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reject_ics_by_ftr() - Function for evaluating whether or not the features of an


function EEG=reject_ics_by_ftr(EEG,verblevel,default_thresholds)


 reject_ics_by_ftr() - Function for evaluating whether or not the features of an
         independent component are extreme enough for it be classified as an EEG
         artifact and removed from later analysis.  IC features should have
         already been computed by the function reject_ics_by_feature and feature
         thresholds can be interatively chosen by the function set_ic_ftr_thresh.m.
         The following seven features thresholds are tested in the given order:           
              1. EEG.reject.thresh_blink_topo
              2. EEG.reject.thresh_heart_topo
              3. EEG.reject.thresh_he_topo
              4. EEG.reject.thresh_ic_emg_spectra
              5. EEG.reject.thresh_ic_xtrm_chan
              6. EEG.reject.thresh_ic_mn_std
              7. EEG.reject.thresh_ic_eog_spectra
         If an IC's features exceed any of these thresholds, it is given one of
         the following corresponding labels, which will mark it for rejection:
              1. 'Blink (objective)'
              2. 'Heart (objective)'
              3. 'HE (objective)'
              4. 'EMG (objective)';
              5. 'Bad_chan (objective)'
              6. 'Xtrm_activity (objective)'
              7. 'EOG (objective)'

         Once an IC has been found to exceed one threshold, no other thresholds
         are tested (like garv thresholds). Thus an IC can only be classified as
         one type of artifact.
             Note, if any changes are made to IC labels, the EEG variable
         will need to be saved to preserve those changes.
  >> EEG=reject_ics_by_ftr(EEG,verblevel,default_thresholds)

 Required Input:
  EEG - An EEGLAB EEG struct variable

 Optional Inputs:
   'verblevel'          - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want 
                          functions to provide about what they are doing during runtime.
                           Options are:
                             0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
                             1 - stuff anyone should probably know
                             2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
                                 with a data set {default value if not already globally
                             3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all reports)
   'default_thresholds' - [1 | 0] If 1, the default thresholds below will be used and
                          existing thresholds will be erased.  If 0, existing
                          thresholds are used. {Default: 0}

   EEG - An EEGLAB EEG struct variable. Same as input EEG but possibly
         with EEG.iclabels, EEG.reject.gcompreject, EEG.saved, and 
         EEG.reject.thresh* fields changed.

 Global Variable:
   VERBLEVEL - level of verbosity (i.e., tells functions how much
               how much to report about what they're doing during
               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'

 David Groppe
 Kutaslab, 12/2009


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function EEG=reject_ics_by_ftr(EEG,verblevel,default_thresholds)
0002 % reject_ics_by_ftr() - Function for evaluating whether or not the features of an
0003 %         independent component are extreme enough for it be classified as an EEG
0004 %         artifact and removed from later analysis.  IC features should have
0005 %         already been computed by the function reject_ics_by_feature and feature
0006 %         thresholds can be interatively chosen by the function set_ic_ftr_thresh.m.
0007 %         The following seven features thresholds are tested in the given order:
0008 %              1. EEG.reject.thresh_blink_topo
0009 %              2. EEG.reject.thresh_heart_topo
0010 %              3. EEG.reject.thresh_he_topo
0011 %              4. EEG.reject.thresh_ic_emg_spectra
0012 %              5. EEG.reject.thresh_ic_xtrm_chan
0013 %              6. EEG.reject.thresh_ic_mn_std
0014 %              7. EEG.reject.thresh_ic_eog_spectra
0015 %
0016 %         If an IC's features exceed any of these thresholds, it is given one of
0017 %         the following corresponding labels, which will mark it for rejection:
0018 %              1. 'Blink (objective)'
0019 %              2. 'Heart (objective)'
0020 %              3. 'HE (objective)'
0021 %              4. 'EMG (objective)';
0022 %              5. 'Bad_chan (objective)'
0023 %              6. 'Xtrm_activity (objective)'
0024 %              7. 'EOG (objective)'
0025 %
0026 %         Once an IC has been found to exceed one threshold, no other thresholds
0027 %         are tested (like garv thresholds). Thus an IC can only be classified as
0028 %         one type of artifact.
0029 %             Note, if any changes are made to IC labels, the EEG variable
0030 %         will need to be saved to preserve those changes.
0031 %
0032 % Usage:
0033 %  >> EEG=reject_ics_by_ftr(EEG,verblevel,default_thresholds)
0034 %
0035 % Required Input:
0036 %  EEG - An EEGLAB EEG struct variable
0037 %
0038 % Optional Inputs:
0039 %   'verblevel'          - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want
0040 %                          functions to provide about what they are doing during runtime.
0041 %                           Options are:
0042 %                             0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
0043 %                             1 - stuff anyone should probably know
0044 %                             2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
0045 %                                 with a data set {default value if not already globally
0046 %                                 specified}
0047 %                             3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all reports)
0048 %   'default_thresholds' - [1 | 0] If 1, the default thresholds below will be used and
0049 %                          existing thresholds will be erased.  If 0, existing
0050 %                          thresholds are used. {Default: 0}
0051 %                             EEG.reject.thresh_ic_xtrm_chan=.75;
0052 %                             EEG.reject.thresh_ic_mn_std=27.3;
0053 %                             EEG.reject.thresh_ic_emg_spectra=.62;
0054 %                             EEG.reject.thresh_ic_eog_spectra=.99;
0055 %                             EEG.reject.thresh_blink_topo=.92;
0056 %                             EEG.reject.thresh_heart_topo=.77;
0057 %                             EEG.reject.thresh_he_topo=.70;
0058 %
0059 %
0060 % Output:
0061 %   EEG - An EEGLAB EEG struct variable. Same as input EEG but possibly
0062 %         with EEG.iclabels, EEG.reject.gcompreject, EEG.saved, and
0063 %         EEG.reject.thresh* fields changed.
0064 %
0065 %
0066 % Global Variable:
0067 %   VERBLEVEL - level of verbosity (i.e., tells functions how much
0068 %               how much to report about what they're doing during
0069 %               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'
0070 %
0071 %
0072 % Author:
0073 % David Groppe
0074 % Kutaslab, 12/2009
0076 global VERBLEVEL;
0077 if nargin==1,
0078     if isempty(VERBLEVEL),
0079         VERBLEVEL=2;
0080     end
0081 else
0082     VERBLEVEL=verblevel;
0083 end
0085 if nargin<3,
0086    default_thresholds=0; 
0087 end
0090 %check to make sure IC features are part of EEG struct
0091 fldnames=fieldnames(EEG);
0092 fnd=0;
0093 fnd_iclabels=0;
0094 for n=1:length(fldnames)
0095     if strcmpi(fldnames{n},'icfeatures'),
0096         fnd=1;
0097     end
0098     if strcmpi(fldnames{n},'iclabels'),
0099         fnd_iclabels=1;
0100     end
0101 end
0102 if ~fnd,
0103    error('EEG variable is missing field "EEG.icfeatures". Try running cmpt_ic_art_ftrs.m to compute IC features.');
0104 end
0105 n_ic=size(EEG.icawinv,2);
0106 if ~fnd_iclabels,
0107     VerbReport('Adding field "iclabels" to "EEG" variable.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0108    EEG.iclabels{n_ic}=[]; 
0109 end
0110 if length(EEG.iclabels)<n_ic,
0111    EEG.iclabels{n_ic}=[]; 
0112 end
0115 if default_thresholds,
0116     %add defualt threshold levels
0117     EEG.reject.thresh_ic_xtrm_chan=.75;
0118     EEG.reject.thresh_ic_mn_std=27.3;
0119     EEG.reject.thresh_ic_emg_spectra=.62;
0120     EEG.reject.thresh_ic_eog_spectra=.99;
0121     EEG.reject.thresh_blink_topo=.92;
0122     EEG.reject.thresh_heart_topo=.77;
0123     EEG.reject.thresh_he_topo=.70;
0124 end
0126 ftr_names{1}='blink_topo';
0127 ftr_names{2}='heart_topo';
0128 ftr_names{3}='he_topo';
0129 ftr_names{4}='emg_spectra';
0130 ftr_names{5}='xtrm_chan';
0131 ftr_names{6}='mn_std';
0132 ftr_names{7}='eog_spectra';
0134 art_labels{1}='Blink (objective)';
0135 art_labels{2}='Heart (objective)';
0136 art_labels{3}='HE (objective)';
0137 art_labels{4}='EMG (objective)';
0138 art_labels{5}='Bad_chan (objective)';
0139 art_labels{6}='Xtrm_activity (objective)';
0140 art_labels{7}='EOG (objective)';
0142 thresh_names{1}='thresh_blink_topo';
0143 thresh_names{2}='thresh_heart_topo';
0144 thresh_names{3}='thresh_he_topo';
0145 thresh_names{4}='thresh_ic_emg_spectra';
0146 thresh_names{5}='thresh_ic_xtrm_chan';
0147 thresh_names{6}='thresh_ic_mn_std';
0148 thresh_names{7}='thresh_ic_eog_spectra';
0149 n_thresh=length(thresh_names);
0151 % Grab IC feature thresholds and add NaN threshold if they are not there
0152 fldnames=fieldnames(EEG.reject);
0153 thresh=zeros(1,n_thresh)*NaN;
0154 for t=1:n_thresh,
0155     fnd=0;
0156     for nm=1:length(fldnames),
0157         if strcmpi(fldnames{nm},thresh_names{t}),
0158            fnd=1;
0159            cmd=['thresh(t)=EEG.reject.' thresh_names{t} ';'];
0160            eval(cmd);
0161            break;
0162         end
0163     end
0164     if ~fnd,
0165        %Add field with NaN value, thresh(t) should already be NaN
0166        cmd=['EEG.reject.' thresh_names{t} '=NaN;'];
0167        eval(cmd);
0168     end
0169     VerbReport(sprintf('Feature %s''s threshold is: %.3f',ftr_names{t},thresh(t)),2,VERBLEVEL);
0170 end
0172 % For each IC, test each feature
0173 rej=zeros(1,n_ic);
0174 mod=0;
0175 for c=1:n_ic,
0176     for t=1:n_thresh,        
0177         % if an IC exceeds a feature, reject it, give it an artifact label, and
0178         % break loop
0179         cmd=['bool=(EEG.icfeatures(c).' ftr_names{t} '>thresh(t));'];
0180         eval(cmd);
0181         if bool,
0182             rej(c)=1;
0183             VerbReport(sprintf('Reject IC %d, Feature: %s',c,ftr_names{t}),2,VERBLEVEL);
0184             EEG.reject.gcompreject(c)=1; %Make sure IC is labeled as artifact by EEGLAB
0185             if ~strcmpi(EEG.iclabels{c},art_labels{t}),
0186                 EEG.iclabels{c}=art_labels{t};
0187                 mod=1;
0188             end
0189             break;
0190         end
0191     end
0192     if ~rej(c),
0193         if is_art(EEG.iclabels{c}),
0194             n_char=length(EEG.iclabels{c});
0195             if n_char>=11,
0196                 % if IC label ends in '(objective)' but it no longer passes
0197                 % rejection criteria, undo label
0198                 if strcmpi(EEG.iclabels{c}(n_char-10:n_char),'(objective)'),
0199                     EEG.iclabels{c}=[];
0200                     EEG.reject.gcompreject(c)=0;
0201                     mod=1;
0202                     VerbReport(sprintf('IC %d''s features no longer exceed rejection criteria.  It is no longer selected for rejection.',c),2,VERBLEVEL);
0203                 end
0204             end
0205         end
0206     end
0207 end
0209 % Make sure EEG.iclabels and EEG.reject gcompreject agree
0210 for c=1:n_ic,
0211    if is_art(EEG.iclabels{c}) && ~EEG.reject.gcompreject(c),
0212        VerbReport(sprintf('IC %d is labeled as an artifact (%s), but it is not marked as such in EEG.reject.gcompreject.', ...
0213            c,EEG.iclabels{c}),2,VERBLEVEL);
0214        VerbReport('Fixing EEG.reject.gcompreject to agree with label.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0215        EEG.reject.gcompreject(c)=1;
0216        mod=1;
0217    elseif ~is_art(EEG.iclabels{c}) && EEG.reject.gcompreject(c),
0218        VerbReport(sprintf('IC %d is not labeled as an artifact, but it is marked as such in EEG.reject.gcompreject.', ...
0219            c,EEG.iclabels{c}),2,VERBLEVEL);
0220        VerbReport('Fixing EEG.reject.gcompreject to agree with label.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0221        EEG.reject.gcompreject(c)=0;
0222        mod=1;
0223    end
0224 end
0227 % print warning about saving data set
0228 if mod,
0229     EEG.saved='no';
0230     VerbReport('Changes were made to the rejection status and/or labels of ICs.  You need to save the data set to preserve these changes.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0231 else
0232     VerbReport('No changes were made to the rejection status or labels of any ICs.',2,VERBLEVEL);
0233 end

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