq_limits=[tfrGND.ftrip.freq(1) tfrGND.ftrip.freq(end)];
0201     else
0202         freq_limits=p.Results.freq_limits;
0203     end
0204     if isempty(p.Results.time_limits),
0205         time_limits=[tfrGND.ftrip.time(1) tfrGND.ftrip.time(end)];
0206     else
0207         time_limits=p.Results.time_limits;
0208     end
0210     %select a subset of channels if requested
0211     if ~isempty(p.Results.include_chans), 
0212         if ~isempty(p.Results.exclude_chans),
0213             error('You cannot use both ''exclude_chans'' AND ''include_chans'' options.');
0214         end
0215         %convert p.Results.include_chans to cell array if just one string passed
0216         if ischar(p.Results.include_chans),
0217             %cfg.channel{1}=p.Results.include_chans;
0218             error('If you only want to plot one channel, use singleplot_tfrGND.m instead.');
0219         else
0220             cfg.channel=p.Results.include_chans;
0221         end
0222         n_req_chan=length(cfg.channel);
0223         %make sure requested channels exist
0224         for a=1:n_req_chan,
0225             if ~ismember(cfg.channel{a},tfrGND.ftrip.label)
0226                 error('There is no channel called %s in this tfrGND variable.',cfg.channel{a});
0227             end
0228         end
0229     elseif ~isempty(p.Results.exclude_chans),
0230         %convert p.Results.exclude_chans to cell array if just one string passed
0231         if ischar(p.Results.exclude_chans),
0232             exclude_chans{1}=p.Results.exclude_chans;
0233         else
0234             exclude_chans=p.Results.exclude_chans;
0235         end
0236         n_req_chan=length(exclude_chans);
0237         cfg.channel=cell(1,n_req_chan+1);
0238         cfg.channel{1}='all'; %include all but excluded chans
0239         for a=1:n_req_chan,
0240             %make sure requested channels exist
0241             if ~ismember(exclude_chans{a},tfrGND.ftrip.label)
0242                 error('There is no channel called %s in this tfrGND variable.',exclude_chans{a});
0243             else
0244                 %add negative sign to show that it's excluded
0245                 cfg.channel{a+1}=['-'  exclude_chans{a}];
0246             end
0247         end
0248     end
0249 end
0251 %Copy baseline info to variables that can be overwritten
0252 if isempty(bsln_wind),
0253     bsln_wind=tfrGND.bsln_wind;
0254 end
0255 if isempty(bsln_type),
0256     bsln_type=tfrGND.bsln_type;
0257 end
0258 if isempty(units),
0259     units=tfrGND.units;
0260 end
0262 %Check bin/bins
0263 n_bins=length(tfrGND.bindesc);
0265 %See if user has requested the difference between conditions
0266 neg_id=find(plot_bins=='-');
0267 if ismember('-',plot_bins),
0268     bin1=str2double(plot_bins(1:(neg_id-1)));
0269     bin2=str2double(plot_bins((neg_id+1):end));
0270     %make sure bins exist
0271     if isempty(bin1) || isempty(bin2),
0272         error('%s is not a valid bin request.',plot_bins);
0273     elseif bin1>n_bins,
0274         error('You only have %d bins in this tfrGND variable but you requested Bin %d.',n_bins,bin1);
0275     elseif bin2>n_bins,
0276         error('You only have %d bins in this tfrGND variable but you requested Bin %d.',n_bins,bin2);
0277     end
0279     % Transform spectrograms to dB or re-baseline (if requested)
0280     if ~strcmpi(units,tfrGND.units) || ...
0281             ~isequal(bsln_wind,tfrGND.bsln_wind) || ...
0282             ~strcmpi(bsln_type,tfrGND.bsln_type)
0283         tfrGND=baseline_tfrGND(tfrGND,units,bsln_wind,bsln_type,[bin1 bin2]);
0284     end
0287     dif=1;
0288     %Store data to be visualized in tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm
0289     prefix=[tfrGND.bindesc{bin1} '-' tfrGND.bindesc{bin2}];
0290     if isempty(p.Results.sub_id),
0291         %grand average spectrograms
0292         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=tfrGND.grands{bin1}-tfrGND.grands{bin2};
0293         suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin1) '-' int2str(bin2) ', Grand)'];
0294     else
0295         %plot spectrogram for an individual subjec
0296         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=squeeze(tfrGND.indiv{bin1}(p.Results.sub_id,:,:,:))- ...
0297             squeeze(tfrGND.indiv{bin2}(p.Results.sub_id,:,:,:));
0298         suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin1) '-'  int2str(bin2) ', Sub ' int2str(p.Results.sub_id) ')'];
0299     end
0300 else
0301     if ischar(plot_bins)
0302         bin=str2double(plot_bins);
0303     else
0304         bin=plot_bins;
0305     end
0306     if isempty(bin),
0307         error('%s is not a valid bin request.',plot_bins);
0308     end
0309     %make sure bin exists
0310     if bin>n_bins,
0311         error('You only have %d bins in this tfrGND variable but you requested Bin %d.',n_bins,bin);
0312     end
0314     % Transform spectrograms to dB or re-baseline (if requested)
0315     if ~strcmpi(units,tfrGND.units) || ...
0316             ~isequal(bsln_wind,tfrGND.bsln_wind) || ...
0317             ~strcmpi(bsln_type,tfrGND.bsln_type)
0318         tfrGND=baseline_tfrGND(tfrGND,units,bsln_wind,bsln_type,bin);
0319     end    
0321     dif=0;
0322     %Store data to be visualized in tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm
0323     prefix=tfrGND.bindesc{bin};
0324     if isempty(p.Results.sub_id),
0325         %plot grand average spectrograms
0326         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=tfrGND.grands{bin};
0327         suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin) ', Grand)'];
0328     else
0329         %plot spectrogram for an individual subject
0330         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=squeeze(tfrGND.indiv{bin}(p.Results.sub_id,:,:,:));
0331         suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin) ', Sub ' int2str(p.Results.sub_id) ')'];
0332     end
0333 end
0335 if isempty(p.Results.color_limits),
0336     cfg.zlim='maxmin';
0337 else
0338     cfg.zlim=p.Results.color_limits;
0339 end
0340 if dif,
0341     fprintf('Note, the power difference between conditions is always shown in decibels.\n');
0342     cfg.dB='no'; %add error mesg?
0343 end
0344 cfg.ylim=freq_limits;
0345 cfg.xlim=time_limits;
0346 cfg.showlabels='yes';
0347 cfg.interactive=p.Results.interactive;
0348 cfg.layout=tfrGND.ftrip.elec;
0349 cfg.elec=tfrGND.ftrip.elec;
0352 %%  Mask data according to significance
0353 if p.Results.test_id,
0354     % Find rectangle of spectrogram that corresponds to test limits
0355     freq_ids=find_tpt(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.freq(1),tfrGND.ftrip.freq): ...
0356         find_tpt(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.freq(end),tfrGND.ftrip.freq);
0357     time_ids=find_tpt(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.time(1),tfrGND.ftrip.time): ...
0358         find_tpt(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.time(end),tfrGND.ftrip.time);
0359     %  freq_ids=find_tpt(freq_limits(1),tfrGND.ftrip.freq):find_tpt(freq_limits(2),tfrGND.ftrip.freq);
0360     %  time_ids=find_tpt(time_limits(1),tfrGND.ftrip.time):find_tpt(time_limits(2),tfrGND.ftrip.time);
0362     if 0
0363         %this code reduces the size of the spectrogram to the size of the
0364         %mask.  As is, it produces errors because the time and frequency
0365         %limits no longer agree with what's specified in tfrGND.ftrip.  I
0366         %could fix it up, but I don't really think it's necessary.  We'll
0367         %see.
0368         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm(:,freq_ids,time_ids);
0370         %make sure size of spectrogram=size of mask
0371         if ~isequal(size(tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm),size(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.prob)),
0372             error('Size of spectrograms doesn''t equal the size of the p-value matrix from the statistical test.');
0373         end
0375         % multiply pow spectrum by mask (voxels>p_mask will be shown as 0);
0376         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm.*(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.prob<=p_mask);
0377     else
0378         if ~sum(sum(sum(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.prob<=p_mask)))
0379             error('No comparisons have a p-value greater than the threshold of %g, thus all data will be masked out. Use a higher value of ''p_value_mask''.', ...
0380                 p_mask);
0381         else
0382             tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm(test_chan_ids,freq_ids,time_ids)=tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm(test_chan_ids,freq_ids,time_ids).* ...
0383                 (tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.prob<=p_mask);
0384         end
0385     end
0386 end
0389 %% Create multiplot
0390 if isempty(p.Results.fig_id),
0391     figure('renderer','zbuffer'); ft_multiplotTFR(cfg,tfrGND.ftrip);
0392 else
0393     figure(p.Results.fig_id); clf; ft_multiplotTFR(cfg,tfrGND.ftrip);
0394 end
0395 set(gcf,'name',[prefix ' ' suffix]);

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