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spec_topo() - Plots scalp topographies of spectral power averaged across


function spec_topo(spec_var_or_fname,bin,time_wind,freq_band,varargin)


 spec_topo() - Plots scalp topographies of spectral power averaged across 
               time and frequencies.  Data are taken from TFR or tfrGND
               variables and a single bin or the difference between bins.
               Topographies follow EEGLAB conventions (rather than
               FieldTrip conventions) and individual electrodes can be
               highlighted with white markers.
  >> spec_topo(spec_var_or_fname,bin,time_wind,freq_band,varargin)

 Required Inputs:
  spec_var_or_fname - A TFR or tfrGND structure variable or the 
                      filename of such a variable that has
                      been saved to disk. If you specifiy a filename be
                      sure to include the file's path, unless the file is
                      in the current working directory.
  bin               - [string] Indicates the number of the bin or the bin
                      difference you wish to plot.  For example, if you
                      wish to plot the spectrograms for Bin 1, enter '1' 
                      or 1. If you want to plot the spectrograms for Bin 1 
                      minus those from Bin 2, enter '1=2'.
  time_wind         - n by 2 matrix of times (in milliseconds) indicating
                      the starting and stopping points of n time windows 
                      to average over. If n>1, a topography will be
                      created for each time window (i.e., n topographies).
                      Also note that if n>1, either one or n pairs of
                      values must be input for the freq_band variable. If
                      n pairs of time_wind values are input and only 1
                      pair for freq_band values are input, the
                      topographies will represent the mean power in the
                      same frequency band in the n time windows.
  freq_band         - n by 2 matrix of frequencies (in Hz) indicating
                      the starting and stopping points of n frequency bands 
                      to average over. If n>1, a topography will be
                      created for each frequency band (i.e., n topographies).
                      Also note that if n>1, either one or n pairs of
                      values must be input for the time_wind variable. If
                      n pairs of freq_band values are input and only 1
                      pair for time_wind values are input, the
                      topographies will represent the mean power in the
                      same time window for the n frequency bands.

 Optional Inputs:
 'maplimits'       - ['maxmin' or 'absmax'] If 'maxmin', topography color
                     scale will range from the lowest value in each 
                     topography to the highest value in each topography.  
                     If 'absmax', topography color scale will range from 
                     -1*the greatest absolute value of each topography to 
                     the greatest absolute value of each topograhy. Note 
                     if 'one_scale' option input is used, the color scale 
                     is based on the full set of topographies.
 'one_scale'       - [1 or 0] If 1, all topographies are plot using a
                     single color scale. If 0, each topography gets its 
                     own color scale. {default: 0}
 'units'           - ['raw' or 'dB'] If 'raw' topographies will be 
                     processed in units of (uV^2)/Hz).  If 'dB' spectral  
                     power will be shown in decibels
                     (10*log10((uV^2)/Hz)).  Note, using a relative
                     baseline for raw data produces unitless values.
                     {default: whatever units data are already stored in}
 'bsln_wind'       - [start_time end_time] Temporal boundaries of baseline
                     window (in units of ms). {default: keep baseline 
                     window the same as it currently is}
 'bsln_type'       - ['absolute' or 'relative'] Type of baseline
                     normalization.  If 'absolute', the mean power in the
                     baseline window is subtracted from the rest of the time
                     points.  If 'relative', the mean power in the baseline
                     window is divided from the rest of the time points.
                     {default: keep baseline type the same as it
                     currently is}.
 'fig_id'          - [integer] The index # of the MATLAB figure in which
                     the diagram will be produced.  Useful for overwriting
                     old figures. {default: lowest unused index}
 'sub_id'          - [integer] The number of the subject whose individual
                     data you wish to plot from a tfrGND variable. If not 
                     specified and a tfrGND variable was input, grand 
                     average data will be plot.  If a TFR variable was
                     input, 'sub_id' will have no effect. {default: not 
 'title_on'        - [1 or 0] If 1, a title indicating the bin(s) # and bin
                     descriptor(s) will be added to the figure.  If 0, no
                     title will be added. {default: 1}
 'sig_chans'       - [string or cell array of strings] Names of channel(s)
                     to highlight with white marker(s) (e.g., 'MiCe' or 
                     {'MiCe','MiPa'}). Useful for indicating channels with
                     significant effects. {default: none}
 'verblevel'       - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want
                     this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
                     Options are:
                      0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
                      1 - stuff anyone should probably know
                      2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
                          with a data set {default value}
                      3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all

 Global Variable:
   VERBLEVEL - MATLABmk level of verbosity (i.e., tells functions how 
               much to report about what they're doing during runtime)             
               set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'

 -The printed/exported figure will have the same dimensions as the figure
 on the display.  Thus you can undo figure clutter by re-sizing it.

 -You need data at least three channels to interpolate a scalp topography.

 -It may not be possible to use the exact time windows or frequency
 bands specified by the user due to the limited temporal and frequency
 resolution of the TFR or tfrGND variable.  This function will try to
 match the time windows and frequency bands as closely as possible, but
 they may differ slightly from the specified ranges.

 -Plotting mean spectrogram power in 8 to 12 Hz frequency band from 400 to 
 600 ms. Data taken from Bin 1 a single participant's TFR variable:
 >>spec_topo(TFR,1,[400 600],[8 12]);

 -Plotting mean difference in spectrogram power in 8 to 12 Hz frequency 
 band from 400 to 600 ms and 700 to 1000 ms.  The difference is between
 Bin 2 and Bin 1 and data are taken from grand averages in a tfrGND
 >>spec_topo(tfrGND,'2-1',[400 600; 700 1000],[8 12]);

 -Plotting mean difference in spectrogram power in 8 to 12 Hz and 40 to 
 80 Hz frequency band from 400 to 600 ms ms.  The difference is between
 Bin 2 and Bin 1 and data are taken from a single participant's TFR
 variable.  In addition, channels MiCe and MiPa will be marked in white.
 >>spec_topo(TFR,'2-1',[400 600],[8 12; 40 80],,'sig_chans',{'MiCe','MiPa'});

 -Plotting mean spectrogram power in 8 to 12 Hz frequency band from 400 to 
 600 ms and 40 to 80 Hz from 700 to 1000 ms. Data taken from grand averages
 in a tfrGND variable:
 >>spec_topo(tfrGND,1,[400 600; 700 1000],[8 12; 40 80]);

 David Groppe
 Kutaslab, 4/2011


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 % spec_topo() - Plots scalp topographies of spectral power averaged across
0002 %               time and frequencies.  Data are taken from TFR or tfrGND
0003 %               variables and a single bin or the difference between bins.
0004 %               Topographies follow EEGLAB conventions (rather than
0005 %               FieldTrip conventions) and individual electrodes can be
0006 %               highlighted with white markers.
0007 %
0008 % Usage:
0009 %  >> spec_topo(spec_var_or_fname,bin,time_wind,freq_band,varargin)
0010 %
0011 % Required Inputs:
0012 %  spec_var_or_fname - A TFR or tfrGND structure variable or the
0013 %                      filename of such a variable that has
0014 %                      been saved to disk. If you specifiy a filename be
0015 %                      sure to include the file's path, unless the file is
0016 %                      in the current working directory.
0017 %  bin               - [string] Indicates the number of the bin or the bin
0018 %                      difference you wish to plot.  For example, if you
0019 %                      wish to plot the spectrograms for Bin 1, enter '1'
0020 %                      or 1. If you want to plot the spectrograms for Bin 1
0021 %                      minus those from Bin 2, enter '1=2'.
0022 %  time_wind         - n by 2 matrix of times (in milliseconds) indicating
0023 %                      the starting and stopping points of n time windows
0024 %                      to average over. If n>1, a topography will be
0025 %                      created for each time window (i.e., n topographies).
0026 %                      Also note that if n>1, either one or n pairs of
0027 %                      values must be input for the freq_band variable. If
0028 %                      n pairs of time_wind values are input and only 1
0029 %                      pair for freq_band values are input, the
0030 %                      topographies will represent the mean power in the
0031 %                      same frequency band in the n time windows.
0032 %  freq_band         - n by 2 matrix of frequencies (in Hz) indicating
0033 %                      the starting and stopping points of n frequency bands
0034 %                      to average over. If n>1, a topography will be
0035 %                      created for each frequency band (i.e., n topographies).
0036 %                      Also note that if n>1, either one or n pairs of
0037 %                      values must be input for the time_wind variable. If
0038 %                      n pairs of freq_band values are input and only 1
0039 %                      pair for time_wind values are input, the
0040 %                      topographies will represent the mean power in the
0041 %                      same time window for the n frequency bands.
0042 %
0043 % Optional Inputs:
0044 % 'maplimits'       - ['maxmin' or 'absmax'] If 'maxmin', topography color
0045 %                     scale will range from the lowest value in each
0046 %                     topography to the highest value in each topography.
0047 %                     If 'absmax', topography color scale will range from
0048 %                     -1*the greatest absolute value of each topography to
0049 %                     the greatest absolute value of each topograhy. Note
0050 %                     if 'one_scale' option input is used, the color scale
0051 %                     is based on the full set of topographies.
0052 % 'one_scale'       - [1 or 0] If 1, all topographies are plot using a
0053 %                     single color scale. If 0, each topography gets its
0054 %                     own color scale. {default: 0}
0055 % 'units'           - ['raw' or 'dB'] If 'raw' topographies will be
0056 %                     processed in units of (uV^2)/Hz).  If 'dB' spectral
0057 %                     power will be shown in decibels
0058 %                     (10*log10((uV^2)/Hz)).  Note, using a relative
0059 %                     baseline for raw data produces unitless values.
0060 %                     {default: whatever units data are already stored in}
0061 % 'bsln_wind'       - [start_time end_time] Temporal boundaries of baseline
0062 %                     window (in units of ms). {default: keep baseline
0063 %                     window the same as it currently is}
0064 % 'bsln_type'       - ['absolute' or 'relative'] Type of baseline
0065 %                     normalization.  If 'absolute', the mean power in the
0066 %                     baseline window is subtracted from the rest of the time
0067 %                     points.  If 'relative', the mean power in the baseline
0068 %                     window is divided from the rest of the time points.
0069 %                     {default: keep baseline type the same as it
0070 %                     currently is}.
0071 % 'fig_id'          - [integer] The index # of the MATLAB figure in which
0072 %                     the diagram will be produced.  Useful for overwriting
0073 %                     old figures. {default: lowest unused index}
0074 % 'sub_id'          - [integer] The number of the subject whose individual
0075 %                     data you wish to plot from a tfrGND variable. If not
0076 %                     specified and a tfrGND variable was input, grand
0077 %                     average data will be plot.  If a TFR variable was
0078 %                     input, 'sub_id' will have no effect. {default: not
0079 %                     specified}
0080 % 'title_on'        - [1 or 0] If 1, a title indicating the bin(s) # and bin
0081 %                     descriptor(s) will be added to the figure.  If 0, no
0082 %                     title will be added. {default: 1}
0083 % 'sig_chans'       - [string or cell array of strings] Names of channel(s)
0084 %                     to highlight with white marker(s) (e.g., 'MiCe' or
0085 %                     {'MiCe','MiPa'}). Useful for indicating channels with
0086 %                     significant effects. {default: none}
0087 % 'verblevel'       - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want
0088 %                     this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
0089 %                     Options are:
0090 %                      0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
0091 %                      1 - stuff anyone should probably know
0092 %                      2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
0093 %                          with a data set {default value}
0094 %                      3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all
0095 %                          reports)
0096 %
0097 % Global Variable:
0098 %   VERBLEVEL - MATLABmk level of verbosity (i.e., tells functions how
0099 %               much to report about what they're doing during runtime)
0100 %               set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'
0101 %
0102 % Notes:
0103 % -The printed/exported figure will have the same dimensions as the figure
0104 % on the display.  Thus you can undo figure clutter by re-sizing it.
0105 %
0106 % -You need data at least three channels to interpolate a scalp topography.
0107 %
0108 % -It may not be possible to use the exact time windows or frequency
0109 % bands specified by the user due to the limited temporal and frequency
0110 % resolution of the TFR or tfrGND variable.  This function will try to
0111 % match the time windows and frequency bands as closely as possible, but
0112 % they may differ slightly from the specified ranges.
0113 %
0114 % Examples:
0115 % -Plotting mean spectrogram power in 8 to 12 Hz frequency band from 400 to
0116 % 600 ms. Data taken from Bin 1 a single participant's TFR variable:
0117 % >>spec_topo(TFR,1,[400 600],[8 12]);
0118 %
0119 % -Plotting mean difference in spectrogram power in 8 to 12 Hz frequency
0120 % band from 400 to 600 ms and 700 to 1000 ms.  The difference is between
0121 % Bin 2 and Bin 1 and data are taken from grand averages in a tfrGND
0122 % variable:
0123 % >>spec_topo(tfrGND,'2-1',[400 600; 700 1000],[8 12]);
0124 %
0125 % -Plotting mean difference in spectrogram power in 8 to 12 Hz and 40 to
0126 % 80 Hz frequency band from 400 to 600 ms ms.  The difference is between
0127 % Bin 2 and Bin 1 and data are taken from a single participant's TFR
0128 % variable.  In addition, channels MiCe and MiPa will be marked in white.
0129 % >>spec_topo(TFR,'2-1',[400 600],[8 12; 40 80],,'sig_chans',{'MiCe','MiPa'});
0130 %
0131 % -Plotting mean spectrogram power in 8 to 12 Hz frequency band from 400 to
0132 % 600 ms and 40 to 80 Hz from 700 to 1000 ms. Data taken from grand averages
0133 % in a tfrGND variable:
0134 % >>spec_topo(tfrGND,1,[400 600; 700 1000],[8 12; 40 80]);
0135 %
0136 %
0137 % Author:
0138 % David Groppe
0139 % Kutaslab, 4/2011
0141 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REVISION LOG %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0142 % ??/??/20??-??
0144 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FUTURE WORK %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0145 % -add test_id option to plot the results of specific tests?
0146 % -make it possible to show differences in units of t-scores?
0147 % -add option to include/exclude chans?
0148 % -use verblevel more?  right now it's used once
0149 % -make it possible for user to specifiy numeric arguments for maplimits?
0151 function spec_topo(spec_var_or_fname,bin,time_wind,freq_band,varargin)
0153 p=inputParser;
0154 p.addRequired('spec_var_or_fname',@(x) ischar(x) || isstruct(x));
0155 p.addRequired('bin',@(x) ischar(x) || isnumeric(x)); %char allows bin differences (e.g., "1-2")
0156 p.addRequired('time_wind',@(x) isnumeric(x));
0157 p.addRequired('freq_band',@(x) isnumeric(x));
0158 p.addParamValue('maplimits',[],@(x) (strcmpi(x,'absmax') || strcmpi(x,'maxmin'))); 
0159 p.addParamValue('units',[],@(x) strcmpi(x,'dB') || strcmpi(x,'raw'));
0160 p.addParamValue('bsln_wind',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && length(x)==2);
0161 p.addParamValue('bsln_type',[],@(x) strcmpi(x,'relative') || strcmpi(x,'absolute'));
0162 p.addParamValue('fig_id',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0163 p.addParamValue('sub_id',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1) && (x>0));
0164 p.addParamValue('title_on',1,@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0165 p.addParamValue('one_scale',0,@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0166 p.addParamValue('verblevel',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0167 p.addParamValue('sig_chans',[],@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x)); 
0169 p.parse(spec_var_or_fname,bin,time_wind,freq_band,varargin{:});
0171 % Manage VERBLEVEL
0172 if isempty(p.Results.verblevel),
0173     VERBLEVEL=2; %not global, just local
0174 else
0175     VERBLEVEL=p.Results.verblevel;
0176 end
0178 %Load TFR or tfrGND struct
0179 if ischar(spec_var_or_fname),
0180     fprintf('Loading TFR or tfrGND struct variable from file %s.\n',spec_var_or_fname);
0181     load(spec_var_or_fname,'-MAT');
0182     if ~exist('TFR','var') && ~exist('tfrGND','var')
0183         error('File %s does not contain a TFR or tfrGND variable.',spec_var_or_fname);
0184     end
0185     if exist('TFR','var'),
0186         spec_var=TFR; %for simplicity TFR variables are re-named spec_var
0187         clear TFR;
0188     elseif exist('tfrGND','var'),
0189         spec_var=tfrGND; %for simplicity tfrGND variables are re-named spec_var
0190         clear tfrGND;
0191     end
0192     VerbReport(sprintf('Experiment: %s',spec_var.exp_name),2,VERBLEVEL);
0193 else
0194     spec_var=spec_var_or_fname; %for simplicity TFR and tfrGND variables are re-named spec_var
0195     clear spec_var_or_fname;
0196 end
0198 grand=isfield(spec_var,'grands'); %1 if spec_var includes grand average data (e.g., spec_var is a tfrGND variable)
0200 %make sure EEGLAB and FieldTrip channel labels are the same
0201 label_compat(spec_var,grand);
0203 if isempty(p.Results.sig_chans),
0204     sig_chans=[];
0205 else
0206     if ischar(p.Results.sig_chans),
0207         sig_chan_labels{1}=p.Results.sig_chans;
0208     else
0209         sig_chan_labels=p.Results.sig_chans;
0210     end
0211     n_sig_chan=length(sig_chan_labels);
0212     n_chan=length(spec_var.chanlocs);
0213     sig_chans=zeros(1,n_sig_chan);
0214     for s=1:n_sig_chan,
0215         found=0;
0216         for c=1:n_chan,
0217             if strcmpi(spec_var.chanlocs(c).labels,sig_chan_labels{s}),
0218                sig_chans(s)=c;
0219                found=1;
0220                break;
0221             end
0222         end
0223         if ~found,
0224            error('There are no channels called %s in this TFR/tfrGND variable.',sig_chan_labels{s}); 
0225         end
0226     end
0227 end
0229 %Figure out how many topos to plot
0230 n_wind=size(time_wind,1);
0231 n_band=size(freq_band,1);
0232 if n_wind==1,
0233     n_topos=n_band;
0234     if n_band>1,
0235         time_wind=repmat(time_wind,n_band,1);
0236         n_wind=n_band;
0237     end
0238 elseif n_band==1,
0239     n_topos=n_wind;
0240     if n_wind>1,
0241         freq_band=repmat(freq_band,n_wind,1);
0242         n_band=n_wind;
0243     end
0244 elseif n_wind==n_band,
0245     n_topos=n_band;
0246 else
0247     error('The number of time windows needs to equal the number of frequency bands or you need to use either a single time window OR frequency band.');
0248 end
0249 wdth=floor(sqrt(n_topos));
0250 ht=ceil(n_topos/wdth);
0252 % Copy baseline options into variables that can be overwritten
0253 bsln_wind=p.Results.bsln_wind;
0254 bsln_type=p.Results.bsln_type;
0255 units=p.Results.units;
0257 %See if user has requested the difference between conditions
0258 plot_bins=p.Results.bin;
0259 neg_id=find(plot_bins=='-');
0260 n_bins=length(spec_var.bindesc);
0261 if ismember('-',plot_bins),
0262     bin1=str2double(plot_bins(1:(neg_id-1)));
0263     bin2=str2double(plot_bins((neg_id+1):end));
0264     %make sure bins exist
0265     if isempty(bin1) || isempty(bin2),
0266         error('%s is not a valid bin request.',plot_bins);
0267     elseif bin1>n_bins,
0268         error('You only have %d bins in this TFR/tfrGND variable but you requested Bin %d.',n_bins,bin1);
0269     elseif bin2>n_bins,
0270         error('You only have %d bins in this TFR/tfrGND variable but you requested Bin %d.',n_bins,bin2);
0271     end
0273     %take of baseline and unit transformation (if requested)
0274     [spec_var, bsln_type, bsln_wind, units]=bsln_stuff(spec_var,bsln_type,bsln_wind,units,[bin1 bin2],grand);
0276     dif=1;
0277     %Store data to be visualized in powspctrm
0278     prefix=[spec_var.bindesc{bin1} '-' spec_var.bindesc{bin2}];
0279     if grand,
0280         %tfrGND variable
0281         if isempty(p.Results.sub_id),
0282             %grand average spectrograms
0283             powspctrm=spec_var.grands{bin1}-spec_var.grands{bin2};
0284             suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin1) '-' int2str(bin2) ', Grand)'];
0285         else
0286             %plot spectrogram for an individual subjec
0287             powspctrm=squeeze(spec_var.indiv{bin1}(p.Results.sub_id,:,:,:))- ...
0288                 squeeze(spec_var.indiv{bin2}(p.Results.sub_id,:,:,:));
0289             suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin1) '-'  int2str(bin2) ', Sub ' int2str(p.Results.sub_id) ')'];
0290         end
0291     else
0292         %TFR variable
0293         powspctrm=spec_var.bins{bin1}.powspctrm-spec_var.bins{bin2}.powspctrm;
0294         suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin1) '-' int2str(bin2) ')'];
0295     end
0296 else
0297     %Plot data from a single bin
0298     if ischar(plot_bins)
0299         bin=str2double(plot_bins);
0300     else
0301         bin=plot_bins;
0302     end
0303     if isempty(bin),
0304         error('%s is not a valid bin request.',plot_bins);
0305     end
0306     %make sure bin exists
0307     if bin>n_bins,
0308         error('You only have %d bins in this tfrGND variable but you requested Bin %d.',n_bins,bin);
0309     end
0311     %baseline and unit transformation (if requested)
0312     [spec_var, bsln_type, bsln_wind, units]=bsln_stuff(spec_var,bsln_type,bsln_wind,units,bin,grand);
0314     dif=0;
0315     %Store data to be visualized in powspctrm
0316     prefix=spec_var.bindesc{bin};
0317     if grand,
0318         %tfrGND variable
0319         if isempty(p.Results.sub_id),
0320             %plot grand average spectrograms
0321             powspctrm=spec_var.grands{bin};
0322             suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin) ', Grand)'];
0323         else
0324             %plot spectrogram for an individual subject
0325             powspctrm=squeeze(spec_var.indiv{bin}(p.Results.sub_id,:,:,:));
0326             suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin) ', Sub ' int2str(p.Results.sub_id) ')'];
0327         end
0328     else
0329         %TFR variable
0330         powspctrm=spec_var.bins{bin}.powspctrm;
0331         suffix=['(Bin ' int2str(bin) ')'];
0332     end
0333 end
0334 if strcmpi(bsln_type,'relative'),
0335     units='% change';
0336 end
0338 chans=1:length(spec_var.chanlocs); 
0339 if length(chans)<3,
0340     watchit('sig_topo.m cannot plot scalp topographies with less than 3 electrodes.');
0341     return
0342 end
0343 if isempty(p.Results.fig_id)
0344     fig_h=figure;
0345 else
0346     fig_h=figure(p.Results.fig_id); clf;
0347 end
0349 set(fig_h,'name',[prefix ' ' suffix],'paperpositionmode','auto');
0350 %setting paperpositionmode to 'auto' means that if the figure is manually
0351 %resized, the printed version of the figure will reflect whatever the
0352 %shown size was (at the time of printing)
0355 %Figure out topography colorscale limits
0356 gnrl_maplimits=p.Results.maplimits;
0357 if isempty(gnrl_maplimits),
0358     %use default maplimits
0359     if strcmpi(bsln_type,'none'),
0360         if dif,
0361             gnrl_maplimits='absmax';
0362         else
0363             %topography is of non-baselined power values, thus the smallest
0364             %possible value is 0 and it doesn't make sense to use maxmin
0365             gnrl_maplimits='maxmin';
0366         end
0367     elseif strcmpi(bsln_type,'relative') && ~dif,
0368         gnrl_maplimits='maxmin';
0369     else
0370         gnrl_maplimits='absmax';
0371     end
0372 end
0375 %Compute mean voltage or spectral power in each time window
0376 mns=zeros(length(chans),n_topos);
0377 freq_lims=zeros(n_topos,2);
0378 time_lims=zeros(n_topos,2);
0379 for w=1:n_topos,
0380     %get time point and frequency IDs
0381     if grand,
0382         %grand average spec_var
0384         %Time Points
0385         start_id=find_tpt(time_wind(w,1)/1000,spec_var.ftrip.time); %convert from ms to sec
0386         end_id=find_tpt(time_wind(w,2)/1000,spec_var.ftrip.time); %convert from ms to sec
0387         used_tpts=start_id:end_id;
0389         if isempty(used_tpts),
0390            error('The time window of %g to %g exceeds the time range of this TFR/tfrGND variable.', ...
0391                time_wind(w,1),time_wind(w,1));
0392         end
0393         time_lims(w,:)=spec_var.ftrip.time([start_id end_id]);
0395         %Frequencies
0396         start_id=find_tpt(freq_band(w,1),spec_var.ftrip.freq);
0397         end_id=find_tpt(freq_band(w,2),spec_var.ftrip.freq);
0398         used_freqs=start_id:end_id;
0400         if isempty(used_tpts),
0401             error('The frequency band of %g to %g exceeds the frequency range of this TFR/tfrGND variable.', ...
0402                 freq_band(w,1),freq_band(w,1));
0403         end
0404         freq_lims(w,:)=spec_var.ftrip.freq([start_id end_id]);
0406         mns(:,w)=mean(mean(powspctrm(:,used_freqs,used_tpts),3),2);
0407     else
0408         %individual participant spec_var
0410         %Time Points (use time points from Bin 1; all bins should have the
0411         %same time points)
0412         start_id=find_tpt(time_wind(w,1)/1000,spec_var.bins{1}.time); %convert from ms to sec
0413         end_id=find_tpt(time_wind(w,2)/1000,spec_var.bins{1}.time); %convert from ms to sec
0414         used_tpts=start_id:end_id;
0416         if isempty(used_tpts),
0417             error('The time window of %g to %g exceeds the time range of this TFR/tfrGND variable.', ...
0418                 time_wind(w,1),time_wind(w,1));
0419         end
0420         time_lims(w,:)=spec_var.bins{1}.time([start_id end_id]);
0423         %Frequencies (use frequencies from Bin 1; all bins should have the
0424         %same frequencies)
0425         start_id=find_tpt(freq_band(w,1),spec_var.bins{1}.freq);
0426         end_id=find_tpt(freq_band(w,2),spec_var.bins{1}.freq);
0427         used_freqs=start_id:end_id;
0429         if isempty(used_tpts),
0430             error('The frequency band of %g to %g exceeds the frequency range of this TFR/tfrGND variable.', ...
0431                 freq_band(w,1),freq_band(w,1));
0432         end
0433         freq_lims(w,:)=spec_var.bins{1}.freq([start_id end_id]);
0435         mns(:,w)=mean(mean(powspctrm(:,used_freqs,used_tpts),3),2);
0436     end
0437 end
0438 if p.Results.one_scale<=0,
0439     one_scale=0;
0440     maplimits=gnrl_maplimits;
0441 else
0442     one_scale=1;
0443     if strcmpi(gnrl_maplimits,'absmax')
0444         mx=max(max(abs(mns)));
0445         maplimits=[-1 1]*mx;
0446     else
0447         %must be maxmin
0448         mx=max(max(mns));
0449         mn=min(min(mns));
0450         maplimits=[mn mx];
0451     end
0452 end
0455 for a=1:n_topos,
0456     subplot(ht,wdth,a);
0458     mn=mns(:,a);
0459     topoplotMK(mn,spec_var.chanlocs(chans),'emarker2',{sig_chans,'o',[1 1 1],4}, ...
0460         'maplimits',maplimits);
0462     %hh=title(sprintf('%d-%d ms, %g-%g Hz',time_wind(a,1),time_wind(a,2), ...
0463     %    freq_band(a,1),freq_band(a,2))); %times & freqs based on specified
0464     %    times & freqs
0465     hh=title(sprintf('%g-%g ms, %g-%g Hz',time_lims(a,1)*1000,time_lims(a,2)*1000, ...
0466         freq_lims(a,1),freq_lims(a,2))); %times & freqs based on actual times & freqs
0467     %time limits are converted from seconds to ms
0469     if ~one_scale,
0470         hcb=colorbar;
0471         hy=ylabel(hcb,units);
0472         if ~strcmpi(units,'% change')
0473             if strcmpi(gnrl_maplimits,'absmax')
0474                 %color scale will be centered at 0
0475                 colorscale_range=range(get(hcb,'YLim'));
0476                 y_offset=.005*colorscale_range; %old y_offset was .03
0477                 if strcmpi(units,'raw')
0478                     set(hy,'rotation',0,'verticalalignment','middle','position',[5.3+n_topos*.2 y_offset 1.0001]);
0479                 else
0480                     %dB units
0481                     set(hy,'rotation',0,'verticalalignment','middle','position',[4.9+n_topos*.2 y_offset 1.0001]);
0482                 end
0483             else
0484                 %maplimits must be maxmin
0485                 colorscale_center=median(get(hcb,'ytick'));
0486                 colorscale_range=range(get(hcb,'YLim'));
0487                 if strcmpi(units,'raw')
0488                     y_offset=.0058*colorscale_range;
0489                     set(hy,'rotation',0,'verticalalignment','middle','position',[6.9+n_topos*.2 colorscale_center+y_offset 1.0001]);
0490                 else
0491                     %dB units
0492                     y_offset=.0021*colorscale_range;
0493                     set(hy,'rotation',0,'verticalalignment','middle','position',[6.9+n_topos*.2 colorscale_center+y_offset 1.0001]);
0494                 end
0495             end
0496         end
0497     end
0498 end
0500 if one_scale,
0501     hcb=cbar_nudge('vert',0,maplimits);
0502     hy=ylabel(hcb,units);
0503     set(hy,'rotation',0,'verticalalignment','middle');
0504 end
0506 % Plot title of entire figure
0507 if p.Results.title_on,
0508     h=textsc([prefix ' ' suffix],'title');
0509     set(h,'fontsize',14,'fontweight','bold');
0510 end
0511 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of Main Function %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0515 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0516 %% cbar_nudge (plots colorbar slightly to left of cbar.m
0517 % search for "DG change" to find the line I edited
0518 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0519 function [handle]=cbar_nudge(arg,colors,minmax, grad)
0521 if nargin < 2
0522   colors = 0;
0523 end
0524 posscale = 'off';
0525 if nargin < 1
0526   arg = 'vert';
0527   ax = [];
0528 else
0529   if isempty(arg)
0530     arg = 0;
0531   end
0532   if arg(1) == 0
0533     ax = [];
0534     arg = 'vert';
0535   elseif strcmpi(arg, 'pos')
0536     ax = [];
0537     arg = 'vert';
0538     posscale = 'on';
0539   else      
0540     if isstr(arg)
0541       ax = [];
0542     else
0543       ax = arg;
0544       arg = [];
0545     end
0546   end
0547 end
0549 if nargin>2
0550   if size(minmax,1) ~= 1 | size(minmax,2) ~= 2
0551     help cbar
0552     fprintf('cbar() : minmax arg must be [min,max]\n');
0553     return
0554   end
0555 end
0556 if nargin < 4
0557     grad = 5;
0558 end;
0561 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0562 % Choose colorbar position
0563 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0565 if (length(colors) == 1) & (colors == 0)
0566   t = caxis;
0567 else
0568   t = [0 1];
0569 end
0570 if ~isempty(arg)
0571   if strcmp(arg,'vert')  
0572     cax = gca;
0573     pos = get(cax,'Position');
0574     stripe = 0.04; 
0575     edge = 0.01;
0576     space = -.02;
0578     set(cax,'Position',[pos(1) pos(2) pos(3) pos(4)])
0579     rect = [pos(1)+pos(3)+space pos(2) stripe*pos(3) pos(4)];
0580     ax = axes('Position', rect);
0581   elseif strcmp(arg,'horiz')
0582     cax = gca;
0583     pos = get(cax,'Position');
0584     stripe = 0.075; 
0585     space = .1;  
0586     set(cax,'Position',...
0587         [pos(1) pos(2)+(stripe+space)*pos(4) pos(3) (1-stripe-space)*pos(4)])
0588     rect = [pos(1) pos(2) pos(3) stripe*pos(4)];
0589     ax = axes('Position', rect);
0590   end
0591 else
0592   pos = get(ax,'Position');
0593   if pos(3) > pos(4)
0594     arg = 'horiz';
0595   else
0596     arg = 'vert';
0597   end
0598 end
0600 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0601 % Draw colorbar using image()
0602 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0604 map = colormap;
0605 n = size(map,1);
0607 if length(colors) == 1
0608   if strcmp(arg,'vert')
0609       if strcmpi(posscale, 'on')
0610           image([0 1],[0 t(2)],[ceil(n/2):n-colors]');
0611       else
0612           image([0 1],t,[1:n-colors]');
0613       end;
0614       set(ax,'xticklabelmode','manual')
0615       set(ax,'xticklabel',[],'YAxisLocation','right')
0617   else
0618     image(t,[0 1],[1:n-colors]);
0619     set(ax,'yticklabelmode','manual')
0620     set(ax,'yticklabel',[],'YAxisLocation','right')
0621   end
0622   set(ax,'Ydir','normal','YAxisLocation','right')
0624 else % length > 1
0626   if max(colors) > n
0627     error('Color vector excedes size of colormap')
0628   end
0629   if strcmp(arg,'vert')
0630     image([0 1],t,[colors]');
0631     set(ax,'xticklabelmode','manual')
0632     set(ax,'xticklabel',[])
0633   else
0634     image([0 1],t,[colors]);
0635     set(ax,'yticklabelmode','manual')
0636     set(ax,'yticklabel',[],'YAxisLocation','right')
0637   end  
0638   set(ax,'Ydir','normal','YAxisLocation','right')
0639 end
0641 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0642 % Adjust cbar ticklabels
0643 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0645 if nargin > 2 
0646   if strcmp(arg,'vert')
0647       Cax = get(ax,'Ylim');
0648   else
0649       Cax = get(ax,'Xlim');
0650   end;
0651   CBTicks = [Cax(1):(Cax(2)-Cax(1))/(grad-1):Cax(2)]; % caxis tick positions
0652   CBLabels = [minmax(1):(minmax(2)-minmax(1))/(grad-1):minmax(2)]; % tick labels
0654   dec = floor(log10(max(abs(minmax)))); % decade of largest abs value
0655   CBLabels = ([minmax]* [ linspace(1,0, grad);linspace(0, 1, grad)]);
0656   if dec<1
0657     CBLabels = round(CBLabels*10^(1-dec))*10^(dec-1);
0658   elseif dec == 1
0659     CBLabels = round(CBLabels*10^(2-dec))*10^(dec-2);
0660   else
0661     CBLabels = round(CBLabels);
0662   end
0664   if strcmp(arg,'vert')
0665     set(ax,'Ytick',CBTicks);
0666     set(ax,'Yticklabel',CBLabels);
0667   else
0668     set(ax,'Xtick',CBTicks);
0669     set(ax,'Xticklabel',CBLabels);
0670   end
0671 end
0672 handle = ax;
0674 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0675 % Adjust cbar tag
0676 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0678 set(ax,'tag','cbar')
0681 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0682 function label_compat(spec_var,grand)
0683 %function label_compat(spec_var,grand)
0684 %Checks to make sure EEGLAB and FieldTrip channel labels are the same.
0685 %EEGLAB channel information is what's used for plotting topographies.
0687 n_chan_eeglab=length(spec_var.chanlocs);
0688 if grand,
0689     %Grand average MATLABmk/FieldTrip spectral variable
0690     n_chan_ftrip=length(spec_var.ftrip.label);
0692     %make sure # of channels are the same
0693     if n_chan_ftrip~=n_chan_eeglab,
0694         error('There are EEGLAB coordinates for %d channels but FieldTrip coordinates for %d channels.', ...
0695             n_chan_eeglab,n_chan_ftrip);
0696     end
0698     %make sure channel labels are the same
0699     for a=1:n_chan_eeglab,
0700         if ~strcmpi(spec_var.ftrip.label{a},spec_var.chanlocs(a).labels),
0701             error('EEGLAB and FieldTrip channel labels are incompatible. Channel %d is %s for EEGLAB and %s for FieldTrip.', ...
0702                 a,spec_var.chanlocs(a).labels,spec_var.ftrip.label{a});
0703         end
0704     end
0705 else
0706     %Individual participant MATLABmk/FieldTrip spectral variable
0707     n_chan_ftrip=length(spec_var.bins{1}.label);
0709     %make sure # of channels are the same
0710     if n_chan_ftrip~=n_chan_eeglab,
0711         error('There are EEGLAB coordinates for %d channels but FieldTrip coordinates for %d channels.', ...
0712             n_chan_eeglab,n_chan_ftrip);
0713     end
0715     %make sure channel labels are the same
0716     for a=1:n_chan_eeglab,
0717         if ~strcmpi(spec_var.bins{1}.label{a},spec_var.chanlocs(a).labels),
0718             error('EEGLAB and FieldTrip channel labels are incompatible. Channel %d is %s for EEGLAB and %s for FieldTrip.', ...
0719                 a,spec_var.chanlocs(a).labels,spec_var.ftrip.label{a});
0720         end
0721     end
0722 end
0725 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0726 function [spec_var, bsln_type, bsln_wind, units]=bsln_stuff(spec_var,bsln_type,bsln_wind,units,bins,grand)
0727 %function [spec_var, bsln_type, bsln_wind, units]=bsln_stuff(spec_var,bsln_type,bsln_wind,units,bins,grand)
0729 % Transform spectrograms to dB or re-baseline (if requested)
0730 if isempty(bsln_wind),
0731     bsln_wind=spec_var.bsln_wind;
0732 end
0733 if isempty(bsln_type),
0734     bsln_type=spec_var.bsln_type;
0735 end
0736 if isempty(units),
0737     units=spec_var.units;
0738 end
0739 if ~strcmpi(units,spec_var.units) || ...
0740         ~isequal(bsln_wind,spec_var.bsln_wind) || ...
0741         ~strcmpi(bsln_type,spec_var.bsln_type)
0742     if grand,
0743         spec_var=baseline_tfrGND(spec_var,units,bsln_wind,bsln_type,bins);
0744     else
0745         spec_var=baseline_TFR(spec_var,units,bsln_wind,bsln_type,bins);
0746     end
0747 end

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