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function [pval, t_orig, tmx_ptile, seed_state, est_alpha]=mxt_perm1(data,n_perm,alph,tail,verblevel,seed_state,freq_domain)


function [pval, t_orig, tmx_ptile, seed_state, est_alpha]=mxt_perm1(data,n_perm,alph,tail,verblevel,seed_state,freq_domain)


function [pval, t_orig, tmx_ptile, seed_state, est_alpha]=mxt_perm1(data,n_perm,alph,tail,verblevel,seed_state,freq_domain)

 mxt_perm1-One sample permutation test based on a t-statistic and null
 hypothesis of a mean of zero.  Can handle multiple electrodes and time
 points/frequencies. According to Hemmelammnn et al. (2004), the t_max permutation
 test has relatively good power for multivariate data whose dimensions are
 highly correlated (like EEG/ERP data).  See Maris (2004) for an
 explanation of how permutation tests like this control for multiple
 comparisons.  Note, Maris uses Hotelling's multivariate T^2 statistic in
 his paper (instead of the t_max used here) and he advocated performing
 the tests over multiple time points (e.g., a 10 ms time window).
 However, our lab found that the T^2 statistic did not have much power when the
 sample size was near the number of electrodes and the results of the test
 could vary greatly depending on the size of the time window.

  data   - 3D matrix of data (Channel x Time x Participant)

 Optional Inputs:
  n_perm      - number of permutations {default=2000}.  Manly (1997) suggests
                using at least 1000 permutations for an alpha level of 0.05 and 
                at least 5000 permutations for an alpha level of 0.01.
  alph        - test alpha level {default=.05}
  tail        - [1 | 0 | -1] If tail=1, the alternative hypothesis is that the
                mean of the data is greater than 0 (upper tailed test).  If tail=0,
                the alternative hypothesis is that the mean of the data is different
                than 0 (two tailed test).  If tail=-1, the alternative hypothesis
                is that the mean of the data is less than 0 (lower tailed test).
                {default: 0}
  verblevel   - An integer specifying the amount of information you want
                this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
                 Options are:
                    0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
                    1 - stuff anyone should probably know
                    2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
                        with a data set {default value}
                    3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all
  seed_state  - The initial state of the random number generating stream
                (see MATLAB documentation for "randstream"). If you pass
                a value from a previous run of this function, it should
                reproduce the exact same values.
  freq_domain - If 0, command line report will be given in temporal units
                (e.g. time points).  Otherwise, the report will be given 
                in frequency domain units (e.g., frequencies). {default:

  pval       - p-value at each time point and electrode (corrected for
               multiple comparisons via permutation test)
  t_orig     - t-score at each time point and electrode
  tmx_ptile  - critical t-scores for given alpha level
  seed_state - The initial state of the random number generating stream
               (see MATLAB documentation for "randstream") used to 
               generate the permutations. You can use this to reproduce
               the output of this function.
  est_alpha  - The estimated family-wise alpha level of the test.  With 
               permutation tests, a finite number of p-values are possible.
               This function tries to use an alpha level that is as close 
               as possible to the desired alpha level.  However, if the 
               sample size is small, a very limited number of p-values are 
               possible and the desired family-wise alpha level may be 
               impossible to approximately achieve.

 -Unlike a parametric test (e.g., an ANOVA), a discrete set of p-values
 are possible (at most the number of possible permutations).  Since the
 number of possible permutations grows rapidly with the number of
 participants, this is only an issue for small sample sizes (e.g., 6
 participants).  When you have such a small sample size, the
 limited number of p-values may make the test overly conservative (e.g., 
 you might be forced to use an alpha level of .0286 since it is the biggest
 possible alpha level less than .05).

 David Groppe
 June, 2009
 Kutaslab, San Diego


 Hemmelmann, et al. (2004) Multivariate tests for the evaluation of
 high-dimensional EEG data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods.

 Maris, E. (2004) Randomization tests for ERP topographies and whole 
 spatiotemporal data matrices. Psychophysiology

 Manly, B.F.J. (1997) Randomization, bootstrap, and Monte Carlo methods in
 biology. 2nd ed. Chapmn and Hall, London.


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %function [pval, t_orig, tmx_ptile, seed_state, est_alpha]=mxt_perm1(data,n_perm,alph,tail,verblevel,seed_state,freq_domain)
0002 %
0003 % mxt_perm1-One sample permutation test based on a t-statistic and null
0004 % hypothesis of a mean of zero.  Can handle multiple electrodes and time
0005 % points/frequencies. According to Hemmelammnn et al. (2004), the t_max permutation
0006 % test has relatively good power for multivariate data whose dimensions are
0007 % highly correlated (like EEG/ERP data).  See Maris (2004) for an
0008 % explanation of how permutation tests like this control for multiple
0009 % comparisons.  Note, Maris uses Hotelling's multivariate T^2 statistic in
0010 % his paper (instead of the t_max used here) and he advocated performing
0011 % the tests over multiple time points (e.g., a 10 ms time window).
0012 % However, our lab found that the T^2 statistic did not have much power when the
0013 % sample size was near the number of electrodes and the results of the test
0014 % could vary greatly depending on the size of the time window.
0015 %
0016 % Inputs:
0017 %  data   - 3D matrix of data (Channel x Time x Participant)
0018 %
0019 % Optional Inputs:
0020 %  n_perm      - number of permutations {default=2000}.  Manly (1997) suggests
0021 %                using at least 1000 permutations for an alpha level of 0.05 and
0022 %                at least 5000 permutations for an alpha level of 0.01.
0023 %  alph        - test alpha level {default=.05}
0024 %  tail        - [1 | 0 | -1] If tail=1, the alternative hypothesis is that the
0025 %                mean of the data is greater than 0 (upper tailed test).  If tail=0,
0026 %                the alternative hypothesis is that the mean of the data is different
0027 %                than 0 (two tailed test).  If tail=-1, the alternative hypothesis
0028 %                is that the mean of the data is less than 0 (lower tailed test).
0029 %                {default: 0}
0030 %  verblevel   - An integer specifying the amount of information you want
0031 %                this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
0032 %                 Options are:
0033 %                    0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
0034 %                    1 - stuff anyone should probably know
0035 %                    2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
0036 %                        with a data set {default value}
0037 %                    3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all
0038 %                        reports)
0039 %  seed_state  - The initial state of the random number generating stream
0040 %                (see MATLAB documentation for "randstream"). If you pass
0041 %                a value from a previous run of this function, it should
0042 %                reproduce the exact same values.
0043 %  freq_domain - If 0, command line report will be given in temporal units
0044 %                (e.g. time points).  Otherwise, the report will be given
0045 %                in frequency domain units (e.g., frequencies). {default:
0046 %                0}
0047 %
0048 %
0049 % Outputs:
0050 %  pval       - p-value at each time point and electrode (corrected for
0051 %               multiple comparisons via permutation test)
0052 %  t_orig     - t-score at each time point and electrode
0053 %  tmx_ptile  - critical t-scores for given alpha level
0054 %  seed_state - The initial state of the random number generating stream
0055 %               (see MATLAB documentation for "randstream") used to
0056 %               generate the permutations. You can use this to reproduce
0057 %               the output of this function.
0058 %  est_alpha  - The estimated family-wise alpha level of the test.  With
0059 %               permutation tests, a finite number of p-values are possible.
0060 %               This function tries to use an alpha level that is as close
0061 %               as possible to the desired alpha level.  However, if the
0062 %               sample size is small, a very limited number of p-values are
0063 %               possible and the desired family-wise alpha level may be
0064 %               impossible to approximately achieve.
0065 %
0066 %
0067 % Notes:
0068 % -Unlike a parametric test (e.g., an ANOVA), a discrete set of p-values
0069 % are possible (at most the number of possible permutations).  Since the
0070 % number of possible permutations grows rapidly with the number of
0071 % participants, this is only an issue for small sample sizes (e.g., 6
0072 % participants).  When you have such a small sample size, the
0073 % limited number of p-values may make the test overly conservative (e.g.,
0074 % you might be forced to use an alpha level of .0286 since it is the biggest
0075 % possible alpha level less than .05).
0076 %
0077 % Author:
0078 % David Groppe
0079 % June, 2009
0080 % Kutaslab, San Diego
0081 %
0082 % References:
0083 %
0084 % Hemmelmann, et al. (2004) Multivariate tests for the evaluation of
0085 % high-dimensional EEG data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods.
0086 %
0087 % Maris, E. (2004) Randomization tests for ERP topographies and whole
0088 % spatiotemporal data matrices. Psychophysiology
0089 %
0090 % Manly, B.F.J. (1997) Randomization, bootstrap, and Monte Carlo methods in
0091 % biology. 2nd ed. Chapmn and Hall, London.
0093 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REVISION LOG %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0094 %
0095 % 3/8/2010-rand_state optional input and output added
0096 %
0097 % 3/18/2010-modified to be much faster (time for-loop eliminated, some numbers needed to calculate
0098 % t are computed once for all t-tests; "computational formula" used instead of
0099 % conceptual formula).  New version gives exact same results as old version
0100 %
0101 % 4/1/2010-Estimated alpha level added
0102 %
0103 % 12/10/2010-Differences in the steps used for computing t-scores between
0104 % permutations and observed data could lead to rounding errors that would
0105 % produce inaccurate p-values for very small sample sizes (e.g., 3
0106 % participants).  That's been fixed.
0107 %
0108 % 12/14/2010-freq_domain optional input added
0110 %This code has an appropriate false positive rate when run on simulated
0111 %data at one time point (use sim_test1.m):
0112 %
0113 % n_sim=4000, n_perm=2000, data=2x1x16 Gaussian, alpha=.05
0114 % Two-tailed test: Empirical alpha rate: 0.047500
0115 % Upper tailed test: Empirical alpha rate: 0.048500
0116 % Lower tailed test: Empirical alpha rate: 0.045500
0118 function [pval, t_orig, tmx_ptile, seed_state, est_alpha]=mxt_perm1(data,n_perm,alph,tail,verblevel,seed_state,freq_domain)
0120 if nargin<1,
0121     error('You need to provide data.');
0122 end
0124 if nargin<2,
0125     n_perm=2000;
0126 end
0128 if nargin<3,
0129     alph=.05;
0130 elseif (alph>=1) || (alph<=0)
0131     error('Argument ''alph'' needs to be between 0 and 1.');
0132 end
0134 if alph<=.01 && n_perm<5000,
0135     watchit(sprintf('You are probably using too few permutations for an alpha level of %f. Type ">>help mxt_perm1" for more info.',alph));
0136 elseif alph<=.05 && n_perm<1000,
0137     watchit(sprintf('You are probably using too few permutations for an alpha level of %f. Type ">>help mxt_perm1" for more info.',alph));
0138 end
0140 if nargin<4,
0141     tail=0;
0142 elseif (tail~=0) && (tail~=1) && (tail~=-1),
0143     error('Argument ''tail'' needs to be 0,1, or -1.');
0144 end
0146 if nargin<5,
0147     verblevel=2;
0148 end
0150 defaultStream=RandStream.getGlobalStream; %random # generator state
0151 if (nargin<6) || isempty(seed_state),
0152     %Store state of random number generator
0153     seed_state=defaultStream.State;
0154 else
0155     defaultStream.State=seed_state; %reset random number generator to saved state
0156 end
0158 if (nargin<7),
0159    freq_domain=0; 
0160 end
0162 s=size(data);
0163 n_chan=s(1);
0164 n_pts=s(2);
0165 n_subs=s(3);
0166 if n_subs<2,
0167     error('You need data from at least two observations (e.g., participants) to perform a hypothesis test.')
0168 end
0170 if n_subs<7,
0171     n_psbl_prms=2^n_subs;
0172     watchit(sprintf(['Due to the very limited number of participants,' ...
0173         ' the total number of possible permutations is small.\nThus only a limited number of p-values (at most %d) are possible and the test might be overly conservative.'], ...
0174     n_psbl_prms));
0175 end
0177 if verblevel~=0,
0178     fprintf('mxt_perm1: Number of channels: %d\n',n_chan);
0179     if freq_domain,
0180         fprintf('mxt_perm1: Number of frequencies: %d\n',n_pts);
0181     else
0182         fprintf('mxt_perm1: Number of time points: %d\n',n_pts);
0183     end
0184     fprintf('mxt_perm1: Total # of comparisons: %d\n',n_pts*n_chan);
0185     fprintf('mxt_perm1: Number of participants: %d\n',n_subs);
0186     fprintf('t-score degrees of freedom: %d\n',n_subs-1);
0187 end
0190 VerbReport(sprintf('Executing permutation test with %d permutations...',n_perm),2,verblevel);
0191 if (verblevel>=2),
0192     fprintf('Permutations completed: ');
0193 end
0196 %Constant factor for computing t, speeds up computing t to precalculate
0197 %now
0198 sqrt_nXnM1=sqrt(n_subs*(n_subs-1));
0200 mxt=zeros(1,n_perm*2);
0201 sn=zeros(1,1,n_subs);
0202 for perm=1:n_perm
0203     if ~rem(perm,100)
0204         if (verblevel>=2),
0205             if ~rem(perm-100,1000)
0206                 fprintf('%d',perm);
0207             else
0208                 fprintf(', %d',perm);
0209             end
0210             if ~rem(perm,1000)
0211                 fprintf('\n');
0212             end
0213         end
0214     end
0215     %randomly set sign of each participant's data
0216     sn(1,1,1:n_subs)=(rand(1,n_subs)>.5)*2-1;
0217     sn_mtrx=repmat(sn,[n_chan n_pts 1]);
0219     d_perm=data.*sn_mtrx;
0221     %computes t-score of permuted data across all channels and time
0222     %points or frequencies
0223     sm=sum(d_perm,3);
0224     mn=sm/n_subs;
0225     sm_sqrs=sum(d_perm.^2,3)-(sm.^2)/n_subs;
0226     stder=sqrt(sm_sqrs)/sqrt_nXnM1;
0227     t=mn./stder;
0229     %get most extreme t-score (sign isn't immportant since we asumme
0230     %symmetric distribution of null hypothesis for one sample test)
0231     mxt(perm)=max(max(abs(t)));
0232 end
0233 mxt(n_perm+1:2*n_perm)=-mxt(1:n_perm); %add the negative of all values since we assumme
0234 %null hypothesis distribution is symmetric
0236 %End permutations completed line
0237 if (verblevel>=2) && rem(perm,1000)
0238     fprintf('\n');
0239 end
0241 if tail==0,
0242     %two-tailed
0243     tmx_ptile(1)=prctile(mxt,100*alph/2);
0244     tmx_ptile(2)=-tmx_ptile(1);
0245     est_alpha=mean(mxt>=tmx_ptile(2))*2;
0246 elseif tail==1,
0247     %upper tailed
0248     tmx_ptile=prctile(mxt,100-100*alph);
0249     est_alpha=mean(mxt>=tmx_ptile);
0250 else
0251     %tail=-1, lower tailed
0252     tmx_ptile=prctile(mxt,alph*100);
0253     est_alpha=mean(mxt<=tmx_ptile);
0254 end
0255 if verblevel~=0,
0256     fprintf('Desired family-wise alpha level: %f\n',alph);
0257     fprintf('Estimated actual family-wise alpha level: %f\n',est_alpha);
0258 end
0260 %computes t-scores of observations at all channels and time
0261 %points/frequencies
0262 sm=sum(data,3);
0263 mn=sm/n_subs;
0264 sm_sqrs=sum(data.^2,3)-(sm.^2)/n_subs;
0265 stder=sqrt(sm_sqrs)/sqrt_nXnM1;
0266 t_orig=mn./stder;
0268 %compute p-values
0269 pval=zeros(n_chan,n_pts);
0270 for t=1:n_pts,
0271     for c=1:n_chan,
0272         if tail==0,
0273             pval(c,t)=mean(mxt>=abs(t_orig(c,t)))*2;
0274         elseif tail==1,
0275             pval(c,t)=mean(mxt>=t_orig(c,t));
0276         elseif tail==-1,
0277             pval(c,t)=mean(mxt<=t_orig(c,t));
0278         end
0279     end
0280 end

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