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plot_wave() - Plots the ERPs from one or more bins in a GND or GRP


function plot_wave(GND_GRP_or_fname,bins,varargin)


 plot_wave() - Plots the ERPs from one or more bins in a GND or GRP 
                variable in uV or t-scores.  Each channel is visualized 
                on its own axis.

  >> plot_wave(GND_GRP_or_fname,bins,varargin)

 Required Inputs:
  GND_GRP_or_fname - A GND/GRP structure variable or the filename of
                     a GND/GRP structure that has been saved to disk.
                     To create a GND variable from Kutaslab ERP files (e.g.,
                     *.nrm files) use avgs2GND.m.  To do the same from
                     EEGLAB *.set files use sets2GND.m.  To create a
                     a GRP structure use GNDs2GRP.m. See Mass Univariate ERP
                     Toolbox documentation for detailed information about the
                     format of GND and GRP variables. If you specifiy a filename
                     be sure to include the file's path, unless the file is
                     in the current working directory.
  bins             - [vector] The index of one or more bins that you wish 
                     to visualize. You can visualize up to eight bins.
                     To see what test results are available, run 
                     headinfo(GND) or headinfo(GRP).

 Optional Inputs:
  exclude_chans - A cell array of channel labels to exclude from the
                  visualization (e.g., {'A2','lle','rhe'}).  If you wish
                  to exclude a single channel, you can enter it as a string 
                  (e.g., 'A2') instead of a cell array. Use headinfo.m to see
                  the channel labels stored in the GND/GRP variable. You cannot
                  use both this option and 'include_chans' (below).{default: 
                  not used, all channels visualized}
  include_chans - A cell array of channel labels to include from the
                  visualization (e.g., {'Fz','Cz','Pz'}).  If you wish
                  to include a single channel, you can enter it as a string 
                  (e.g., 'Cz') instead of a cell array. Use headinfo.m to see
                  the channel labels stored in the GND/GRP variable. You cannot
                  use both this option and 'exclude_chans' (above).{default: 
                  not used, all channels visualized}
  time_limits   - [min max] Time limits for the x-axes in units of ms
                  (e.g., [-100 500]. {default: first and last time
  time_ticks    - [vector] The time points (in units of ms) you want
                  marked with ticks on the x-axes. {default: MATLAB
                  default ticks}
  tick_labels   - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', major time tick marks will
                  be labeled with their value (in milliseconds).
                  {default: 'yes'}
  cal_amp       - The amplitude (in microvolts or t-scores) of the 
                  calibration bar drawn at time=0. {default: a third of
                  waveform absolute maximum across all shown channels}
  cal_width     - The width (in units of ms) of the "wings" on the top and
                  bottom of the calibration bar. {default: scaled to time
  wave_limits   - [min max] Limits for the y-axis in units of t-scores
                  or uV (e.g., [-10 15]. {default: slightly bigger than
                  min and max of waveform}
  units         - ['uV' or 't'] If 'uV' topographies will be visualized
                  in units of microvolts.  If 't', they will be shown
                  in t-scores. {default: 'uV'}
  legend        - ['none','corners' or 'box'] If 'none', no legend will be
                  drawn. If 'corners', the descriptors for each bin will 
                  be written in the corners of the figure.  The color of 
                  the text will correspond to the waveforms it describes.
                  If 'box' a standard MATLAB legend box will be drawn on 
                  the figure indicating the bin descriptors for each 
                  waveform. Note, if you use 'box,' you can manually move 
                  the position of the legend by clicking-and-dragging the 
                  legend box. {default: 'corners'}
  ydir          - [1 or -1] If 1, positive is plotted up.  Otherwise,
                  positive is represented as down. {default: -1}
  fig_id        - [integer] The index # of the MATLAB figure in which
                  the diagram will be produced.  Useful for overwriting
                  old figures. {default: lowest unused index}
  label_size    - [integer] The font size of the channel labels on top of the
                  calibration bars.  If 0, channels labels are not drawn.
                  {default: 8}
  title         - [string] The plot title. {default: none}
  verblevel     - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want
                  this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
                    Options are:
                     0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
                     1 - stuff anyone should probably know
                     2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
                         with a data set {default value}
                     3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all

 Global Variable:
   VERBLEVEL - Mass Univariate ERP Toolbox level of verbosity (i.e., tells functions
               how much to report about what they're doing during
               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'

 -The printed/exported figure will have the same dimensions as the figure
 on the display.  Thus you can undo figure clutter by re-sizing it.

 David Groppe
 Kutaslab, 12/2010


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 % plot_wave() - Plots the ERPs from one or more bins in a GND or GRP
0002 %                variable in uV or t-scores.  Each channel is visualized
0003 %                on its own axis.
0004 %
0005 % Usage:
0006 %  >> plot_wave(GND_GRP_or_fname,bins,varargin)
0007 %
0008 % Required Inputs:
0009 %  GND_GRP_or_fname - A GND/GRP structure variable or the filename of
0010 %                     a GND/GRP structure that has been saved to disk.
0011 %                     To create a GND variable from Kutaslab ERP files (e.g.,
0012 %                     *.nrm files) use avgs2GND.m.  To do the same from
0013 %                     EEGLAB *.set files use sets2GND.m.  To create a
0014 %                     a GRP structure use GNDs2GRP.m. See Mass Univariate ERP
0015 %                     Toolbox documentation for detailed information about the
0016 %                     format of GND and GRP variables. If you specifiy a filename
0017 %                     be sure to include the file's path, unless the file is
0018 %                     in the current working directory.
0019 %  bins             - [vector] The index of one or more bins that you wish
0020 %                     to visualize. You can visualize up to eight bins.
0021 %                     To see what test results are available, run
0022 %                     headinfo(GND) or headinfo(GRP).
0023 %
0024 % Optional Inputs:
0025 %  exclude_chans - A cell array of channel labels to exclude from the
0026 %                  visualization (e.g., {'A2','lle','rhe'}).  If you wish
0027 %                  to exclude a single channel, you can enter it as a string
0028 %                  (e.g., 'A2') instead of a cell array. Use headinfo.m to see
0029 %                  the channel labels stored in the GND/GRP variable. You cannot
0030 %                  use both this option and 'include_chans' (below).{default:
0031 %                  not used, all channels visualized}
0032 %  include_chans - A cell array of channel labels to include from the
0033 %                  visualization (e.g., {'Fz','Cz','Pz'}).  If you wish
0034 %                  to include a single channel, you can enter it as a string
0035 %                  (e.g., 'Cz') instead of a cell array. Use headinfo.m to see
0036 %                  the channel labels stored in the GND/GRP variable. You cannot
0037 %                  use both this option and 'exclude_chans' (above).{default:
0038 %                  not used, all channels visualized}
0039 %  time_limits   - [min max] Time limits for the x-axes in units of ms
0040 %                  (e.g., [-100 500]. {default: first and last time
0041 %                  point}
0042 %  time_ticks    - [vector] The time points (in units of ms) you want
0043 %                  marked with ticks on the x-axes. {default: MATLAB
0044 %                  default ticks}
0045 %  tick_labels   - ['yes' or 'no'] If 'yes', major time tick marks will
0046 %                  be labeled with their value (in milliseconds).
0047 %                  {default: 'yes'}
0048 %  cal_amp       - The amplitude (in microvolts or t-scores) of the
0049 %                  calibration bar drawn at time=0. {default: a third of
0050 %                  waveform absolute maximum across all shown channels}
0051 %  cal_width     - The width (in units of ms) of the "wings" on the top and
0052 %                  bottom of the calibration bar. {default: scaled to time
0053 %                  window}
0054 %  wave_limits   - [min max] Limits for the y-axis in units of t-scores
0055 %                  or uV (e.g., [-10 15]. {default: slightly bigger than
0056 %                  min and max of waveform}
0057 %  units         - ['uV' or 't'] If 'uV' topographies will be visualized
0058 %                  in units of microvolts.  If 't', they will be shown
0059 %                  in t-scores. {default: 'uV'}
0060 %  legend        - ['none','corners' or 'box'] If 'none', no legend will be
0061 %                  drawn. If 'corners', the descriptors for each bin will
0062 %                  be written in the corners of the figure.  The color of
0063 %                  the text will correspond to the waveforms it describes.
0064 %                  If 'box' a standard MATLAB legend box will be drawn on
0065 %                  the figure indicating the bin descriptors for each
0066 %                  waveform. Note, if you use 'box,' you can manually move
0067 %                  the position of the legend by clicking-and-dragging the
0068 %                  legend box. {default: 'corners'}
0069 %  ydir          - [1 or -1] If 1, positive is plotted up.  Otherwise,
0070 %                  positive is represented as down. {default: -1}
0071 %  fig_id        - [integer] The index # of the MATLAB figure in which
0072 %                  the diagram will be produced.  Useful for overwriting
0073 %                  old figures. {default: lowest unused index}
0074 %  label_size    - [integer] The font size of the channel labels on top of the
0075 %                  calibration bars.  If 0, channels labels are not drawn.
0076 %                  {default: 8}
0077 %  title         - [string] The plot title. {default: none}
0078 %  verblevel     - An integer specifiying the amount of information you want
0079 %                  this function to provide about what it is doing during runtime.
0080 %                    Options are:
0081 %                     0 - quiet, only show errors, warnings, and EEGLAB reports
0082 %                     1 - stuff anyone should probably know
0083 %                     2 - stuff you should know the first time you start working
0084 %                         with a data set {default value}
0085 %                     3 - stuff that might help you debug (show all
0086 %                         reports)
0087 %
0088 % Global Variable:
0089 %   VERBLEVEL - Mass Univariate ERP Toolbox level of verbosity (i.e., tells functions
0090 %               how much to report about what they're doing during
0091 %               runtime) set by the optional function argument 'verblevel'
0092 %
0093 % Notes:
0094 % -The printed/exported figure will have the same dimensions as the figure
0095 % on the display.  Thus you can undo figure clutter by re-sizing it.
0096 %
0097 %
0098 % Author:
0099 % David Groppe
0100 % Kutaslab, 12/2010
0102 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% REVISION LOG %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0103 % ?/??/2010-
0105 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FUTURE WORK %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0106 %
0108 function plot_wave(GND_GRP_or_fname,bins,varargin)
0110 p=inputParser;
0111 p.addRequired('GND_GRP_or_fname',@(x) isstruct(x) || ischar(x)); 
0112 p.addRequired('bins',@isnumeric);
0113 p.addParamValue('exclude_chans',[],@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x));
0114 p.addParamValue('include_chans',[],@(x) ischar(x) || iscell(x));
0115 p.addParamValue('time_ticks',[],@isnumeric);
0116 p.addParamValue('cal_amp',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0117 p.addParamValue('cal_width',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0118 p.addParamValue('fig_id',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0119 p.addParamValue('verblevel',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0120 p.addParamValue('time_limits',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==2));
0121 p.addParamValue('wave_limits',[],@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==2));
0122 p.addParamValue('ydir',-1,@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0123 p.addParamValue('title',[],@(x) ischar(x));
0124 p.addParamValue('units','uV',@ischar);
0125 p.addParamValue('legend','corners',@(x) ischar(x) && (strcmpi('corners',x) || strcmpi('box',x) || strcmpi('none',x)));
0126 p.addParamValue('tick_labels','yes',@ischar);
0127 p.addParamValue('label_size',8,@(x) isnumeric(x) && (length(x)==1));
0129 p.parse(GND_GRP_or_fname,bins,varargin{:});
0132 % Manage VERBLEVEL
0133 if isempty(p.Results.verblevel),
0134     VERBLEVEL=2; %not global, just local
0135 else
0136     VERBLEVEL=p.Results.verblevel;
0137 end
0139 tick_labels=str2bool(p.Results.tick_labels);
0141 %load GND/GRP variable if a filename was passed
0142 if ischar(p.Results.GND_GRP_or_fname),
0143     if VERBLEVEL,
0144         fprintf('Loading GND struct from file %s.\n',p.Results.GND_GRP_or_fname);
0145     end
0146     load(p.Results.GND_GRP_or_fname,'-MAT');
0147     if ~exist('GND','var') && ~exist('GRP','var')
0148         error('File %s does not contain a GND or GRP variable.',p.Results.GND_GRP_or_fname);
0149     end
0150     if exist('GRP','var'),
0151         GND=GRP; %for simplicity GRP variables are re-named GND
0152         clear GRP;
0153     end
0154 else
0155     GND=p.Results.GND_GRP_or_fname; %for simplicity GRP variables are re-named GND
0156 end
0158 %% Figure out which channels to ignore if any
0159 %But first make sure exclude & include options were not both used.
0160 if ~isempty(p.Results.include_chans) && ~isempty(p.Results.exclude_chans)
0161     error('You cannot use BOTH ''include_chans'' and ''exclude_chans'' options.');
0162 end
0163 if ischar(p.Results.exclude_chans),
0164     exclude_chans{1}=p.Results.exclude_chans;
0165 elseif isempty(p.Results.exclude_chans)
0166     exclude_chans=[];
0167 else
0168     exclude_chans=p.Results.exclude_chans;
0169 end
0170 if ischar(p.Results.include_chans),
0171     include_chans{1}=p.Results.include_chans;
0172 elseif isempty(p.Results.include_chans)
0173     include_chans=[];
0174 else
0175     include_chans=p.Results.include_chans;
0176 end
0178 n_chan=length(GND.chanlocs);
0179 % exclude and include chan options
0180 if ~isempty(exclude_chans),
0181     ignore_chans=zeros(1,length(exclude_chans)); %preallocate mem
0182     ct=0;
0183     for x=1:length(exclude_chans),
0184         found=0;
0185         for c=1:n_chan,
0186             if strcmpi(exclude_chans{x},GND.chanlocs(c).labels),
0187                 found=1;
0188                 ct=ct+1;
0189                 ignore_chans(ct)=c;
0190             end
0191         end
0192         if ~found,
0193             watchit(sprintf('I attempted to exclude %s.  However no such electrode was found in GND variable.', ...
0194                 exclude_chans{x}));
0195         end
0196     end
0197     ignore_chans=ignore_chans(1:ct);
0198     use_chans=setdiff(1:n_chan,ignore_chans);
0199 elseif ~isempty(include_chans),
0200     use_chans=zeros(1,length(include_chans)); %preallocate mem
0201     ct=0;
0202     for x=1:length(include_chans),
0203         found=0;
0204         for c=1:n_chan,
0205             if strcmpi(include_chans{x},GND.chanlocs(c).labels),
0206                 found=1;
0207                 ct=ct+1;
0208                 use_chans(ct)=c;
0209             end
0210         end
0211         if ~found,
0212             watchit(sprintf('I attempted to include %s.  However no such electrode was found in GND variable.', ...
0213                 include_chans{x}));
0214         end
0215     end
0216     use_chans=use_chans(1:ct);
0217 else
0218     use_chans=1:n_chan;
0219 end
0221 n_use_bins=length(bins);
0222 if max(bins)>length(GND.bin_info)
0223     error('There are only %d bins in this GND/GRP variable, but you asked to plot Bin %d.\n', ...
0224         length(GND.bin_info),max(bins));
0225 elseif min(bins)<1,
0226    error('All elements of the "bins" argument must be greater than 0.');  
0227 end
0228 if isempty(p.Results.fig_id)
0229     fig_h=figure;
0230 else
0231     fig_h=figure(p.Results.fig_id); clf;
0232 end
0233 if n_use_bins>1,
0234     fig_title=[GND.exp_desc ' (Bins ' int2str(bins) ')'];
0235 else
0236     fig_title=[GND.exp_desc ' (Bin ' int2str(bins) ')'];
0237 end
0238 set(fig_h,'name',fig_title,'paperpositionmode','auto');
0239 %setting paperpositionmode to 'auto' means that if the figure is manually
0240 %resized, the printed version of the figure will reflect the whatever the
0241 %shown size was (at the time of printing)
0243 %Waveform time limits
0244 if isempty(p.Results.time_limits),
0245     time_lim=[GND.time_pts(1) GND.time_pts(end)];
0246 else
0247     time_lim=p.Results.time_limits;
0248 end
0250 %Waveform amplitude limits
0251 tpt(1)=find_tpt(time_lim(1),GND.time_pts);
0252 tpt(2)=find_tpt(time_lim(2),GND.time_pts);
0253 if strcmpi(p.Results.units,'uV'),
0254     dat=GND.grands(use_chans,tpt(1):tpt(2),bins);
0255 else
0256     dat=GND.grands_t(use_chans,tpt(1):tpt(2),bins);
0257 end
0258 mx_wav=max(max(max(dat)));
0259 mn_wav=min(min(min(dat)));
0260 mx_abs=max(abs([mx_wav mn_wav]));
0261 if isempty(p.Results.cal_amp),
0262     cal_amp=round(mx_abs/3);
0263 else
0264     cal_amp=abs(p.Results.cal_amp);
0265 end
0266 if isempty(p.Results.wave_limits),
0267     y_lim(1)=min([mn_wav -cal_amp])*1.1;
0268     y_lim(2)=max([mx_wav cal_amp])*1.1;
0269 else
0270     y_lim=p.Results.wave_limits;
0271 end
0274 %% Plot Waveforms
0275 n_use_chans=length(use_chans);
0276 n_tall=floor(sqrt(n_use_chans+1)); %add one axis for legend
0277 n_wide=ceil((n_use_chans+1)/n_tall); %add one axis for legend
0278 if n_use_bins>8,
0279    error('You are a crazy person! You can''t plot more than eight waveforms on a single plot.'); 
0280 end
0281 colors={'r','b','m','c','g','w','y'};
0282 lwidth_plt=1;
0283 if isempty(p.Results.cal_width)
0284     cal_width=(time_lim(2)-time_lim(1))/20;
0285 else
0286     cal_width=p.Results.cal_width;
0287 end
0288 if isempty(p.Results.time_ticks)
0289     rng=time_lim(2)-time_lim(1);
0290     delt=rnd_orderofmag(rng/5);
0291     ticks=time_lim(1):delt:0;
0292     ticks=[ticks [0:delt:time_lim(2)]];
0293 else
0294     ticks=p.Results.time_ticks;
0295 end
0296 tck_ht=cal_amp/5;
0297 bin_ct=0;
0298 bin_desc=cell(1,n_use_bins);
0299 for b=bins,
0300     bin_ct=bin_ct+1;
0301     bin_desc{bin_ct}=GND.bin_info(b).bindesc;
0302     for c=1:n_use_chans,
0303         subplot(n_tall,n_wide,c);
0304         if b==bins(1),
0305             %first wave for this channel
0307             %wave amp=0 line
0308             h=plot([time_lim(1) time_lim(2)],[0 0],'k');
0309             set(h,'linewidth',lwidth_plt);
0310             hold on;
0311             %verticle part of cal bar
0312             h=plot([0 0],[-1 1]*cal_amp,'k');
0313             set(h,'linewidth',lwidth_plt);
0315             %horizontal parts of cal bar
0316             h=plot([-cal_width cal_width],[1 1]*cal_amp,'k');
0317             set(h,'linewidth',lwidth_plt);
0318             h=plot([-cal_width cal_width],[-1 -1]*cal_amp,'k');
0319             set(h,'linewidth',lwidth_plt);
0321             %time ticks
0322             tk_ct=0;
0323             for a=ticks,
0324                 tk_ct=tk_ct+1;
0325                 if mod(tk_ct,2)
0326                     %plot every other tick as half height
0327                     h=plot([a a],[-tck_ht tck_ht]*.5,'k');
0328                 else
0329                     h=plot([a a],[-tck_ht tck_ht],'k');
0330                     last_lab=a; %for plotting time tick labels below
0331                 end
0332                 set(h,'linewidth',lwidth_plt);
0333             end
0335             %Channel label
0336             if p.Results.label_size>0,
0337                 tt=text(0,sign(p.Results.ydir)*cal_amp*1.4,GND.chanlocs(use_chans(c)).labels);
0338                 set(tt,'horizontalalignment','center','fontsize',p.Results.label_size, ...
0339                     'fontweight','bold');
0340             end
0342             set(gca,'visible','off');
0343             if p.Results.ydir<0
0344                 set(gca,'ydir','reverse');
0345             end
0346         end
0348         if strcmpi(p.Results.units,'uV'),
0349             dat=GND.grands(use_chans(c),:,b);
0350         else
0351             dat=GND.grands_t(use_chans(c),:,b);
0352         end
0353         plot(GND.time_pts,dat,colors{bin_ct});
0355         if b==bins(end),
0356             %set limits
0357             axis([time_lim y_lim]);
0358         end
0359     end
0361     if strcmpi(p.Results.legend,'box') && (b==bins(end))
0362        [dummy obj_hndls]=legend('best',bin_desc);
0363        for bb=1:n_use_bins,
0364           set(obj_hndls(bb*2+n_use_bins-1),'color',colors{bb});
0365        end
0366     end
0367 end
0369 %% Plot empty axis for denoting tick marks and voltage size
0370 subplot(n_tall,n_wide,n_use_chans+1);
0372 if p.Results.label_size>0,
0373     unit_size=p.Results.label_size;
0374 else
0375     unit_size=8;
0376 end
0378 %wave amp=0 line
0379 h=plot([time_lim(1) time_lim(2)],[0 0],'k');
0380 set(h,'linewidth',lwidth_plt);
0381 hold on;
0382 %verticle part of cal bar
0383 h=plot([0 0],[-1 1]*cal_amp,'k');
0384 set(h,'linewidth',lwidth_plt);
0386 %horizontal parts of cal bar
0387 h=plot([-cal_width cal_width],[1 1]*cal_amp,'k');
0388 set(h,'linewidth',lwidth_plt);
0389 h=plot([-cal_width cal_width],[-1 -1]*cal_amp,'k');
0390 set(h,'linewidth',lwidth_plt);
0392 %time ticks
0393 tk_ct=0;
0394 for a=ticks,
0395     tk_ct=tk_ct+1;
0396     if mod(tk_ct,2)
0397         %plot every other tick as half height
0398         h=plot([a a],[-tck_ht tck_ht]*.5,'k');
0399     else
0400         h=plot([a a],[-tck_ht tck_ht],'k');
0401     end
0402     set(h,'linewidth',lwidth_plt);
0404     %Tick labels
0405     if ~mod(tk_ct,2) && a,
0406         if tick_labels,
0407             if a==last_lab
0408                 tt=text(a,-tck_ht*3,['     ' int2str(a) ' ms']);
0409             else
0410                 tt=text(a,-tck_ht*3,int2str(a));
0411             end
0412             set(tt,'horizontalalignment','center','fontsize',unit_size, ...
0413                 'fontweight','bold');
0414         end
0415     end
0416 end
0418 if p.Results.ydir<0
0419     set(gca,'ydir','reverse');
0420     sign_label='-';
0421 else
0422     sign_label=[];
0423 end
0425 %Amplitude label
0426 if strcmpi(p.Results.units,'uV'),
0427     unit_label='\muV';
0428 else
0429     unit_label='t';
0430 end
0431 tt=text(0,sign(p.Results.ydir)*cal_amp*1.4,[sign_label num2str(cal_amp) ' ' unit_label]);
0432 set(tt,'horizontalalignment','center','fontsize',unit_size,'fontweight','bold');
0434 set(gca,'visible','off');
0435 axis([time_lim y_lim]);
0437 %Plot legend
0438 if strcmpi(p.Results.legend,'corners')
0439    leg_coorX=[.05 .05 .55 .55];
0440    leg_coorY=[.1 .05 .1 .05];
0441    bin_ct=0;
0442    for b=bins,
0443        bin_ct=bin_ct+1;
0444        tt=textsc(leg_coorX(bin_ct),leg_coorY(bin_ct),GND.bin_info(b).bindesc);
0445        set(tt,'horizontalalignment','left','fontsize',12,'color',colors{bin_ct});
0446    end
0447 end
0449 if ~isempty(p.Results.title),
0450    tt=textsc(p.Results.title,'title');
0451    set(tt,'fontweight','bold','fontsize',14);
0452 end
0454 %
0455 %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function str2bool() %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0456 %
0457 function bool=str2bool(str)
0458 %function bool=str2bool(str)
0460 if ischar(str),
0461     if strcmpi(str,'yes') || strcmpi(str,'y')
0462         bool=1;
0463     else
0464         bool=0;
0465     end
0466 else
0467     bool=str;
0468 end

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