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singleplot_tfrGND() - Plots bin spectrogram or the difference between bin


function singleplot_tfrGND(tfrGND,varargin)


 singleplot_tfrGND() - Plots bin spectrogram or the difference between bin
                 spectrograms at a single channel (or the average of multiple
                 channels) using the Fieldtrip function ft_singleplotTFR.m.
                 Plots are derived from a MATLABmk tfrGND variable and can
                 be masked for statistical significance if test results
                 have been stored in the tfrGND variable.

  >> singleplot_tfrGND(tfrGND,varargin);

 Required Input:
   tfrGND  - A MATLABmk tfrGND variable. These are produced by the
             MATLABmk function tfrs2tfrGND.m. It contains spectrograms from 
             one or more participants, their grand averages, and
             associated information.
 Optional Inputs:
   'bin'           - [string] Indicates the number of the bin or the bin
                     difference you wish to plot.  For example, if you
                     wish to plot the spectrograms for Bin 1, enter '1'.
                     If you want to plot the spectrograms for Bin 1 minus
                     those from Bin 2, enter '1=2'. {default: '1'}
   'chan'          - [string] Indicates the channel, channel average, or
                     channel difference you wish to plot.  For example, if
                     you wish to plot the spectrogram for LLOc, enter
                     'LLOc'. If you want to plot the mean spectrogram for
                     channels LLOc and RLOc, enter 'LLOc+RLOc'. If you
                     wish to plot the difference between channels LLOc and
                     RLOc, enter 'LLOc-RLOc'. {default: first channel}
   'freq_limits'   - [min max] Frequency limits (in Hz) of the spectrgrams you
                     wish to visualize. {default: lowest and highest
                     frequencies in the tfrGND variable}
   'time_limits'   - [min max] Time limits (in ms) of the spectrgrams
                     you wish to visualize. {default: lowest and highest
                     time points in the tfrGND variable}
   'color_limits'  - [min max] Limits of the spectrogram color scale.
                     {default: lowest and highest time points in the
                     tfrGND variable}
   'units'         - ['dB' or 'raw'] If 'dB' spectrogram color scale will
                     be in units of decibels 10*log10(uV^2/Hz). If 'raw'
                     spectrogram color scale will be in units of uV^2/Hz.
                     {default: whatever the units were when the tfrGND
                     variable was first created}
   'bsln_type'     - The type of baseline used to normalize each
                     participant's data. Default is to use whatever baseline
                     type was used when the tfrGND variable was first 
                     created. Options are:
                       'relative' - Power at each time point is divided by 
                                    the mean power in the baseline window.
                       'absolute' - The mean power in the baseline window 
                                    is subtracted from the power at each 
                                    time point. 
   'bsln_wind'     - [min max] Time window (in ms) used to baseline the 
                     spectrograms {default: whatever baseline window was 
                     originally used with the tfrGND variable}
   'interactive'   - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', ft_singleplotTFR.m's inter-
                     active feature wil be activated which allows you draw
                     a box on the figure and plot the average of all the
                     spectrograms in the box. {default: 'yes'}
   'sub_id'        - [integer] The number of the subject whose individual
                     data you wish to plot. If not specified, grand average 
                     spectrograms will be plot. {default: not specified}
   'fig_id'        - [integer] The index number of the MATLAB figure in
                     which the plot will be produced. Useful for over-
                     writing old figures. {default: lowest unused figure
   'test_id'       - [integer] The index number of the test results you
                     want to use to mask the spectrograms. If x, the 
                     results stored in tfrGND.stats{x} will be used. 
                     {default: no masking}
   'p_value_mask'  - [number between 0 and 1] All voxels with a p-value
                     less than p_value_mask will be shown as 0. Note, this 
                     argument has no effect if 'test_id' argument is not 
                     used. {default: the alpha level of the test being 

 David Groppe
 Kutaslab, 1/2011


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 % singleplot_tfrGND() - Plots bin spectrogram or the difference between bin
0002 %                 spectrograms at a single channel (or the average of multiple
0003 %                 channels) using the Fieldtrip function ft_singleplotTFR.m.
0004 %                 Plots are derived from a MATLABmk tfrGND variable and can
0005 %                 be masked for statistical significance if test results
0006 %                 have been stored in the tfrGND variable.
0007 %
0008 %
0009 % Usage:
0010 %  >> singleplot_tfrGND(tfrGND,varargin);
0011 %
0012 % Required Input:
0013 %   tfrGND  - A MATLABmk tfrGND variable. These are produced by the
0014 %             MATLABmk function tfrs2tfrGND.m. It contains spectrograms from
0015 %             one or more participants, their grand averages, and
0016 %             associated information.
0017 %
0018 % Optional Inputs:
0019 %   'bin'           - [string] Indicates the number of the bin or the bin
0020 %                     difference you wish to plot.  For example, if you
0021 %                     wish to plot the spectrograms for Bin 1, enter '1'.
0022 %                     If you want to plot the spectrograms for Bin 1 minus
0023 %                     those from Bin 2, enter '1=2'. {default: '1'}
0024 %   'chan'          - [string] Indicates the channel, channel average, or
0025 %                     channel difference you wish to plot.  For example, if
0026 %                     you wish to plot the spectrogram for LLOc, enter
0027 %                     'LLOc'. If you want to plot the mean spectrogram for
0028 %                     channels LLOc and RLOc, enter 'LLOc+RLOc'. If you
0029 %                     wish to plot the difference between channels LLOc and
0030 %                     RLOc, enter 'LLOc-RLOc'. {default: first channel}
0031 %   'freq_limits'   - [min max] Frequency limits (in Hz) of the spectrgrams you
0032 %                     wish to visualize. {default: lowest and highest
0033 %                     frequencies in the tfrGND variable}
0034 %   'time_limits'   - [min max] Time limits (in ms) of the spectrgrams
0035 %                     you wish to visualize. {default: lowest and highest
0036 %                     time points in the tfrGND variable}
0037 %   'color_limits'  - [min max] Limits of the spectrogram color scale.
0038 %                     {default: lowest and highest time points in the
0039 %                     tfrGND variable}
0040 %   'units'         - ['dB' or 'raw'] If 'dB' spectrogram color scale will
0041 %                     be in units of decibels 10*log10(uV^2/Hz). If 'raw'
0042 %                     spectrogram color scale will be in units of uV^2/Hz.
0043 %                     {default: whatever the units were when the tfrGND
0044 %                     variable was first created}
0045 %   'bsln_type'     - The type of baseline used to normalize each
0046 %                     participant's data. Default is to use whatever baseline
0047 %                     type was used when the tfrGND variable was first
0048 %                     created. Options are:
0049 %                       'relative' - Power at each time point is divided by
0050 %                                    the mean power in the baseline window.
0051 %                       'absolute' - The mean power in the baseline window
0052 %                                    is subtracted from the power at each
0053 %                                    time point.
0054 %   'bsln_wind'     - [min max] Time window (in ms) used to baseline the
0055 %                     spectrograms {default: whatever baseline window was
0056 %                     originally used with the tfrGND variable}
0057 %   'interactive'   - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', ft_singleplotTFR.m's inter-
0058 %                     active feature wil be activated which allows you draw
0059 %                     a box on the figure and plot the average of all the
0060 %                     spectrograms in the box. {default: 'yes'}
0061 %   'sub_id'        - [integer] The number of the subject whose individual
0062 %                     data you wish to plot. If not specified, grand average
0063 %                     spectrograms will be plot. {default: not specified}
0064 %   'fig_id'        - [integer] The index number of the MATLAB figure in
0065 %                     which the plot will be produced. Useful for over-
0066 %                     writing old figures. {default: lowest unused figure
0067 %                     number}
0068 %   'test_id'       - [integer] The index number of the test results you
0069 %                     want to use to mask the spectrograms. If x, the
0070 %                     results stored in tfrGND.stats{x} will be used.
0071 %                     {default: no masking}
0072 %   'p_value_mask'  - [number between 0 and 1] All voxels with a p-value
0073 %                     less than p_value_mask will be shown as 0. Note, this
0074 %                     argument has no effect if 'test_id' argument is not
0075 %                     used. {default: the alpha level of the test being
0076 %                     visualized}
0077 %
0078 %
0079 % Author:
0080 % David Groppe
0081 % Kutaslab, 1/2011
0083 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Revision History  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0084 %?? check comments
0086 function singleplot_tfrGND(tfrGND,varargin)
0088 p=inputParser;
0089 p.addRequired('tfrGND',@isstruct);
0090 p.addParamValue('chan',[],@ischar);
0091 p.addParamValue('bin','1',@(x) ischar(x) || isnumeric(x)); %char allows bin differences (e.g., "1-2")
0092 p.addParamValue('freq_limits',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2);
0093 p.addParamValue('time_limits',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2);
0094 p.addParamValue('color_limits',[],@(x) (isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2) || ischar(x));
0095 p.addParamValue('sub_id',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==1);
0096 p.addParamValue('fig_id',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==1);
0097 p.addParamValue('test_id',0,@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==1);
0098 p.addParamValue('interactive','yes',@ischar);
0099 p.addParamValue('units',[],@(x) strcmpi(x,'dB') || strcmpi(x,'raw'));
0100 p.addParamValue('bsln_wind',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2);
0101 p.addParamValue('bsln_type',[],@(x) strcmpi(x,'relative') || strcmpi(x,'absolute'));
0102 p.addParamValue('p_value_mask',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==1);
0104 p.parse(tfrGND,varargin{:});
0106 %copy these optional paramters to variables that can be written to
0107 bsln_wind=p.Results.bsln_wind;
0108 bsln_type=p.Results.bsln_type;
0109 units=p.Results.units;
0111 %% Error check inputs
0112 n_subs=size(tfrGND.indiv{1},1);
0113 if ~isempty(p.Results.sub_id) && (p.Results.sub_id>n_subs),
0114    error('You requested to plot Subject %d''s data this tfrGND variable only contains data for %d subjects.', ...
0115        p.Results.sub_id,n_subs);
0116 end
0119 %% if statistical masking is requested, grab the parameters of what to plot
0120 %from the statistical test
0121 if p.Results.test_id,
0122     n_tests=length(tfrGND.stats);
0123     if p.Results.test_id>n_tests,
0124         error('You requested Test %d, but you only have %d tests in this tfrGND variable.', ...
0125             p.Results.test_id,n_tests);
0126     end
0127     if  ~strcmpi(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.dimord,'chan_freq_time')
0128         error(['"dimord" field of this test is not ''chan_freq_time''.  This leads me to believe this test was performed after averaging over time points or frequencies.  ', ...
0129             'singleplot_tfrGND.m cannot plot the result of such an analysis.']);
0130     end
0131     if length(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.label)>1,
0132         error('It looks like this analysis was performed on multiple channels (not a single channel or the mean of multiple channels).  Use multiplot_tfrGND.m instead.');
0133     else
0134         plot_chan=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.label{1};
0135     end
0136     plot_bins=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.bins;
0137     if isempty(p.Results.freq_limits)
0138         freq_limits=[tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.freq(1) tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.freq(end)];
0139     else
0140         freq_limits=p.Results.freq_limits;
0141     end
0142     if isempty(p.Results.time_limits)
0143         time_limits=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.cfg.latency;
0144     else
0145         time_limits=p.Results.time_limits/1000; %convert from ms to sec
0146     end
0148     %grab baseline info from test
0149     units=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.units;
0150     bsln_wind=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.bsln_wind;
0151     bsln_type=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.bsln_type;
0153     if isempty(p.Results.p_value_mask)
0154         p_mask=tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.family_alpha;
0155     else
0156         p_mask=p.Results.p_value_mask;
0157     end
0158 else
0159     %statistical masking not requested
0160     plot_bins=p.Results.bin;
0161     if isempty(p.Results.freq_limits),
0162         freq_limits=[tfrGND.ftrip.freq(1) tfrGND.ftrip.freq(end)];
0163     else
0164         freq_limits=p.Results.freq_limits;
0165     end
0166     if isempty(p.Results.time_limits),
0167         time_limits=[tfrGND.ftrip.time(1) tfrGND.ftrip.time(end)];
0168     else
0169         time_limits=p.Results.time_limits/1000; %convert from ms to sec
0170     end
0172     plot_chan=p.Results.chan;
0173 end
0175 % Transform spectrograms to dB or re-baseline (if requested)
0176 if isempty(bsln_wind),
0177     bsln_wind=tfrGND.bsln_wind;
0178 end
0179 if isempty(bsln_type),
0180     bsln_type=tfrGND.bsln_type;
0181 end
0182 if isempty(units),
0183     units=tfrGND.units;
0184 end
0185 if ~strcmpi(units,tfrGND.units) || ...
0186         ~isequal(bsln_wind,tfrGND.bsln_wind) || ...
0187         ~strcmpi(bsln_type,tfrGND.bsln_type)
0188     tfrGND=baseline_tfrGND(tfrGND,units,bsln_wind,bsln_type);
0189 end
0191 %Check bin/bins
0192 n_bins=length(tfrGND.bindesc);
0194 %See if user has requested the difference between conditions
0195 neg_id=find(plot_bins=='-');
0196 if ismember('-',plot_bins),
0197     bin1=str2double(plot_bins(1:(neg_id-1)));
0198     bin2=str2double(plot_bins((neg_id+1):end));
0199     %make sure bins exist
0200     if isempty(bin1) || isempty(bin2),
0201         error('%s is not a valid bin request.',plot_bins);
0202     elseif bin1>n_bins,
0203         error('You only have %d bins in this tfrGND variable but you requested Bin %d.',n_bins,bin1);
0204     elseif bin2>n_bins,
0205         error('You only have %d bins in this tfrGND variable but you requested Bin %d.',n_bins,bin2);
0206     end
0208     dif=1;
0209     %Store data to be visualized in tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm
0210     prefix=[tfrGND.bindesc{bin1} '-' tfrGND.bindesc{bin2}];
0211     if isempty(p.Results.sub_id),
0212         %grand average spectrograms
0213         %tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=dB(tfrGND.grands{bin1})-dB(tfrGND.grands{bi
0214         %n2}); ?? OLD
0215         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=tfrGND.grands{bin1}-tfrGND.grands{bin2};
0216         suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin1) '-' int2str(bin2) ', Grand)'];
0217     else
0218         %plot spectrogram for an individual subject
0219         %         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=dB(squeeze(tfrGND.indiv{bin1}(p.Results.sub_id,:,:,:)))- ...
0220         %             dB(squeeze(tfrGND.indiv{bin2}(p.Results.sub_id,:,:,:)
0221         %             )); ?? OLD
0222         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=squeeze(tfrGND.indiv{bin1}(p.Results.sub_id,:,:,:))- ...
0223             squeeze(tfrGND.indiv{bin2}(p.Results.sub_id,:,:,:));
0224         suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin1) '-'  int2str(bin2) ', Sub ' int2str(p.Results.sub_id) ')'];
0225     end
0226 else
0227     if ischar(plot_bins)
0228         bin=str2double(plot_bins);
0229     else
0230         bin=plot_bins;
0231     end
0232     if isempty(bin),
0233         error('%s is not a valid bin request.',plot_bins);
0234     end
0235     %make sure bin exists
0236     if bin>n_bins,
0237         error('You only have %d bins in this tfrGND variable but you requested Bin %d.',n_bins,bin);
0238     end
0240     dif=0;
0241     %Store data to be visualized in tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm
0242     prefix=tfrGND.bindesc{bin};
0243     if isempty(p.Results.sub_id),
0244         %plot grand average spectrograms
0245         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=tfrGND.grands{bin};
0246         suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin) ', Grand)'];
0247     else
0248         %plot spectrogram for an individual subject
0249         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=squeeze(tfrGND.indiv{bin}(p.Results.sub_id,:,:,:));
0250         suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin) ', Sub ' int2str(p.Results.sub_id) ')'];
0251     end
0252 end
0254 %% Select channel or mean of channels
0255 if ismember('+',plot_chan)
0256     %find all channels that should be averaged
0257     n_chan=sum(plot_chan=='+')+1;
0258     cfg.channel=cell(1,n_chan);
0259     use_chan_ids=zeros(1,n_chan);
0260     start_id=1;
0261     pc_copy=plot_chan;
0262     for a=1:n_chan
0263        end_id=min(find(pc_copy=='+'))-1;
0264        if isempty(end_id)
0265            end_id=length(pc_copy); 
0266        end
0267        cfg.channel{a}=pc_copy(start_id:end_id);
0268        %Make sure that channel is in the tfrGND variable
0269        if ~ismember(cfg.channel{a},tfrGND.ftrip.label),
0270            error('There is no Channel %s in this tfrGND variable.',cfg.channel{a});
0271        end
0273        %remove that channel from further consideration
0274        pc_copy=pc_copy(end_id+2:end);
0275     end
0276 else
0277     %plot a single channel
0278     if ~ismember(plot_chan,tfrGND.ftrip.label),
0279         error('There is no Channel %s in this tfrGND variable.',plot_chan);
0280     end
0281     cfg.channel=plot_chan;
0282 end
0285 if isempty(p.Results.color_limits),
0286     cfg.zlim='maxmin';
0287 else
0288     cfg.zlim=p.Results.color_limits;
0289 end
0290 if dif,
0291     fprintf('Note, the power difference between conditions is always shown in decibels.\n');
0292     cfg.dB='no'; %add error mesg?
0293 end
0294 cfg.ylim=freq_limits;
0295 cfg.xlim=time_limits;
0296 cfg.showlabels='yes';
0297 cfg.interactive=p.Results.interactive;
0298 cfg.layout=tfrGND.ftrip.elec;
0299 cfg.elec=tfrGND.ftrip.elec;
0302 %%  Mask data according to significance
0303 if p.Results.test_id,
0304     % Find rectangle of spectrogram that corresponds to test limits
0305     freq_ids=find_tpt(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.freq(1),tfrGND.ftrip.freq): ...
0306         find_tpt(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.freq(end),tfrGND.ftrip.freq);
0307     time_ids=find_tpt(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.time(1),tfrGND.ftrip.time): ...
0308         find_tpt(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.time(end),tfrGND.ftrip.time);
0309     %  freq_ids=find_tpt(freq_limits(1),tfrGND.ftrip.freq):find_tpt(freq_limits(2),tfrGND.ftrip.freq);
0310     %  time_ids=find_tpt(time_limits(1),tfrGND.ftrip.time):find_tpt(time_limits(2),tfrGND.ftrip.time);
0312     if 0
0313         %this code reduces the size of the spectrogram to the size of the
0314         %mask.  As is, it produces errors because the time and frequency
0315         %limits no longer agree with what's specified in tfrGND.ftrip.  I
0316         %could fix it up, but I don't really think it's necessary.  We'll
0317         %see. ??
0318         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm(:,freq_ids,time_ids);
0320         %make sure size of spectrogram=size of mask
0321         if ~isequal(size(tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm),size(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.prob)),
0322             error('Size of spectrograms doesn''t equal the size of the p-value matrix from the statistical test.');
0323         end
0325         % multiply pow spectrum by mask (voxels>p_mask will be shown as 0);
0326         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm.*(tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.prob<=p_mask);
0327     else
0328         stored_chans=length(tfrGND.ftrip.label);
0329         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm(:,freq_ids,time_ids)=tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm(:,freq_ids,time_ids).* ...
0330             repmat((tfrGND.stats{p.Results.test_id}.prob<=p_mask),[stored_chans 1 1]);
0331     end
0332 end
0334 %% Create singleplot
0335 if isempty(p.Results.fig_id),
0336     figure('renderer','zbuffer'); ft_singleplotTFR(cfg,tfrGND.ftrip);
0337 else
0338     figure(p.Results.fig_id); clf; ft_singleplotTFR(cfg,tfrGND.ftrip);
0339 end
0340 set(gcf,'name',[prefix ' ' suffix]);
0343 function out_data=dB(in_data)
0344 %transform in_data to decibels
0346 out_data=10*log10(in_data);
0349 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%CUT CODE (may be worth reviving later?)%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0350 %% Set channel or difference/mean of channels
0351 % if ismember('-',plot_chan),
0352 %     if ismember('+',plot_chan),
0353 %         error('You can''t use - and + when specifiying channels.');
0354 %     elseif sum(ismember(plot_chan,'-'))>1,
0355 %         error('You can''t take the difference between more than two channels');
0356 %     end
0357 %
0358 %     %find the two channels whose difference is requested
0359 %     n_chan=2;
0360 %     use_chan_ids=zeros(1,n_chan);
0361 %     use_chan=cell(1,2);
0362 %     start_id=1;
0363 %     pc_copy=plot_chan;
0364 %     for a=1:n_chan
0365 %         end_id=min(find(pc_copy=='-'))-1;
0366 %         if isempty(end_id)
0367 %             end_id=length(pc_copy);
0368 %         end
0369 %         use_chan{a}=pc_copy(start_id:end_id);
0370 %         %Make sure that channel is in the tfrGND variable
0371 %         if ~ismember(use_chan{a},tfrGND.ftrip.label),
0372 %             error('There is no Channel %s in this tfrGND variable.',use_chan{a});
0373 %         else
0374 %             use_chan_id(a)=find(ismember(tfrGND.ftrip.label,use_chan{a}));
0375 %         end
0376 %
0377 %         %remove that channel from further consideration
0378 %         pc_copy=pc_copy(end_id+2:end);
0379 %     end
0380 %
0381 %     tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm(use_chan_id(1),:,:)./ ...
0382 %         tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm(use_chan_id(2),:,:); %should this be done before or after baselining/log transform? ??
0383 %     tfrGND.ftrip.label={plot_chan};
0384 % elseif ismember('+',plot_chan)
0385 %     %find all channels that should be averaged
0386 %     n_chan=sum(plot_chan=='+')+1;
0387 %     use_chan_ids=zeros(1,n_chan);
0388 %     start_id=1;
0389 %     pc_copy=plot_chan;
0390 %     for a=1:n_chan
0391 %        end_id=min(find(pc_copy=='+'))-1;
0392 %        if isempty(end_id)
0393 %            end_id=length(pc_copy);
0394 %        end
0395 %        use_chan{a}=pc_copy(start_id:end_id);
0396 %        %Make sure that channel is in the tfrGND variable
0397 %        if ~ismember(use_chan{a},tfrGND.ftrip.label),
0398 %            error('There is no Channel %s in this tfrGND variable.',use_chan{a});
0399 %        else
0400 %            use_chan_id(a)=find(ismember(tfrGND.ftrip.label,use_chan{a}));
0401 %        end
0402 %
0403 %        %remove that channel from further consideration
0404 %        pc_copy=pc_copy(end_id+2:end);
0405 %     end
0406 %
0407 %     tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm=mean(tfrGND.ftrip.powspctrm(use_chan_id,:,:),1); %should this be done before or after baselining/log transform? ??
0408 %     tfrGND.ftrip.label={plot_chan};
0409 % else
0410 %     %plot a single channel
0411 %     if ~ismember(plot_chan,tfrGND.ftrip.label),
0412 %         error('There is no Channel %s in this tfrGND variable.',plot_chan);
0413 %     end
0414 %     cfg.channel=plot_chan;
0415 % end

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