Home > matlabmk > evcode_info2set.m




function evcode_info2set(in_setfile,code_infofile,out_setfile,use_ccode,forcewrite,verblevel)


 evcode_info2set() - Imports information about types of an experimental
                     event into an EEGLAB .set file from a text file.  
                     The new event information (e.g., cloze probability, 
                     event duration) is added to the EEG.event and 
                     EEG.epoch fields of the EEG struct variable.
  >> evcode_info2set(in_setfile,code_infofile,out_setfile,use_ccode,forcewrite,verblevel)

   in_setfile        = [string] the name of the source EEGLAB .set file 
                        (include the file's pathname unless it is in the 
                        current working directory).

   code_infofile     = [string] a space or tab delimited text file
                        containing additional information (numeric or
                        strings) about types of experimental events.  The 
                        first row of the file is a header line with a
                        one word description of each column in the
                        file. Each row below the headerline
                        corresponds to a different experimental event.
                        The first column of the file specifies the event
                        code (the number that shows up as "Event #" in 
                        Kutaslab log files.  Additional columns
                        specificy event information (e.g.,
                        the cloze probability of the stimulus).  This file
                        can specify information in a way that depends on 
                        condition codes.  To do this, the second column of
                        the file must indicate the condition code.

 Optional Inputs: 
   out_setfile     = [string] the name of the EEGLAB .set file that will
                      be written to (include the file's pathname unless
                      it is in the current working directory) {default:
                      same as in_setfile}

   use_ccode       = ['on' | 'off'] If 'on', the function will add the
                      event information in a way that depends on condition 
                      codes.  To use this feature, the second column of 
                      code_infofile must specifiy the condition code for 
                      each row. {default: 'off'}

   forcewrite      = ['on' | 'off'] If 'on', the function will
                      automatically overwrite any pre-existing event 
                      information in the .set file that contradicts the
                      event information in code_infofile.  If 'off,' the 
                      user will be asked whether or not to overwrite any 
                      such pre-existing information. {default: 'off'}

   verblevel       = an integer specifiying the amount of information you 
                      want functions to provide about what they are doing 
                      during runtime.
                        Options are:
                         0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB 
                         1 - stuff anyone should probably know
                         2 - stuff you should know the first time you start 
                             working with a data set {default value if 
                             verblevel not already specified}
                         3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all 

   Function outputs nothing in Matlab.  It simply writes/overwites a .set
   file to disk.

 >> in_fname='/homes/dgroppe/SANDBOX/PRSENT/prsent41.set';
 >> code_infofile='/homes/dgroppe/SANDBOX/PRSENT/tone_durations.txt';
 >> evcode_info2set(in_fname,code_infofile,'temp.set');

 Additional Notes:

 Don't use parenthesis in column header names.  MATLAB interprets
 the name as a function call.

 Use NaN to fill cells for codes that don't have a value for a
 particular column

 David Groppe
 Kutaslab, 8/2009


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function evcode_info2set(in_setfile,code_infofile,out_setfile,use_ccode,forcewrite,verblevel)
0002 %
0003 % evcode_info2set() - Imports information about types of an experimental
0004 %                     event into an EEGLAB .set file from a text file.
0005 %                     The new event information (e.g., cloze probability,
0006 %                     event duration) is added to the EEG.event and
0007 %                     EEG.epoch fields of the EEG struct variable.
0008 %
0009 % Usage:
0010 %  >> evcode_info2set(in_setfile,code_infofile,out_setfile,use_ccode,forcewrite,verblevel)
0011 %
0012 %
0013 % Inputs:
0014 %   in_setfile        = [string] the name of the source EEGLAB .set file
0015 %                        (include the file's pathname unless it is in the
0016 %                        current working directory).
0017 %
0018 %   code_infofile     = [string] a space or tab delimited text file
0019 %                        containing additional information (numeric or
0020 %                        strings) about types of experimental events.  The
0021 %                        first row of the file is a header line with a
0022 %                        one word description of each column in the
0023 %                        file. Each row below the headerline
0024 %                        corresponds to a different experimental event.
0025 %                        The first column of the file specifies the event
0026 %                        code (the number that shows up as "Event #" in
0027 %                        Kutaslab log files.  Additional columns
0028 %                        specificy event information (e.g.,
0029 %                        the cloze probability of the stimulus).  This file
0030 %                        can specify information in a way that depends on
0031 %                        condition codes.  To do this, the second column of
0032 %                        the file must indicate the condition code.
0033 %
0034 % Optional Inputs:
0035 %   out_setfile     = [string] the name of the EEGLAB .set file that will
0036 %                      be written to (include the file's pathname unless
0037 %                      it is in the current working directory) {default:
0038 %                      same as in_setfile}
0039 %
0040 %   use_ccode       = ['on' | 'off'] If 'on', the function will add the
0041 %                      event information in a way that depends on condition
0042 %                      codes.  To use this feature, the second column of
0043 %                      code_infofile must specifiy the condition code for
0044 %                      each row. {default: 'off'}
0045 %
0046 %   forcewrite      = ['on' | 'off'] If 'on', the function will
0047 %                      automatically overwrite any pre-existing event
0048 %                      information in the .set file that contradicts the
0049 %                      event information in code_infofile.  If 'off,' the
0050 %                      user will be asked whether or not to overwrite any
0051 %                      such pre-existing information. {default: 'off'}
0052 %
0053 %   verblevel       = an integer specifiying the amount of information you
0054 %                      want functions to provide about what they are doing
0055 %                      during runtime.
0056 %                        Options are:
0057 %                         0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB
0058 %                             reports
0059 %                         1 - stuff anyone should probably know
0060 %                         2 - stuff you should know the first time you start
0061 %                             working with a data set {default value if
0062 %                             verblevel not already specified}
0063 %                         3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all
0064 %                             reports)
0065 %
0066 % Outputs:
0067 %   Function outputs nothing in Matlab.  It simply writes/overwites a .set
0068 %   file to disk.
0069 %
0070 %
0071 % Example:
0072 % >> in_fname='/homes/dgroppe/SANDBOX/PRSENT/prsent41.set';
0073 % >> code_infofile='/homes/dgroppe/SANDBOX/PRSENT/tone_durations.txt';
0074 % >> evcode_info2set(in_fname,code_infofile,'temp.set');
0075 %
0076 %
0077 % Additional Notes:
0078 %
0079 % Don't use parenthesis in column header names.  MATLAB interprets
0080 % the name as a function call.
0081 %
0082 % Use NaN to fill cells for codes that don't have a value for a
0083 % particular column
0084 %
0085 % Author:
0086 % David Groppe
0087 % Kutaslab, 8/2009
0088 %
0090 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REVISION LOG %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0091 %
0092 % 10/07/09 Function can now add information as strings to EEG struct.
0093 %
0096 global VERBLEVEL
0098 %Check Inputs
0099 if ~ischar(in_setfile),
0100     error('Argument in_setfile needs to be a string that specifies an EEGLAB .set file.');
0101 end
0103 if ~ischar(code_infofile),
0104     error('Argument code_infofile needs to be a string that specifies a text file.');
0105 end
0107 if nargin<3,
0108     out_setfile=in_setfile; %default: output file same as input file
0109     VerbReport('New set file will overwrite old set file (default behavior).', ...
0110         2, VERBLEVEL);
0111 else
0112    if ~ischar(out_setfile),
0113        error('Argument out_setfile needs to be a string that specifies an EEGLAB .set file.');
0114    end
0115 end
0117 if nargin<4,
0118     use_ccode='off';
0119 elseif (~strcmpi(use_ccode,'on') && ~strcmpi(use_ccode,'off'))
0120     error('Argument "use_ccode" needs to be set to ''on'' or ''off''.');
0121 end
0123 if nargin<5,
0124     forcewrite='off';
0125 elseif (~strcmpi(forcewrite,'on') && ~strcmpi(forcewrite,'off'))
0126     error('Argument "forcewrite" needs to be set to ''on'' or ''off''.');
0127 end
0129 if nargin<6
0130     if isempty(VERBLEVEL),
0131        VERBLEVEL=2; %default
0132     end
0133 else
0134    VERBLEVEL=verblevel; 
0135 end
0138 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0139 % LOAD .set FILE
0140 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0141 EEG=pop_loadset(in_setfile);
0144 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0146 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0147 VerbReport(sprintf('Getting additional information about stim/response classes of events from %s', ...
0148     code_infofile), 1, VERBLEVEL);
0149 [ev_fid, message]=fopen(code_infofile,'r');
0150 if (ev_fid==-1),
0151     fprintf('*************** ERROR ******************\n');
0152     fprintf('Cannot open file %s.\n',code_infofile);
0153     fprintf('According to fopen: %s.\n',message);
0154     error('Aborting import of additional stim/response class information.');
0155 else
0156     %read column headers
0157     txtline = fgetl(ev_fid);
0158     if (txtline==-1),
0159         fprintf('*************** ERROR ******************\n');
0160         fprintf('File %s is empty.\n',ev_fid);
0161         error('Aborting import of additional stim/response class information.');
0162     else
0163         %Parse column header
0164         clear ev_col_hdrs;
0165         col_ct=1;
0166         [ev_col_hdrs{col_ct}, rmndr]=strtok(txtline);
0167         fprintf('Stim/resp code column is: %s\n',ev_col_hdrs{col_ct});
0169         if strcmpi(use_ccode,'on')
0170             col_ct=col_ct+1;
0171             [ev_col_hdrs{col_ct}, rmndr]=strtok(rmndr);
0172             fprintf('Condition code column is: %s\n',ev_col_hdrs{col_ct});
0173         end
0175         while ~isempty(rmndr) && charleft(rmndr),
0176             col_ct=col_ct+1;
0177             [ev_col_hdrs{col_ct}, rmndr]=strtok(rmndr);
0178             fprintf('Column %d is: %s\n',col_ct,ev_col_hdrs{col_ct});
0179         end
0181         %Read stim/resp class information
0182         row_ct=1;
0183         while ~feof(ev_fid)
0184             txtline = fgetl(ev_fid);
0185             col_ct=1;
0186             while ~isempty(txtline) && charleft(txtline),
0187                 [neo_val, txtline]=strtok(txtline);
0188                 file_ev_info{row_ct,col_ct}=neo_val;
0189                 if col_ct==1,
0190                     %First column is assumed to be stim/response codes
0191                     stimresp_code(row_ct)=str2double(neo_val);   %use this below to check for redundant codes
0192                 elseif col_ct==2,
0193                     %First column is assumed to be condition codes (if
0194                     %use_ccode option is on)
0195                     cndtn_code(row_ct)=str2double(neo_val); %use this below to check for redundant codes in the same condition
0196                 end
0197                 col_ct=col_ct+1;
0198             end
0199             row_ct=row_ct+1;
0200         end
0202         if strcmpi(use_ccode,'off')
0203             %Check to make sure each event class only occurs once:
0204             uni=unique(stimresp_code); 
0205             if length(uni)~=length(stimresp_code),
0206                 fprintf('*************** ERROR ******************\n');
0207                 fprintf('evcode_info2set.m: Your file %s has the same ',code_infofile);
0208                 fprintf('code on multiple rows.\n');
0209                 fprintf('All the information for a single stim/response code should ');
0210                 fprintf('be on one row.\n');
0211                 fprintf(['Only the topmost row for each code will be' ...
0212                     ' imported.\n']);
0213                 error('Aborting input of %s.\n',code_infofile);
0214             end
0215         else
0216             %Check to make sure each event class only occurs once per
0217             %condition code
0218             ccodes=unique(cndtn_code);
0219             for cc=ccodes,
0220                 cc_id=find(cndtn_code==cc);
0221                 uni=unique(stimresp_code(cc_id)); 
0222                 if length(uni)~=length(cc_id),
0223                     fprintf('*************** ERROR ******************\n');
0224                     fprintf('evcode_info2set.m: Your file %s has the same ',code_infofile);
0225                     fprintf('event code on multiple rows for Condition Code %d.\n',cc);
0226                     fprintf('All the information for a single stim/response code in a single condition code should be on one row.');
0227                     error('Aborting input of %s.\n',code_infofile);
0228                 end
0229             end
0230         end
0232     end
0233     fclose(ev_fid);
0234 end
0236 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0238 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0240 fldnames=fieldnames(EEG.epoch);
0242 if strcmpi(use_ccode,'off')
0243     startcol=2;
0244 else
0245     startcol=3;
0246 end
0248 %for each new column (assume first column is event code)
0249 for a=startcol:length(ev_col_hdrs),
0250     doit=1;
0251     %check to make sure column does not already exist
0252     for b=1:length(fldnames),
0253         if strcmpi(['event' ev_col_hdrs{a}],fldnames{b}),
0254             if ~strcmpi(forcewrite,'on')
0255                 %ask user if s/he wants to overwrite
0256                 fprintf('Field %s already exists in %s.\n',ev_col_hdrs{a},EEG.filename);
0257                 erayz=input('Do you want to overwrite existing field? ("y" or "n"): ','s');
0258                 while ~strcmpi(erayz,'y') && ~strcmpi(erayz,'n')
0259                     erayz=input('Please enter the single letter "y" or "n": ','s');
0260                 end
0261             else
0262                 erayz='y';
0263             end
0264             if strcmpi(erayz,'n')
0265                 fprintf('NOT overwriting EEG.%s.\n',fldnames{b});
0266                 doit=0;
0267                 break;
0268             else
0269                 fprintf('OVERWRITING EEG.%s.\n',fldnames{b});
0270                 EEG.epoch=rmfield(EEG.epoch,fldnames{b});
0271                 EEG.event=rmfield(EEG.event,fldnames{b}(6:end)); %starting at 6 ignores 'event'
0272                 break;
0273             end
0274         end
0275     end
0277     %write new event info to struct
0278     if doit,
0279         %add to EEG.epoch
0280         for c=1:length(EEG.epoch),
0281             if strcmpi(use_ccode,'off'),
0282                 info_id=find(stimresp_code==EEG.epoch(c).eventevcode);
0283             else
0284                 info_id1=find(stimresp_code==EEG.epoch(c).eventevcode);
0285                 info_id2=find(cndtn_code==EEG.epoch(c).eventccode);
0286                 info_id=intersect(info_id1,info_id2);
0287             end
0288             if isempty(info_id)
0289                 cmd=['EEG.epoch(' int2str(c) ').event' ev_col_hdrs{a} '=NaN;']; %Event code is not listed in file
0290             else
0291                 if isempty(str2num(file_ev_info{info_id,a}))
0292                     %new info is a string
0293                     cmd=['EEG.epoch(' int2str(c) ').event'  ev_col_hdrs{a} '=''' file_ev_info{info_id,a} ''';'];
0294                 else
0295                     %new info is a number
0296                     %cmd=['EEG.epoch(' int2str(c) ').event'  ev_col_hdrs{a} '='  num2str(file_ev_info{info_id,a}) ';'];
0297                     cmd=['EEG.epoch(' int2str(c) ').event'  ev_col_hdrs{a} '='  file_ev_info{info_id,a} ';'];
0298                 end
0299             end
0300             eval(cmd);
0301         end
0303         %add to EEG.event
0304         for c=1:length(EEG.event),
0305             if strcmpi(use_ccode,'off'),
0306                 info_id=find(stimresp_code==EEG.event(c).evcode);
0307             else
0308                 info_id1=find(stimresp_code==EEG.event(c).evcode);
0309                 info_id2=find(cndtn_code==EEG.event(c).ccode);
0310                 info_id=intersect(info_id1,info_id2);
0311             end
0312             if isempty(info_id)
0313                 cmd=['EEG.event(' int2str(c) ').' ev_col_hdrs{a} '=NaN;']; %Event code is not listed in file
0314             else
0315                 if isempty(str2num(file_ev_info{info_id,a}))
0316                     %new info is a string
0317                     cmd=['EEG.event(' int2str(c) ').'  ev_col_hdrs{a} '=''' file_ev_info{info_id,a} ''';'];
0318                 else
0319                     %new info is a number
0320                     cmd=['EEG.event(' int2str(c) ').'  ev_col_hdrs{a} '='  file_ev_info{info_id,a} ';'];
0321                 end
0322             end
0323             eval(cmd);
0324         end
0325     end
0326 end
0328 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0329 % SAVE .set FILE
0330 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0332 [fpath, fname]=pathNname(out_setfile);
0333 EEG=pop_saveset(EEG,'filepath',fpath,'filename',fname);
0335 end
0338 function yesno=charleft(str)
0341 yesno=0;
0342 for x=1:length(str),
0343     if (str(x)~=32) && (str(x)~=13)
0344         %32=space, 13=carriage return
0345         yesno=1;
0346         break;
0347     end
0348 end
0351 end

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