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tmax_specGND() - Tests the null hypothesis that the grand average power


function [specGND, prm_pval, data_t, crit_t]=tmax_specGND(specGND_or_fname,bin,varargin)


 tmax_specGND() - Tests the null hypothesis that the grand average power
                  of a bin is mu using a permutation test based on the
                  t_max statistic (e.g., Hemmelmann et al., 2004).  Note, 
                  mu is assumed to be 0 by default. This function
                  requires individual subject power spectra to be stored 
                  in a "specGND" structure and outputs the test results in
                  a number of graphical and text formats.  Note, that this 
                  analysis can only be performed on a bin that reflects 
                  the difference between two other bins.  The null
                  hypothesis of the permutation test (symmetric
                  distribution around the mean) probably isn't valid for
                  bins that are NOT the difference between two other bins.
                  For analogous between-subject comparisons use the 
                  function tmax_specGRP.m.
  >> [specGND, prm_pval, data_t, crit_t]=tmax_specGND(specGND_or_fname,bin,varargin);

 Required Inputs:
   specGND_or_fname - A specGND structure variable or the filename of a 
                  specGND structure that has been saved to disk.  To 
                  create a specGND variable from EEGLAB *.set files use 
                  sets2specGND.m.  See the Kutaslab wiki for detailed
                  information about the format of a specGND variable. If you
                  specify a filename be sure to include the file's path,
                  unless the file is in the current working directory.
   bin          - [integer] The bin to contrast against a voltage of 0 
                  Use the function headinfo_spec.m to see what bins are 
                  stored in a specGND variable.  Use the function 
                  bin_dif_spec.m to create a difference wave between two
                  bins whose significance you can test with this function.

 Optional Inputs:
   tail          - [1,0, or -1] An integer specifying the tail of the
                   hypothesis test.  "1" means upper-tailed (i.e., alternative 
                   hypothesis is that spectral power is greater 
                   than the mean of the null hypothesis).  "0" means two-
                   tailed (i.e., alternative hypothesis is that 
                   spectral power is not equal to the mean of the null
                   hypothesis). "-1" means lower-tailed (i.e., alternative 
                   hypothesis is that spectral power is less than
                   the mean of the null hypothesis). {default: 0}
   alpha         - A number between 0 and 1 specifying the family-wise
                   alpha level of the test. {default: 0.05}
   n_perm        - The number of permutations to use in the test.  As this
                   value increases, the test takes longer to compute and 
                   the results become more reliable.  Manly (1997) suggests 
                   using at least 1000 permutations for an alpha level of 
                   0.05 and at least 5000 permutations for an alpha level 
                   of 0.01. {default: 2500}
   freq_band     - 2D matrix of pairs of frequency values specifying the beginning 
                   and end of one or more frequency bands in Hz (e.g., 
                   [3 8; 8 12]).  Every single frequency in 
                   the frequency band will be individually tested (i.e.,
                   maximal temporal resolution) if mean_band option is
                   NOT used. Note, boundaries of frequency band(s) may not 
                   exactly correspond to desired frequency band boundaries 
                   because of temporal digitization (i.e., you only have
                   samples every so many Hz). {default: 0 Hz to the
                   Nyquist frequency}
   freq_block_dur- [integers] A number or numbers (in Hz) specifying a
                   duration of frequency blocks in which the frequency 
                   windows specified by freq_band will be divided.  For
                   example, if freq_band=[0 40] and freq_block_dur=10,
                   the 0 to 40 Hz frequency band will be sub-divided into
                   10 Hz bands (i.e., freq_band will equal something like
                   [0 9; 10 19; 20 29; 30 39]--depending on your frequency
                   resolution).  This is an easy way to break up larger 
                   frequency bands of interest into smaller bands for 
                   mean band analysis (if the mean_band option is set to
                   'yes').  If you specify multiple frequency bands with
                   freq_band, you can break them up using durations of
                   different lengths.  For example, if freq_band=[0 10;
                   40 90] and freq_block_dur=[5 10], the first frequency
                   band (0 to 10 Hz) will be broken up into 5 Hz
                   bands and the second band (40 to 90 Hz) will be
                   broken up into 10 Hz bands. {default: not used}
   mean_band     - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', the permutation test will be
                   performed on the mean amplitude within each frequency band 
                   specified by freq_band.  This sacrifices frequency
                   resolution to increase test power by reducing the number
                   of comparisons.  If 'no', every single frequency within
                   freq_band's frequency bands will be tested individually.
                   {default: 'no'}
   null_mean     - [number] The mean of the null hypothesis (i.e., mu) in 
                   units of decibel power (i.e., 10*log10((uV^2)/Hz)). 
                   {default: 0}
   exclude_chans - A cell array of channel labels to exclude from the
                   permutation test (e.g., {'A2','lle','rhe'}).  This option 
                   sacrifices spatial resolution to increase test power by 
                   reducing the number of comparisons. Use headinfo_spec.m
                   to see the channel labels stored in the specGND variable. 
                   You cannot use both this option and 'include_chans' 
                   (below). {default: not used, all channels included in test}
   include_chans - A cell array of channel labels to use in the permutation
                   test (e.g., {'A2','lle','rhe'}).  All other channels will
                   be ignored. This option sacrifices spatial resolution to 
                   increase test power by reducing the number of comparisons.
                   Use headinfo_spec.m to see the channel labels stored in the 
                   specGND variable. You cannot use both this option and 
                   'exclude_chans' (above). {default: not used, all channels 
                   included in test}
   verblevel     - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want
                   this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
                    Options are:
                      0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
                      1 - stuff anyone should probably know
                      2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
                          with a data set {default value}
                      3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all
   plot_gui      - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', a GUI is created for
                   visualizing the results of the permutation test using the 
                   function gui_pow.m. The GUI vizualizes the grand average 
                   power in each bin in various statistics (e.g., t-scores),
                   shows topographies at individual frequencies, and illustrates 
                   which electrodes significantly differ from the null 
                   hypothesis.  This option does not work if the mean_band 
                   option is set to 'yes.' This GUI can be reproduced using
                   the function gui_pow.m. {default: 'yes'}
   plot_raster   - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', a two-dimensional (frequency x channel)
                   binary "raster" diagram is created to illustrate the
                   results of the permutation test.  Significant negative and
                   positive deviations from the null hypothesis are shown
                   as black and white rectangles respectively. Non-
                   significant comparisons are shown as gray rectangles. 
                   Clicking on the rectangles will show you the 
                   corresponding frequency and channel label for that
                   rectangle. This figure can be reproduced with the 
                   function sig_raster.m. {default: 'yes'}
   plot_mn_topo  - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', the topographies of the mean
                   voltages/effects in each frequency band are produced.  More
                   specifically, two figures are produced: one showing the
                   topographies as decibel power the other in t-scores. 
                   Significant/nonsignificant comparisons are shown as 
                   white/black electrodes. Clicking on electrodes will show the
                   electrode's name.  This figure can be reproduced with
                   the function sig_topo.m.  This option has NO effect if
                   mean_band option is set to 'no'. {default: 'yes'}
   output_file   - A string indicating the name of a space delimited text
                   file to produce containing the p-values of all comparisons 
                   and the details of the test (e.g., number of permutations, 
                   family-wise alpha level, etc...). If mean_band option is
                   set to 'yes,' t-scores of each comparison are also 
                   included since you cannot derive them from the t-scores
                   at each frequency/electrode in a simple way. When 
                   importing this file into a spreadsheet be sure NOT to count
                   consecutive spaces as multiple delimiters. {default:
   save_specGND  - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', the specGND variable will be
                   saved to disk after the permutation test is completed 
                   and added to it. User will first be prompted to verify 
                   file name and path. {default: 'yes'}
   reproduce_test- [integer] The number of the permutation test stored in
                   the specGND variable to reproduce.  For example, if 
                   'reproduce_test' equals 2, the second t-test stored  
                   in the specGND variable (i.e., specGND.t_tests(2)) will 
                   be reproduced.  Reproduction is accomplished by setting
                   the random number generator used in the permutation test 
                   to the same initial state it was in when the permutation 
                   test was first applied.

   specGND       - specGND structure variable.  This is the same as
                   the input specGND variable with one addition: the 
                   field specGND.t_tests will contain the results of the 
                   permutation test and the test parameters. 
   prm_pval      - A two-dimensional matrix (channel x frequency) of the
                   p-values of each comparison.  These p-values are
                   corrected for multiple comparisons by the permutation
   data_t        - A two-dimensional matrix (channel x frequency) of the
                   t-scores of each comparison.
   crit_t        - The critical t-score(s) for the test.  Any t-scores
                   that are more extreme than the critical t-score(s) 
                   significantly deviate from 0.

   Note also that a great deal of information about the test is displayed 
   in the MATLAB command window.  You can easiy record of all this
   information to a text file using the MATLAB command "diary."

 Global Variables:
   VERBLEVEL - MATLABmk level of verbosity (i.e., tells 
               functions how much to report about what they're doing during
               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'

 -To add a difference wave to a specGND variable, use the function "bin_dif_spec".

 -Unlike a parametric test (e.g., an ANOVA), a discrete set of p-values
 are possible (at most the number of possible permutations).  Since the
 number of possible permutations grows rapdily with the number of
 participants, this is only issue for small sample sizes (e.g., 6
 participants).  When you have such a small sample size, the
 limited number of p-values may make the test less conservative (e.g., 
 you might be forced to use an alpha level of .0286 since it is the biggest
 possible alpha level less than .05).

   Manly, B.F.J. (1997) Randomization, bootstrap, and Monte Carlo methods in
 biology. 2nd ed. Chapman and Hall, London.

   Hemmelmann, et al. (2004) Multivariate tests for the evaluation of
 high-dimensional EEG data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods.

 David Groppe
 Kutaslab, 12/2010


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 % tmax_specGND() - Tests the null hypothesis that the grand average power
0002 %                  of a bin is mu using a permutation test based on the
0003 %                  t_max statistic (e.g., Hemmelmann et al., 2004).  Note,
0004 %                  mu is assumed to be 0 by default. This function
0005 %                  requires individual subject power spectra to be stored
0006 %                  in a "specGND" structure and outputs the test results in
0007 %                  a number of graphical and text formats.  Note, that this
0008 %                  analysis can only be performed on a bin that reflects
0009 %                  the difference between two other bins.  The null
0010 %                  hypothesis of the permutation test (symmetric
0011 %                  distribution around the mean) probably isn't valid for
0012 %                  bins that are NOT the difference between two other bins.
0013 %                  For analogous between-subject comparisons use the
0014 %                  function tmax_specGRP.m.
0015 %
0016 %
0017 % Usage:
0018 %  >> [specGND, prm_pval, data_t, crit_t]=tmax_specGND(specGND_or_fname,bin,varargin);
0019 %
0020 % Required Inputs:
0021 %   specGND_or_fname - A specGND structure variable or the filename of a
0022 %                  specGND structure that has been saved to disk.  To
0023 %                  create a specGND variable from EEGLAB *.set files use
0024 %                  sets2specGND.m.  See the Kutaslab wiki for detailed
0025 %                  information about the format of a specGND variable. If you
0026 %                  specify a filename be sure to include the file's path,
0027 %                  unless the file is in the current working directory.
0028 %   bin          - [integer] The bin to contrast against a voltage of 0
0029 %                  Use the function headinfo_spec.m to see what bins are
0030 %                  stored in a specGND variable.  Use the function
0031 %                  bin_dif_spec.m to create a difference wave between two
0032 %                  bins whose significance you can test with this function.
0033 %
0034 % Optional Inputs:
0035 %   tail          - [1,0, or -1] An integer specifying the tail of the
0036 %                   hypothesis test.  "1" means upper-tailed (i.e., alternative
0037 %                   hypothesis is that spectral power is greater
0038 %                   than the mean of the null hypothesis).  "0" means two-
0039 %                   tailed (i.e., alternative hypothesis is that
0040 %                   spectral power is not equal to the mean of the null
0041 %                   hypothesis). "-1" means lower-tailed (i.e., alternative
0042 %                   hypothesis is that spectral power is less than
0043 %                   the mean of the null hypothesis). {default: 0}
0044 %   alpha         - A number between 0 and 1 specifying the family-wise
0045 %                   alpha level of the test. {default: 0.05}
0046 %   n_perm        - The number of permutations to use in the test.  As this
0047 %                   value increases, the test takes longer to compute and
0048 %                   the results become more reliable.  Manly (1997) suggests
0049 %                   using at least 1000 permutations for an alpha level of
0050 %                   0.05 and at least 5000 permutations for an alpha level
0051 %                   of 0.01. {default: 2500}
0052 %   freq_band     - 2D matrix of pairs of frequency values specifying the beginning
0053 %                   and end of one or more frequency bands in Hz (e.g.,
0054 %                   [3 8; 8 12]).  Every single frequency in
0055 %                   the frequency band will be individually tested (i.e.,
0056 %                   maximal temporal resolution) if mean_band option is
0057 %                   NOT used. Note, boundaries of frequency band(s) may not
0058 %                   exactly correspond to desired frequency band boundaries
0059 %                   because of temporal digitization (i.e., you only have
0060 %                   samples every so many Hz). {default: 0 Hz to the
0061 %                   Nyquist frequency}
0062 %   freq_block_dur- [integers] A number or numbers (in Hz) specifying a
0063 %                   duration of frequency blocks in which the frequency
0064 %                   windows specified by freq_band will be divided.  For
0065 %                   example, if freq_band=[0 40] and freq_block_dur=10,
0066 %                   the 0 to 40 Hz frequency band will be sub-divided into
0067 %                   10 Hz bands (i.e., freq_band will equal something like
0068 %                   [0 9; 10 19; 20 29; 30 39]--depending on your frequency
0069 %                   resolution).  This is an easy way to break up larger
0070 %                   frequency bands of interest into smaller bands for
0071 %                   mean band analysis (if the mean_band option is set to
0072 %                   'yes').  If you specify multiple frequency bands with
0073 %                   freq_band, you can break them up using durations of
0074 %                   different lengths.  For example, if freq_band=[0 10;
0075 %                   40 90] and freq_block_dur=[5 10], the first frequency
0076 %                   band (0 to 10 Hz) will be broken up into 5 Hz
0077 %                   bands and the second band (40 to 90 Hz) will be
0078 %                   broken up into 10 Hz bands. {default: not used}
0079 %   mean_band     - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', the permutation test will be
0080 %                   performed on the mean amplitude within each frequency band
0081 %                   specified by freq_band.  This sacrifices frequency
0082 %                   resolution to increase test power by reducing the number
0083 %                   of comparisons.  If 'no', every single frequency within
0084 %                   freq_band's frequency bands will be tested individually.
0085 %                   {default: 'no'}
0086 %   null_mean     - [number] The mean of the null hypothesis (i.e., mu) in
0087 %                   units of decibel power (i.e., 10*log10((uV^2)/Hz)).
0088 %                   {default: 0}
0089 %   exclude_chans - A cell array of channel labels to exclude from the
0090 %                   permutation test (e.g., {'A2','lle','rhe'}).  This option
0091 %                   sacrifices spatial resolution to increase test power by
0092 %                   reducing the number of comparisons. Use headinfo_spec.m
0093 %                   to see the channel labels stored in the specGND variable.
0094 %                   You cannot use both this option and 'include_chans'
0095 %                   (below). {default: not used, all channels included in test}
0096 %   include_chans - A cell array of channel labels to use in the permutation
0097 %                   test (e.g., {'A2','lle','rhe'}).  All other channels will
0098 %                   be ignored. This option sacrifices spatial resolution to
0099 %                   increase test power by reducing the number of comparisons.
0100 %                   Use headinfo_spec.m to see the channel labels stored in the
0101 %                   specGND variable. You cannot use both this option and
0102 %                   'exclude_chans' (above). {default: not used, all channels
0103 %                   included in test}
0104 %   verblevel     - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want
0105 %                   this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
0106 %                    Options are:
0107 %                      0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
0108 %                      1 - stuff anyone should probably know
0109 %                      2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
0110 %                          with a data set {default value}
0111 %                      3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all
0112 %                          reports)
0113 %   plot_gui      - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', a GUI is created for
0114 %                   visualizing the results of the permutation test using the
0115 %                   function gui_pow.m. The GUI vizualizes the grand average
0116 %                   power in each bin in various statistics (e.g., t-scores),
0117 %                   shows topographies at individual frequencies, and illustrates
0118 %                   which electrodes significantly differ from the null
0119 %                   hypothesis.  This option does not work if the mean_band
0120 %                   option is set to 'yes.' This GUI can be reproduced using
0121 %                   the function gui_pow.m. {default: 'yes'}
0122 %   plot_raster   - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', a two-dimensional (frequency x channel)
0123 %                   binary "raster" diagram is created to illustrate the
0124 %                   results of the permutation test.  Significant negative and
0125 %                   positive deviations from the null hypothesis are shown
0126 %                   as black and white rectangles respectively. Non-
0127 %                   significant comparisons are shown as gray rectangles.
0128 %                   Clicking on the rectangles will show you the
0129 %                   corresponding frequency and channel label for that
0130 %                   rectangle. This figure can be reproduced with the
0131 %                   function sig_raster.m. {default: 'yes'}
0132 %   plot_mn_topo  - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', the topographies of the mean
0133 %                   voltages/effects in each frequency band are produced.  More
0134 %                   specifically, two figures are produced: one showing the
0135 %                   topographies as decibel power the other in t-scores.
0136 %                   Significant/nonsignificant comparisons are shown as
0137 %                   white/black electrodes. Clicking on electrodes will show the
0138 %                   electrode's name.  This figure can be reproduced with
0139 %                   the function sig_topo.m.  This option has NO effect if
0140 %                   mean_band option is set to 'no'. {default: 'yes'}
0141 %   output_file   - A string indicating the name of a space delimited text
0142 %                   file to produce containing the p-values of all comparisons
0143 %                   and the details of the test (e.g., number of permutations,
0144 %                   family-wise alpha level, etc...). If mean_band option is
0145 %                   set to 'yes,' t-scores of each comparison are also
0146 %                   included since you cannot derive them from the t-scores
0147 %                   at each frequency/electrode in a simple way. When
0148 %                   importing this file into a spreadsheet be sure NOT to count
0149 %                   consecutive spaces as multiple delimiters. {default:
0150 %                   none}
0151 %   save_specGND  - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', the specGND variable will be
0152 %                   saved to disk after the permutation test is completed
0153 %                   and added to it. User will first be prompted to verify
0154 %                   file name and path. {default: 'yes'}
0155 %   reproduce_test- [integer] The number of the permutation test stored in
0156 %                   the specGND variable to reproduce.  For example, if
0157 %                   'reproduce_test' equals 2, the second t-test stored
0158 %                   in the specGND variable (i.e., specGND.t_tests(2)) will
0159 %                   be reproduced.  Reproduction is accomplished by setting
0160 %                   the random number generator used in the permutation test
0161 %                   to the same initial state it was in when the permutation
0162 %                   test was first applied.
0163 %
0164 % Outputs:
0165 %   specGND       - specGND structure variable.  This is the same as
0166 %                   the input specGND variable with one addition: the
0167 %                   field specGND.t_tests will contain the results of the
0168 %                   permutation test and the test parameters.
0169 %   prm_pval      - A two-dimensional matrix (channel x frequency) of the
0170 %                   p-values of each comparison.  These p-values are
0171 %                   corrected for multiple comparisons by the permutation
0172 %                   test.
0173 %   data_t        - A two-dimensional matrix (channel x frequency) of the
0174 %                   t-scores of each comparison.
0175 %   crit_t        - The critical t-score(s) for the test.  Any t-scores
0176 %                   that are more extreme than the critical t-score(s)
0177 %                   significantly deviate from 0.
0178 %
0179 %   Note also that a great deal of information about the test is displayed
0180 %   in the MATLAB command window.  You can easiy record of all this
0181 %   information to a text file using the MATLAB command "diary."
0182 %
0183 % Global Variables:
0184 %   VERBLEVEL - MATLABmk level of verbosity (i.e., tells
0185 %               functions how much to report about what they're doing during
0186 %               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'
0187 %
0188 % Notes:
0189 % -To add a difference wave to a specGND variable, use the function "bin_dif_spec".
0190 %
0191 % -Unlike a parametric test (e.g., an ANOVA), a discrete set of p-values
0192 % are possible (at most the number of possible permutations).  Since the
0193 % number of possible permutations grows rapdily with the number of
0194 % participants, this is only issue for small sample sizes (e.g., 6
0195 % participants).  When you have such a small sample size, the
0196 % limited number of p-values may make the test less conservative (e.g.,
0197 % you might be forced to use an alpha level of .0286 since it is the biggest
0198 % possible alpha level less than .05).
0199 %
0200 %
0201 % References:
0202 %   Manly, B.F.J. (1997) Randomization, bootstrap, and Monte Carlo methods in
0203 % biology. 2nd ed. Chapman and Hall, London.
0204 %
0205 %   Hemmelmann, et al. (2004) Multivariate tests for the evaluation of
0206 % high-dimensional EEG data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods.
0207 %
0208 %
0209 % Author:
0210 % David Groppe
0211 % Kutaslab, 12/2010
0213 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REVISION LOG %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0214 % ?/?/2010-
0217 function [specGND, prm_pval, data_t, crit_t]=tmax_specGND(specGND_or_fname,bin,varargin)
0219 global VERBLEVEL;
0221 p=inputParser;
0222 p.addRequired('specGND_or_fname',@(x) ischar(x) || isstruct(x));
0223 p.addRequired('bin',@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1) && (x>0));
0224 p.addParamValue('tail',0,@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0225 p.addParamValue('alpha',0.05,@(x) isnumeric(x) && (x>0) && (x<1));
0226 p.addParamValue('freq_band',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (size(x,2)==2));
0227 p.addParamValue('freq_block_dur',[],@isnumeric);
0228 p.addParamValue('mean_band','no',@(x) ischar(x) && (strcmpi(x,'yes') || strcmpi(x,'no')));
0229 p.addParamValue('n_perm',2500,@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0230 p.addParamValue('null_mean',0,@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0231 p.addParamValue('verblevel',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0232 p.addParamValue('exclude_chans',[],@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x));
0233 p.addParamValue('include_chans',[],@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x));
0234 p.addParamValue('plot_gui','yes',@(x) ischar(x) && (strcmpi(x,'yes') || strcmpi(x,'no')));
0235 p.addParamValue('plot_raster','yes',@(x) ischar(x) && (strcmpi(x,'yes') || strcmpi(x,'no'))); 
0236 p.addParamValue('plot_mn_topo',[],@(x) ischar(x) && (strcmpi(x,'yes') || strcmpi(x,'no')));
0237 p.addParamValue('output_file',[],@ischar);
0238 p.addParamValue('reproduce_test',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0239 p.addParamValue('save_specGND','yes',@(x) ischar(x) && (strcmpi(x,'yes') || strcmpi(x,'no')));
0241 p.parse(specGND_or_fname,bin,varargin{:});
0244 if isempty(p.Results.verblevel),
0245     if isempty(VERBLEVEL),
0246         VERBLEVEL=2;
0247     end
0248 else
0249    VERBLEVEL=p.Results.verblevel; 
0250 end
0252 mean_band=str2bool(p.Results.mean_band);
0254 %Load specGND struct
0255 if ischar(specGND_or_fname),
0256     fprintf('Loading specGND struct from file %s.\n',specGND_or_fname);
0257     load(specGND_or_fname,'-MAT');
0258     if ~exist('specGND')
0259         error('File %s does not contain a specGND variable.',specGND_or_fname);
0260     end
0261 else
0262     specGND=specGND_or_fname;
0263     clear specGND_or_fname;
0264     fldnames=fieldnames(specGND);
0265     if ismember('group_desc',fldnames),
0266        error('You passed a specGRP or GRP variable to this function instead of a specGND variable.'); 
0267     end
0268 end
0269 [n_chan, n_freq, n_bin, total_subs]=size(specGND.indiv_pow_dB);
0270 VerbReport(sprintf('Experiment: %s',specGND.exp_desc),2,VERBLEVEL);
0272 if (bin>n_bin),
0273     error('There is no Bin %d in this specGND variable.',bin); 
0274 end
0276 if ~specGND.dif(bin),
0277    error('You can only apply this function to bins that are the difference between two other bins.'); 
0278 end
0280 %Use only subs with data in relevant bin(s)
0281 use_subs=find(specGND.indiv_bin_ct(:,p.Results.bin));
0282 n_sub=length(use_subs);
0283 VerbReport(sprintf('%d out of %d participants have data in relevant bin.',n_sub,total_subs), ...
0284     1,VERBLEVEL);
0287 %% Figure out which channels to ignore if any
0288 %But first make sure exclude & include options were not both used.
0289 if ~isempty(p.Results.include_chans) && ~isempty(p.Results.exclude_chans)
0290     error('You cannot use BOTH ''include_chans'' and ''exclude_chans'' options.');
0291 end
0292 if ischar(p.Results.exclude_chans),
0293     exclude_chans{1}=p.Results.exclude_chans;
0294 elseif isempty(p.Results.exclude_chans)
0295     exclude_chans=[];
0296 else
0297     exclude_chans=p.Results.exclude_chans;
0298 end
0299 if ischar(p.Results.include_chans),
0300     include_chans{1}=p.Results.include_chans;
0301 elseif isempty(p.Results.include_chans)
0302     include_chans=[];
0303 else
0304     include_chans=p.Results.include_chans;
0305 end
0307 % exclude and include chan options
0308 if ~isempty(exclude_chans),
0309     ignore_chans=zeros(1,length(exclude_chans)); %preallocate mem
0310     ct=0;
0311     for x=1:length(exclude_chans),
0312         found=0;
0313         for c=1:n_chan,
0314             if strcmpi(exclude_chans{x},specGND.chanlocs(c).labels),
0315                 found=1;
0316                 ct=ct+1;
0317                 ignore_chans(ct)=c;
0318             end
0319         end
0320         if ~found,
0321             watchit(sprintf('I attempted to exclude %s.  However no such electrode was found in specGND variable.', ...
0322                 exclude_chans{x}));
0323         end
0324     end
0325     ignore_chans=ignore_chans(1:ct);
0326     use_chans=setdiff(1:n_chan,ignore_chans);
0327 elseif ~isempty(include_chans),
0328     use_chans=zeros(1,length(include_chans)); %preallocate mem
0329     ct=0;
0330     for x=1:length(include_chans),
0331         found=0;
0332         for c=1:n_chan,
0333             if strcmpi(include_chans{x},specGND.chanlocs(c).labels),
0334                 found=1;
0335                 ct=ct+1;
0336                 use_chans(ct)=c;
0337             end
0338         end
0339         if ~found,
0340             watchit(sprintf('I attempted to include %s.  However no such electrode was found in specGND variable.', ...
0341                 include_chans{x}));
0342         end
0343     end
0344     use_chans=use_chans(1:ct);
0345 else
0346     use_chans=1:n_chan;
0347 end
0350 %% Find frequencies to analyze
0351 if isempty(p.Results.freq_band),
0352     freq_band=[0 specGND.freqs(end)]; %default frequency band
0353 else
0354     freq_band=p.Results.freq_band;
0355 end
0356 freq_band=sort(freq_band,2); %first make sure earlier of each pair of frequencies is first
0357 freq_band=sort(freq_band,1); %next sort frequency bands from earliest to latest lower frequency boundary
0358 n_band=size(freq_band,1);
0359 if ~isempty(p.Results.freq_block_dur),
0360     tbd=p.Results.freq_block_dur;
0361     n_block=length(tbd);
0362     if (n_block>1) && (n_block~=n_band),
0363        error('If you specify more than one frequency block duration you need to provide exactly one duration for every frequency band (in this case %d).',n_band); 
0364     elseif (n_block==1) && (n_band>1),
0365         tbd=repmat(tbd,1,n_band);
0366     end
0368     f_bands=[];
0369     one_step=specGND.freqs(2)-specGND.freqs(1); %DFT frequency interval
0370     for a=1:n_band,
0371         band_strt=freq_band(a,1);
0372         band_stop=freq_band(a,2);
0373         new_bands=[band_strt:tbd(a):band_stop];
0374         for b=1:(length(new_bands)-1),
0375             f_bands=[f_bands; new_bands(b) new_bands(b+1)-one_step];
0376         end
0377     end
0378     freq_band=f_bands;
0379     clear f_bands;
0380     n_band=size(freq_band,1);
0381 end
0383 if mean_band,
0384     use_freqs=cell(1,n_band);
0385 else
0386     use_freqs=[];
0387 end
0388 for a=1:n_band,
0389     VerbReport(sprintf('Frequency Band #%d:',a),1,VERBLEVEL);
0390     VerbReport(sprintf('Attempting to use frequency boundaries of %f to %f Hz for hypothesis test.',freq_band(a,1),freq_band(a,2)), ...
0391         1,VERBLEVEL);
0392     start_freq=find_tpt(freq_band(a,1),specGND.freqs);
0393     end_freq=find_tpt(freq_band(a,2),specGND.freqs);
0394     if mean_band,
0395         use_freqs{a}=[start_freq:end_freq];
0396     else
0397         use_freqs=[use_freqs [start_freq:end_freq]];
0398     end
0399     %replace desired frequencies with closest matches
0400     freq_band(a,1)=specGND.freqs(start_freq);
0401     freq_band(a,2)=specGND.freqs(end_freq);
0402     VerbReport(sprintf('Exact frequency boundaries are %f to %f Hz (that''s from frequency# %d to %d).', ...
0403         freq_band(a,1),freq_band(a,2),start_freq,end_freq),1,VERBLEVEL);
0404 end
0405 if ~mean_band,
0406     use_freqs=unique(use_freqs); %sorts frequencies and gets rid of any redundant frequencies
0407 end
0409 %% Compile data
0410 if mean_band,
0411     %Take mean amplitude in frequency blocks and then test
0412     mean_pwr=zeros(length(use_chans),n_band,n_sub);
0413     for a=1:n_band,
0414         for sub=1:n_sub,
0415             mean_pwr(:,a,sub)=mean(specGND.indiv_pow_dB(use_chans,use_freqs{a},bin,use_subs(sub)),2);
0416         end
0417     end
0418 else
0419     %Use every single frequency in frequency band(s)
0420     n_use_freqs=length(use_freqs);
0421     mean_pwr=zeros(length(use_chans),n_use_freqs,n_sub);    
0422     for sub=1:n_sub,
0423         mean_pwr(:,:,sub)=specGND.indiv_pow_dB(use_chans,use_freqs,bin,use_subs(sub));
0424     end
0425 end
0428 %% Report tail of test & alpha levels
0429 VerbReport(sprintf('Testing null hypothesis that the grand average power in Bin %d (%s) has a mean of %f (uV^2)/Hz.',bin, ...
0430     specGND.bindesc{bin},p.Results.null_mean),1,VERBLEVEL);
0431 if p.Results.tail==0
0432     VerbReport(sprintf('Alternative hypothesis is that the grand average power differs from %f (i.e., two-tailed test).',p.Results.null_mean), ...
0433         1,VERBLEVEL);
0434 elseif p.Results.tail<0,
0435     VerbReport(sprintf('Alternative hypothesis is that the grand average power is less than %f (i.e., lower-tailed test).',p.Results.null_mean), ...
0436         1,VERBLEVEL);
0437 else
0438     VerbReport(sprintf('Alternative hypothesis is that the grand average power is greater than %f (i.e., upper-tailed test).',p.Results.null_mean), ...
0439         1,VERBLEVEL);
0440 end
0443 %% Optionally reset random number stream to reproduce a previous test
0444 if isempty(p.Results.reproduce_test),
0445     seed_state=[];
0446 else
0447     if p.Results.reproduce_test>length(specGND.t_tests),
0448         error('Value of argument ''reproduce_test'' is too high.  You only have %d t-tests stored with this specGND variable.',length(specGND.t_tests));
0449     else
0450         if isnan(specGND.t_tests(p.Results.reproduce_test).n_perm)
0451             error('t-test set %d is NOT a permutation test. You don''t need to seed the random number generator to reproduce it.', ...
0452                 p.Results.reproduce_test);
0453         else
0454             seed_state=specGND.t_tests(p.Results.reproduce_test).seed_state;
0455         end
0456     end
0457 end
0459 %Compute the permutation test
0460 freq_domain=1;
0461 [prm_pval, data_t, crit_t, seed_state, est_alpha]=mxt_perm1(mean_pwr-p.Results.null_mean,p.Results.n_perm,p.Results.alpha,p.Results.tail,VERBLEVEL,seed_state,freq_domain);
0463 %Command line summary of results
0464 VerbReport(['Critical t-score(s):' num2str(crit_t)],1,VERBLEVEL);
0465 if p.Results.tail
0466     %one-tailed test
0467     tw_alpha=1-cdf('t',max(abs(crit_t)),n_sub-1);
0468 else
0469     %two-tailed test
0470     tw_alpha=(1-cdf('t',max(abs(crit_t)),n_sub-1))*2;
0471 end
0472 VerbReport(sprintf('That corresponds to a test-wise alpha level of %f.',tw_alpha),1,VERBLEVEL);
0473 VerbReport(sprintf('Bonferroni test-wise alpha would be %f.',p.Results.alpha/(size(prm_pval,1)* ...
0474     size(prm_pval,2))),1,VERBLEVEL);
0475 sig_freqs=find(sum(prm_pval<p.Results.alpha));
0476 if isempty(sig_freqs),
0477     fprintf('Powers is NOT significantly different from zero (alpha=%f) at any frequency/frequency band analyzed.\n', ...
0478         p.Results.alpha);
0479     fprintf('All p-values>=%f\n',min(min(prm_pval)));
0480 else
0481     fprintf('Significant differences from zero (in order of lowest to highest frequency):\n');
0482     max_sig_p=0;
0483     %frequency bands instead of frequencies
0484     for t=sig_freqs,
0485         if mean_band
0486             fprintf('%f to %f Hz, electrode(s): ',specGND.freqs(use_freqs{t}(1)), ...
0487                 specGND.freqs(use_freqs{t}(end)));
0488         else
0489             fprintf('%f Hz, electrode(s): ',specGND.freqs(use_freqs(t)));
0490         end
0491         sig_elec=find(prm_pval(:,t)<p.Results.alpha);
0492         ct=0;
0493         for c=sig_elec',
0494             ct=ct+1;
0495             if prm_pval(c,t)>max_sig_p,
0496                 max_sig_p=prm_pval(c,t);
0497             end
0498             if ct==length(sig_elec),
0499                 fprintf('%s.\n',specGND.chanlocs(use_chans(c)).labels);
0500             else
0501                 fprintf('%s, ',specGND.chanlocs(use_chans(c)).labels);
0502             end
0503         end
0504     end
0505     fprintf('All significant p-values<=%f\n',max_sig_p);
0506 end
0509 %Add permutation results to specGND struct
0510 n_t_tests=length(specGND.t_tests);
0511 neo_test=n_t_tests+1;
0512 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).bin=bin;
0513 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).freq_band=freq_band;
0514 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).used_freq_ids=use_freqs;
0515 n_use_chans=length(use_chans);
0516 include_chans=cell(1,n_use_chans);
0517 for a=1:n_use_chans,
0518    include_chans{a}=specGND.chanlocs(use_chans(a)).labels; 
0519 end
0520 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).include_chans=include_chans;
0521 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).used_chan_ids=use_chans;
0522 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).mult_comp_method='tmax perm test';
0523 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).n_perm=p.Results.n_perm;
0524 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).desired_alphaORq=p.Results.alpha;
0525 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).estimated_alpha=est_alpha;
0526 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).null_mean=p.Results.null_mean;
0527 if mean_band,
0528     specGND.t_tests(neo_test).data_t=data_t;
0529     specGND.t_tests(neo_test).mean_band='yes';
0530 else
0531     specGND.t_tests(neo_test).data_t='See specGND.grands_t';
0532     specGND.t_tests(neo_test).mean_band='no';
0533 end
0534 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).crit_t=crit_t;
0535 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).df=length(use_subs)-1;
0536 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).adj_pval=prm_pval;
0537 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).fdr_rej=NaN;
0538 specGND.t_tests(neo_test).seed_state=seed_state;
0540 if strcmpi(p.Results.plot_raster,'yes'),
0541     sig_raster(specGND,neo_test,'verblevel',0);
0542 end
0544 if mean_band,
0545     if strcmpi(p.Results.plot_mn_topo,'yes') || isempty(p.Results.plot_mn_topo),
0546         sig_topo(specGND,neo_test,'units','t','verblevel',0); %t-score topographies
0547         sig_topo(specGND,neo_test,'units','dB','verblevel',0); %microvolt topographies
0548     end
0549 else
0550     %plot_pvals(specGND,p.Results.alpha,use_chans,use_freqs,prm_pval,bin); %improve plot_pvals and make an option ??
0551     if strcmpi(p.Results.plot_gui,'yes'),
0552         gui_pow('initialize','specGND_or_specGRP',specGND,'t_test',neo_test,'stat','t', ...
0553             'verblevel',1);
0554     end
0555 end
0557 if ~isempty(p.Results.output_file)
0558     [fid msg]=fopen(p.Results.output_file,'w');
0559     if fid==-1,
0560         error('Cannot create file %s for writing.  According to fopen.m: %s.', ...
0561             p.Results.file,msg);
0562     else
0563         %Write header column of frequencies
0564         % Leave first column blank for channel labels
0565         if mean_band,
0566             for t=1:n_band
0567                 fprintf(fid,' %f-%f',specGND.freqs(use_freqs{t}(1)), ...
0568                     specGND.freqs(use_freqs{t}(end)));
0569             end
0571             %write a couple spaces and then write header for t-scores
0572             fprintf(fid,'  ');
0573             for t=1:n_band
0574                 fprintf(fid,' %f-%f',specGND.freqs(use_freqs{t}(1)), ...
0575                     specGND.freqs(use_freqs{t}(end)));
0576             end
0577         else
0578             for t=use_freqs,
0579                 fprintf(fid,' %f',specGND.freqs(t));
0580             end
0581         end
0582         fprintf(fid,' Hz\n');
0584         % Write channel labels and p-values
0585         chan_ct=0;
0586         for c=use_chans,
0587             chan_ct=chan_ct+1;
0588             fprintf(fid,'%s',specGND.chanlocs(c).labels);
0589             for t=1:length(use_freqs),
0590                 fprintf(fid,' %f',prm_pval(chan_ct,t));
0591             end
0592             fprintf(fid,' p-value');
0594             if mean_band,
0595                 %write a couple spaces and then write t-scores if mean amp
0596                 %in frequency bands used
0597                 fprintf(fid,' ');
0598                 for t=1:n_band
0599                     fprintf(fid,' %f',data_t(chan_ct,t));
0600                 end
0601                 fprintf(fid,' t-score \n');
0602             else
0603                 fprintf(fid,'\n');
0604             end
0605         end
0607         % Write permutation test details
0608         fprintf(fid,'Experiment: %s\n',specGND.exp_desc);
0609         fprintf(fid,'Test_of_null_hypothesis_that_Bin_%d_equals_%f\n',bin,p.Results.null_mean);
0610         fprintf(fid,'#_of_frequency_bands: %d\n',n_band);
0611         fprintf(fid,'#_of_permutations: %d\n',p.Results.n_perm);
0612         fprintf(fid,'Tail_of_test: ');
0613         if ~p.Results.tail,
0614             fprintf(fid,'Two_tailed\n');
0615             fprintf(fid,'Critical_t_scores: %f %f\n',crit_t(1),crit_t(2));
0616         elseif p.Results.tail>0
0617             fprintf(fid,'Upper_tailed\n');
0618             fprintf(fid,'Critical_t_score: %f\n',crit_t(1));
0619         else
0620             fprintf(fid,'Lower_tailed\n');
0621             fprintf(fid,'Critical_t_score: %f\n',crit_t(1));
0622         end
0623         fprintf(fid,'Degrees_of_freedom: %d\n',length(use_subs)-1);
0624         fprintf(fid,'Alpha_level: %f\n',p.Results.alpha);
0626         % # of participants and filenames
0627         fprintf(fid,'#_of_participants: %d\n',length(use_subs));
0628         fprintf(fid,'Participant_names: \n');
0629         for s=1:length(use_subs),
0630             fprintf(fid,'%s\n',specGND.indiv_subnames{use_subs(s)});
0631         end
0632     end
0633     fclose(fid);
0634 end
0636 if ~strcmpi(p.Results.save_specGND,'no'),
0637     specGND=save_matmk(specGND);
0638 end
0640 %
0641 %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function str2bool() %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0642 %
0643 function bool=str2bool(str)
0644 %function bool=str2bool(str)
0646 if ischar(str),
0647     if strcmpi(str,'yes') || strcmpi(str,'y')
0648         bool=1;
0649     else
0650         bool=0;
0651     end
0652 else
0653    bool=str; 
0654 end

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